Oral Nail Growth Supplements: A Comprehensive Review

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Oral nail growth supplements: a comprehensive review

Jenna Yousif1, BS, Mehdi Farshchian2, MD, PhD and Geoffrey A. Potts2, MD

Wayne State University School of Abstract
Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA, and As the cosmeceutical market for nail products is growing, there is an emerging need for
Department of Dermatology, Wayne State
dermatologists to provide patients with evidence-based information regarding over-the-
University, Detroit, MI, USA
counter products and supplements for nail growth. By law, there is no required efficacy and
Correspondence safety assessment by the Food and Drug Administration prior to these products being
Mehdi Farshchian, MD, PHD made available to consumers. This carries financial and health consequences for patients
Department of Dermatology seeking affordable and effective over-the-counter products to improve their nail conditions.
Wayne State University
In this comprehensive review, we discuss available oral nail growth products, their
18100 Oakwood Blvd., Suite 300
Dearborn, MI 48124
mechanisms of action, and side effects.
E-mail: mfarshch@med.wayne.edu

Conflict of interest: None.

Funding sources: None.

doi: 10.1111/ijd.15807

for dermatologists to recognize the evidence of benefit, or lack

thereof, for ingredients in these products to provide the best
Nail growth is a multifactorial phenomenon under the control care and management for their patients.
of many factors including hormonal changes (e.g., thyroid), There are a multitude of papers that describe nail growth
pregnancy, genetic predisposition, medications (e.g., supplementation. However, no research group, to our knowl-
methotrexate, azathioprine), and environmental factors (e.g., edge, has compiled these studies into a systematic review. Our
ambient outdoor temperature).1 Additionally, nutrition plays a goal in this article is to provide a thorough review of the current
key role, and this has been known for more than 80 years. research pertaining to oral nail growth supplementation.
In 1939, Gilchrist’s study that included 379 school students
showed that although there is a considerable individual varia- Materials and methods
tion in nail growth, the nails of poorly nourished children grew We performed a comprehensive electronic search on oral nail
more slowly.2 supplements in PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central,
The market surrounding oral nail supplements has become and Google Scholar (Table S1). The level of evidence for each
popular amongst consumers in recent years. They are normally study was determined according to the Oxford Center for
marketed as “skin, hair, and nail” supplements; however, there Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM)6 (Table S1).
are also products solely targeted toward nails. These products
are easily accessible to individuals, and most do not require a Biotin
prescription or extra added costs. Unfortunately, the number of Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, coenzyme R, and vitamin H,
over-the-counter products and supplements for nail growth is is a water-soluble vitamin and a cofactor for five carboxylase
overwhelming to consumers, which creates a disconnect for enzymes (propionyl-CoA carboxylase, pyruvate carboxylase,
those who may not understand the products they are purchas- methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase, and two forms of acetyl-CoA
ing.3 In addition, there is lack of regulation by the Food and carboxylase). These carboxylases are involved in the
Drug Administration (FDA) regarding dietary supplements.4 metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose.7 Although
Manufacturers are not required to disclose the safety and effi- biotin is a popular supplement amongst consumers, it is found
cacy of their supplements. Therefore, the process is less of a in its natural form in egg yolks, nuts, grains, and milk. The Food
barrier to market and to the public compared with pharmaceuti- and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends a
cal products, for which the FDA requires evidence of safety and biotin intake of 30 ug/day, and individuals are rarely deficient in
916 efficacy before reaching approval for sale.5 Thus, it is important this vitamin due to eating a biotin-rich diet.8

International Journal of Dermatology 2022, 61, 916–922 ª 2021 the International Society of Dermatology.
Yousif, Farshchian, and Potts Oral nail growth supplements Review 917

