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written assignment-correction
04. Describe the nutritional value in % for 100g each of the following yeast products:

  White bread has 66 calories per slice. 11% fat, 77% carbohydrates, and 12%
White protein make up the calories. If it's not too much difficulty, take note that some
bread food types could not be appropriate for certain people, and you are urged to seek a
doctor's advice before beginning any weight loss effort or diet regimen.         
Whole meal  Whole meal bread has 128 calories per slice. Calorie Composition: 71%
Bread  carbohydrates, 17% fat, and 12% protein.                         
Croissant has 114 calories. 5.9 g of fat, 2.3 g of protein, and 13 g of carbohydrates
Croissants make up this meal. The final option contains only 0.7 g of nutritional fiber and 3.2
g of sugar; the remaining carbs are confusing.
Danish pastry has 26 calories. 1.5 g of fat, 0.5 g of protein, and 2.9 g of starch are
Danish all present in one meal. The final option only has 0.1 g of dietary fiber and 1.3 g of
pastry sugar; the remaining carbs are complex.

15. What effects do different proofing methods have on the dough? List some proofing methods.


Proofing procedures aid in the creation of dough that is the correct size and form, as well as having a
decent texture and look. The fermentation that occurs during the proving process has an impact on
the flavor of the dough.
Some of the proofing procedures are as follows:

 Aging

 Rising

 First Proof

 Last Proof
 Over Proofing and Under Proofing

Unique Proofing Equipment

 Batter proofer or sealing box: This establishes a warm climate with controlled
moistness for ideal sealing conditions.

 Batter retarder: A fridge for the last sealing of mixture. It controls the maturation of
yeast, which can assist with making a more sharp and delightful portion of bread.

 Benetton: A basketlike compartment utilized for last sealing. It frequently makes an

example on the highest point of the bread.

 Couched: A material used to wrap or cover your last evidence as it plays out its last

21. What effects would you have if you use chilled ingredients and work surfaces when preparing
yeast products? Why is this different from preparing cakes and short pastry?
Answer text
325°F to 350°F (163°C to 177°C): This is probably the most frequent temperature range for everyday
baking. Caramelization (browning of sugars) and the Maillard process begin to occur at temperatures
above 300°F (browning of proteins)
please review your response 

26. Answer the following thoroughly:

(a) Define what is butter aeration?
(b) Give 1 example of both physical and chemical aeration?


A) The most typical method of introducing a gas, like air, into a liquid or sticky structure is referred
to as butter aeration. Beaten eggs give cooked goods, such wipe cake, more volume and a
lighter surface. The process is more properly referred to as raising when whole eggs are beaten
and utilized to circulate air through prepared goods.

B) Physical aeration to Pastry Products

Example of chemical reaction incorporate processing, ignition, and cooking.

27. When making cakes, pastries and breads what is the optimum temperature for ingredients, work
surfaces and the work environment?


Ingredient: Ingredient:
Surface: Surface:
Environment Environment
: :

Answer text
Ingredient:           60 degree        Ingredient:        100 degree           Ingredient:         120 degree   
Surface:      40 degree Surface:    70 degree  Surface:   90 degree
Environment:            50 degree  Environment:          110 degree      Environment:    90 degree

temperatures are too high 

28. Should sponge batters be stirred or whisked? Explain your answer thoroughly:


For best outcomes, utilize an inflatable whisk — one of the large bulbous ones — mixing tenderly until
the fixings are integrated and the player is eased up.

