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SITXCCS007 - Enhance customer service

Assessment 3 – Written Assessment

Trainee Name Keshab Rimal

Trainee ID Number 47235

Trainer/ Assessor Name

Submission Attempt Attempt 1 - ☐ Attempt 2 - ☐ Attempt 3 - ☐

Trainee Declaration:
"I hereby certify that:
 This assessment is my own work based on my personal study/research, in my own words.
 I have cited all sources and material used to assist my research for this assessment.
 I have not copied or plagiarized any part of this assessment from another student.
 I or any other student has not submitted this assessment previously.
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1 Describe the following conflict resolution techniques

Accommodating is a means of agreeing to the choices or

intentions of yet another party. They're not demanding, but
they're also not accommodating. This may appear to be a polite
technique to compromise when one sees one has been
mistaken regarding these issues.


Conflict avoidance is a reaction to conflict in which a person tries to

avoid tackling the issue directly. Changing the subject, delaying a
conversation, or simply attempting to help brought up the
surroundings of contention are all instances of ways to do otherwise.


Collaboration is a mix of aggression and cooperative in which

participants start to figure together to come up with an
alternative that appropriately meets everyone's issues. This
strategy, which is the absolute antithesis of procrastination,
enables the clients to achieve their goals while reducing
negative sentiments.
Displacement entails escaping from a confrontation but doing nothing
that could be construed as rocking the boat. This gives the individual
a sense of security, but it does not fix the problem. If nothing is done,
the problem will only get worse. One individual might make up the
difference of a colleague who dislikes confrontation in such a team
context, which could also causes frustration and anger. When a crisis
Compromising emerges and everyone else on the organization has an evasive
tactic, production suffers so nobody desires to stand up and be

Competing is a psychological condition where someone who puts

someone else's needs ahead of those of others. It is built on
intimidation, forceful interpersonal communication, and a lack of
consideration for emotional connections. Entrepreneurial
personalities prefer to be in command of the discussion, both in
regards of substance and general principles.

Describe, in point form, the steps you would follow to resolve conflict. Answer should include
at least

Step 1: Take some deep breaths, pause, and disconnect.

Step 2: Find a conflict resolution expert.
Step 3: Select the Appropriate Material.
Step 4: Recognize the Problem.
Step 5: Start a discussion.
Step 6: Listen attentively.
Step 7: Come to an agreement.
Step 8: Make a firm decision.
Step 9: Determine what is causing the disagreement.
Step 10: Stand back and look at the whole picture. Boost Your Leadership Abilities:
3 Describe 5 reasons why it is important to gather customer feedback.

1. Provides insight into what one’s consumers enjoy and detest.

2. Demonstrates to consumers that their viewpoints are valued.
3. Provides you with an unbiased assessment of your firm.
4. Assists you in understanding market conditions.
5. Enhances the quality of the product and operations

Describe 5 strategies appropriate to hospitality that you can implement to gather effective
customer feedback.
• A live chat feature is provided.
• Popular Television Stations
• There are different types of interviews: polls and application forms.
• A technique for providing helpful feedback on a website.
• Pay attention to what others are expressing on other platforms.

5 Describe what you should do with the feedback received in Q4

when I received negative feedback I should do :

1. I should carefully review the input.

When I receive bad feedback, I should set aside some time to carefully review it. This preliminary
examination will helps me to determine whether the criticism is worthwhile and, if so, how should I respond
to it.

2. Making a fortification request.

I might need to request more help depending on how hostile the criticism is. I'll find it helpful to run the
information by a colleague or supervisor and obtain their thoughts. I might be angry and dissatisfied because
I were the one who received the input directly, therefore it helps to host a third party to not respond

3. I should react appropriately.

After I calmed down and gathered all the information i need about this circumstance, I can begin formulating
a response. I must be polite and communicate as efficiently as is reasonably expected.

4. I should consider their criticisms.

If I've determined that their criticism is worthwhile, I won't want the partnership to cease when the response
does. Even if it was unfavourable, the critique aimed to improve both my company and the interactions
between the two clients. Consider how I may respond to their criticism to present a more sensible, client-
focused front.

when I received positive feedback:

1. I should review the critique.

Just because something is certain it doesn't mean I can read it once and have a party. Positive critique must
nevertheless be analysed for its main elements. What exactly about my business does the client or potential
client love?

