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Which of the following creative thinking tools is used for exploring opportunities and challenges
in product design?
- Thinking Hats

2. This tool helps you familiarize yourself with the everyday life and environment of your target
users to understand their behavior and motivations.
- People Shadowing

3. It portrays characteristics of a segment, their behaviors & motivations, as a common reference

point in order to brainstorm ideas and test potential solutions from their perspectives
- Personas

4. In the innovation process of “Generating Ideas”, which of the following tools can be used?
- Thinking Hats & Fast Idea Generator

5. CIT University offers “one-stop shop enrolment” for its senior high school graduates where all
the office personnel for each of the enrolment process are gathered in the Golden Gear Hotel in
order to provide ease and convenience to parents and/or the incoming college freshmen. In the
Fast idea Generator tool, this is called:
- Extension

6. In the Experience Map tool, you will have to ask about the feedback from your target user. This
is called
- Outcome

7. In an R&D workshop on Thinking Hats, managers are forced to wear colored hats to allow
different viewpoints and perspectives to stimulate product ideas. If Cheryl is wearing a red hat
while Ryan is wearing a black hat, their argument will most likely happen because:
- Cheryl pinpointed her intuition, hunches and gut instinct to Ryan who spoke of
difficulties, weaknesses and dangers.

8. Which of the following responses the group of participants was wearing the white hat in the
workshop on Thinking Hats?
- There are more right-handed than left-handed students.

9. It is a method of focusing innovation on people and designing based on what people need and
- Design Thinking

10. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of design thinking?
- Interpretation
11. Design thinking is said to be because it begins from a deep understanding of the needs and
motivations of people.
- Empathetic

12. It is a design activity aimed at connecting what is “technically possible” to what is “ecological
necessary” in order to formulate new socially and culturally acceptable proposals.
- Design Thinking

13. It refers to the ease of use, learnability, quick error recovery, and support of a range of defined
- Usability

14. It is the ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or
professional reasons.
- Lifelong Learning

15. Which of the following is true about human-centered design in contrast with TRIZ.
I. Highly structured approach.
II. Loosely structured approach.
III. Focus on functionality and technical side.
IV. Focus on human needs.
- IV only

16. 1 Which of the following is not a tool of HCD during the INSPIRATION PHASE?

17. In Kano analysis, these are the attributes whose absence or poor performance results in
extreme customer dissatisfaction.

18. These are the unexpected features or product characteristics that impress the customers
leading to high satisfaction but their absence does not lead to dissatisfaction.

19. Who is the proponent or inventor of Kansei Engineering concept?

- Mitsuo Nagamachi

20. Who conceptualized Quality Function Deployment?

- Yoji Akao

21. Which of the following is correct between TRIZ and HCD?

- TRIZ focus on functionality; HCD focus on human needs
22. In CTT class, students are required to think of OOTW (out of this world) product ideas using one
of TRIZ principles. Identify which of the TRIZ principle is applied in each of this idea: CKAOcan
suggested a retractable funnel-shaped water catchment system in a solar panel.
- Thermal Expansion

23. In CTT class, students are required to think of OOTW (out of this world) product ideas using one
of TRIZ principles. Identify which of the TRIZ principle is applied in each of this idea:
JASMansueto proposed “Inflatable Clothes” wherein it makes the wearer automatically float in
high water pressure.
- Beforehand Cushioning

24. In CTT class, students are required to think of OOTW (out of this world) product ideas using one
of TRIZ principles. Identify which of the TRIZ principle is applied in each of this idea: AHFlores
thought of a face-detection door that can automatically unlocks if it identifies the home-owners.
- Mechanics Substitution

25. In CTT class, students are required to think of OOTW (out of this world) product ideas using one
of TRIZ principles. Identify which of the TRIZ principle is applied in each of this idea: MCTanaid
submitted “milk tea bar" making a famous drink portable and environmentally friendly with less
- Composite Materials

26. In CTT class, students are required to think of OOTW (out of this world) product ideas using one
of TRIZ principles. Identify which of the TRIZ principle is applied in each of this idea: JAPKaquilala
propositioned PenTune, a pen that plays a tune whenever you write.
- Dynamics

27. Storyboard is a quick, low-resolution prototype which can help you visualize your concept from
start to finish.
- True

28. The highest rating or score in Pugh Matrix is the best choice among the alternatives under study.
- True

29. IKEA is an award-winning global design firm that takes human-centered, design-based approach
to helping organizations in the public and private sectors innovate and grow.
- True

30. He developed Pugh Matrix. Provide complete name (first name family name)
- Dr. Stuart Pugh

31. The other name for Quality Function Deployment.

- matrix product planning

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