Biotin was first studied in biotin-deficient rats that developed The safety and toxicity of biotin have been well-studied. It is
alopecia, dermatitis, seizures, and hypotonia—some of the safe, non-toxic, and not contraindicated with other medications
more common symptoms of biotin deficiency.9 Biotin deficiency including herbals.16 However, it is important to note that
is rare in humans; however, it has become popular as a smoking and pregnancy increases metabolism of biotin, thus
supplement amongst the public for skin, nail, and hair growth. this group of individuals may need to increase their dosage.17
The rationale behind the discovery of biotin to treat human In addition, exogenous intake of biotin can interfere with certain
nails began with its use in pigs and horses. Human nails and laboratory values. It can cause false negative or false positive
animal hooves are both composed of keratin. Thus, the test results. For instance, high doses may result in a false
addition of biotin in the diets of biotin-deficient swine improved positive TSH receptor antibody and a Graves disease-like
their brittle and weak nails, as well as the strength and presentation in patients who may have no clinical signs or
hardness of nails in pigs that were not biotin deficient.10 This symptoms of the disease.18,19 In addition, exogenous intake of
vitamin aids in keratin biosynthesis and holds keratinocytes biotin may result in a falsely low troponin value, leading to a
together to provide tension and strength to the nail.11 Reilly possible and unfortunate missed diagnosis of a myocardial
et al. evaluated how dietary biotin supplementation can affect infarction.19
the growth of pony hooves. At a dose rate of 0.12 mg/kg,
there was a statistically significant difference between the Capsule summary
mean hoof growth of the ponies that received biotin Although largely popular in the supplement world, there is no
supplements compared with the control group of ponies. strong evidence claiming biotin alone may have a clinically sig-
Following 5 months of supplementation, the mean hoof growth nificant effect on nail growth. However, it is known to be benefi-
measured from the midline center of the hoof capsule was cial for treatment of nail disorders such as brittle nails. Biotin is
35.34 mm compared with 30.69 mm in the control animals. In a safe and non-toxic oral supplement that is not contraindicated
addition, biotin-treated animals had a 15% higher growth rate with other medications. Clinicians should advise their patients to
of hoof horn.12 be cautious with exogenous biotin intake due to possible inter-
Biotin is available at many stores as an over-the-counter and ference of troponin and TSH receptor antibody values.
affordable supplement. In 1989, Floersheim et al. led a clinical
trial that evaluated the effects of biotin supplementation on Collagen peptides
brittle nails, which is a broad category for symptoms that Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body as it makes
includes splitting, frail, soft, or thin nails secondary to trauma or up connective tissues such as bone, skin, tendons, ligaments,
vascular insults. A daily oral dose of 2.5 mg of biotin was and cartilage. Most refer to collagen as a building block as it
administered in an open-label manner to 71 patients diagnosed provides structure and support to the body. The protein is com-
with brittle nails of unknown etiology. Of the 45 patients that posed of three chains wound together in a tight triple helix. Col-
followed up for rating efficacy, 41 (91%) demonstrated a definite lagen peptides are broken-down elements of the longer protein
improvement in the firmness and hardness of fingernails over chain. In this form, they have an increased bioavailability.20
an average treatment time of 5.5  2.3 months.13 The term In recent years, the market for collagen peptides has sky-
“definite improvement” was not defined, and thus the clinical rocketed amongst individuals, mostly women, for the proposed
significance of this improvement is difficult to ascertain. advantages of skin elasticity and hydration. A systematic review
Regardless of the clinical efficacy of 2.5 mg of biotin in the published by Bolke et al. demonstrated that oral collagen pep-
Floersheim trial, even lower doses of biotin have shown the tides can aid in the aging process and improve skin moisture,
ability to increase nail growth. In a study by Fanian et al., 60 increase collagen density in the dermis, and improve wrinkles,
healthy female volunteers received a multivitamin/mineral roughness, and elasticity of the skin without causing any
formula containing multiple fat and water soluble vitamins, adverse effects.21 However, Hexsel et al. discovered there is no
magnesium, zinc, copper, as well as 45 µg of biotin.14 After evidence to support collagen peptides for the improvement of
90 days of supplementation, subjects in the treatment group nail growth and thus sought to address this further.22
had significantly greater growth than subjects in the placebo Hexsel et al. investigated whether daily supplementation of
group (5.23 mm vs 5.15 mm, P < 0.001). Although it cannot be oral bioactive collagen peptides are effective for improving nail
fully determined that biotin—and not the other components of growth rate and improving the appearance of brittle nails in an
the formula—was responsible for this increase in growth, results open-label, single-center trial.22 The bioactive collagen peptides
from this study suggest that biotin could be efficacious not only used in this study are derived from the breakdown of porcine
in diseased nails but also in healthy ones. type I collagen. The study included 25 women aged 26–
Additional evidence of biotin in reducing nail brittleness was 50 years old who demonstrated at least one sign or symptom of
found in a study by Hochman et al. They found that in a group brittle nails. Brittle nails were defined as nails that have lamellar
of 35 subjects with clinically determined brittle nails, 22 showed splitting of the free edge, fissuring of the distal nail plate, or lon-
clinical improvement of nail health.15 gitudinal ridging/grooves. Participants were screened a month