2. Thanking them and offering them a promotion inside the company.

Obviously, thanking them for their insightful comments should be my most lasting accomplishment. Only
23% of customers have sent a nice email to a company, and only 20% have created a favourable web
survey, according to Hub Spot Research. In this sense, it is evident that it is uncommon for customers to
directly criticize businesses.

3. I should send the suitable lead for assistance to deals.

Checking to determine if they are a repeated customer now that I have to be confirmed that they are
interested in my image. Yahoo! if this is the case. My company exhibits extraordinary client loyalty and
subsequently maintenance.

4. I should request testimonials.

These customers will almost certainly be brand ambassadors, as I might anticipate. In any case, I should
consider directly requesting references from them to make the most of their help.

6 Identify 5 strategies that you could implement to identify customer’s needs?

1. I ought to convey quality client care.
Not generally "great item quality" is what clients search for. Clients lean toward brands that offer constant
help. In this way, My help groups ought to zero in on offering frictionless assistance experience and further
develop client handoff.

2. I should diagram the client process.

Understanding the various client touch points and how they interact with my business across these contact
points is a remarkable way to handle client needs. I should map out the interactions with my clients with my
products or services to get a sense of how they work together.

3. I should measure consumer loyalty consistently.

The key KPIs are consumer loyalty score (CSAT), net advertiser score (NPS), and client exertion score
(CES) help in estimating execution, screen, and break down fulfilment level in the general client venture. It
gives profound bits of knowledge into my general business execution. In light of that I can develop the
regions along with nicely and having provisos.CSAT scores can assist with joining pioneers recognize
instructing chances to further develop specialist execution, give specialists deceivability into their singular
presentation to energize self-amending conduct.
4. Be predictable in client correspondence.
It requires no investment to make a bad introduction on my clients and shows that my business
methodologies are not coordinated. I can meet my clients' necessities assuming that I put forth the right
attempts to grasp the objectives and capacities of the organization. I should train my help group with client
assistance behaviour to address client issues really. I should give constant help to my clients with live client
commitment devices.

5. I ought to foster a client driven culture

One extraordinary method for meeting my client needs is to make an organization culture that is cantered on
client experience at each touch point. The client experience (CX) is the significant differentiator for each
business, however making an extraordinary CX is simply difficult. It incorporates picturing communications
through each touch point according to the client's viewpoint I ought to adjust organization culture to zero in
on the client experience representatives can represent the moment of truth most client touch points,
so I ought to be sure about my image's qualities which makes the experience wonderful. I ought to engage
my help agents to be proactive, smart, and imaginative in making it essentially work out.

7 List 3 ways you could ensure customer feedback is effective.

1. Live Chat.
2. Social Channels.
3. Polls And Surveys.

8 List and explain 8 different ways that could help you deliver superior service to customers

1. Being accommodative
Being pleasant is the key guideline for providing outstanding customer service. I should m ake an effort to
greet customers with a smile, and always be mindful and considerate. I should  be proactive by
concentrating on the needs of the client and providing help or proposals before they ask. Even in
uncomfortable or contentious situations or when customers appear discouraged or enraged, it is imperative
to consistently be kind to them.

2. I should respond right away

Customers prefer prompt responses to their inquiries, especially when they have a time-sensitive
requirement. Try to respond to all calls and texts within 24 hours or less for good customer service.

3. I should be familiar with my product or service.

I need to be completely knowledgeable about the product or service in order to provide my clients with
exceptional support. To show my clients the advantages of using my product or service and to look into
anything that isn't functioning properly, I'd prefer to study its components and uses.

4. I need to focus on my clients.

One of the easiest ways to provide outstanding customer service is to listen. I must make sure to
successfully listen to what clients have to say since there are times when they simply need to be heard.
They might have a wonderful observation that I might utilize to surprisingly improve my service or product. I
can understand precisely what my client needs from me when I listen carefully.

