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Digital Leadership
Academy Training
Programme Handbook


Participation in world-class institution, extensive collaborations, access to cutting-edge
resources in public administration, and exposure to China’s leading executive training, await
participants in our training programme.

Overview of Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University was established in 1911, it is one of the most prestigious universities in
China. Through teaching, research and innovation, Tsinghua is committed to the advancement
and well-being of the nation and the world. Tsinghua has a long tradition of nurturing public
leadership, for instance, both former and current president, Mr. HU Jintao and Mr. Xi Jinping
are Tsinghua alumni. At present, Tsinghua University has 21 schools and 59 departments with
faculties in science, engineering, humanities, law, medicine, history, philosophy, economics,
management, education, arts and etc.
Overview of School of Public Policy and Management
The School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) of Tsinghua University was founded in
2000. As the first graduate school of public administration in China, the school’s mission is to
become a world-class institution that actively engages in teaching, research, and consulting in
global public affairs. Tsinghua SPPM is committed to not only train future generations of
scholars and practitioners in public affairs with global vision and strong social commitment, but
also constitute a global forum where critical challenges may be discussed, innovative ideas and
wisdoms may be shared, and dialogues and collaboration may be fostered between China and
the world to achieve lasting peace, prosperity, equity, and sustainability of the human kind.

Overview of Institute for Sustainable Development Goals

The Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University (TUSDG) was founded
on May 14, 2017. It aims to establish a leading platform to conduct interdisciplinary research
and collaborate with global partners to address challenges in implementing UN Sustainable
Development Gals. By integrating theoretical learning and practical experience in the field,
TUSDG strives to cultivate a new generation of talent who is dedicated to the implementation
of SDGs and the improvement of global governance. Meanwhile, TUSDG makes every effort at
creating a high-end open platform for research in the field of SDGs, attracting world-class
experts and scholars to engage in teaching and research activities, and spires to become a leading
think tank in China on SDG-related policies through cooperative partnerships with relevant
government agencies.

1. Tsinghua university rules for training programme are to be observed in all lectures.
2. Please enter ZOOM lecturing 10 minutes prior to the commencement.
3. Please mute your microphone during the ZOOM lecturing unless it is your turn to speak.
4. Participants are required to complete a lecture evaluation form after every lecture, which
will be credits requirement for the completion of the programme.
5. A strict leave regulation will be observed. In principle, participants are required to attend
all sessions of the program to receive the certificate of programme completion.
6. Voice and video recording, online streaming of the lectures are not permitted.
7. Unregistered participants are not permitted to join the ZOOM sessions.
*Please kindly be aware that all lectures are held in Beijing Time, one hour ahead of Jakarta time

Date Lectures Lecturers
Session 1: China’s Digital Economy:
15:00-16:10 Development Status, National Macro Liang Zheng,
Policy and Governance Model Professor, School of Public
Policy and Management,
Sept.28 16:10-16:25 Break Tsinghua University;
Wednesday Session 2: China’s Digital Economy: Deputy Director, China
16:25-17:40 Development Status, National Macro Institute for Science and
Policy and Governance Model Technology Policy,
17:40-18:00 Question and Answer Tsinghua University

Session 1: Digital Economy, Global Rong Ke,

Cooperation and New Growth Drivers Professor, School of Social
Sept.29 Science, Tsinghua
16:10-16:25 Break University; Deputy
Session 2: Digital Economy, Global Director, Institute of
16:25-17:40 Economics, Tsinghua
Cooperation and New Growth Drivers
17:40-18:00 Question and Answer
Session 1: Business Model Innovation
in the Era of Big Data Jiang Xuping,
Oct.6 16:10-16:25 Break Professor, School of
Thursday Economics and
Session 2: Business Model Innovation Management, Tsinghua
in the Era of Big Data University
17:40-18:00 Question and Answer
Session 1: Enterprise Innovation in Chen Jin,
the Digital Era Professor, School of
16:10-16:25 Break Economics and
Oct.13 Management, Tsinghua
Thursday Session 2: Enterprise Innovation in University; Director,
the Digital Era Research Center of
17:40-18:00 Question and Answer Technological Innovation,
Tsinghua University
Session 1: Creating Better Innovative
15:00-16:10 Ecosystem Promoting the Growth of Hebert Chen,
High-tech Enterprises Senior Executive Vice
16:10-16:25 Break President, Tus-Holdings
Co., Ltd; President,
Wednesday Session 2: Creating Better Innovative
International Association
16:25-17:40 Ecosystem Promoting the Growth of
of Science Parks and Areas
High-tech Enterprises
of Innovation (IASP)
17:40-18:00 Question and Answer