ª 2021 the International Society of Dermatology. International Journal of Dermatology 2022, 61, 916–922
918 Review Oral nail growth supplements Yousif, Farshchian, and Potts

prior to baseline, over 24 weeks with a daily oral dose of collagen supplements such as diarrhea, abdominal fullness,
2.5 grams of bioactive collagen peptides, and 1 month after the heartburn, and headache. In addition, there is limited evidence
end of treatment. The 2.5 grams of collagen peptides were dis- exploring the use of collagen peptides in pregnant and lactating
solved in water and ingested daily. Photographs, nail growth women. Thus, it is recommended to this specific population to
rate, frequency of broken nails, and clinical assessments were avoid this product.24
completed prior to beginning treatment. Two different assess-
ments were used for evaluation: brittle nails and nail growth. Capsule summary
Sherber et al. suggested a grading scale consisting of “none, Patients who suffer from slower nail growth and brittle nails may
slight, moderate, and severe” to be used at each visit to assess benefit from the ingestion of bioactive collagen peptides. There
the severity of the brittle nail symptoms. To evaluate nail was a considerable clinical improvement in nail growth rate and
growth, the nails of the middle fingers were marked at the edge a decrease in the frequency of broken nails in the participants.
of the lunula 4 weeks before treatment and were marked and There is weak evidence supporting the use of bioactive collagen
measured at each subsequent visit.22 peptide intake on nails, as this study was the first clinical trial to
Evaluation of 24 of 25 participants was performed at the end do so.
of the trial. After 12 weeks of treatment with the peptides, the
nail growth rate of the participants increased significantly from Solubilized keratin
the basal nail growth rate of 2.65  0.42 mm/mo to Solubilized keratin has become popular in the cosmetic industry
2.90  0.47 mm/mo (P < 0.05). The growth rate continuously in recent years. It is a patented bioavailable form of keratin that
improved over time. At 24 weeks, the rate increased by 12%, provides the body with the keratin that is normally lost in one’s
and 4 weeks after the last treatment, the rate of growth skin, hair, and nails as a result of aging. Since keratin is a pro-
increased by 15%.22 Le Vu et al. explored how administration of tein that contributes so heavily to the strength and structure of
bioactive collagen peptides upregulates specific genes (Gprc, skin, hair, and nails, the aging process frustrates patients. For
Krt, Krtap) associated with epidermal proliferation in the forma- instance, the loss of keratin is associated with the presence of
tion and differentiation of the nail matrix, nail plate, and hair.23 wrinkles, hair loss, hair thinning, weak and brittle nails, and nail
Nail peeling, one of the symptoms of brittle nails, was mea- discoloration. Specifically, solubilized keratin has shown signifi-
sured among the participants. At the start of the study, prior to cant improvement in nail appearance and strength mostly due
peptide treatment, 16 participants were classified as having to its high bioavailability.25 This theoretically allows the keratin