5. I should develop the habit of saying thank you to my customers.

When providing customer care, a simple "much appreciated" can go a long way. Customers usually recall
genuine appreciation, which serves as a reminder of why they chose to work with my company or visit my
store. Giving outstanding customer service is made simple by always saying "thank you" at the conclusion of
each conversation.
6. Making an inquiry.
Asking for feedback from my clients demonstrates to them that I value their opinion and want to be helpful.
Allowing them to offer feedback can make them feel valued. I can use feedback mechanisms, client studies,
questionnaires, or direct client input when they complete their orders to learn what they need and what they
think of my company, its products, or its administration.

7. Making use of the feedback I receive

I should use the feedback I acquire from clients to improve my customer service procedures. I can set aside
time on a regular basis to review the criticism I receive in order to identify areas where I can improve and
make note of specific adjustments I can make.

8. Focus on connections.
I can guarantee my clients' return business if we have a good working connection. By demonstrating my
concern for them, I might be able to acquire their loyalty and respect. I could give them personalized service,
greet them by name, and record previous conversations so I can refer to them the next time we speak.

9 Why is following up with clients important? Explain your answer

Whenever consumers expect capillary forces, they are indeed given the reasonable opportunity of being
heard and maintain communication. Customer’s follow-ups are a great approach to find out "whatever they
want next." Consumers will be more willing to contact the owner via a variety of methods. As a
consequence, the conversation is improved by the carry procedure.
10 What are the two dimensions of service?

Cultivate a society of great customer service is critical to relationship management and growing the
organization. Consider customer service from two perspectives: administrative and personal. The
administrative dimension is concerned with a company's structured protocols for delivering its goods and/or
services. The psychological component is concerned with how employees engage with consumers, taking
into consideration aspects such as attitude and verbal abilities. There are four different types of researcher
should be able by these two levels of service.
Low Personal 

11 Describe five elements of quality customer service

1. Tolerance.

Collapsing under pressure is important to avoid, regardless of whether people are handling irritated clients or
perhaps clients who are venting their wrath. It could be challenging to handle a difficult customer call, and,
unexpectedly, it might be especially challenging if the exchange is face-to-face. In any event, exercising
restraint is a crucial strategy for controlling the situation. People will be much less tense than they were at
the start of the conversation if they make the effort to stand by while their client speaks—regardless of how
loudly they complain!—and if they do their best to provide a response. As a result, they will believe they
have provided them with a remarkable.

2. Lock in.

Show an interest in clients by drawing in with them. This doesn't simply mean talking, however paying
attention to what they're talking about. The capacity to draw in and construct a compatibility is an
extraordinary element for future business.

3. Knowledge

Information is crucial, as is often said, and there is nothing worse than calling a company to ask them to
check out a product or service and finding out they are unaware of it. Giving employees' comprehensive
training while providing clients with a fantastic service assurance. Although it may seem like a huge
expense, it will be covered moving forward.

4. Reputability

Representatives won't know the first thing about every question they are asked, but they can still provide
excellent assistance as long as they are honest. To be completely honest, it is much better to respond to the
client after some time has passed than making up an answer and hoping it is accurate.  Representatives
should receive as much training as is logically possible, but they should also be urged to tell the truth.

5. Regard
It is essential to regard what clients say, regardless of whether don't especially concur with them. Everybody
is qualified for their own perspective and there is compelling reason need to slight somebody on the grounds
that their viewpoint is might be not the same as one others.

12 List 8 words or phrases that damage customer relationships

 "I'm not certain."
 "Make me double-check."
 "I'm sorry, but I'm unable to assist you."
 "Therefore, go to our Helpdesk."
 "Slow down."
 "You've got it backwards."
 "I'm having a really bad day right now."
 "This is the first time we've experienced a problem like this."

13 Identify 6 different common customer needs, and how you can address them.

1. Cost
2. Unwavering quality and Sustainability
3. Risk Reduction
4. Ease of use and Convenience
5. Straightforwardness
6. Control

How to Identify Customer Needs:

 Creating a Survey

I can learn more about my clientele and my interest group thanks to overviews. They enable me to delve into
people's minds and uncover the reasons for their purchases from me. I should therefore not be reluctant to
set up a customer examination research.