*Please kindly be aware that all lectures are held in Beijing Time, one hour ahead of Jakarta time

Date Time Lectures Lecturers

Session 1: Tourism as a National Alessandro

15:00-16:10 Golombiewski Teixeira,
Development Strategy
Professor, School of
Break Public Policy and
Oct.29 Management, Tsinghua
Saturday Session 2: Tourism as a National University; former
16:25-17:40 Minister, Ministry of
Development Strategy
Tourism, Brazil; former
Deputy Minister, Ministry
17:40-18:00 Question and Answer of Development, Industry
and Foreign Trade, Brazil.
Session 1: All-For-One Tourism
15:00-16:10 Zhang Hui,
Development and Its Key Focus
Professor & Director,
Research Institute of
16:10-16:25 Break
Oct.31 Modern Tourism, Beijing
Monday Jiaotong University;
Session 2: All-For-One Tourism
16:25-17:40 Deputy Director, Experts
Development and Its Key Focus
Committee, World
Question and Answer Tourism Cities Federation
Session 1: Digital Economy and Jiang Xiaojuan,
Digital Globalization Standing Committee
member, National
16:10-16:25 Break
* To Be People’s Congress; Vice
Confirmed Session 2: Digital Economy and Chairperson, Social
Digital Globalization Construction Committee,
National People’s
17:40-18:00 Question and Answer

Bio of Lecturers

Liang Zheng

Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua

Deputy Director, China Institute for Science and Technology Policy,
Tsinghua University.

Dr. LIANG Zheng now serves as the professor of the School of Public Policy and Management,
Tsinghua University, as well as the research fellow and deputy director of China Institute for
Science &Technology Policy at Tsinghua University (CISTP), which is jointly established by
Ministry of Science and Technology of China and Tsinghua University, mainly focusing on the
studies of S&T policy and the national strategy of S&T development.
Before entering Tsinghua, Dr. Liang served as the Associate Professor of the International
Business School in Nankai University. He got his doctor’s degree of economics at Nankai
University (2003) and accomplished the senior executive training program on leadership at
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2010). Dr. Liang had visited at MIT
Industrial Performance Center (MIT IPC) as the Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar and
performed researches on multinationals’ global R&D networks for one year (2012). The main
areas of his research now focus on Globalization of R&D, IPRs and standardization, National
Innovation System, Emerging Technology and Innovation Governance etc.
Besides academic publishing on peer review journals such as National Science Review,
Informetrics, World Economy etc. Dr. Liang also participated in some important research
projects such as the Strategic Research for National Medium and Long Term Science and
Technology Development Program (MLP) of China. He serves as the director of China
Association for International Science and Technology Cooperation (CAISTC), Chinese
Association for Science of Science and Science &Technology Policy (CASSSTP), the member
of Consulting Expert Group on National Innovation Survey Institution (2014-2017), the member
of Expert Group of Sino-US Innovation Dialogue (2015-2018), as well as the editorial board
members of several academic journals.

Rong Ke

Professor & Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, Tsinghua

Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, Tsinghua University.

Dr. Rong Ke is currently the deputy director and tenured professor at the Institute of Economics,
School of Social Science at Tsinghua University in China. He earned my Ph.D. from the
University of Cambridge having obtained a bachelor’s degree at Tsinghua University. Before
joining Tsinghua, he was a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter and Bournemouth
University in the UK and a visiting scholar in the Harvard Business School.
His current research interests focus on Business/Innovation Ecosystems, Digital Economy, and
Data Ecosystems. The articles he has had published are numerous – over 50 refereed articles for
journals including the Journal of International Business Studies (UTD24), International Journal
of Production Economics, Management Organization Review, Journal of International
Management, Group and Organization Management, Technological Forecasting & Social
Change and Expert System with Applications.
He has been the principal investigator of several research projects sponsored by the National
Science Foundation of China and the British Academy, along with leading firms such as Huawei,
Bytedance, China Mobile, and Haier. These projects explore the business ecosystem and
platform strategy in several emerging industries in the global landscape such as digital economy,
integrated chips, 3D printing, electric vehicles, smartphone, mobile internet and rideshares in the
sharing economy. He also serves on the editorial board of the leading journal Long Range
Planning and is a member of the Expert Network of World Economic Forum.

