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LAB EXERCISE 4 Cell Anatomy . — ‘The cell often considered the basic unit of ving onanism Actually cell ate only one of several lees of rpnizton inthe human opi ATOMS MOLECULES ORGANELLES (cHLLS TISSUES ORGANS ORGAN SYSTEMS ORGANISM. ‘Thus, cells ate parts of larger nit (tissues and organs) and are ‘composed of smaller units organelles) For now, we will concentrate on the tcture and function of the cell and its organelles. We wll study some ofthe other levels of| cnganization in later units BEFORE YOU BEGIN 1D Read the appropriate chape in your textbook. Set your earning gals. When you ish this exerci, yu should be able to Cpl the cellaninxgueliwihin hechene loge ‘tral levels identify the major ogaeles on a model, char, specimen, or microgaph D describe primary function(s) of ppicl organelles 1D dca the anatomical relationship among varius cell pats 1 Prepare your materials cell model or chart 1D compound light microscope clean sides D eaensips GD paper wipes 1 metylne blue stain 1 cae pencils or pens prepared slides instructors option) 1 Read the directions and safety tips for tis exercise carefully before stating any procedure (yg 0 20100 nd eM ge nr Study TIPS When suing the srt and function of he cal might bo ‘hebt to make an analogy between a col and a factory Factores have various cepariments at work together to manufacture & specke products). Cala have speiaized deparrment (organo ‘Pat ano work get For instance, the cl ruc can D8 Ccomeaed ote actryhaaconarers; the endoplesic retour to fe wartouse, Gol apparatus o he detrovton center ‘tochenca tothe power lant; ad 80 on. Try to develop ther ‘exes ug achiral cll orgareles. Re 1o ho ASP Gute ‘The hte ras many cel tors For ear, wor case. com cartans an aray of nerve Inks thal prove an exc cal bicogy resource. A. PARTS OF THE CELL Cells are microscopic units composed of a bubble of fty material filled with a waterbaced mistute of molecules and tiny particles, Pats ofthe cell are called organelles (meaning “wnall organs”) Begin your study of the cell by examining a generalized cell. sch as that the coloring excite in gure 4-1. A generalized cel is ‘one with many cll featres that are not all ound ina wing nat ral cell. Lacate each ofthe listed organelles on 2 generalized cell ‘mode or chart. D1 The outer boundary ofthe cel isthe plasma membrane. I is compened of a double layer (or bulver of phospholipid rmolecies imbedded with other molecules. Each phospho- lipid molecule has a polar, hydrophilic ("eater loving”) ‘head made up of phosphate and gseerl, end a nonpoa Inydrophobic (water Fearing”) tail made up of two ty acid chains. Imbedded inthe membrane are integral proteins, which may have addtional protein molecules called pe ripheral proteins attached to them on ove side of the ‘membrane othe other. Figure 4-2 shows some of the types ‘of molecules ofien asaciated with the plasma membrane, ‘The plasma membrane has many functions, most invaling trangpom and conranication between the inside and aut side ofthe cell Hane ie purcorre san be let, Becaise they 34 LAB EXERCISE 4 Call Anatomy Fach membros epee deste nef made so hn, ce membranes ray soem insti when cbse veh alt meecrpe + D2 The mckus is 2 lange bubble with a doublewalled mem ‘rane (cea envelope) ad contains the ces gente coe The code © a the form of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strands called chromatin Prins of chromatin accept stains realy, giving the nuclens a very dark appearance DA nucleols (literally, “tiny noche thin the mucus be the aber fat than ‘nucleic acid (RNA) There may be cleo (plural muck ‘md a nucleus 13 Theendoplaic reticulum (ER) neon, rows tubes and canals (inlnding the riding through the interior of the ae ‘ {peeled wth ingame (bose) and yok sete ER roots procie thud pe spa other molecules synthesized within me Eh ako manaactres molecules that male 7 ‘membranes aoe © 20 et a ‘Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual 35 had in hh fi nde : igre and the labels Each ted numeral in the figure corresponds to 2 matching red usec se ae! Pp pasta MEMBRANE, Ganra GaNvROSOME. soase TOON. ‘mount 4-1 yg 200 Fr ae ‘numeral fllowing the appropriate abel GAABONYORATE: GARRIEA PROTEIN @ELL MARKER s CHANNEL PROTEIN. @HOLESTEROLs ENZYME. INTEGRAL PROTEIN, ‘Use ered pen or ees ts in ba he gure ie aes ach PERIPHERAL PROTEIN. PHOSPHOLIPID, NONPOLAR TAIL» PHOSPHOLIPID, POLAR HEAD AEGEPTOR PROTEIN 1 raune 4-2 red ume in the far cope "a ww 14 The steal within the plasma membrane ithe etoplasm (lite, “ell suf) and inludes both the onanlles and thelignd, or yon, srrounding the oganeles 15 Ribosomes are tiny odis tha serve asa site for protein syntheis Some ribosomes are found onthe oner surface of the ER, and some are found satered ehewhere tiecell 1D. 6 The Golgi apparatus, or Gli body, appear a a stack of flanened ac. The appara ecenes material fromthe ER, roceses it and then paclaes it in tiny vesicles (bubbles) for posible expot fron the cell D7 Miochoodsis (singular nitchondnon) ate tiny. bodies Sir to acter that rea sites for adenosine tpi plate (ATP) sues (energy conversion). Mitochondria fave an outer membrane, forming 3 