 Likewise known as the 'whipping' strategy and is normally utilized for wipes, egg whites for
meringue, Pavlov cakes, and for chiffon items. While making wipe cakes, a large portion of the
sugar is added to the eggs prior to starting whipping. During egg whipping, air cells are framed
and integrated in with the general mish-mash.
 Wipe is likewise an overall quite honest ally for any layer cake need to make. It doesn't take over
flavor wise, it keeps down and pleasantly supplements whichever buttercream or icing you have
at the top of the priority list to fill it with. In any case, wipe player can be a piece hard to get

29. How would you choose and prepare the tin/mould for the following items?
Madeira cake
Mini Quiche
Hot cross buns
 Madeira cake

Anyway since the recipe was initially distributed people have found that the tin sizes appear to
have changed somewhat, alongside the portrayal of the size, and in certain cases now this would
be depicted as a 900g/2-pound portion tin.Subsequently we like to give the elements of the tin
utilized and in the event that you are purchasing a tin, the dimensions are generally given with
the tin, or are not difficult to measure in the event that people have one at home. The aspects
don't need to be definite and people can utilize a tin with 2-3cm/1 inch variety in width or length.
The aspects are given in the recipe as length x width x profundity. In metric they are 23 x 17 x
13cm or in supreme 9 x 5 x 3 inches.

 Mini Quiche
People like to utilize an ordinary biscuit tin to make Mini Quiche. A few recipes call for patty
cake dish (shallow adjusted base) or smaller than expected biscuit tins, however I find that
standard biscuit tins make the ideal size scaled down quiche. The state of them considers
genuinely straight walls which holds in the filling, and they are amazing 2 scaled down.

 Hot cross buns

Hot cross buns are usually made on metal cooling rack. Hot Cross Buns are sweet rolls, softly
flavored with cinnamon and nutmeg and studded with tart raisins or raisins.

30. Some pastry recipes require an initial hotter temperature in the oven (e.g. 220 degrees Celsius)
before reducing the temperature. Why is this?

 Typical oven (Convection broiler)

Set the oven to 200° C (400° F - gas 6) and prepare in the broiler for 20 minutes to 25 minutes. Check
following 20 minutes as it's not difficult to consume the edges from cooking for a really long time.

 Fan oven (Fan helped broiler)

Set the oven to 180° C and prepare in the broiler for 15 to minutes to 20 minutes. Check
following 15 minutes as it's not difficult to consume the edges from cooking for a really long

some pastry recipes require an initial hotter temperature in the oven before reducing the temperature
because of these exemptions.

 Exemptions from this requirement

While the broiler temperature should be the same 200° C (400° F - gas 6), [fan stove 180° C and reduce
cooking time by 10 minutes per hour] when the filling of the baked good is extremely wet or cool and
likely to lower the cake cooking temperature inside the pie, you may need a prolonged mixing period of
up to 30 minutes to ensure the cake is properly cooked. Regularly check to make sure it isn't consuming.
Any portions that appear to be at risk of becoming overcooked can be covered with a layer of aluminum
foil. They won't be able to eat because of this.

34. What information should be included in any food labelling / coding within a commercial kitchen?


 Utilize a few sorts of names that will compare to the sort of food being put away. For
instance, there are dissolving names that will vanish inside a couple of moments upon contact
with water. There are likewise cool temperature marks that can endure frosty temperatures.
 People can buy pre-created names that can simply be finished up with the essential data.
Along these lines, they'll invest less energy sorting out what data is required. Pre-made names
might be more expensive than DIY ones, however they'll save their business large chunk of
change by making it simpler for them to follow food handling norms.
 Food pivot names are additionally strongly suggested for eateries. These names incorporate
data about the sort of food, date of expansion to the capacity compartment, and the
termination date.
 Information to include:

One of the main things to recollect while figuring out how to mark food in a business kitchen is to
understand what subtleties to remember for the name. For the most part, every mark ought to
incorporate the name of the food, obtaining or prep date, and the lapse date. Notwithstanding, for
particular sorts of food, more data ought to be added.

This is the very thing you really want to know while dating and marking particular kinds of food.

 Labeling for Food Storage

Incorporate the accompanying data for things that require temperature or time control:

 Sort of food (Remember to utilize normal names that staff can without much of a stretch
 Date the food was ready.
 Use-by date.

