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SAPTA ABHYAS, an unique memorization technique, to develop

Communication, Confidence & Attitude, for Commerce Degree passout

About us, Sapta Abhyas, is a unique soft skills mapping module, to increase Focus &
Concentration on professional communication.
Note: Memorization: remember, retain, learn by heart, fix in the memory, record,
memorialize, imprint in one's mind & bear-in-mind.

Project/Situation: How to clear Business or Financial Analyst interview, which has four
rounds, round1: Aptitude test (MCQ), round2: Human Resource round (HR), round3:
Technical or Operational round and round4: Fitment round?
Objective: Create an area of interest/awareness, towards professional communication.
Methodology - Memorization technique: Whole workshop is divided into two sections
which run parallel,
A) Mental Mapping: Three phases to focus and seven steps to concentrate,

Phase1: Input – Share Information.

Phase2: Abhyas OR Memorization – Convert Information.
Phase3: Output – Assessments & Mock Sessions.

Step1: Drafting social information, like introduction; hobbies etc.

Step2: Understand and map questions on Subject and Profile.
Step3: Relate situation through case studies.
Step4: Connect information through case studies.
Step5: Map information through case studies.
Step6: Set understanding, on how to clear HR & Operational rounds independently?
Step7: Sapta Abhyas logic, Assessments, Case Studies, Stories and mock sessions.

Focus Area Methodology Course Material(Input) Target(Output)

Self Social Sapta Abhyas, Introduction, Hobbies, Ability to communicate
Knowledge MEMORIZATION Leisure time, Favorite Social Self, Technicality
TECHNIQUE Memory, Family background, of Subject and Job
Achievements, Educational Profile.
background, Higher Studies,
Project, Achievements and
Certificates with HR
questions and Answers.
MS-Office, Golden Rules, Confidence on preparing
Reconciliation, Fund reports and projections
Economics, Accounting, Investment based on data with
Mathematics, banking, Financial focus on top
Sapta Abhyas,
Finance & Instruments, Derivative, Commercial Banks,
Information Stock exchange, Accounts Investment Banks,
Technology Payable, Accounts Insurance, Exchange,
Receivable, Procurement, KPO, Outsourcing and
Sales & Distribution etc Consulting with
(Total Twenty Seven topics) Brokerage companies.

Case studies, Situation

Analyst Sapta Abhyas, analysis, Self-Assessment &
Profile/ Learning and
(Financial/ MEMORIZATION Analysis, Job Designation,
Industry Development Attitude
Business) TECHNIQUE Job Description, Job Role
with Company Profiles