“moderate” or “severe” nail peeling. Following 12 weeks of to be delivered to the parts of the body that need it most, espe-
ingestion, there were eight participants who received a grade of cially the skin, hair, and nails.25
“moderate” or “severe,” and after 24 weeks, this number In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Beer
improved to six participants.22 et al. set out to compare nail strength between two groups of
Global clinical improvement of brittle nails was based on a women aged 40–71 years old who were randomized to either
grading scale established by Sherber et al., which was defined receive two capsules of keratin (500 mg) plus vitamins and min-
as “excellent, good, fair, no improvement, or worse.” Pho- erals (contained solubilized keratin, vitamin B3, B5, B6, B8,
tographs of each subject’s nails were taken at baseline and zinc, and copper) (n = 25) or two placebo capsules of maltodex-
after each of the three visits. Hexsel et al. used this scale to trin (n = 25) per day for 90 days.25 A dermatologist evaluated
compare nail symptoms. Sixty-four percent of subjects experi- the participant’s tendency of nails to break at baseline and at
enced a global clinical improvement of excellent/good/fair in brit- three time periods (30, 60, and 90 days). Subjects randomized
tle nails after 24 weeks of treatment, and 88% of subjects to the placebo drug showed no significant improvement in ten-
achieved excellent/good/fair improvement 4 weeks post- dency for nails to break over 90 days. However, patients ran-
treatment during the washout period.22 domized to solubilized keratin showed slight to moderate
Although outside factors, such as behaviors of participants, improvement concerning their tendency to break over 90 days.
lack of blinding, and biases have to be considered with this clin- In addition, at each of the three time periods throughout the
ical trial, the participants and the investigator reported improve- study, there was a statistically significant improvement in nail
ments. Overall, 80% of participants were satisfied with the strength compared with the subjects who received the placebo
results of bioactive collagen peptides for the improvement of drug.25
nail growth and appearance. In addition, 75% of the participants Beer et al. exemplified statistically significant results in the
felt their nails became stronger as a result of the treatment, and benefits that solubilized keratin plus vitamins and minerals may
71% noticed an increase in their nail growth.22 However, future have on nail health.25 A high tendency of nails to break is asso-
studies should have larger sample sizes, longer treatment peri- ciated with poor strength, which makes it more difficult for nails
ods, and a control group for more accurate results. to grow. Thus, using a highly bioavailable supplement contain-
No adverse events were reported during this trial.22 However, ing solubilized keratin will provide the body with the keratin it
there are few and uncommon adverse effects associated with needs for nail growth.

International Journal of Dermatology 2022, 61, 916–922 ª 2021 the International Society of Dermatology.
Yousif, Farshchian, and Potts Oral nail growth supplements Review 919

