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BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports

Student Must Fill this Section
Student ID: Term: Year:

“I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in
the auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”.
“I declare that:
 The material I have submitted is my own work;
 I have given references for all sources of information that
are not my own, including the words, ideas and images of
Student Signature: Date:

Assessment Outcome

Assessor Name:

Not Yet Assessor

Attempt Satisfactory Date
Satisfactory Signature

Initial attempt  

2nd attempt/Re-
assessment  

Information for Student:

 All work is to be entirely of the student.

General Information for this assessment:

 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.

 Be sure to PRINT your FIRST name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, essay reports, etc. The
student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
 All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of
 If the student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to
interpret the assessment.
 Re-submission of assessment after the term will incur additional fees.

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter,
clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. This should be submitted after
completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.

Re-assessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-assessment
 Academic Manager will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment.
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed
comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic Manager OR if need be an external
 The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The
decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent
advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol
in that subject.

The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement
based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and

Academic Appeals:
 If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal
through academic appeals handling protocol.
 To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for Appeal of a
Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website.
The completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in
hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta NSW 2150,
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted
within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a
medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three
working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
 The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
 Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as
detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.

Please note you need to fully complete all tasks included in your assessment booklet
to gain competency in this unit.

Assessment Schedule
Task Due Date Learner Trainer Sign Comments
Sign Off

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Task 1 Week 2

Comments/Feedback to Students

You are to answer all written questions.



 Access to textbooks and other learning materials

 Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required)
 Access to Microsoft Word or similar program


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this
task in class (where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about
resubmission. You will need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

 This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
 You must answer all questions in this task correctly.
 You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar
program – your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed
assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy.
 If there are tables included in your task that you need to fill out, you may choose to
recreate them in a word processing application. If you have been provided with an
electronic version of this booklet, you may prefer to type your answers directly into the


The following written questions may use a range of ‘instructional words’, such as ‘identify’ or
‘explain’. These words will guide you as to how you should answer the question. Some
questions will also tell you how many answers you need to give – for example, ‘Describe three
 Describe – when a question asks you to ‘describe’, you will need to state the most
noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or
three sentences in length.
 Explain – when a question asks you to ‘explain’, you will need to make clear how or why
something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response of
two or three sentences in length.
 List – when a question asks you to ‘list’, this means you will need to briefly state
information in a list format, often with a specific number of items indicated.
 Outline – when a question asks you to ‘outline’, this means giving only the main points.
Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Question 1
Explain the basic principles of double entry bookkeeping

The basic principle of twofold passage According to bookkeeping, each
charge part should have a corresponding credit section, and each credit
section should have a correlating charge section. Accounting is built on this

Some of the basic principles of double entry bookkeeping system are

explained below:

Two gatherings:
Every exchange includes two gatherings - charge and credit. As indicated by
the primary standards of this framework, each charge of some sum makes
relating credit, or each credit makes the comparing charge for a similar

Provider and recipient:

Every exchange should have one provider and one collector.

Trade of equivalent sum:

How much cash of an exchange the party gives is equivalent to the sum the
party gets.
Separate element: Under this framework, business is treated as a different
substance from the proprietor. Here the business is considered as a
different element.

Double perspectives:
Every exchange is partitioned into two viewpoints. The left half of the
exchange charge and the right side is credit.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Under twofold passage framework entirety of charge is equivalent to the
entirety of credit. In its ascertainment of the outcome is simple.

Complete bookkeeping framework:

Double section framework is a logical and complete bookkeeping

If a company borrows $5000, its assets are credited $5000 and its liabilities are
deducted $5000.

Question no 2
Explain the three golden rules of accounting and how they apply to double
entry accounting?

3 Golden guidelines of bookkeeping

1. Charge the beneficiary and credit the provider

The standard of charging the beneficiary and crediting the provider
becomes an integral factor with individual records. An individual record is
an overall record account relating to people or associations.Assuming that
people get something, charge the record. Assuming you give something,
credit the record.

Looking at two or three instances of this first brilliant rule beneath.

Model 1
Let's assume people buy $1,000 worth of products from Company ABC. In
the books, people really want to charge the Purchase Account and credit
Company ABC. Since the provider, Company ABC, is giving products, really
want to credit Company ABC. Then, people want to charge the collector,
Purchase Account.

