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This document is Project Portfolio Template

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

Project Portfolio Template

This document will form a portfolio for submission of work for this assessment. Complete each section
and submit to the Assessor for marking with the final assessment documents.

Section 1: Background Research

Use the table below to record information about your case study business and research that you carry
out on the other two businesses. You can use this information to help you negotiate business
opportunities so ensure that you are thorough in your research so you understand what benefits and
opportunities can be made from establishing a relationship with them.

Name of your selected case study business: CANARY CONFECTIONERY FACTORY

Website link:

What is the main industry sector for this Chocolate manufacturing company

Explain the industry structure and how this We are beginning a company to make chocolates.
business fits into it. The company is called "Yummy Chocolate." Gujarat
as a whole is our target market. Retailers,
wholesalers, and merchants in Gandhi ham,
Udaipur, Rajkot, Ahmedabad, Surat, and Vadodara
are the target consumers for our products. Our
manufacturing facility is located in GIDC, Udaipur.

Outline the main products and services Three products will be manufactured by our
provided by the business (include any business. As follows:
pricing structures).
1.Milk chocolate
2. Chocolate with fruit and nuts
3. Unsweetened Chocolate

Our goal is to become the top chocolate producer in

all of India.
With the use of contemporary technology, we strive
to make goods of excellent quality at prices that are
fair for the market.
In the best interest of the client, to produce and
provide high-quality items to the consumer. 
To produce products at low prices in an effort to
promote global access to premium chocolates.
To maintain a sanitary and orderly workplace so that
Safe & Tasty Products can be produced.

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 1

This document is Project Portfolio Template
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

To work hard to meet and exceed customers'

expectations in order to establish a long-lasting
commercial connection

What memberships or associations does Our business will operate as a partnership.

the business have?

List any marketing and or purchasing Target Market: All age groups, Upper class, Middle
activities that you could offer other class, and Lower middle class
businesses to promote collaboration.
If the manufacturer of the chocolate is a prestigious
brand, the marketing materials can emphasize the
product as being unique from the typical chocolate
bar seen on the shelves.

We must decide how to position our brand and what

makes it special, so that it emphasizes both the
distinctive qualities of the brand and the quality of
the company's products.

Use the following tables for the businesses that you will meet with.

Name of first business: catering business

Website link:

What is the main industry sector for this The organization has a place with the food and
business? drink area in hospitality industry.

Explain the industry structure and how this The general design of our providing food not set in
business fits into it. stone by the organization's hierarchical targets.
For instance, if we need to create a gain, we could
plan a more modest hierarchical construction with
the single chief and leader. On the other hand, an
authoritative goal intended to support development
could lead to some degree independent offices
answering to us as the organization's chief and
proprietor. Setting clear goals from the get-go in
our organization's life permits us to rapidly carry
out our authoritative construction.

Do they have any current relationships or no

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 2

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It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

links with other businesses?

What opportunities are there to work with this


How does the business use social media to We can utilize virtual entertainment to speak with
interact within the industry? our purchasers and realize what they say
regarding our organization. We can likewise
involve virtual entertainment for publicizing, limited
time gifts, and portable applications. Clients may
be drawn to our business utilizing virtual
entertainment, and we can gather input and lay out
client dependability.

Identify how this business networks. The business network is uncovered through an
examination of the exercises of the other
neighbourhood wedding merchants.

With regard to this business, what are their Their ongoing causes of provisions are :
current sources of supply and how does this
 Wedding settings by state
compare with what you can offer?
 Wedding scenes by style
 Outdoor Wedding scenes
 Rehearsal meals
 Wedding visitor facilities
 Honeymoon and heartfelt entryways
 Deals and limits
 Use of mathematical examples
 Out of the case photograph choices
This is an enormous - scale business that
arrangements with each prerequisite of the
wedding including scenes , suppers , visitor
facilities , passages and other negligible works that
requires colossal spending plan and they can bring
in great cash from subsequently business . Cake
making business though can be a huge - scale
business as it likewise manages different
occasions and events yet it is a tiny piece of the
wedding supplies business.

What professional networks does this

business use?

