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Mahmoud Zaitoun 01016170159 2nd Sec

1) Choose the Two correct answers of the Five options:

1. If you know how to ……………..CPR, you will save a lot of fainted people.
a. reform b. perform c. form d. deform e. do
2. Father smiled with pleasure when mother walked in. The antonyms of the word ‘pleasure’ are
…………. .
a. enjoyment b. sorrow c. happiness d. fear e. sadness
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
3. We must ………………..our immune system to keep healthy.
a. boost b. bleed c. paste d. boast
4. Poor hygiene can increase the danger of …………of diseases.
a. affection b. infection c. reflection d. intention
5. …………….. is a synonym to very serious.
a. Simple b. Serve c. Severe d. Safe
6. I ………………eat healthy food if I’m going to be an athlete.
a. must b. mustn’t c. shouldn’t d. don’t have to
7. You ……………worry, you still have a lot of time to answer the other questions.
a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. should d. need
8. Unfortunately, my friend broke his leg and …………..go to hospital.
a. had to b. should have c. has to d. didn’t have to
9. Psychiatrists say that most of their patients are taught relaxation …….. to use at home.
a. faxes b. guides c. routes d. techniques
10. The judge wasn’t shown any …………..evidence that the young man had committed the crime.
a. relative b. persuasive c. infinitive d. subjective
11. He’s got a lung problem and he ……………go to hospital every two weeks.
a. have to b. doesn’t have to c. mustn’t d. has to
12. I should never have gone to the party in the first …………………!
a. post b. place c. situation d. position
13. Several people ignored the no-smoking ……………and the police fined them.
a. mark b. signal c. sign d. message
14. Keep the wound clean and dry to prevent the growth of …………………. .
a. members b. organs c. bacteria d. plants
15. You mustn’t tell anyone ……………… . It’s a secret between you and me.
a. other b. else c. another d. others
16. The old man’s ………………..stopped suddenly and he was taken to intensive care unit.
a. disease b. breathing c. temperature d. pressure

3) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Imagine that you are living in a country where there are plenty of resources around, plenty of food
to eat, and plenty of goods to use, but the people are still very poor. Imagine that just until a few
weeks ago, you were living happily with your family and didn’t have to worry about money at all, but
today you are without a job. Most stores have gone out of business, the banks won’t lend you any
money, and no one is willing to offer you a job. How would you feel? Depressed?

Mr. Mahmoud Zaitoun 01016170159

Mr. Mahmoud Zaitoun 01016170159 2nd Sec

This is exactly what happened back in 1929 in the US. Stock prices fell, banks closed their doors,
factories were shut down, and people were unemployed. The economically dark years that followed
are now known today as The Great Depression.
This period continued for several years and eventually affected other countries the world over, and
later gave rise to the most horrible tragedy in human history – World War II.

17. If you had no money and no job and most of businesses closed, you’d feel …………………… .
a. happy b. grateful c. depressed d. jealous
18. The underlined phrase ‘this period’ refers to ………………… .
a. several b. years c. countries d. the great depression
19. The main idea of this passage is that ………………………. .
a. the great depression affected many people.
b. people are happy when they don’t have to worry about money.
c. World War II was the most horrible tragedy in human history.
d. many people have died in wars throughout history.
20. The best title for this passage would be ……………….. .
a. US stock prices.
b. The Days of the Great Depression.
c. History and World War II
d. The rise in Unemployment.
21. During the Great Depression, ………………… .
a. people were very happy
b. people had lots of money
c. many people were unemployed
d. stock prices rose
22. After 1929, ………………………………. .
a. people had plenty of food to eat
b. lots of families were very happy
c. economically dark years followed
d. people enjoyed a period of prosperity
23. The phrase ‘give rise to’ most probably means ……………….. .
a. cause b. lead to c. prevent d. a & b
24. The underlined word ‘now’ is used in the passage as a/an ………………. .
a. pronoun b. conjunction c. adjective d. adverb

4) Translate into Arabic:

25. Egypt is proud of her scientists who have made scientific achievements in all fields.
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5) Translate into English:
‫ كما أنها ثاني أهم مصدر للعملة األجهبية اليت‬،‫ فهي توفر الكثري مو فرص العمل‬،‫ للسياحة دور هام يف االقتصاد يف مصر‬.62
.‫حتتاج هلا مصر‬

‫مع تمنياتي لكم بالنجاح والتفوق الدائم‬

‫ محمود زيتون‬/ ‫مستر‬

Mr. Mahmoud Zaitoun 01016170159

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