 Individual products
 Client interactions
 Either purchase or travel
 Data
 Ensures

 Using online entertainment and survey data to discover feelings

Customers and potential customers are aware of the power of online entertainment and won't hesitate to use
these platforms to talk about my brand or business. Because of this, it's wonderful to use a social listening
tool like Hoot suite to monitor conversations and find out what people think about me. By using certain
hashtags or, in any case, searching through postings using catchphrases, social listening enables me to
monitor online discussions about my products or business. In any case, when people don't explicitly mention
me in their statements, I can still tell what they're saying about me.

 Promoting the "customer first" culture

I want to use those titbits of knowledge in my business once I've figured out how to differentiate between my
clients' needs. If I take care of my clients' needs in every area—from the design and functionality of my
products to how I handle complaints to my credentials, and that's only the beginning—then my reputation will
grow. It's appropriate to start those ideas now that I've seen the study findings, social chatter, and survey
information. I have to promote a culture that values client satisfaction. All things considered, satisfied
customers are the best method to demonstrate success.

Service breakdowns occur whenever any product or service fails to meet the customers’
expectations. Describe the steps you would take to rectify a service breakdown.
Understanding the demands of customers.
Acknowledging their feelings.
Going to be responsible and confessing.
Providing options
Getting back on track.

15 List 6 factors that may reduce / restrict or prevent service recovery?

o Not tuning in

o Absence of regard

o Deficient materials or supporting hardware

o Poor or deficient correspondence

o Absence of preparing

o Work struggle

16 List and explain 6 things you should know about your customer
What makes people decide to buy?
If they make a purchase, they do so in this way.
How much money do they have?
What makes these people decide to buy something?
They hold us in great regard.

Describe 2 techniques you could use to anticipate your customers’ needs and expectations
throughout the service

1. Utilizing criticism is as ruler and that suitable input channels accessible. For instance: criticism structure,
2. Continuously phone or contact clients at basic point and get some information about our business

Describe each of the following standards as they relate to working within the hospitality

Listening, just as it is for one’s staff members, is the most effective sign of
appreciation to one’s service users and attendees. If they already have a
problem, demonstrate that their concerns are valid by listening to them. After
that, do everything you can to help them address their problem.
Managers in the hospitality industry are forthright and truthful. They don't use
deception to confuse or distort the truth. Authenticity: Hotel managers
Integrity demonstrate strength in their views for doing what they think is the right thing
even when pressured to do otherwise.

Describe 2 different client reward / loyalty programs that are used in the hospitality industry,
along with their benefit for a commercial restaurant

1.The Simple Point System

The Simple Point System is the most well-known rewards program utilized by organizations, everything
being equal. Clients procure a set number of focuses for different buys they make. For instance, a lodging
might offer a set number of focuses for each night client stays at their inn or for each dollar spent at the inn.
Clients can exchange these focuses to procure rewards. Most organizations use unwaveringness
showcasing programming to make it more straightforward for their staff and clients to follow focuses.

2.Punch cards

Punch cards are like the Simple Points System, with the exception of they are commonly utilized for a
particular sort of procurement. With this framework, in café for instance, a client gets a quip jaw their card for
each espresso buy. When the client gets the set number of opening punches, they're qualified for the prize,
like a free mug of espresso. This kind of dedication showcasing methodology can be exceptionally
compelling and tempt the client to make rehash buy with our organization.

20 Describe 5 essential features that should be in any good customer database

 Making brand liking

The present clients need to purchase from organizations they know and love. When
equipped with a client data set, individuals can fabricate brand proclivity by conveying
promoting messages to individuals that have selected to get them. Contacting clients by
sharing new items, extraordinary offers or organization news can assist them with feeling
associated with their business and support a relationship of trust.