Jiang Xuping

Professor, Department of Marketing, School of Economics and

Management, Tsinghua University.

Prof. Jiang was a CIDA Fund (Canada) visiting scholar at the University of Waterloo (second
half of 1993), PhD of Economics at Carleton University of Canada (1994, Ontario government
grant), Croucher Fund(Hongkong) visiting scholar at Hongkong Lingnan University (Aug, 1998-
Apr, 1999), exchange visitor at multiple Korean universities (Jun-Jul, 2000), exchange visitor at
DePaul University (US, Jun-Sept, 2001), EGIDA Fund (France) visiting scholar at HEC School
of Management in Paris (Jan-May, 2005).
Since 1985, Prof. Jiang has been engaged in teaching and research in information system
management, decision support system, business informatization. In 1992, he started focusing on
EDI and its application in international trade. In 1995, he commenced the research work on the
internet and e-commerce. In 1998, Prof. Jiang began the research on internet-based marketing.
In 2000, his research efforts were focused on mobile commerce, the integration of new media
with marketing communication methods. Prof. Jiang has led many projects for the National
Natural Science Foundation, the Ministry of Education’s key program for Humanities and Social
Sciences Base, National Social Science Fund key programs, ministerial research projects and
business consulting and research programs.
Research interests and courses taught: Thinking and business model innovation, internet-based
marketing, new media and social medial marketing, marketing, big data and online customer
spending behavioral analysis, customer relations management (e-CRM), internet-based finance
and financial business model innovation, corporate mergers and capital management,
transformation, upgrading and innovative development, demand analysis methods, etc.

Chen Jin
Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua
Director, Research Center of Technological Innovation, Tsinghua

CHEN Jin is a professor at the Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, School
of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. He is the director of Research Center for
Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University -- also known as RCTI, which is one of the key
research institutes of humanities and social science in universities, certified by the Chinese
Ministry of Education. CHEN Jin majored in process automation and obtained his bachelor's
degree from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University in 1989. In 1994, he
received doctoral degree in management engineering from School of Management, Zhejiang
University. As a visiting scholar, CHEN Jin spent most of his time at MIT Sloan in 1998, and at
the Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, as a visiting fellow in 2000. Prof. CHEN
Jin won the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. And he is part of the One
Hundred, One Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talent Program of China and the Cheung Kong
Scholars Program of the Chinese Ministry of Education. Prof. CHEN Jin has been one of the
valid nominees of Engineering Management Department, Chinese Academy of Engineering in
2017 and 2019. He is also on the management committee of the International Joseph A.
Schumpeter Society and the award committee of the Schumpeter Prize. He serves as the vice
president of China Management Science Society. Prof. CHEN Jin is the founding editor-in-chief
of International Journal of Innovation Studies (IJIS), editor-in-chief of International Journal of
Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS), co-editor-in-chief of Global Transition, and associate
editor-in-chief of Technovation and Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management. He is also on the editorial board of Academy of Management Perspectives, and
executive chief editor of Tsinghua Business Review.
Prof. CHEN Jin has so far published over 800 academic theses and more than 20 books, with a
51 h-index at Google Scholar database. Results of his theoretical research on innovation
management, strategic management and general management have worked effectively during
the construction of Haier Group’s open innovation platform and innovation ecosystem. Results
of his theoretical research have also been widely adopted by other large-scale Chinese enterprises,
such as CIMC (China International Marine Containers), China Three Gorges Corporation, and
CRRC Qingdao Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., etc. As early as 2003, Prof. CHEN
Jin was award as part of Top 100 Worldwide Knowledge Innovation Leadership by Entovation,
a global platform of knowledge innovation. In 2018, Prof. CHEN Jin was voted Yearly Person
of Value in Management by the Annual Report on Management in China.
Herbert Chen
Senior Executive Vice President, Tus-Holdings Co., Ltd;
Deputy Director, Tsinghua University Science Park (TusPark)
Administrative Committee;
Global President, International Association of Science Parks and
Areas of Innovation (IASP).