round or cblog cap sul ana folded nner menane The folds f the inner tnembrane ar called este [D8 Lypowomes ate vesicles containing digesine enzymes that digest fretgn particles and worn or no longer needed cell par Aso, hnnomes ply ale i repaing the plasm tnembrane [D9 Microtubules ae ver ty hollow beams tat om prt of the supporting cll bleton, or evfoklton. They alo for asf the cell nance (e, flagell, ii, centrioles, fpinlefiben). Other components ofthe etskelton in She icrflaments nd intermediate filaments ID 10 The centrosome, oF mratabule organizing enter, 6 4 dese ates of cell uid nea the nucleus. The centoxme contain a pair of centrioles, cinders forme by pall microtubules A netwcek of microtubules elle spindle fiber extends rin the centrosome during cell division Spnle fibers dstibite DNA eqully © the ruling bog el 11 Teall may have any namber of other aorted ones Micrvl are tiny, ngelike projections of the eel hat incre the memiranes sure aea for more ecient abortion Cilia ae numerous sho, hake onganelles that propel materal slong cells surface Flagela are sine lang, haiikeongneles found in sper cello pope them tough the female erode tac toward the ex, Nesiles are membranous buble tha may be formed by the Golgi appara o by the pinching inward ofthe ell imembrane to engulf external substances [Anatomy and Physiology Lab Marval 97 B, MICROSCOPIC CELL SPECIMEN Prepare astained wet mount specimen of human check cells (see Lab Exercise 3—The Microscope for instruction), or obtain an- thet specimen provided bythe intrctor; ty to identify a many ell pars as posible. Use high power magnification (after Bint Bind ing the specimen wih low power magnification), Sketch and label ‘your observations in the Lab Report atthe end ofthis exercise Q esis: Be carl when phggng the power cad othe out Anas ug a reece at your abn, og care nots Ko 2 tha, aces an al, oF any er Caer poston. efor you ta tn he morecpe, makes ale ight rer dl 6 on th lowest etn the ht tesy dls. tpn stig. e sun votage sarge may bum ote mp PEI 12 pret 2 vy a a can) se wee sry rpaed ard ecained wh amare pover mrp. CC. INTERPRETING MICROGRAPHS [An electron microscope isan instrament that wes a bear of elec- trons, ther than 2 beam of light, to form the image of 2 tiny specimen. Tranonission electron microscopes send an clectron beam through the specimen, sma tothe manne in which alight ‘microscope sends alight beam through a specimen. However, the magnifying power and resolution are much greater in the electron Inicroscope, Resolution i the ability to distinguish detail. Scan ring electron microscopes, on the other hand, reflect an electron beam of the specimen. The shadows produced by a anning elec tron bean lend a three dimensional effect. A TEM is 4 transmission electron micrograph (photograph taken with a transmission electron microscope). Figure 4 shows TEM representations of major cell pars. Use them to help you ‘demi al the cll pars in the labeling exercises in Figure 4-4 which shows artis’ renderings of TEM images. Figure 4-5 shows ‘ctual TEMS of human cells This wll bea worlwile challenge to lstate the culty of studying cel structure 38 LABEXERCISE 4 Cot Anatomy ys (TEA of mor gui. A Rough dt ropa ecu ton fe tl muclcl, C Gl appara D, Centre with bh cents snl. E,Xchondne wth ag © 2018 Ge ep raune 4-4 Ts identify the cell organelle lbeled in thes artist's eendenngsof TEM at thea onthe ines prvided and on he blanks i the Lab Report tthe end ofthis exercise ay © 2510 Pa ae 40 LABEXERCISE 4 Cet Anatomy ioUne 4-8 ‘Try to Hen the cel organelles labeled in these actual TEMs of human cell st them om the lines provide and on the bk [Lb Report at heen ofthis exer ae © 0 Ean 8 et — ‘Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual 41 laure 4-5, cont'd Cong! ©2010 amen Me mt ‘Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual 49 LAB REPORT 4 Cell Anatomy Checklist for Cell Model 1D plasma membrane 1D oytosol 1D micleas 1D chromatin 1B muclealus 1D endoplasmic reticulum 1D rough ER 1 smooth ER ribosomes D fice 1 associated with ER 1D Golg, 1 mitochondria 1D fsosomes 1 microtubules 1 centraxome 1D centrioles 1D microvilli Dcilia 1D Aagella Specimen Total Napiaion Specimen: etl Magicaion Specimen Teal Magnification Cog © 209 yt A ge er 44 LABEXERCISE 4 Cait Anatomy Figure 4-4 (irom p. 99) Matching (may be used more than once or not ata) 2 plasma membrane b tentnole © endoplaseic rtie appar f, sosome f mntachondion ‘g-rcleolus fh. ouclens 1 ribosome 1. Adoublesvalled sue 21 A network of membran 1 containing the cells genetic code vous tubes and canals that transports proteir FA eck of fattened sacs that proces and package proteins 4, Site of manufacture of nbosoinal RNA EA cplinder formed by parallel microtubules 6: An organelle that serves asthe site of protein swnthesis 7, A bubble containing digestive enzymes 8. May be ough (ith ribosomes) or smooth (ibosome-fce) 9, Alita commnanication between the internal and external cll envionment 10. Forms secretory vesicles Fill-in Table (write out the names of the organelles listed, 210/18 section above in the appropriate column of the table) Pe ———— (oye 219 ae ee

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