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 The 

meeting leader is key in making meetings and teams successful. In some meetings, the

leader is already the department head, the team leader, or the person appointed by senior
management to lead an initiative. These employees were selected for their leadership role because
of their perceived skills as a manager or leader.
Being the Operation Manager of the Grow Management Consultants, It
involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are
efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed and
effective in meeting customer requirements. Senior management
meetings also focus on problems and dynamic changes that a
business has to undergo over time. Managers can ease their
agenda making process with the use of senior management
meeting agenda templates. A team is assigned a specific job from
time to time. during the instances of projection activity and meeting
held among the partners, I would like to recommend the following plans
and policies:
1. Identifying the duty holders as per the rule of Work Health and Safety
2. Identifying the key duties and responsibilities of WHS
3. Risk identification procedures that guarantee that where there are
changes to a work methodology or system that a risk identification is
directed to recognize and new perils that might be made and
approaches to control these risks.
4. Process for the WHS correspondence and consultation
5. Basic strategies for risk control
6. Health and safety prerequisites for working from home

• Duty holders under WHS legislation: Chief Executive

Officer(CEO), an Administration Officer, 2 Senior Management
Consultants and an Operations Manager
• Best practice hazard identification and risk control:
Identification of risks, risk assessment and control are the best
practices to manage health and safety at work place. Identify
hazards and risk factors that have the potential to
cause harm (hazard identification). Analyze and evaluate
the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk
evaluation). Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the
hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be
eliminated (risk control). Effective controls protect
workers from workplace hazards; help avoid injuries,
illnesses, and incidents; minimize or eliminate safety and
health risks; and help employers provide workers with safe
and healthful working conditions
• Best practice WHS communication and consultation
practices: The best practices are mentioned below:
1. Choosing Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) - Health
and safety representatives (HSR) and health and safety
committees (HSC) provide the means to give workers a
voice in health and safety matters at the workplace, and
involve workers through participation and consultation.
Health and safety representatives. There can be as many
HSRs and deputy HSRs as needed, after consultation,
negotiation and agreement between workers and the
employer, or persons conducting a business or
2. Building up Health and Safety Committees - One or more
health and safety committee(s) must be established
when employers have appointed two or more health
and safety representatives or when inspectors from the
Department of Labour instruct the employers to do so.
The employer should decide on the number of health and
safety committee members. Workplaces can also choose
the composition of their occupational safety and health
committee provided the safety and health committee is
made up of half or more worker representatives. The
committee may include elected safety and health
representatives and also may have other workers elected
by the workers to represent them.
3. Conducting standard Staff Meetings - A staff meeting is an
essential part of the life of any organization. These
meetings provide an opportunity for the staff to sit
together, share information, and discuss important
matters which concern them and their respective units.
these meetings provide an opportunity for the staff to sit
together, share information, and discuss important
matters which concern them and their respective units.
Effective staff meetings have a clear agenda of topics,
follow-ups from the previous meet-up, project updates
and more. When creating the agenda, make sure to only
raise topics that are relevant for everyone, or to each
4. Conducting regular 'Tool Box' gatherings- A toolbox meeting
is an informal daily or weekly chat, usually done on-
site, about the work that will be done that week. Your
team can raise any concerns they have, as well as
discuss incidents that have happened since the last talk.
A toolbox meeting, or toolbox talk, is a short periodical
consultation at work, intended to make everybody aware
of the different safety aspects and dangers at the work
sites to increase the safety in the workplace. Toolbox
meetings are mandatory in many countries to obtain and
maintain certain certificates.

 Health and safety requirements for working from home: Some of the
requirements are:
1. Checking whether the body posture is comfortable or not.
2. Checking whether there are maximum amount of ventilation and
thermal comfort or not.
3. Taking appropriate breaks
4. Using the equipments that are issued by the company

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