Herbert Chen joined the management team of TusPark in 2001. While serving the one of the
most famous university science parks in China for more than twenty years, Herbert played a vital
role in the management team of TusPark. He was not only in charge of setting up & operating
the management system of general administration departments, but also contributed significantly
to the establishment and implementation of the park’s branding strategy and comprehensive
value-added service system.
Under the great efforts of Herbert and the management team, TusPark has developed into the
most well-known university science park in China and the worldwide, with more than 6000
international and local hi-tech firms living and working in TusPark Beijing and it’s nearly 200
branches worldwide, including nearly 20 oversea innovation bases in the USA, Canada, the UK,
Italy, Australia, Egypt, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.
IASP is the world’s largest association for science parks and areas of innovation, with more than
300 members from over 70 countries. TusPark has become a full member of IASP since 2004.
Herbert used to serve as the Asia-Pacific Division President of IASP (2006-2008 and 2015-2017)
and Vice President of IASP (2018-2021), and is now Global President of IASP.

Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira

Professor, School of Public Policy and Management &

Schwartzman College, Tsinghua University;
Former Minister, Ministry of Tourism, Brazil; former Deputy
Minister, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade,

Prof. Golombiewski Teixeira has spent his last 20 years working in academia, government,
international institutions, and private sector at the same time. Professor Golombiewski Teixeira
has a unique background with a broad perspective in different areas such as Innovation and
Industrial Policies, Development Policies, International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment,
International Marketing among others. Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira has more than two decades
of extensive teaching and research experience in Europe, Latin America, and North America,
across different courses ranging from undergraduates to postgraduates. More recently he was a
visiting Professor at Columbia University, Associate Senior Researcher at Denver University in
the USA. He held different Lecturer and research position in University of Sussex (UK) and in
Brazilian Universities such University of Sao Paulo, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
among others.
Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira has a wealth of senior experience in policy-making in his home
country, Brazil, Latin America and Internationally. For more than 15 years Dr. Golombiewski
Teixeira has been at the forefront of initiatives holding high-level positions in the Brazilian
Government and International Organizations with a very high profile and international exposure.
He was Minister in the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, Deputy Minister of Development,
Industry and Foreign Trade, President of Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development, President
of the Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion and Special Economic Advisor to
the President of Brazil President of RedIbero-American y Caribbean Agencies for Export
Promotion and President of the World Association of Investment Promotions Agencies (WAIPA)
both United Nations Affiliated Institutions.
Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira also has served as board member of the Brazilian National
Development Bank for 12 years, National Energy Committee, National Science and Technology
Committee, National Infrastructure Committee and in more than a dozen Brazilian and
international private sector companies such as Klabin and Suzano Paper and Pulp Brazilian
giants, Lupatech gas and oil International company, AES Electrical Power Corporation among
many others. Dr. Golombiewski Teixeira was in charge to elaborate, coordinate and oversee of
Industrial, Innovation, International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment Policies in Brazil and
several Trade and Investment bilateral and multilateral negotiations. In 2008 Professor
Golombiewski Teixeira was chosen Latin America Personality of the year by the British
Newspaper Financial Times. He was knighted in 2008 and 2014 with highest Brazilian
Commends "Commend of Rio Branco" the Brazilian government grants this command award to
those who made relevant contributions to the country on the international stage and 2015
“Commend of National Defense” to acknowledge his military as well as civil substantial
contribution to Brazil’s Development.
Zhang Hui

