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ERCISE 3 The Microscope a cmmnmiieacieeaaa Inthe seventeenth century, the amateur Dutch sient Anton san Leeuwenhoek wed one ofthe ist microscopes lo dicover 4 hole new world of living organisms, Using angle lem. ot imple microscope, he observed tiny ongaisms in pond water fd serapngs fom his own teth, Rober Hoke, an English xc fens. dscovered that larger onganams had small microscopic Sabunits hat he called Bors or ell. Ese snc hi eater of tiscne, blog microscopy has ben een in the tdy of iin orga “The microscopes use in this coune ate compound micro scopes, made oft of lenses. They are mere powefl and more empes than thor wed by van Leeuwenhoek and Hooke. This ‘ere imtdces you tothe use and care ofthe standard com pound microscope BEFORE YOU BEGIN 1 Read the appropriate chapter in your textbook 1 Set your Fearing goals. When you Brish this ecrce, you should be able: 1D identify each major part of 2 compound light microscope and deseribe its fnetion 10 determine total magnification at diferent setings 1B use a microscope to observe prepared specimens prepare a wet mount slide 1D stain microscopic specimens 1D record mierexcpic obenations accurately 1 Prepare your materia: 1D compound ight microscope 1 prepstedmicroides: newsprint clean slides coverslips 1 paper wipes {D snctylene ble stain 1 fiat otek 1 Read the directions and safety tips for this exercise early ‘before starting any procedure Study TIPS Ta become profit nthe ue of he microscope ake advantage oft actvty ae ary “open abs that maybe cere. (Cocuty he more yeu use the microscope the beter ou WE become n ocuaing and earring specimens With you suc ters pemisson you may wart 0 axtnd is eb actvty By ‘earring oer speciens far. cot fers, and 80 0 thre colored threads Propet identification of the vari parts ofthe mcrocope i important to ts proper ase and cae: Obtain an labeled copy of 4 microscope photo. Your nstuctor may have an unlabeled copy ‘ofa microxope photo, or you may want to photocopy the photo of the microscope (Figure 31) and delete the labels, You can also we ‘your cell phone fo photograph the microscope and later pit the Photo and label. Quiz youre by taking tis blank photo and labeling the pars ofthe mucrscope A. PARTS OF THE MICROSCOPE D1 Obiain a compound light micrecope and identify each of the stractates described inthe following tps PER feet one mc be ore ft tres eared ye owt ony pe ar gu 3 fo epi tis eerie + o 2 Bach lens closest to your eye is an ocala lens or eyepiece ‘The cult lens magniies an image by the factor indicated con the ocular bal sully 10% Ifthe factors 10%, the ‘mage is magnified 10 times. the factor 5, the image ‘ismagnifed 5 times 3 The bods tube holds the ocular in place. Although called 4 fue it may be mee lke a box in some models 1D. 4 tthe bottom ofthe bod tbe the evolving nosepice A turretike circular mechani rotates s0 tha diferent lenses can be sclected.Abye ratte the nosepcce by hold ing the cutie ofthe revolving dk; never push onthe lens bane 5 Each of the lens sets allached to the revolving nosepiece isan objective lens. As withthe ocula lens, ech abjec tie lens is mathed with its magnification (ctor. Micro scapes may hase any ofall ofthe following objective lense: 1D 4X (camming objective is used iii location ofthe specimen. Some scopes have 3.2% ot 3.5% seanning objective lenses List the ctr on your scope’ sean, bjctive lens here. 110% (lew power objective) may ako be wed for inti Tocation ofthe specimen. Is alo wed for observing specimens that donot need greater magiication a toot 001 ar A et 2s 25 LAB EXERCISE Tr Meroscope Eyepiece car acutent —— boy nee hn 2 eres + Nowepece pcre — Conse g Sane — a Macha iat) $98 cp erty, Cone HOURE 3-1 Important pats ofthe npcal modern compound light micracope gpg 2 Ean Ag ear © hres pon el eae hated ee meteneee! Grom sehen igus ris acon scope’ high-dry objective lens hete. é C1 100x (high-oil objective) is used for magnification of ex- immersed in oil, 50 it called the high objective lens. o Mind cet Weta taiematd ces 6 Total magnification is determined by multiplying the power Sheteteheeanamettre Hecate ss thaetaeas oma hac ‘mune all the total magnifications possible on your scope and ikem ca ete het asin rook ie Coie ie es tihalpscranieety i ep cougar alt 8 lgune 3-2 A, Dk dpiagr et ‘Anatomy