The oral supplement of solubilized keratin was found to be Capsule summary

safe and non-toxic. Throughout the trial, there were no adverse There is mild evidence supporting the use of choline-stabilized
events reported.25 Although the results of the study were per- orthosilicic acid, a bioavailable form of silicon, as an oral sup-
suasive, further studies of solubilized keratin on nail growth plement for the improvement of nail growth. However, due to
should include a larger sample size, a longer period of time, as the insufficient amount of evidence available, additional
well as the addition of men. research is necessary to further validate the results of the study
of Barel et al.29
Capsule summary
Based on current literature, there is mild evidence supporting Methylsulfonylmethane
the use of solubilized keratin as a complementary supplement Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a naturally occurring sulfur
to support nail growth and nail health. Further clinical trials are compound found in the environment that is used for its anti-
necessary to validate the results it may have on nail growth. inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well as for arthritis
and muscle pain. In recent years, it has become a well-known
Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid dietary supplement for the improvement of hair, skin, and nail
The element silicon ranks among one of the most abundant disorders. MSM has been known to maintain normal keratin
trace elements in the body and represents 1 to 10 parts-per- levels in nails, which provides most of the nail plate structure.
million (ppm) in nails, hair, and epidermis.26 It is available in The sulfur in MSM strengthens the disulfide bridges found in
many different chemical forms such as silicon dioxide, orthosili- the keratin protein.32
cic acid, and silicic acids.27 Research has shown that silicon Muizzuddin and Benjamin enrolled 63 healthy middle-aged
plays a role in collagen synthesis as well as slows skin aging women in a double-blind study over 16 weeks. Subjects either
and improves elasticity through activation of hydroxylating ingested 1 gram or 3 grams of MSM per day, and the effects of
enzymes.28 Silicon has also been linked to the improvement of MSM on nail health were evaluated. Trained experts visually
hair and nail conditions. It is associated with a lower rate of hair graded nails in terms of overall appearance. For both doses,
loss, increased hair brightness, and improvements in nail fragi- there was a statistically significant improvement in overall nail
lity and nail brittleness.29 appearance. In addition, the majority of the participants agreed
Among the few forms of silicon supplements available, that MSM supplementation made their nails feel stronger and
orthosilicic acid is the main readily bioavailable source of silicon. healthier.32
It is easily absorbed through the small intestine due to its small MSM is a non-toxic supplement that is generally well-
size and neutral charge.28 It has been shown to increase colla- tolerated by most at a maximum dose of 4 mg/day and has very
gen type 1 synthesis and maintain connective tissue.30 Addition- few known and mild side effects.33
ally, it may improve the cross-linking of glycosaminoglycan
structure in the dermis and the keratin structure in hair and Capsule summary
nails.31 Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid is a variant of silicon. MSM appears to benefit skin, hair, and nails, but there is mild
According to the Food and Nutrition Board, choline is consid- evidence supporting the use of this supplement as a comple-
ered an essential nutrient. Thus, choline-stabilized orthosilicic mentary treatment for nail health. Thus, more clinical trials are
acid has high bioavailability in humans compared with other necessary to further validate these results to ensure proper
forms of silicon supplements.29 usage.
Barel et al. investigated the effects of choline-stabilized
orthosilicic acid per day on skin, hair, and nails in a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study composed of 48 women
with photoaged skin. Over a 20-week period, women received There are multiple supplements currently on the market which
10 mg of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid per day (n = 24) or have been shown to promote nail growth and improve overall
a placebo (n = 24). The degree of nail and hair brittleness were nail health. However, these supplements, as well as others tar-
measured on a four-point visual analog scale (VAS): “0” no brit- geted for hair and skin are not regulated by the FDA, meaning
tle nails, “1” slight, “2” moderate, or “3” severe at baseline and there may not be much or any evidence at all to determine the
at 20 weeks following supplementation. VAS scores for nail brit- mechanism of action, safety, and efficacy of these products. It
tleness in the orthosilicic acid group were significantly lower at is important for physicians to be up-to-date and well-informed
20 weeks when compared with baseline scores. There were no about supplements to prevent the spread of misinformation to
significant differences in VAS scores in the placebo group at their patients, who may become influenced by outside factors.
the 20-week period compared with baseline.29 This systematic review highlighted the following oral nail growth
No adverse events were reported with the 10 mg dose of supplements summarized in Table 1. However, some supple-
choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid given to participants, although ments, vitamins, and minerals covered in this review require
little is known about the safety of long-term use.29 additional extensive research with larger sample sizes.