 Creating Customer Loyalty

A client data set permits people groups business to distinguish the most steadfast and
productive clients. They'll have the option to target and give honorary pathway treatment
to this fragmented crowd. A viable method for arriving at these clients is through email
advertising that considers the inclinations of the client. This draws in clients, fabricating
further brand devotion, and can move them to impart their image to loved ones. Also,
sending those extraordinary limits and offers is an incredible method for empowering new

 Give Better Customer Service

Blissful client's equivalent great business. Information base showcasing permits

individuals to foster a more grounded relationship with their clients. Having data like
purchasing conduct, post-buy input and surveys permits organizations to adopt a shopper
driven strategy to client support. Staying up with the latest with the needs of their client
base permits the understanding important to customize correspondence so they can
serve them better.

 Guiding Channel to Customers

One of the vital advantages of a client data set is that an assortment of genuine clients
have bought from individuals before. The premier advantage of utilizing these names is
that since they are confirmed clients, they are now inspired by their item or administration.
The craving to buy from their business is higher than it would be assuming they were
prospecting for new clients.

 Sending off New Products

Carrying out new items to a little section of their crowd is an incredible method for trying
things out prior to sending off it on a more extensive scale. They can focus on a group of
people in view of data from their client data set. Choosing a gathering of their most
believed clients can permit a business to accumulate valuable input that can assist with
working on later variants of the item. Keeping a heartbeat on what clients think and need
is an extraordinary method for improving the items they proposition and how they offer

Describe 2 scenarios where the use of customer databases will help a hospitality-based
Information assumes a significant part in any advertising system. Each business wants to find out about its
clients to further develop products, services and survey to their requirements and inclinations effectively.
These days, consumers make a huge extent of their buying choices on the web, so it's easy to get
information experiences from the computerized effect they have behind. In terms of cafés, one of the basic
ways is following of online reservations to remove the mystery from significant business functions, such as
obtainment and staffing.
Another way is recording regular customers' inclinations, so that when they stroll through the entryway to
front of house staff can in a flash see their #1 wine, table, or dish. These are simple ways that information
can assist cafés with being more effective, and tailor the feasting experience to the necessities of clients to
offer the personalised level of client care customers now expect.
In expansion, an eatery could utilize booking gadget to gather email addresses, and cell phone numbers.
While addressing the customer, they take however much data as could be expected and afterward make
customer profile that seems each time they book and is refreshed after each booking. The data set is
partitioned into sections in light of the customer's appearance history.
Channels include: whether they consistently dine during lunch or supper; on the off chance that they feast
dominatingly in the week or at weekends; on the off chance that they live or work locally or have recently
bought a ticket for a café event. The object is that in light of this data, eateries can't only tailor their
showcasing methodologies to their client data set, however offer a unique and customized eating experience
to their customary guests. This is ultimately what's really going on with the friendliness business.
Client information can possibly produce significant bits of knowledge and if applied adroitly can be utilized
by the friendliness area to refine marketing strategies, increment deals and further develop the client

Describe 3 different customer service need / expectations that relate to the hospitality
Service When clients stroll into an eatery, they hope to be acknowledged. This is a little help,
however it is basic to the progress of the restaurant. Some cafés pay hosts to welcome clients,
cancel names waiting lists and walk clients to their tables. In different eateries, management and
team of servers assume control over this obligation. Consequently, consistently ensure someone
has the obligation of hello the visitors and that individual knows it is their responsibility.
Staff When clients go to an eatery, they expect a decent server team, except the cheap food
chain. Generally, semi-formal eateries, clients expect the team of servers to be mindful, yet
entirely not excessively mindful. Team of servers ought to not hover or intrude, however they
likewise ought to return habitually enough to attend to their clients' necessities. They ought to get
food a timely manner and handle issues. Clients likewise expect server team to be friendly and
Although climate isn't typically viewed as a help, administration plays a significant job in
establishing a decent climate. To make sure the eatery is spotless, alluring and the stylistic layout
is predictable with the food and café's picture, eatery proprietors ought to tell their staff it's OK to
let visitors wait. Server team shouldn't imply that it is the ideal opportunity for the visitors Togo.
For instance, they shouldn't rush the food to the table except if the customer demands it.

Describe 3 main factors that must be considered when determining compensation for
dissatisfied customers
1. Long periods of involvement and training level
It most likely should be obvious, yet the more experience and schooling a competitor has, the higher their
normal pay. Thus, assuming you're expecting to draw in work searchers with graduate degrees or over 5
years' insight that need be prepared to likewise redress.