and Prysiclogy Lab Manual 27 specimen mounted o side, and then through the obi tive and ocular, to the ee 1 9 A condense, «len that concentrates ight, may be four between the lamp andthe stage. + 1.10 Sometines the light fom the lamp is to strong to see the specimen clearly The light level may be reduced by ad isting the lamp intensity (if possible) Light intensity may to be adjusted by adjusting the diaphragm just below the tage PAgure 3-2, A dak dgphrog ia rotating dk with holes of diferent dhameters. An iis digphragon is tmade of everappng sliver of metal i a pattern reser Bling the ins Bower, a does the iris of the human eye ie the a thee the ns dapgm ca la constrict its opening, You can change the amount of light pesing whe pecmen eer by rling the edge fhe fish diaphragm ot by rotating the lever projecting fom the ins diaphragm 1.11 The entite upper asembly ofthe microscope i held ina ‘upright postion by abr called the arm. The scope pete by square orhoneshoe shaped base The a may te connected tothe base by a pivot, which allows the up pet asembly to move into a more comfortable viewing postion 112 The coanefocus knobs and finefocus kxinbs are on the ar These knobs ad! the datance between the stage and abject lens, thos casing an image ofthe specimen. The Finefocus knob changes the distance very litle, whereas the coarefocus knob changes the distance greatly lg opening then t uml opening BI daphrage open. hen pty end op © 7 ana eA wo a RO es ll 28 LAB EXERCISE 3 The Meroscope B. USING THE MICROSCOPE SLi in ing the micracope i ecesary for many ofthe execs inh ab anal. Fone, erang te he mcs th aan fan. lore hog, amit youl wth hese basic rules: Lear 1D Always cary the scope with two hands: one unde the base and the other grasping the arm, Cary it in an upright position. 1D Unwind the lamp cord carefully. Avoid damaging the parts around which itis coiled. Plug the cord ino an oollet in a safe Qsvevsrst ‘Be cre en png te por cornet Aways iy pa recta at or tater, tig cre a 9 stg ove a, rosa ae, cr nay cher dangers psn. ere os eo tte micuscope, make sr ta te it est dl on eet et tg fe i erty dl igh seg, ese tape iny tun ae + 1D Make sure the stage and objective are at the farthest dstance apart and thatthe lowest power objective a in position. Stat teach new observation at lw power. Proceed with the following steps: D1 Obtain + microscope slide with a newspint leer “# ‘mounted on it This your pactic specimen. 1D. 2 Place your slide carelly on the stage and secure it with stage clips or the brackets ofthe mechanical sage. Move these that the "is centered in the stage’ hole 1D. 3 While looking from the sid, ase the ceasefocus knob to move the obctve lens (silo low power) as clos a pos sible to the si 1 4 Look through the oculat lense and use the coaseloeus lob to slowly move the objective lens and slide apart When the image becomes cleat, switch ¥ the fnefoeus nob to make the image even sharper. To avoid damaging the scope and slide, neer move the objective lens and age tomd ech other whi ooking through the ocular len HEIR 10208 ecto a pst doce, ays ee bot ey open whan vewing a specimen Wh incr spe his ' egy once jou have afte he stance etre ca lenses. However, my ake same pace you ae us & monocular cope. you have rob eepng oh yes ope, 1 cover te used ee wi yours. C5 Adjust the light intensit, using the Lamp controller or dae phagyn, unt the detail of the image i a its clearest 116 Sketch the entie field of view in the space provided in the Lab Report. You se that the “es upside down and back- ‘This iverson occurs with all specimens Tere are sores fr earng microg, | i geie matag ene each etch whe rae secre type secon 8. Lae each sch wh ea magraten Label a may parts of he Shech28 0u can La, ‘be order, never 058g Nes Wh €ACh cher Stes Sul eo Wh ae fc ty 127 Cente the pat fhe ecient you wi cla an ma ber pve ce | shih mene al he change objective lenses Hows 4 feces oti fe fc ay Never adjut the coare focus when sing the Iagh gee 8 Sch the eve Bld ta ou see ung We Ege (ix to45x) bine “Poy 139 cay emotes, mae ha he Bre ems in ewig postion and aay seine or pepe 0 Pace cing drt ep y wing OTR eel nh of lore! bree a Eire jee ordoe econ tea pt Theuichwontp whch nn the midge ee ere bro Rep or eal inte Lab ene 111 Shen yout Sed fhe em ee srg eontpraton The lowpncrobeee ek Spoons Maks we th ds hs br mm you can't see an image in your scape: Matos pep 1 am be ato pa acute ga pesto pvr eo pom + Dest aunt be ah © Make sure the objective is seated property. 