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COVID-19 and Mental

In March 2020, the World
Health Organization
(WHO) declared COVID-
19 a
pandemic, which has
severely changed many
aspects of people’s lives.
COVID-19 pandemic
has shaped people’s
lives for almost a
year causing
feelings of fear, stress,
worry, and depression
among people who feel
that their
lives are threatened due to
the overwhelming
challenges they have been
People could easily sense
the devastating effects of
this pandemic on their
families, and
communities, triggered
by a total disruption of
the social fabric
due to home quarantines
and changes in daily
routine. Without a doubt,
it has
also paralyzed global
economies. It has been
observed that millions of
around the globe have
lost their jobs temporarily
or permanently. In
addition to
that, companies and
businesses, especially
the small ones, have cut
staff or
closed their doors. Thus,
no one can deny that
people are worried about
future since they don’t
know when they will
return to their normal life
or what
effects the pandemic
might have on them in the
future. Consequently,
mental health is highly
COVID-19 and Mental HealthIn March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared
COVID-19 apandemic, which has severely changed many aspects of people’s lives. TheCOVID-19
pandemic has shaped people’s lives for almost a year causingfeelings of fear, stress,
worry, and depression among people who feel that theirlives are threatened due to the
overwhelming challenges they have been facing.People could easily sense the devastating effects
of this pandemic on their lives,families, and communities, triggered by a total disruption of the
social fabricdue to home quarantines and changes in daily routine. Without a doubt, it hasalso
paralyzed global economies. It has been observed that millions of peoplearound the globe have
lost their jobs temporarily or permanently. In addition tothat, companies and businesses,
especially the small ones, have cut staff orclosed their doors. Thus, no one can deny that people
are worried about theirfuture since they don’t know when they will return to their normal life or
whateffects the pandemic might have on them in the future. Consequently, people’smental health
is highly affected.

Many people have been

affected by the current
COVID-19 pandemic. It
undeniable that the
pandemic has led to a
total disruption in
people’s social life.
Although in previous
years many people
wished to stay at home
and relax for long
periods of time, the
survey done to more than
130 countries worldwide
that staying at home
paramount to the decrease
in mental health of many
The two main effects that
the COVID-19 pandemic
has on mental health are
and depression.
It is no exaggeration that
the main effect COVID-
19 pandemic has on
is the increasing levels of
stress. Many schools,
universities and
companies are
increasing the workload
on their
because they think
staying at
home means more time to
do work. They are
deviating from the normal
study or
work hours. While it may
be true that people have
more time when working
home, this does not mean
that teachers/employers
should increase their load.
increasing level of stress
is affecting people and
causing them to withdraw
themselves. Moreover,
the stress people feel
when knowing that a
family member
has been affected by the
Corona virus is affecting
their lives thus causing
them to
do less work and being
stressed again about the
workload. It's a never
Besides stress, depression
is also one of the major
effects of the pandemic.
When people stay at
home for long periods of
time, their mental health
is affected
in a negative way.
Moreover, studies have
shown that the decrease
in sun exposure
is associated with a
drop in the levels of
serotonin, which is
the hormone
associated with mood
regulation, which can
lead to major depression.
important note is that
social visits and social
activities with family,
friends and
colleagues decrease
depression. However,
with the number of
lockdowns the
governments are emitting,
social networking is
becoming a faraway
dream. This of
course causes people’s
mental health to decline
Many people have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. It isundeniable that the
pandemic has led to a total disruption in people’s social life.Although in previous years many
people wished to stay at home and relax for longperiods of time, the survey done to more than
130 countries worldwide showedthat staying at home paramount to the decrease in mental health
of many people.The two main effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has on mental health are
stressand depression.It is no exaggeration that the main effect COVID-19 pandemic has on
peopleis the increasing levels of stress. Many schools, universities and companies areincreasing
the workload on their students/employees because they think staying athome means more time
to do work. They are deviating from the normal study orwork hours. While it may be true that
people have more time when working fromhome, this does not mean that teachers/employers
should increase their load. Thisincreasing level of stress is affecting people and causing them to
withdraw fromthemselves. Moreover, the stress people feel when knowing that a family
memberhas been affected by the Corona virus is affecting their lives thus causing them todo less
work and being stressed again about the workload. It's a never endingcycle.Besides stress,
depression is also one of the major effects of the pandemic.When people stay at home for long
periods of time, their mental health is affectedin a negative way. Moreover, studies have shown
that the decrease in sun exposureis associated with a drop in the levels of serotonin,
which is the hormoneassociated with mood regulation, which can lead to major depression.
Anotherimportant note is that social visits and social activities with family, friends andcolleagues
decrease depression. However, with the number of lockdowns thegovernments are
emitting, social networking is becoming a faraway dream. This ofcourse causes people’s mental
health to decline

Essay 1 - Cause/Effect EssayTo sum up, stress and depression are two major effects of
COVID-19pandemic on people’s mental health. Governments should provide
importantmental health services for people feeling seriously down and regulate areas
wherepeople can go during the lockdowns while providing adequate safety measures.

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