ª 2021 the International Society of Dermatology. International Journal of Dermatology 2022, 61, 916–922
920 Review Oral nail growth supplements Yousif, Farshchian, and Potts

Table 1 All reviewed oral nail growth supplement ingredients

Improves Improves hardness/ Increases Decreases nail peeling Improves clinical Patient-perceived
strength Decreases brittleness Nail Growth or broken nails appearance improvement

Biotin (B7) X10 X10,13,15 X12,14
Magnesiuma X14
Zinca X14
Coppera X14
Sulfur (MSM) X32 X32
Silicon X29 X29
Collagen X22 X22 X22 X22
Solubilized X25 X25

A mix supplement of vitamins and minerals.

Biotin is a popular vitamin in today’s world, and it is known to A Solubilized keratin

have a positive impact on brittle nails. However, there is insuffi- B Magnesium
cient clinical evidence to support the use of biotin alone as a C Zinc
supplement to increase nail growth. A multivitamin formula D Copper
including biotin and minerals (magnesium, zinc, copper) has 4 Which is a common side effect of bioactive collagen pep-
demonstrated a positive impact on nail growth. tides?
Ingestion of bioactive collagen peptides showed improve- A Hair loss
ments in nail growth rate and the appearance of brittle nails in B Joint pain
terms of a decline in nail peeling. However, the mild evidence C Diarrhea
requires more research to validate these results. D Dry skin
Solubilized keratin and MSM demonstrated improvement in 5 True or False: An oral supplement of solubilized form of ker-
the clinical appearance of nails, and choline-stabilized orthosili- atin provides the body with the keratin that is normally lost
cic acid improved nail strength and brittleness; however, further from aging.
research is necessary to support these claims due to the mini- 6 True or False: Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid increases
mal amount of evidence available today. collagen type 1 synthesis.
7 True or False: Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid is a variant
of silicon and has a low bioavailability compared with other
Questions (answers provided after silicon supplements.
references) 8 True or False: Methylsulfonylmethane is a naturally occur-
ring compound used for arthritis, muscle pain, as well as
1 Which of the following is beneficial for the treatment of brittle health and strength of nails.
nails? 9 True or False: Bioactive collagen peptides improve nail
A Zinc growth but have no effect on brittle nails.
B Biotin 10 True or False: Patients who smoke or are pregnant are
C Methylsulfonylmethane advised to decrease their dosage of biotin.
D Copper
2 Excessive consumption of biotin can interfere with which of
the following lab values?
B Troponin 1 Dawber R, Baran R. Nail growth. Cutis 1987; 39: 99–103.
2 Gilchrist ML, Buxton LHD. The relation of finger-nail growth to
nutritional status. J Anat 1939; 73: 575–582.
3 Binns CW, Lee MK, Lee AH. Problems and prospects: public
3 Which of the following has been proven to improve broken health regulation of dietary supplements. Annu Rev Public
nails? Health 2018; 39: 403–420.

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Yousif, Farshchian, and Potts Oral nail growth supplements Review 921