36. How do you prepare choux pastry?


In contrast to other cakes, choux is baked twice, first on the stovetop and once more under the
broiler. The cake rises in the stove due to the high moisture content, creating a solid crust with an
empty center. Choux cake is the inspiration behind the French dessert masterpieces gougères,
profiteroles, and éclairs.


 50g of white flour

 250ml of water
 50 grams of butter
 2 eggs

 Set the stove's temperature to 200°C or gas mark 6.

 In a small pan, melt the margarine with the water until it is stewing.
 The flour should leave the sides of the dish as one cohesive piece after being poured into
the skillet and whisked together with a wooden spoon.
 Remove the container from the heat and let the mixture cool somewhat before gradually
adding the egg and beating until you have a smooth, elastic glue.
 For chocolate éclairs, pipe the mixture into lengths on a baking sheet covered with
parchment paper; for profiteroles, pipe it into balls.
 Put the plate down after applying a little water to the tip of your finger to flatten down
any peaks.

What would you look for when assessing the quality of a Choux pastry product?

1. Be coordinated. Have every one of your fixings prepared, eggs at room temperature, broiler
preheated and all the gear all set before you start.

2. Hose baking paper. The steam helps the choux baked good to rise. That is the reason there's
heaps of water in the blend. People can make significantly more steam by running their baking
paper (material paper) under a virus tap for a couple of moments then shaking off any
overabundance water prior to covering their baking plate.

3. Try not to over heat up water/margarine combination. Once more, need all that water for
steam so don't allow pot to bubble for a really long time, so when the pot comes to the bubble,
eliminate it from the intensity straight away then add flour so it don't lose water as it vanishes

4. "Shoot" the flour. Need to add the flour rapidly and across the board go to the bubbling
water/margarine combination so it cooks equitably. Take a piece of baking paper, make a
wrinkle down the middle then open in back up. Filter the flour straight onto the paper then utilize
this to tip the flour in with one hand while mixing vivaciously with the other.

5. Flaunt weapons. Guarantee that mix is enthusiastically with a wooden spoon (or electric
blender) while adding the flour, then keep on beating until the combination leaves from the side
of the pan. Need to foster the gluten with the goal that have light cake, yet likewise don't have
any desire to exhaust it, so when it leaves from the sides, quit beating.
6. Add the eggs each in turn. It might seem as though the combination is isolating, however stay
with it and it will transform into a thick gleaming glue.

7. Release some pressure. After the choux cake is cooked, penetrate the lower part of every
baked good with a stick or a blade to deliver the steam that had assisted them with rising. This
assists them with drying out.

8. Pass on in the broiler to cool. This is a tip from my sweetheart mother. Switch off the broiler,
pass on the entryway slightly open and return the cakes to the stove to permit them to cool there.
This dries them out significantly further.

37. How long will dry cakes typically last if stored at room temperature? How can you maximise this


Cake's realistic usability time depends on a number of factors, including the stocking plan and
preparation strategy. Additionally, the sell by date affects how long a cake can be consumed. If the
extra cake is stored at room temperature, it will only last a few days. If it is stored in a cold, dark
place, it will last longer.

Storage at Room Temperature: Most birthday cakes can be kept at room temperature for a few days,
usually 3 days or so before the moisture starts to wilt. For optimal results, keep the cake in a cake tin
or an air- and water-tight container.

40. List 2 standard safety features on a commercial mixer that’s used in production of cakes, pastries
and breads?

1. Set hardware and edges up accurately according to producer's directions.

2. Never feed food into the processor the hard way.

49. Provide a brief overview of the history of pastry?


Pastry might have its origins in ancient Egypt. In any event, it seems that the
Romans and Greeks were the ones who initially contributed by using cake in bread
kitchens. For instance, the Roman Empire created baklava. Over the course of the
seventeenth century, cake baking gained tremendous popularity. At that period, a
few eternal manifestations were made, such puff cake.

 The historical backdrop of baked good in the Roman Empire.