B) Physical Mapping: Physical exercises or asanas, helps to improve flexibility and energy
and these selected exercises also increases focus and concentration on SOCIAL SELF in term
of fitness and presentation. Certified Yog Asanas trainer to coach below seven exercises.
Vajrasana: Vajrasana, is a kneeling exercise, provides numbers of health benefits.
Performing vajrasana, at least 3 times a day for at least 10 minutes, helps digestive
system in many ways. It obstructs blood flow to our legs and thighs and increases it
in our stomach area, thus improving our bowel movements.
 Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles,
 Keeps blood sugar levels under control,
 Helps to Calm Our Mind,
 Treatment of Hypertension,
 Improves Sleep,
 Relieving constipation helps us to get rid of flatulence (gas) and acidity.
Tadasana: Tadasana has complex benefits, helps to correct muscle imbalances,
Improve posture, body awareness, strengthens legs, and establishes good alignment.
This keeps body active and aligned.
 Improve posture and coordination.
 Relieve sciatic pain.
 Improve agility.
 Boost circulation.
 Tone core muscles.
 Strengthen your back, hips, and legs.
Vrikshasana: Those who suffer from migraine, high or low blood pressure, do not
practice this asana. Avoid practicing Vrikshasana if you suffer from insomnia. In the
beginning, you may find it difficult to place your leg above the knee, so you can place
it below the knees but never place it on the knee.
 It strengthens the legs, and opens the hips.
 It improves your neuro muscular coordination.
 It may help those who suffer from sciatica (nerve pain in the leg)
 Maintains the Overall Balance and results Better Posture
 Reduces the Risk of Sciatica.
 Improves Concentration and alertness.
Garudasana: Improves balance and focus with postural body awareness. It stretches
and strengthens shoulders, upper back, thighs, legs, and ankles.
 Improves focus and concentration of the mind.
 Improves flexibility of legs, hips and back muscles.
 Provides relief from stress and tension.
 Improves balance.
 Strengthens the calves.
 Helps lighten sciatica and rheumatism arthritis.
Natarajasana: Stimulate blood flow in the body, as well as raise your energy level, as
you are working quite hard in the pose. There are constant internal adjustments
happening in the body that help the yogi stay balanced and stable in this pose. This
helps to exercise the small, stabilizing muscles that are difficult to strengthen.
 Helps to improve memory.
 Strengthen flexibility and strengthens knees.
 Improves balance.
 Beneficial in reducing stress and calming the mind.
 Reduce obesity.
 Good weight loss.
Paschimottanasana: Helps to reduce anxiety, fatigue and stress. It massages and
tones the abdominal and pelvic organs, making it a simple yet effective yoga asana
for burning unwanted fat and aiding weight loss. Improves digestion if practice
regularly. It tones the shoulders and stretches the lower back, hamstrings, and hips.
 Helps calm the brain, thereby providing relief from stress and mild depression.
 Helps reduce anxiety and fatigue.
 Massages and tones the abdominal and pelvic organs.
 Improves digestion if practiced regularly.
 Tones the shoulders and stretches the lower back, hamstrings, and hips.
 Help stimulate the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus.
 Helps insomnia and promotes good sleep.
Ushtrasana: Makes the neck, back, chest and abdominal regions flexible. Activates
the brain cells and makes it function better by improving the blood circulation.
Beneficial for curing the diseases related to the respiratory system such as Bronchitis
and Asthma.
 Stretches the entire front of the body, the ankles, thighs and groins,
 Abdomen and chest, and throat.
 Stretches the deep hip flexors.
 Strengthens back muscles.
 Improves posture.
 Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck.
Bakasana: Its an advance level pose, with proper alignment and breathing, provides
maximum benefit. Keeping the alignment and the breathing in mind is very
 Strengthens arms to hold body weight.
 Strengthens core to help hold you up.
 Strengthens glutes and adductors.
 Strengthens shoulder stabilisers.
 Prepares you for most other arm balances.
 It helps make your wrists stronger.
 Stretches your upper back and groin.
 Your spine is toned and strengthened.
 The pose can improve your sense of balance and focus.
 Helps to build confidence, courage and combat fear.

Requirements: 100% seriousness towards “Interview profile” with confidence on

memorizing +100 concepts within three days.

Conclusion/Result: A total of +500 candidates trained from Feb2021 to till date

(12/09/2022), from which >80% candidates placed within three months of completion.
Note: From +500 candidates, more than 95% candidates had weak Social Self
Communication and Logical Subject Knowledge.

As discussed, please find below workshop overview through questions and answers, course
outline and commercials,

Annexure 1: Questions & Answers

Annexure 2: Course outline
Annexure 3: About Trainers

ANNEXURE 1: Questions and Answers

Who should join Sapta Abhyas workshop?

Answer: Candidates who think their self communication, subject confidence and profile
attitude is weak or below average, to face MNC level Interview.

What is the duration of workshop?

Answer: Its 21(Twenty one) days of 3hours daily, of total 63(Sixty three) hours.

What is this fusion of Yog Bhashya & Sankhya Karika? How it is adopted from Yog Bhashya &
Sankhya Karika?
Answer: As per our research & analysis, Yog Bhashya is a theory, which helps to unite a
future SITUATION in personal favor & Sankhya Karika theory provides personal right
information for future SITUATION outcome. Sapta Abhyas L&D, has right information and
memorization technique to get desired OUTPUT.

What is Sapta Abhyas workshop?