4 Perez-Sanchez AC, Burns EK, Perez VM, et al. Safety 26 Wickett RR, Kossmann E, Barel A, et al. Effect of oral intake of
concerns of skin, hair and nail supplements in retail stores. choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on hair tensile strength and
Cureus 2021; 12: e9477. morphology in women with fine hair. Arch Dermatol Res 2007;
5 Katta R, Huang S. Skin, hair and nail supplements: an 299: 499–505.
evidence-based approach. Skin Therapy Lett 2019; 24: 7–13. 27 Jurkic LM, Cepanec I, Paveli c SK, Paveli
c K. Biological and
6 Howick J, Chalmers I, Glasziou P, et al. The 2011 Oxford therapeutic effects of ortho-silicic acid and some ortho-silicic
CEBM levels of evidence. 2011. Available at http://www.cebm. acid-releasing compounds: New perspectives for therapy. Nutrit
net/index.aspx?o=5653. Accessed January 31, 2017. Metab (Lond) 2013; 10(1): 2.
7 Thompson KG, Kim N. Dietary supplements in dermatology: a 28 Scholey DV, Belton DJ, Burton EJ, et al. Bioavailability of a
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8 Institute of Medicine (US) Standing Committee on the Scientific women with photodamaged skin. Arch Dermatol Res 2005; 297:
Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes and its Panel on Folate, 147–153.
Other B Vitamins, and Choline. Dietary Reference Intakes for 30 Reffitt DM, Ogston N, Jugdaohsingh R, et al. Orthosilicic acid
Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic
Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Washington (DC): differentiation in human osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Bone 2003;
National Academies Press (US), 1998. 32: 127–135.
9 Lipner SR. Rethinking biotin therapy for hair, nail, and skin 31 Schwarz K. A bound form of silicon in glycosaminoglycans
disorders. J Am Acad Dermatol 2018; 78: 1236–1238. and polyuronides. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1973; 70: 1608–
10 Lipner SR, Scher RK. Biotin for the treatment of nail disease: 1612.
what is the evidence? J Dermatolog Treat 2018; 29: 411–414. 32 Muizzuddin N, Benjamin R. Beneficial effects of a sulfur-
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12 Reilly JD, Cottrell DF, Martin RJ, et al. Effect of supplementary containing-supplement-hair-and-nail-condition
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14 Fanian F, Jeudy A, Elkhyat A, et al. Efficacy of oral
micronutrient supplementation on linear nail growth in healthy Answers to questions
individuals. J Cosmet Dermatolog Sci Appl 2020; 10: 191–203.
15 Lg H, Rk S, Ms M. Brittle nails: response to daily biotin 1 Answer: B. Biotin has been found to be effective for the
supplementation. Cutis 1993; 51: 303–305. treatment of brittle nails.
16 Bistas KG, Tadi P. Biotin. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure
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17 Zempleni J, Wijeratne SSK, Hassan YI. Biotin. BioFactors 2009; laboratory values of TSH receptor antibody and troponin,
35: 36–46. creating a false positive TSH receptor antibody and a falsely
18 Gifford JL, Sadrzadeh SMH, Naugler C. Biotin interference. Can low troponin value.
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20 Shoulders MD, Raines RT. Collagen structure and stability. ingestion. Other side effects include headache, heartburn,
Annu Rev Biochem 2009; 78: 929–958. and abdominal fullness.
21 Bolke L, Schlippe G, Gerß J, et al. A collagen supplement 5 Answer: True. An oral supplement of solubilized keratin pro-
improves skin hydration, elasticity, roughness, and density:
vides the body with the keratin that is normally lost from
results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, Blind Study.
Nutrients 2019; 11: 2494. aging, and according to Beer et al., it has promoted nail
22 Hexsel D, Zague V, Schunck M, et al. Oral supplementation strength and nail health.
with specific bioactive collagen peptides improves nail growth 6 Answer: True. Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid increases
and reduces symptoms of brittle nails. J Cosmet Dermatol collagen type 1 synthesis.
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7 Answer: False. Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid is a vari-
23 Le Vu P, Takatori R, Iwamoto T, et al. Effects of food-derived
collagen peptides on the expression of keratin and keratin- ant of silicon and has a high bioavailability compared with
associated protein genes in the mouse skin. Skin Pharmacol other silicon supplements.
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24 Martini N. Potion or poison? Collagen supplements. J Prim ring sulfur compound that has many uses. One of which is
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ª 2021 the International Society of Dermatology. International Journal of Dermatology 2022, 61, 916–922
922 Review Oral nail growth supplements Yousif, Farshchian, and Potts

9 Answer: False. Bioactive collagen peptides improve Supporting Information

nail growth and also can be used for treatment of brittle
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article:
10 Answer: False. Patients who smoke or are pregnant are
Table S1. Summary of studies on oral nail supplements with
advised to increase their dosage of biotin because smoking
level of evidence.
and pregnancy increase the catabolism of biotin.

International Journal of Dermatology 2022, 61, 916–922 ª 2021 the International Society of Dermatology.

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