2. Industry
Labourers with comparative, or even a similar work title can expect immensely various wages relying upon
what industry they're in. There are many purposes behind this disparity - at times their work capability might
be basic to a specific industry, or it might essentially involve one industry being impressively bigger than the

3. Area
Typical cost for most everyday items, a central point to consider while deciding pay, is generally reliant upon
area and, all the more explicitly, and the expense of lodging. This is undoubtedly somewhat why
compensations in enormous metropolitan regions are for the most part higher than pay rates for comparative
situations in additional rustic areas. Be that as it may, with the flood in remote work, numerous businesses
have moved to job based remuneration, as opposed to area based. Do an exploration to see what the
pattern is their field.

What would be the industry acceptable response time for resolving or responding to a
The optimum response times, according to the same joint poll, becomes a hour. "Though some
customers are content with a 24-hour connection speed," they write, "31.2 percent of customers
polled want a response in one minute or less."

25 Describe an acceptable response for the following customer complaints

 If possible, should explain the reason for the billing

Incorrect pricing or quotes.  Providing the customer an immediate refund if double

 Should be able explain why the service was delayed.

 Showing that realization and caring about the
Delays or errors in providing products or inconvenience which may have caused.
services.  Presenting the customer with a plan to get them their
product as soon as possible.
 Including a link to service updates and tracking.

 Should explain why the misunderstanding request was

a one-time occurrence.
 Providing the customer with a hassle-free
Misunderstanding of customer requests. replacement.
 Gauging how upset the customer is - if needed, should
be offer the customer a care token, such as a
discount, to show that I care about their loyalty and

Any workplace may experience disagreements and

complaints. A disagreement about an issue that cannot be
Escalated complaints or disputes. settled between two or more parties constitutes a dispute.
Often, disagreements can be resolved swiftly and amicably
during regular business operations.
 Showing customer that they are a vital part of our
company's success.
Other team members or suppliers not  Reimbursing the customer immediately.
providing special requests.  I should let our customer know if and when the request
can be rescheduled.
 Offering our customer other options.

The inability to understand one another due to not speaking

the same language or misinterpretation as a result of the
Misunderstandings or communication variability in the language's information are language barriers
barriers. to effective communication. It goes without saying that it will
be difficult for two people to share ideas in a meaningful way if
they don't speak the same language.

 I should Say sorry and express sincere regret.

 Should Be specific about what happened.
 Should Validate and relate to the customer's feelings.
Unmet expectations of, or problems or  Showing what steps our company will take to make
faults with, a service or product. sure the inconvenience won't happen again.
 Giving our customer our contact information for extra

Describe 5 typical add-ons / up-sells that are inherent in the vast majority of commercial

1. Chips
2. Tea
3. Coffee
4. Soft beverage
5. Salad

Apart from providing discounts or free food, list 5 other methods you can use to help
compensate dissatisfied customers
Ans. The following are the five methods we can employ to help us compensate unhappy customers:
1) Discount coupons.
2) Vouchers.
3) Free Shipping.
4) Gift tokens.
5) Refund.

List 4 triggers / identifiers that will alert you to a customer that may have some special or
specific needs

1. Blind/ Visually impaired persons.

2. Deaf or hearing impaired persons.
3. People with understanding/ Learning impairments.
4. Wheelchair users.

List 3 different types of communication systems including when they are used and what their
purpose is
1.Duplex correspondence framework:

Is a framework made out of two connected gatherings or gadgets which can speak with each other in the
two headings? The term duplex is utilized while portraying correspondence between two gatherings or

2.Optical correspondence framework:

Is any type of telecommunication that utilizes light as the transmission medium? Hardware comprises of a
transmitter, which encodes a message into an optical sign, a correspondence channel, which conveys the
sign to its objective, and a recipient, which replicates the message from the got optical sign.

3. Power line communication systems:

Work by intriguing a tweaked transporter signal on power wires. Various sorts of power line interchanges
utilize different recurrence groups, contingent upon the sign transmission qualities of the power wiring

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