Professor & Director, Institute of Modern Tourism, Beijing

Jiaotong University;
Deputy Director, Experts Committee, World Tourism Cities

Prof. Zhang is recipient of the State Council Special Allowance. After graduating from Xian
Jiaotong University in 1982 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Economics, Prof. Zhang
became a teacher at Northwest University, where he also studied in the Political Economy
Postgraduate program. Later, he had served as the Dean and Deputy Director of the School of
Economic Management at Northwest University and became an official State Council Special
Allowance recipient from 1993. In 1997, Prof. Zhang transferred to Beijing International Studies
University and became Dean of the School of Tourism Management and Director of the Institute
of Tourism Development. He started his work at Beijing Jiaotong University in 2009.
Social capacities: Member of the Ministry of Culture and Education “14th Five Year Plan”
Expert Committee; Shanxi Province “Sanqin Scholar” Professor; Deputy Director of the Experts
Committee of the World Tourism Cities Federation; Executive Vice-President of Beijing
Tourism Society; Associate Professor at Beijing University, Northwest University, Shanxi
Normal University, Chang’an University, Hebei Normal University and Hainan University;
Member of the Editorial Committee for Tourism Management, Tourism Science, and Tourism
Tribune; Member of the Expert Committee of CITS Group; Member of China’s Tourism Reform
and Development Decision Advisory Committee.
Research achievements: Prof. Zhang Hui has long engaged in the research of macro theories of
tourism economy and the tourism industry. He has led and completed 3 projects for the National
Social Science Fund and the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Fund. His
published works (10+) include The Development Mode and Operational Mode of China’s
Tourism Industry, The Research on the Transformation Environment, Institutions and Building
of China’s Tourism Industry, Tourism Economy, Theories of Tourism Economy, Consumer
Economics, Modern Hospitality Operation and Management Practices, as well as dozens of
papers in Guangming Daily (Theories), Economic Daily (Theories), Economic Perspectives,
Journal of Business Economics, Productivity Research, Special Zone Economic Research,
Tourism Tribune, Capital Economics, etc. Prof. Zhang is also recipient of Provincial and
Ministerial level Scientific Achievement Excellence Awards (First Class, two awards; Third
Class, three awards). In 2003, at the 3rd Selection of “China Reform Leader in The New
Century”, Prof. Zhang was awarded the honorary title of “China Reform Leader in The New
Participant List
No. Name Position Organization
1 A. Emy Purnama Head of Health Services Public Health Department of Polewali
Mandar Regency
2 Abdillah Sas Head of Computer Laboratory Bosowa University
3 Abdul Azis Hady Head of General Department Tax Court Secretariat - Secretary of
Ministry of Finance
4 Acep Hendra President Director PT Inovasi Karya Mahendra

5 Adam Office Secretary Department of Transportation

6 Ahmad Kultur Hia Chairman Pertiwi Institute of Economic Science

7 Aisyah Mutia Dawis Head of System and Technology Study Aisyiyah University, Surakarta
8 Aksan Amrullah Head of Transportation Agency Departement of Transportation

9 Alfatihah Reno Maulani IT Specialist Central Bureau of Statistics

Nuryaningsih Soekri
Putri Munaf
10 Amat Susilo Head of Agency Departement of Population and Civil

11 Annisya Nurul Latif Human Resource Department PT Fatih Indonesia Internasional

12 Ansyari Bahrum Office Secretary Department of Communication,

Informatics, Statistics and Coding,
Polewali Mandar Regency Government
13 Ardi Sepdianto Head of Communication and Informatics Mojokerto Regency Government
14 Arie Jacob Manuhutu Community and Human Resource Expert Mojokerto Regency Government
15 Aryzona Fahmi Sidik Head of Development Administration Regional Secretariat of Central Lombok
16 Asar Janjang Riyanti Head of Informatics and Public Communication and Informatics
Communication Agency of Gunungkidul Regency
17 Azsep Kurniawan Functional Leader of Non-Governmental Yogyakarta Community Empowerment
Organizations (PSM) for Associate Training Center (BBPPM)
18 Bambang Purwanto Head of Agency Manpower Agency of Mojokerto
19 Bio Novika Head of the Bureau of Public Relations Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Institute of
and New Student Admission Temanggung

20 Buana Head of General and Functional South Sulawesi Provincial Government

Technical Competency Development

No. Name Position Organization
21 Budi Suharto Lead Expert Cooperative Supervisor Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and
Medium Enterprises of the Republic of
22 Dafip Haryanto Head of Agency Communication and Informatics
Agency of Kutai Kartanegara Regency
23 Dasrun Hidayat Dean Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya (ARS)
24 Desy Mayasari Head of Marketing Management at D3 Sebelas Maret University
Study Program, Vocational School

25 Didik Chusnul Yakin Government Assistant and People's Regional Secretary of Mojokerto
Welfare Regional Secretariat of Regency
Mojokerto Regency