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
2. Charge what comes in and credit what goes out
For genuine records, utilize the second brilliant rule. Genuine records are
additionally alluded to as long-lasting records. Genuine records don't close
at year-end. All things considered, their equilibriums are continued to the
following bookkeeping time frame.

A genuine record can be a resource account, a responsibility account, or a

value account. Genuine records additionally incorporate contra resources,
responsibility, and value accounts.With a genuine record, when something
comes into business (e.g., a resource), charge the record. When something
leaves your business, credit the record.

Suppose some one bought furniture for $2,500 in real money. Charge
Furniture Account (what comes in) and credit Cash Account (what goes

3. Charge costs and misfortunes, credit pay and gains

The last brilliant rule of bookkeeping manages ostensible records. An
ostensible record is a record that some one close toward the finish of each
bookkeeping period. Ostensible records are additionally called brief
records. Impermanent or ostensible records incorporate income, cost, and
gain and misfortune accounts.With ostensible records, charge the record in
the event that their business has a cost or misfortune. Credit the record
assuming that some one business needs to record pay or gain.

Model: Expense or misfortune

Let's assume some one buy $3,000 of products from Company XYZ. To record
the exchange,they should charge the cost ($3,000 buy) and credit the pay.

Question no 3
Explain the purpose of a general journal in accounting and give at least two
examples of transactions that may be recorded in this journal.

An overall diary is a well-organized bookkeeping record of a company's
financial transactions. The primary motive for this is to assist in the
compromise of records and the creation of budget reports.

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Resource deals, degradation, interest pay and interest expense, and stock
deals are examples of exchanges noted in the overall journal.

Question no 4
Explain the purpose of a general ledger in accounting and give at least two
examples of transactions that may be recorded in this journal.

An overall diary is a well-organized bookkeeping record of a company's
financial transactions. The primary motive for this is to assist in the
compromise of records and the creation of budget reports.
Resource deals, degradation, interest pay and interest expense, and stock
deals are examples of exchanges noted in the overall journal

Question no 5
Describe what is meant by “Fair Value” under AASB 116.

In a systematic exchange between market members at the estimation date,

fair worth is the value that would be received to sell a resource or paid to
relocate a risk. (For further information, see AASB 13 Fair Value
Measurement.) The sum by which the conveyance measure of a resource
exceeds the recovered amount is known as a debilitation disaster. At the
estimation date, fair esteem is the cost of selling a resource or paying to
move an obligation in a systematic exchange between market participants.
The goal of this Standard is to endorse the bookkeeping treatment for
property, plant, and equipment so that users of financial reports can see
information about a company's interest in its property, plant, and
equipment, as well as the success of that investment.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Question no 6
When working as an accountant you will spend many hours seated at your
desk and at the computer, possibly doing lots of data entry. List three OHS
issues you might need to consider, ensuring you are working safely and are
not at risk of accident, injury or illness.

Three ohs issues we might need to consider ,ensuring when we are in
working palce are :

1) Falls and Objects that Fall , Exposure to chemicals.

2) Fire dangers. , Electrical Dangers

3) Repetitive Motion Injury (RMI) is a type of repetitive motion injury.

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Question no 7
Research the Internet and find out how the Privacy Act 1988 will be
changed in regard to storage of client data on cloud servers. What would an
accounting firm need to do if it stores client data on an online/cloud
accounting system?

The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) is the chief piece of Australian
regulation safeguarding the treatment of individual data about people. This
incorporates the assortment, use, stockpiling and exposure of individual
data in the government public area and in the confidential area.
Clients access programming programs over the Internet or another company
via a cloud application expert co-op in distributed computing. The use of
cloud bookkeeping software relieves the company of the need to install and
maintain software on individual workstations.

We just pay for what we use.

Scaling and descaling adaptability.

Malware protection is improved.

Short-term specialized assistance.

Access to information on a continuous basis.

Empower the automation of work processes.

Joining forces is a breeze.

Question no 8
Review the APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants on the
Internet. Explain what a Member of Business should do if they are not
satisfied that the financial statements of an employing organisation are
presented in line with Australian Accounting Standards.

