Unit 2 Cells Digital Packet

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Jot down questions or

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and/or vocabulary All things are made of cells
terms here! Cells are the basic unit of life
All cells come from other cells

Composed of one cell

Composed of many cells

Cells are the most basic unit of life

No Yes

No Yes

Binary fission Mitosis

Unicellular Uni or
Yes, Made of Only fungi and
peptidoglycan plants, made of
chitin or cellulose

Bacteria Animals, plants,

fungi, protists

Genetic Material(DNA or RNA), cytoplasm, cell membrane,


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Jot down questions or
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Surrounds the outside of ALL cells

Made of two layers(phospholipid bilayer)
Controls what goes in and out of the cell
Critical for communication and maintaining a stable internal

2 layers of fats
Have hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails
Proteins embedded for transport
Carbs embedded for structure
Called “Fluid Mosaic Model” because it is composed of many parts
that move around freely

Threadlike fibers
Made of proteins
Usually not pictured in a cell diagram

Give the cell shape

Can also move organelles around
Provide structural support for animal cells(who don’t have a cell wall)

Jelly-like substance
Mainly made up of water

Holds everything in place

Provides solution for chemical reactions to take place in
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Contains genetic material(DNA)When DNA
appears spread out=chromatin
When DNA condenses it forms chromosomes

Protects the DNA that controls the activities of the cell

Inside of the nucleus

Makes up RNA which makes up ribosomes

Made of proteins and RNA

Located on Rough ER and floating in cytoplasm

Make proteins in a process called translation

Has ribosomes on surface

Hugs the nucleus

Makes proteins
Packages them for secretion, send in vesicles
to Golgi

No ribosomes on surface
Attached to Rough ER

Makes lipids(membrane)
Stores Ca+2
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Folded membrane

Gets vesicles of protein from the ER

Vesicles: like mini-carts that transport proteins around the cell
Processes, sorts, and ships proteins where needed

Animal cells only. Contain Enzymes

Breaks down dead stuff(food, bacteria, old parts of

cell, etc)
Can do programmed cell death

Small and numerous in animal cells

One large central one in plant cells

Storage(water, nutrients, waste, etc)

Appear during cell division

Help cell divide by pulling chromosome apart

Shorter, more numerous, like tiny oars

Flagella: longer, fewer(1-3) Animal and bacteria cells only

Cilia: move fluid across cell’s surface

Flagella: move entire cell through extracellular fluid
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Two parts: inner membrane and matrix

Where cellular respiration happens

Breaks down chemical energy in food to release usable energy in the
form of ATP

Two parts: grana (stacks) and stroma(fluid)

Where photosynthesis happens

Converts light energy from sun chemical energy into sugar

Made of cellulose, chitin, and peptidoglycan

Protect and maintain shape

1 massive central structure

Storage center
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Cell membrane


Smooth endoplasmic reticulum



Golgi apparatus


Rough endoplasmic reticulum



Cell wall

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PLANT or ANIMAL? Golgi apparatus

Cell membrane

Ribosomes Nucleus



Smooth ER

Rough ER




Cell Wall
Cell Membrane

Central Vacuole

Golgi apparatus

Smooth ER
Rough ER

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Homeostasis : need of an organism to stay stable by regulating internal
terms here! conditions.
A dynamic equilibrium I maintained = it isn’t always the same, but things
stay within a range
Organisms constantly take in stimuli and have to respond to them in order
to maintain homeostasis
Stimulus = change in environment
Response = a change in the organism

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Jot down questions or
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and/or vocabulary Homeostasis is
terms here! maintained through
regulation at the organ
system level all the way
down tot eh cellular level

Much of the homeostasis on the cellular level is maintained by the cell

membrane controlling the movement of things in and out of the cell

Requires no extra energy by the cell because molecules move from his
concentration to low concentration areas down the concentration

Requires extra energy to be spent to bring out materials into the cell of
expel materials out of the cell moving from low to high concentration
against the concentration gradient