In what way could you engage regular

contact with the business based upon their
current networking approaches?

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 3

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It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

Include any further information that you think

will support your understanding of the
business and that you can use to make
viable proposals or agreements for

Name of second business:

Website link:

What is the main industry sector for this


Explain the industry structure and how this

business fits into it.

Do they have any current relationships or

links with other businesses?

What opportunities are there to work with this


How does the business use social media to

interact within the industry?

Identify how this business networks.

With regard to your business, what are their

current sources of supply and how does this
compare with what you can offer?

What professional networks does this

business use?

In what way could you engage regular

contact with the business based upon their
current networking approaches?

Include any further information that you think

will support your understanding of the
business and that you can use to make
viable proposals or agreements for

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 4

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It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 5

This document is Project Portfolio Template
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

Section 2: Outcomes from networking event

Use the tables below to record information discussed with the two business you met with and reflect
on the way the agreements will be formed.

Name of Business:

Briefly summarise how you think the meeting went. What were the key takeaways?

Outline the outcomes agreed (this must relate to marketing or purchasing activities):



Explain how each outcome will Outcome 1:

benefit your business.
Outcome 2:

Outline the specifics of how each Outcome 1:

benefit will work (for example a
discount, links to the website, a Outcome 2:
contact fee).

Using a specific cost structure, Outcome 1:

explain how this can be included
as a formal agreement. Outcome 2:

How will you maintain regular

contact with this business?

What further networks can you be

part of that will support the
business relationship?

Include any further information

that you think will support
maintaining the business

Name of Business:

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 6

This document is Project Portfolio Template
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

Briefly summarise how you think the meeting went. What were the key takeaways?

Outline the outcomes agreed (this must relate to marketing or purchasing activities):



Explain how each outcome will Outcome 1:

benefit your business.
Outcome 2:

Outline the specifics of how each Outcome 1:

benefit will work (for example a
discount, links to the website, a Outcome 2:
contact fee).

Using a specific cost structure, Outcome 1:

explain how this can be included
as a formal agreement. Outcome 2:

How will you maintain regular

contact with this business?

What further networks can you be

part of that will support the
business relationship?

Include any further information

that you think will support
maintaining the business

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 7

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It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

Section 3: Contract information

Use the tables below to record information researched on key components that should be included in
a contract/agreement for each business.

Name of Business:

List the key outcomes that must be included in the contract:

Research the nature of agreements and contracts in the industry sector and their key role. List any
features and inclusions that should be included in a contract of this nature as well as the need for
specialist advice or not.

List the key components that you will include in the contract that is relevant to the industry and
state. Include:

 terms and obligations of contract

 methods of contractual agreement

 exclusion clauses

 dispute resolution clause

 termination of contracts

List any other legal requirements that may impact on negotiations that you may have with the
business (for your state and within the industry). Include links to sources of information.

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 8

This document is Project Portfolio Template
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

Name of Business:

List the key outcomes that must be included in the contract:

Research the nature of agreements and contracts in the industry sector and their key role. List any
features and inclusions that should be included in a contract of this nature.

List the key components that you will include in the contract that is relevant to the industry and
state. Include:

 terms and obligations of contract

 methods of contractual agreement

 exclusion clauses

 dispute resolution clause

 termination of contracts

List any other legal requirements that may impact on negotiations that you may have with the
business (for your state and within the industry). Include links to sources of information.

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 9

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It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

Section 4: Negotiation process

Use the table below to record the negotiation process that you will follow.

Principles of

Negotiation techniques
that you can apply

communication skills
to use when
conducting formal

communication and
relationship building

Clear stages to follow

in the negotiation

What are you willing to

concede during the

What are your ‘non-

negotiables’ that you
want to stand your
ground on during

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 10

This document is Project Portfolio Template
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITXMGT002

Section 5: Contract negotiation outcomes

Use the tables below to record the outcomes from negotiations.

Name of business:
List of changes

List of changes to be

Reasons for changes

Changes completed

Any comments or
issues during

Name of business:
List of changes

List of changes to be

Reasons for changes

Changes completed

Any comments or
issues during

SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships 11

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