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Gorillas 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (counting
Independence Standards) (the Code) depends on the International Code of
Ethics for Professional Accountants (Including International Independence
Standards) gave by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants
The Code of Professional Conduct (Code) is an enacted code that sets out
the expert and moral principles expected of enlisted charge specialists and
BAS specialists. It frames the obligations that specialists owe to their
clients, the Tax Practitioners Board (Board) and different specialists. This
Code isn't planned to cheapen any liabilities which might be forced by
regulation or then again guideline. The AUASB has given evaluating
guidelines as authoritative instruments under the Corporations Act 2001
(the Act). For reviews and audits under the Act, those principles have
lawful enforceability. To the degree that those evaluating guidelines make
reference to applicable moral necessities, the prerequisites of APES 110
have legitimate enforceability due to Auditing Standard ASA 102
Compliance with Ethical Requirements while Performing Reviews, Reviews
and Other Assurance Engagements.

Question no 9
Review the APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants on the
Internet. Explain how threats to compliance with the fundamental
principles occur.
Individuals may be squeezed (either remotely or by chance of individual
addition) to allow themselves to be associated to, posing dangers to
adherence to the basic criteria, such as personal circumstance or terrifying
hazards to trustworthiness, objectivity, or professional ability and due
care. When an expert bookkeeper detects threats to compliance with key
standards and determines that those threats are not at an acceptable level
based on an assessment of those threats, the expert bookkeeper will
determine whether appropriate safeguards are available and can be applied
to. Many threats are classified as follows:
(a) Self-interest; (b) Self-survey; (c) Advocacy; (d) Familiarity;
and (e) Intimidation.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Question no 10
Explain the Australian Securities & Investments Commission’s (ASIC’s)
role in approving
codes of practice for the financial services sector. List their criteria for

ASIC is in charge of overseeing Australian businesses, financial business

sectors, monetary administrations associations (including banks, life and
general insurance plans, and superannuation assets), and experts who deal
in and advise on speculations, superannuation, insurance, store assuming,
and acknowledgment. ASX is a centralized exchange that provides services
such as posts, swapping, clearing, and settlement, as well as specialized
and data administrations, innovation, information, and other post-exchange
services. It functions as a market administrator, clearing house, and
payment system facilitator. Change your behavior to get better results
from buyers and investors. To maintain trust and respectability in the
monetary framework, take action against misbehavior. promote the
development of a sound and innovative financial framework Assist
Australians in taking control of their financial lives.

Administrative mission.
Vault mission.
Official obligations.
Administrative appoarch.
ASIC corporate arrangement.

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Question 11
Explain whether financial services industry associations have to seek
approval from ASIC regarding their codes of practice. Give examples of at
least two financial services industry codes of practice.
ASIC is in charge of overseeing Australian businesses, financial business
sectors, monetary administrations associations (including banks, life and
general insurance plans, and superannuation assets), and experts who deal
in and advise on ventures, superannuation, insurance, store assuming, and
praise. maintain, work with, and improve the presentation of the monetary
framework and its components advance in the monetary system secure and
informed interaction between financial supporters and purchasers Direct
the legislation effectively and with little procedural requirements.

The examples of financial services industry codes of practice are ;

Important obligations and general commitments of the bank.

Bank administrations practice.
Financial administration information.
The purpose of debates, observations, and authorizations is to reach a

Question no 12
List four types of laws that ASIC administers.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (ASIC Act)

Business Names Registration Act 2011.
Companies Act 2001 (Corporations Act)
Insurance Policies Act 1984.
Public Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (National Credit Act).

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Question no 13
Explain two posting methods used in computerised accounting systems.

Two posting methods used in computerised accounting systems are :

Real – Time
When the Save button is selected after the exchanges have been placed,
they are displayed on the diaries and the overall record. This method can
help every one to save time and is appropriate for most business and
organizational situations. This method is used by the majority of

Batch posting .
When the Save button is selected after placing an exchange, the program
saves it and posts it in a gathering. Everybody can print registers and
thoroughly examine the group of exchanges before presenting them on the
diaries when the employ cluster posting.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Question no 14
You need to prepare end of month financial reports. How would you make
sure you have all the data you need?

We should make sure the following steps to prepare the end of month
financial reports which are listed below:

1) Collect information Closing the books is a procedure that requires a lot

of information.

