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10/19/22, 10:16 PM conman - Unix, Linux Command

conman - Unix, Linux Command

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conman - ConMan client

conman [OPTION]... [CONSOLE]...

conman is a program for connecting to remote consoles being managed by
conmand. Console names
can be separated by spaces and/or commas.
Globbing is used by default to match console names
against the configuration,
but regular expression matching can be enabled with the ’-r’ option.

conman supports three modes of console access: monitor (read-only),

interactive (read-write),
and broadcast (write-only). If neither
the ’-m’ (monitor) nor ’-b’ (broadcast) options are specified,
the console session is opened in interactive mode.

10/19/22, 10:16 PM conman - Unix, Linux Command

Tag Description

-b Broadcast to multiple consoles (write-only). Data sent by the client will be

copied to all specified consoles in parallel, but console output will not be
sent back to the client. This option can be used in conjunction
with ’-f’ or ’-j’.

-d destination

  Specify the location of the conmand daemon, overriding the default

[]. This location may contain a hostname or IP
address, and
be optionally followed by a colon and port number.

-e character

  Specify the client escape character, overriding the default [&].

-f Specify that write-access to the console should be "forced", thereby

the console away from existing clients having write privileges.
The original
clients are informed by conmand of who perpetrated the
theft as their
connections are terminated.

-F file Read console names/patterns from file. Only one console name may be
specified per line. Leading and trailing whitespace, blank lines, and
comments (ie, lines beginning with a ’#’) are ignored.

-h Display a summary of the command-line options.

-j Specify that write-access to the console should be "joined", thereby

the console with existing clients having write privileges.
The original clients
are informed by conmand that a new client has
been granted write

-l file Log console session output to file.

-L Display license information.

-m Monitor a console (read-only).

-q Query conmand for consoles matching the specified names/patterns.

Output from this query can be saved to file for use with the ’-F’

-Q Enable quiet-mode, suppressing informational messages. This mode can

toggled within a console session via the ’&Q’ escape.

-r Match console names via regular expressions instead of globbing.

-v Enable verbose mode.

-V Display version information.

The following escapes are supported and assume the default escape character
[&]: 2/5
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Tag Description

&? Display a list of currently available escapes.

&. Terminate the connection.

&& Send a single escape character.

&B Send a "serial-break" to the remote console.

&F Switch from read-only to read-write via a "force".

&I Display information about the connection.

&J Switch from read-only to read-write via a "join".

&L Replay up the the last 4KB of console output. This escape requires the
console device to have logging enabled in the conmand configuration.

&M Switch from read-write to read-only.

&Q Toggle quiet-mode to display/suppress informational messages.

&R Reset the node associated with this console. This escape requires a
"resetcmd" to be specified in the conmand configuration.

&Z Suspend the client.

The following environment variables override the default settings.

Tag Description


  Specifies the hostname or IP address at which to contact conmand, but

may be overridden by the ’-d’ command-line option. A port number
separated by a colon may follow the hostname (ie, host:port), although
CONMAN_PORT environment variable takes precedence. If not set, the
default host [] will be used.


  Specifies the port on which to contact conmand, but may be overridden by

the ’-d’ command-line option. If not set, the default port
[7890] will be used.


  The first character of this variable specifies the escape character, but may
be overridden by the ’-e’ command-line option. If not set, the default
character [&] will be used. 3/5
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The client/server communications are not yet encrypted.

Chris Dunlap <>

Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by the Regents of the University of California.
Produced at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory. UCRL-CODE-2002-009.

ConMan is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation.

conmand (8)

The ConMan FTP site:

The ConMan Web page: / 4/5
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