Because oil was still used in those days and causes bread to lose its stiffness, the Romans and
Greeks battled mightily to make a nice pastry. At that time, baking delicious pastries as an art
and a new career evolved. The many stages of breeding production at the period are depicted in
inscriptions on the grave of a Roman baker from the first century A.D.

 The development of pastries in Europe.

The skill of pastry baking gained broad popularity in Europe and throughout the world in the
17th century. In the streets of London, pastries sell like hotcakes. Many people started using
pastry baking as a viable business. In Paris, the very first cafeteria offering baked products was
established. Baking powder was created in 1856 when people saw the decently fluffy texture it
brought to cakes and pastries. Another pivotal moment for the sector came in 1856 with the
release of yeast on the market.

 Present-day pastry making.

High-tech baking equipment is now readily available, making the job simpler and improving the
quality of the final product. The art of baking requires a great deal of skill, knowledge, and
understanding of various scientific and hygienic principles. Pastry making has undergone several
experimentation throughout the years, leading to an endless variety of pastries with higher-
than-ever quality.

52. What temperature should pie dough be kept at during mixing and makeup? Explain why this is

Pie dough outdoors involves two steps: preheating and baking. 400 degrees Fahrenheit or 200
degrees Celsius should be set for the stove.
The importance of batter temperature in baking because temperature is one of the main promoters of
energy maturation, it's important to maintain a sufficiently high, and constant, batter temperature
during the whole baking cycle. Naturally, this becomes more problematic as the weather becomes
colder and occasionally people fail to see how it's benefiting us.

57. Why should you consider the amount of filling used in production of cakes and pastries? Explain
why this is important

 To acquire the complex reactions which   people actually desire and to consistently achieve the
perfect dependable result   calculations must be precise. Since prepared goods are a science project that
is very forgiving, estimation is essential in baking. Huge differences in outcomes can result from little
adjustments. Every ingredient that goes into making cake has a purpose. One fixing changed, and the
entire cake was affected. For businesses that must provide consistency to their customers, precise
estimation is important. Furthermore, as you can see, each of the exercises is challenging.

58. What are pre-bake finishes and decorations? List 3 types that can be used?


Here are three different kinds of pre-cake finishes and decorations:

1. Whipped butter cream.

Whipped butter cream is just heavy cream that has been whipped to stiff peaks (it may also be
improved or enhanced). It has the appearance of French meringue, but instead of egg whites, it is
only thick cream. In comparison to buttercream, this task is quite light and airy, and all of those tiny
air bubbles are very simple to remove.

2. Royal icing.
A firm white icing known as royal icing is created by gently beating egg whites, icing sugar, and
occasionally lemon or lime juice. It is used to embellish a variety of cakes and biscuits, including
Christmas cakes, wedding cakes, gingerbread homes, and cookies. It can be utilized in sharp peaks or
as a smooth coating. To keep the icing from hardening too quickly, glycerin is frequently used.
Marzipan is typically used underneath the royal icing when icing cakes to prevent the icing from
turning color.

3. Whipping cream.
Whipping cream is liquid heavy cream that is beaten with a whisk or mixer until it is light and soft
and retains its shape, or by the formation of gaseous fragments that surround a hard colloid.
Frequently, white sugar is added to enrich it, and vanilla seasoning is occasionally added.

59. For each of the cakes/sponges below list the appropriate tin or mould needed to make the product,
and explain why you believe that it should be used?



Sponge Cake



Rum Babas

Answer text


Quiches When these tin or mold are used the cake is baked properly
and made in proper texture, taste and moisture.                       

Fluted round Quiche tin


Victoria sponge tin These tin helps to make sponge cake airy and light.

Friands Mini muffin tin. It helps to properly bake the friands and tastes good.

Chocolate Ring-formed with an

It helps to make chocolate Bundt cooked properly.
Bundt opening in the center.

  6/12 Hole carbon steel  It helps to keep the food free of contamination.                     
Rum 5 cm tall, slightly It helps to make rum baba a perfect cooking items by
Baba tapered cylinder. cooking it properly and baked adequately.

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