Asynch 2 and Assignment # 2

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GEC013- Science, Technology and Society

1st Sem- AY 2022-203

Name: Isabela Jelian E. Atienza___

Section: GEC013-01____

Learning Task 2. Individual Research

Instructions: Aside from the three intellectual revolutions discussed, other intellectual revolutions
took place across history in many parts of the world, such as North America, Asia, Middle East,
and Africa.
Research on a particular intellectual revolution that took place in any of the four geographical
locations mentioned. Prepare a 5-page report on your chose intellectual revolution. Use the
following guide questions for your presentation.

1. What is intellectual revolution all about?

2. Who are the key figures in the revolution?

3. How did the revolution advance modern scientific thinking at the time?

4. What controversies met the revolution?

GEC013-Science, Technology, and Society
1st Sem-AY2022-2023

ASSIGNMENT 2. Metacognitive Reading Report

Name: Isabela Jelian E. Atienza_____ Date Submitted: _Oct. 19, 2022__

Section: GEC013-01____

INTSTRUCTIONS: Following the same intellectual revolution, read one the three articles and
accomplish the Metacognitive Reading Report after.

 Chapters 5-7 of Thomas S. Kuhn’s The Copernican Revolution

 Tim M. Berra’ s Charles Darwin’s Paradigm Shift
 George J. Makari’s Revolution in Mind: The Creation of Psycho Analysis

George J. Makari’s Revolution in Mind: The Creation of Psycho Analysis

1. Difficult Concepts?
a. Freudian Revolution_____
b. Psychoanalysis___
c. Hysteria______

2. Learning Insights
a. Before reading the article, I thought that
However, after reading the article. I now/think learned that
b. Before reading the article, I thought that
However, after reading the article. I now/think learned that

c. Before reading the article, I thought that

However, after reading the article. I now/think learned that

3.Discussion Questions

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