Answer: Provides unique mapping technique, which helps to build and form Social self
communication, Logical Subject confidence and Physical Profile attitude, technically
designed to face MNC level interviews. Please follow below seven steps,
Methodology: Memorization technique, Workshop is divided into three phases to focus and
seven steps to concentrate,

Phase1: Input – Share Information.

Phase2: Abhyas OR Memorization – Convert Information.
Phase3: Output – Assessments & Mock Sessions.
Step1: Drafting candidate’s social information, like introduction; hobbies etc.
Step2: Share situational information on Subject and Profile.
Step3: Relate information through case studies.
Step4: Connect information through case studies.
Step5: Map information through case studies.
Step6: Set understanding, on how to clear HR & Operational rounds independently?
Step7: Sapta Abhyas logic, Assessments, Case Studies, Stories and mock sessions.

What is workshop free?

Answer: Rupees 21,000(Twenty one thousand rupees only).
Note: To prove our L&D module potential, we provide 100% placement assistance (THREE
FINANCE/ACCOUNTS/BUSINESS profile interviews).

What is your workshop training Mode and Methodology?

Answer: Mode is Online with minimum 3 Hours daily, Monday to Saturday. Our
methodology is memorization, to increase Focus and Concentration on Self, Subject &
Profile, which directly and naturally develops Vocabulary.

How many candidates Sapta Abhyas trained so far?

Answer: A total +500 candidates trained from Feb2021 to till date, from which >80%
candidates placed within three months on completion.

Which all companies your candidates selected after successful completion of Sapta Abhyas
Answer: Multinational companies from Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad regions.
Note: Reference will be provided of selected candidates.

Workshop provides course and study material?

Answer: Yes, Study material (end to end write-up) with 70 to 100 questions and answers
which covers round2: Human Resource round (HR) and round3: Technical round.

Why we charge 21,000/-?

Answer: Three major benefits of our workshop,
1. Readymade & Mapped.
2. Time & Memorization Technique.
3. Future Interviews & Promotions.

ANNEXURE 2: Course outline

Focus Area Methodology Course Material(Input) Target(Output)
Non Finance and

Introduction, Hobbies,
Leisure time, Favorite
Memory, Family background, Ability to communicate
Sapta Abhyas,
Social Achievements, Educational on Social Self,
Knowledge background, Higher Studies, Technicality of Subject
Project, Achievements and and Job Profile.
Certificates with HR
questions and Answers.
MS-Office, Golden Rules, Confidence on preparing
Reconciliation, Fund reports and projections
Accounting, Investment based on data with
banking, Financial focus on top
Accounts passouts

Sapta Abhyas,
Information Instruments, Derivative, Commercial Banks,
Technology Stock exchange, Accounts Investment Banks,
Payable, Accounts Insurance, Exchange,
Receivable, Procurement, KPO, Outsourcing and
Sales & Distribution etc Consulting with
(Total Twenty Seven topics) Brokerage companies.

Case studies, Situation

Analyst Sapta Abhyas, analysis, Self-Assessment &
Profile/ Learning and
(Financial/ MEMORIZATION Analysis, Job Designation,
Industry Development Attitude
Business) TECHNIQUE Job Description, Job Role
with Company Profiles

ANNEXURE 3: About Trainer

 +22 years of global exposure on Global Operations and FMCG Research and L&D.
 5 years of SAP experience (SRM & SD).
 Training expertise on FMCG Research concepts, Procurement, Sales & Distribution,
Investment Banking with Accounts Payable (P2P) & Accounts Receivable (Q2C &
 Functional freelance trainer since 02/06/2017.
 Successfully completed 83 class room L&D training for different MNC’s
 Concept owner of Sapta Abhyas L&D module
 Successfully trained +500 candidates with +80% selections for Analyst profiles by Feb
2021 to till date.

Waiting for your confirmation to enable us to take this forward and materialize. Please feel free to
call me for questions/clarifications (+91 8123675629/ 

Thank you. 

Sapta Abhyas Team

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