26 Doni Asriyadi Vice President at Corporate Planning & PT Angkasa Pura I

27 Duhita Pratiwi Paramita Vice Chairman of the Satellite Orbit Resources and Equipment of Post and
Mendala Team Information Technology - Ministry of
Communication & Informatics of the
Republic of Indonesia
28 Dwi Agus Purwanto Secretary of the Social Service for Social Service for Women's
Women's Empowerment, Child Empowerment, Child Protection and
Protection, and Family Planning in Family Planning in Bondowoso
Bondowoso Regency Regency
29 Dyah Kusuma Hastuti Head of Data Utilization and Service Departement of Population and Civil
Innovation Registration of Malang Regency

30 Dyan Anggrahini Expert Staff of the Regency of Mojokerto Regency Government

Development, Economy, and Finance

31 Eddy Taufiq Head of the Civil Service Police Unit Mojokerto Regency Government

32 Eka Kusuma Astuti Head of Informatics Applications Communication and Informatics

Agency of Bondowoso Regency
33 Eko Pamuji Secretary of the East Java Indonesian East Java Indonesian Journalists
Journalists Association Association

34 Elvi Chaerani Vice President of General Affair and DANA Indonesia

35 Farius Muhamartono Senior Vice President of Strategic PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
Purwaningtyas Planning & Business Transformation
36 Ferryal Abadi Head of Employment Readiness & Esa Unggul University
Entrepreneurship Development Institute
37 Fitri Munira Pitaloka Head of Medical Services Regional General Hospital Dr. R.
Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo
38 Haerani Nur Head of the Study Program State University of Makassar
39 Hamidah Suryani Associate Professor State University of Makassar

No. Name Position Organization
40 Hamzah Head officer Technical Implementation Unit for
Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum
of Gorontalo Province - Directorate
General of Resources and Equipment of
Post and Information Technology -
Ministry of Communication &
Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia

41 Handoko Head of Multimedia Informatics and Andalas University

Communication Technology

42 Harliantara Dean of the Faculty of Communication DR Soetomo University, Surabaya


43 Hartoto Head of Online Learning System State University of Makassar

44 Hendra Jaya Head of Applied Electronics Engineering State University of Makassar

Undergraduate Study Program

45 Heryanah Functional Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics

46 I Nengah Tri Sumadana Head of of Communication, Informatics, Polewali Mandar Regency Government
Statistics, and Encoding Agency

47 Ikfina Fahmawati Regent Mojokerto Regency Government

48 Jokhanan Kristiyono 1st Vice Chair for Academic and Student Institute of Mass Communication
Affairs Studies of Surabaya Journalist Alma
49 Kemal Prabowo Human Resource Manager Alwildan Islamic School

50 Kevin Dean Dra Director of Development and Operations Serangkai Media Group

51 Leo Sugandhi Head of the Satellite Orbit Working Directorate of Resources and Postal
Group Equipment and Information Technology
- Ministry of Communication &
Information of the Republic of

52 Ludfi Ariyono Head of Agency One-Stop Integrated Service and

Investment Service (DPMPTSP) of
Mojokerto Regency

53 M. Hilman Fikrianto Head of Program and Finance Directorate of Resource Management -

Management Team Directorate General of Resources and
Equipment of Post and Information
54 M. Iwan Abdillah Head of Agency Industry and Commerce Agency

No. Name Position Organization
55 Meithiana Indrasari Chancellor/Chairman Institute of Mass Communication
Studies of Surabaya Journalist Alma
56 Mochammad Head of District Prajuritkulon District - Mojokerto City
Hekamarta Fanani, Government, East Java Province
S.Stp, M.Si

57 Mokhamad Riduwan Head of Food and Fisheries Agency Department of Food and Fisheries

58 Muhamad Bashori Alwi Head of Analytic Evaluation Simulation Indonesian Navy

and Forensic, Naval Cyber Command
59 Muhamad Sodik Vice President of Strategic Management PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero)

60 Muhammad Frassetia Founder/CEO Saintisia

61 Muhammad Ghalih Head of International Affairs Office Tanah Laut State Polytechnic

62 Muhammad Irfan Head of the Primary School Teacher State University of Makassar
Education Study Program, Faculty of
Education, Makassar State University

63 Muhammad Maulana Director of Research and Development PT. BIOPS Agrotekno Indonesia
Malikul Ikram

64 Muhammad Rakib Head of the Department of Business and State University of Makassar

65 Munir Associate Professor State University of Makassar

66 Noerhono Head of Agency Library and Archives Agency of

Mojokerto Regency

67 Novianto Budi IT Specialist Central Bureau of Statistics

68 Nugraha Budhi Sulistya Head of Agency National and Political Unity Agency

69 Nur Azizah Widyaiswara Associate Expert Ministry of Communication and


70 Nurhikmah H. Head of Master of Educational State University of Makassar

Technology Postgraduate Program,
Makassar State University
71 Nurlina Syahrir Head of Master of Arts Education Study State University of Makassar