5 Cutke mete pein Bove + Coa ews nh br tool wet Tenia wor at noe ‘Nachos tet tose tg osm ‘hale ee sac bs mata ber pas poe oe, sResnote nent nme tatence | ves + Qe arc fat cra een ek a ge ak * ator tk ta tare et © tyr mgr + nea peta or ne cw hank oe (pg © 20 Eee A ‘Anatomy and Physiclogy Lab Manual 29 . PREPARING MICROSCOPIC 04 At am ac hi ad ee theme wh the edge ee! SPECIMENS © 5 Lacatesome cel rh pone bee eit vil fen we prepated sides of human and other tues in Mest ides a cee be ss cause. However, occasionally we may be making our ovn Lab Rept sitgaoun slide isa ald on whch wel pecinen i place hen oovered wilh a coverslip Stans ae sed to make a specimen, poco pars, more vsble. Some requite special techniques, landmark characteristics post tans can simply be added tothe specimen and viewed. Yea ae king sate epee, ah el wi apt pring a stained wet-mount side is de- | 8 ght sted fat xan x rc wna ark corte The dar cert the allowing steps: Ite mcs fe cl Some ces ay separa, wes ers at darpat ogee 11 Obtain some sin cells by seraping the inner surface of your 1 econ Bi bhp "a ty te sho cen : lable cr met fer, and te mate Dot wry; isis arma istet 2 Wipe the serapings on a clean microscope slide and puta Wr pe stein Basan die n tesmear,—(S2¢ SMO oct been a tes» safety first se any reheat dps ol ust es me pag ten ne wat corte nated y your scar ‘ie eases owl spread ol dene rug aha. + TER 7 torr vss aon ome mes menin ope rs, blown acs Mr rg one ‘nigh-cry lens, rotate the nosepiece Panay tothe high obyer theese en el en ne By 3 Place one edge of covenip on the slide next tothe spec Te ee ena ee nen, and then let it drop slowly on the specimen. This eee method preven forming ar bubbles ashes Ya yp 20 aM gr mrt. 00 me eA ar Anatomy and Pryiclogy Lab Manual 31 Date: Section Specimen: meant “e™ Total Magnieaton Specimen: nein“ “Tal Magneatow: ——_ LAB REPORT 3 The Microscope (Does the “e* in the newsprint appear to be oriented the same way it son the stage? Explain your observations. |s the clamete of field the same when observing the specimen under high ‘power and low power? \Which of the three colored threads in the prepared side is on the bottom? Which thread is on the top? Specie man het cls Total Magufeaion What isthe darkly stained region of each cell? What advantage is gained by staining this specimen? stall the possible ocular objective lens combinations on your microscope and calculate the total magnification for each, -OWER OF ODECTIVE TOTAL MAGNIFIcATi my © 10 at Rss — fr . oer SScios . tame es ees bees rs a aS : iS a Sec aes 2—___——_ Pt at alata! - (ee tants iE a Last snes rts : teem eto SSS Scent 6$$—__—_—____ 7. riiiaeerne* tnd aie Se a npn tg 0 at eens, =— ts 32 LABEXEROWES The Meracope Fan Fill-in L 1A iva lator platic rectangle on which specimens ar moma 2 2 AZLiatie tl eb abe alle the selection of ley 5 ih the stage is a hight 7_ 0 ther light source. ~ 4 4 Dilerent ees, =? aeatached the rooling nose 5 Mhestage has bracet that moves the slide, it called a(n) _>_ 5.6 The allows the efit the amount of light from a ead hy 6 7 The ete eres let othe viewer ee the 7 on 1 as 8 The 7 isa lens under the stage that concentrates light - ‘Multiple Choice (choose the one best response) 1. Amerscope 7 the mage ofa specie. Multiple Choice omepihe ‘ toe 2 cd exases 3 fe aand bate comect oe eee the specimen (or some of par) more ibe jesse a. sain s 1 the daphragn Spree ae ©. fine focus 6 4. all ofthe above 2 «none of he above Ifyou select 40x objective lento we with 35% ocula len the ot cation woul be: ‘tea 00x b 400% 4.405%. one f the above 4. When you move a specimen tothe ight, is image appeas to 2, move tothe right 1. move to the leit © fem sationay ‘Which ithe comect path of ight in a compound mverosope? 4 Lamp, objective lens, diaphragm specimen, ocala lens ‘Lamp, daphrag, specimen, obective les, ocular ens « chaphragm, lp, specimen ocular lens, objective lens 4. Lamp, daphrag, specimen, ocular lens, objective ens 6. Myout scope is nat working propel, consult a the ab instructor bs sour lab partner «the ower manual the manuhctrer ‘When caring your microscope, use _?_ hands b two cot ae ge art

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