What gets dissolved

Does the dissolving

Uniform mixture of two or more substances

Amount of solute dissolved in solvent

Difference in concentration of a substance from

one location to another
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The spreading out of molecules across a membrane until equilibrium is
Equilibrium = equally concentrated on both sides of the membrane
Molecules move down from a concentration gradient, from high to an area
of low

A transport protein helps to facilitate the diffusion of molecules that

normally couldn’t pass through the cell membrane
Transport proteins can act as a channel or a carrier
Molecules move down a concentration gradient, from high to an area of low

The simple diffusion of water across the cell membrane

Water molecules move down a concentration gradient, from high water to an
area of low water until equilibrium is reached

Water is lower than the cells cytoplasm

Net movement of water out of the cell, cell shrivels

Water is higher than the cell’s cytoplasm

Net movement of water into a cell
Cell swells

Isotonic solutions
Identical water to cell’s cytoplasm
Cell stays the same
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When a cell uses energy to pump molecules across the membrane, against
the gradient, through a protein channel
This allows a cell to concentrate key molecules within the cell, or remove
waste quickly from the cell

Uses vesicles to move large particles into the cell

When white blood cells engulf bacteria in order to fight infection

Uses vesicles to export materials out of the cell

When nerve cells secrete neurotransmitters to send signals throughout
the body

Passive Glucose

Osmosis Controls brain

Passive Helps immune system

Molecular Pumps Blood

Vesicles Regulates blood flow

Endocytosis Passive
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Jot down questions or
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terms here! division repeatedly.
Cell division through mitosis gives rise to many identical cells

A process that creates special structures and functions

Embryonic stem cells

Cells that have never differentiated
Adult stem cells
Cells found in adult bone marrow that are partially
differentiated and can become bone. Blood, cartilage, fat, and
connective tissue


Organ System



Jot down questions or A repeated pattern of growth, DNA
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duplication and cell division that occurs in
terms here! eukaryotic cells
Growth and Repair

Growth phase of the cell cycle

Cell grows and makes proteins

DNA replication occurs, doubling the

number of chromosomes

More cell growth and protein synthesis

One long continuous thread of DNA that consists of thousands of

genes and regulatory information

A section of DNA that contains the instructions for making a


One half of a duplicated chromosome

Two identical chromatids

Region of the condensed chromosomes that looks pinched

Ends of the DNA

Jot down questions or
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and/or vocabulary The division phase of the cell cycle
terms here! 1 cell becomes 2 identical daughter cells

Chromosomes condense and are visible as

sister chromatids

Spindle fibers connect to the centromere of

each sister chromatid

Sister chromatids separate, pulling

away from each other

Chromosomes decondense and start

to look like chromatin again

The division of the cytoplasm into 2 individual cells

Cell plate forms Forms a cleavage

midway between furrow that pinches
divided nuclei and the cell into 2 equal
gradually develops parts
into a membrane

2 identical body cells

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and/or vocabulary Every cell divides at a different rate based on its need
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Growth and repair. Cells can’t just get bigger to grow either, they have to
stay small to maintain a high surface area to volume ratio

Cell cycle is controlled by a chemical control system that starts and stops
events in the cell cycle

Signals that come from outside of the cell

Signals that come from the cell’s own nucleus

Critical point where “stop” and “go” signals

can regulate the cycle

Programmed cell death

Internal/external signals activate genes that
produce self destructive enzymes
Nucleus shrinks and breaks apart

Uncontrolled cell division. Happens when the regulation of the cell cycle
breaks down
Cancer cells divide much more often than healthy cells do
Leads to the formation of tumor
Tumors = clumps of cells that divide uncontrollably

Benign - abnormal cells typically remain clustered together

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Cancer cells that break away from the tumor and move to the other
parts of the body

Spreading of disease from one organ to others

Many things can cause cancer such as biological factors, lifestyle choices,
viruses, and exposure to carcinogens

Summarize the main ideas from this concept, as if you were explaining the concept to
another person not in our class. Use the italicized question above to help guide your
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Interphase Prophase



Telophase Anaphase

Spindle fibers and controls anchor them








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