72 Nurlita Pertiwi Professor State University of Makassar

73 Nurul Istiqomah Head of the Agricultural Agency of Department of Agriculture, Mojokerto

Mojokerto Regency Regency Government

No. Name Position Organization
74 Prasetya Nugraha IT Department Head PT. Indonesia Plantation Synergy

75 Rachmat Suharyono Head of Agency Department of Public Housing,

Residential Areas and Transportation

76 Ramaddan Head of Training and Productivity Medan City Manpower Office

77 Rangga Sanjaya Dean Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya (ARS)


78 Raymond Wahyudi Head of Entrepreneurship Study Program Sabda Setia Institute of Technology and

79 Reza Wahyudi Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Nahdlatul Ulama University, West

80 Rinaldi Rizal Sabirin Head of Agency Departement of Public Works and

Spatial Planning of Mojokerto Regency

81 Rudyanto H.P. CEO & Founder Jakarta International Customer Service

Manullang Institute (JICSI)

82 Samuel Simon Head of Staff Mutation and Information Bitung City Government
Abraham Parera Division
83 Santi Ratnaning Tias Head of Agency Communication and Informatics Agency
of Mojokerto Regency

84 Selliane Halia Ishak Director of Digital Economy Governance Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy/Tourism and Creative
Economy Agency

85 Shanti Rismandini Secretary of the Regional Personnel and Malang Regency Government
Human Resources Development Agency

86 Sidrayani Head of Tourism Promotion Department of Youth, Sports and

87 Siswadi General Administration Assistant of Mojokerto Regency Regional Secretariat
Mojokerto Regency

88 Sitta Izza Rosdaniah Coordinator of Economic and Industrial Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises
Sector Analysis (AESI)
89 Sofiarti Dyah Anggunia Head of Informatics Applications Communication and Informatics Agency
of West Kalimantan Province
90 Suci Satri Satiti Head of Encryption and Informatics Communication and Informatics Agency
Applications of Malang Regency

91 Sugeng Yulianto Head of Information Services & PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero)
Technology Solutions Division

No. Name Position Organization
92 Sunarno Head of Information Technology Communication and Informatics Agency
Management, Public Communication and of Central Lombok Regency
93 Suparmin Head of E-Government Applications and Communication and Informatics Agency
Services of Samarinda City

94 Suseno IT Expert/IV-a Regional Civil Service Agency of

Central Java Province

95 Syaifudin Ahmad Head of the Communication and Communication and Informatics Agency
Informatics Agency of Pasuruan Regency of Pasuruan Regency

96 Syamsu Alam Head of Digital Business Study Program State University of Makassar

97 Syarifuddin Amin Head of Empowerment and Management Departement of Social Welfare and
of the Poor Labor

98 Teguh Gunarko Regional Secretary Mojokerto Regency Government

99 Tri Aulad Vice President e-Channel PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)

100 Try Raharjo Murdianto Head of Social Agency of Mojokerto Mojokerto Regency Government

101 Ulum Rokhmat. R. Head of Health Agency Public Health Agency of Mojokerto

102 Urip Tri Prastowo Product Manager PT Investree Radhika Jaya

103 Wahri Sunanda Associate Professor Bangka Belitung University

104 Wydia Head of Rural Bank (BPR) Surveillance Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation

105 Yenny Fransisca Functional Intermediate Computer Communication and Informatics Agency
Lampouw Institution of Depok City

106 Yose Ardhani Farasi Photovoltaic Electrical Designer/ Powerchina Huadong Engineering
Electrical Engineer Corporation Limited

107 Yudha Akbar Prabowo Head of Community Empowerment Department of Community and Village
Agency of Mojokerto Village Empowerment Service of Mojokerto
108 Yulius Christian Head of Agency Communication, Information, Statistics
and Encoding Agency of Probolinggo

109 Zaqqi Head of the Environmental Agency Mojokerto Regency Government

110 Zulaikha Head of the Study Program DR Soetomo University, Surabaya


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