2) Consolidate the Accounting Parts.

3) Accounts that can be accommodated.

4) Consider inventory and fixed assets.

5) Examine the financial statements.

6) Last but not least.

7) Prepare for the Upcoming Closing.

8)Less manual labor is required.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Question no 15
Assume that you have been provided with the data for the end of financial
month report. However, you have found some errors. What should you do in
this situation and whom would you speak to?
Earlier Period Errors should be revised Retrospectively in the fiscal reports.
Review application implies that the amendment influences just earlier
period near figures. Current period sums are unaffected. In this way,
similar measures of every earlier period introduced which contain blunders
are rehashed.

We should do the things listed below :

1) we should determine the ramifications of the blunder.

2) should go to the fiscal reports to find the bookkeeping period during

which the error occurred.

3) we should Correct the error in the fiscal summaries for the period
during which the error occurred.

4) By indicating the revisions, change the claims for the next time frame.

Explain the difference between balance day adjustments required for accruals and balance
day adjustments required for prepayments. Give an example of each.

Prepaid costs are not the same as accumulated costs. Prepaid costs are
payments made ahead of time for labor and things that will be delivered or
used in the future. Prepaid costs are viewed as resources on the monetary
record, whereas gathered costs address liabilities. Balance day adjustments
are adjustments that should be made to specific records near the end of
the fiscal year so that they accurately reflect the company's position.
Accumulated costs and arrangements are separated in bookkeeping by their
different levels of certainty. All gathered costs have already been incurred,
but they have not yet been paid. Arrangements are paradoxically assigned
to likely, if uncertain, future duties. A modification to your balance day is
one that you genuinely want to make.

Outline the reasons why an adjustment for depreciation expense is required at the end of
each reporting period.

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
The justification behind utilizing deterioration to continuously lessen the
recorded expense of a proper resource is to perceive a part of the
resource's cost while the organization records the income that was created
by the decent resource. Changing passages update bookkeeping records
toward the finish of a period for any exchanges that poor person yet been
recorded. These passages are important to guarantee the pay proclamation
and asset report present the right, modern numbers. Year-end changes will
be changes that should be made to the monetary record and benefit and
misfortune proclamation to guarantee that the year-end reports are an
exact impression of the organization's records. Changes guarantee that the
monetary record reports every one of the financial assets the organization
possesses and each of the commitments the organization owes. Changes
guarantee that the incomes procured and expenses brought about during
the period are reflected in the pay proclamation .

Distinguish between an allocation approach and a valuation approach to depreciation
according to AASB1021 and AAS4.

Explain why it is important for estimates of the useful lives and expected residual values of
depreciable non-current assets to be reviewed annually.

An entity should assess useful life at least once a year to verify that the
assets' useful life is appropriately defined across the life of the assets. This
will help to guarantee that depreciation costs are correctly calculated and
reflected in the asset's economic worth to the company. The concept of
useful life is significant in accounting since it is used to calculate
depreciation. Expensing a fixed asset over the number of years it generates
revenue is known as depreciation.
All of the possessions have a limited lifespan and must be replaced from
time to time. We must be able to replace them when they approach the
end of their useful life. we can calculate the amount of money we should
set away if we want to replace them with cash up front by keeping track of
their estimated useful lifetimes and residual values. If we are asked to get
an insurance policy to cover replacement expenses if the item is damaged
early, we can evaluate whether or not this is a good investment.
Are we able to acquire £500 immediately, for example, if a fridge costs
£500 to replace? If that's the case, it's most likely.
 Your answers to each question.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Assessment Record Checklist


Yes No
Did the student answer all questions correctly? (Please note which questions were answered
incorrectly, if applicable.)
If ‘no’ to the above, did you identify gaps in the student’s understanding and knowledge?
If ‘yes’ to the above, what arrangements have been made for reassessment?
Please add any feedback to the student about this task on the Assessment Cover Sheet. Keep a copy of the
completed Assessment Task Cover Sheet.
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

¨ I have reviewed the mapping to this task.

¨ I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the student
has satisfactorily demonstrated the knowledge required of this unit.
Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback
is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the

Assessment Task 1 outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Date: ___________________________________

Student name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

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