After Defense Revision Chapter 4

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City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education



This chapter dealt with the presentation, analysis and the interpretation of

the data gathered from the respondents of the study. These are presented in

tables relative to the problems posted in the statement of the problem.

Problem 1. What are the collaborative strategies in mathematics in terms


1.1 Interactive Learning

Table 3

The Interactive Learning of Grade 10 Students in Mathematics

Indicators WM Verbal Description

Encourage to share examples from your own
3 Sometimes
experiences to illustrate the topic.
Engage in a question and answer discussion
3.4 Sometimes
during classes.
Give and accept feedbacks to a mathematics
3.4 Sometimes
Share individual and group insights over a
3.3 Sometimes
paired task to the class.
Pair to share answers over a complex math
3.1 Sometimes
AVERAGE 3.3 Sometimes

As shown in table 3, students sometimes engage in a question-and-

answer discussion during mathematics classes and give and accept feedback

on the discussion (WM = 3.4). however, students are sometimes less likely to

feel encouraged to share examples from their own experience to illustrate the

topic (WM = 3). Hence, interactive learning is experienced sometimes by the

students (WM = 3.3).

City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education


The opportunities to engage are enhanced and expanded by the use of

inherently interactive learning materials. While the wide definition of “interactive”

makes designing and teaching such a lesson relatively easy, not all kinds of

interactivity are equally effective for all students. Shy students, for example, are

likely to benefit less from class discussions where participation is voluntary (Aili,


1.2 Cooperative Learning

Table 4

The Cooperative Learning of Grade 10 Students in Mathematics

Indicators WM Verbal Description

Group to discuss a certain math topic. 3.4 Sometimes
Working through an application of a math
problem to real life experiences with a 2.8 Sometimes
partner before.
Communicate and contribute to problem
3.6 Often
solving processes.
Discuss a math problem with a partner to
3.5 Often
arrive at a certain solution.
Participate in a group or team discussion. 4 Often
AVERAGE 3.5 Often

As shown in table 4, among the indicators, students often participate in

group discussions (WM = 4). However, sometimes students cannot work through

applying math problems with a partner (WM = 2.8). Hence, cooperative is often

experienced by the students (WM = 3.5). One among the many challenges of
City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

cooperative learning in the mathematics classroom is it can be challenging to

know if an individual student is truly grasping a concept in a group setting (2022).


Problem 2. What are the students learning styles in mathematics in terms


2.1 Auditory
Table 5

The Learning Style of Grade 10 Students as to Auditory

Indicators WM Verbal Description

Prefer spoken over written directions. 3 Sometimes
Can remember names well but not faces. 3 Sometimes
Cannot concentrate in a noisy environment. 4 Often
Express emotions by the tone and volume
3 Sometimes
of the voice.
Enjoys lectures and discussions. 4 Often
AVERAGE 3.53 Often

As shown in table 5, students often enjoy lectures and discussions but

cannot concentrate in a noisy environment (WM = 4). Furthermore, students

sometimes prefer spoken directions over written ones, can remember names but

not faces, and express emotions through tone and volume of voice (WM = 3).

Hence, the students often use an auditory learning style (WM = 3.53).

Making up about 30 percent of the population, auditory learners are best

served by hearing information through conversations or lectures. Auditory

communicators are typically talkative, enjoying discussions and debates.

Learners are able to recall up to 75 percent of what they’ve heard (Spencer,

City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

2.2 Kinesthetic
Table 6

The Learning Style of Grade 10 Students as to Kinesthetic

Indicators WM Verbal Description

Moves a lot while studying. 3 Sometimes
Likes to participate in learning. 4 Often
Likes to do things rather than read about
3.4 Sometimes
Enjoy problem solving by doing. 3 Sometimes
Good at sports. 4 Often
AVERAGE 3.39 Sometimes

As shown in table 6, students often participate in learning and are good at

sports (WM = 4). Also, sometimes students move a lot while studying and enjoy

problem-solving while doing (WM = 3). Hence, the students sometimes use a

kinesthetic learning style (WM = 3.39).

Kinesthetic learners make up just 5 percent of the population. Often, those

with a kinesthetic learning style have a hard time learning through traditional

lecture-based schooling, when their brains are engaged, but their bodies are not,

which makes it more difficult for them to process the information (Roell, 2018).

2.3 Visual
Table 7
The Learning Style of Grade 10 Students as to Visual

Indicators WM Verbal Description

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College of Teacher Education

Finds verbal instructions difficult. 3.1 Sometimes

Well organized. 3 Sometimes
Likes to read. 3.7 Often
Has good memory in remembering faces
3.8 Often
rather than names.
Attentive to details and not much of a talker
3.2 Sometimes
or not talkative.
AVERAGE 3.35 Sometimes


As shown in table 7, students are often good at remembering faces rather

than names (WM = 3.8). However, being well-organized is only sometimes

observed (WM = 3). Hence, students sometimes use a visual learning style (WM

= 3.35).

Visual learning statistics show that learners who prefer this method of

learning, or visual learners, form 65% of any learning group meaning that almost

two out of three members of your team will prefer to study using visual materials

in a form of pictures, graphs, charts, and illustrations (Rudnicka, 2022).

Problem 3. What is the effect of student’s learning in mathematics as to


3.1 Interpersonal Skills

Table 8

The Effect of Student’s Learning in Mathematics as to their Interpersonal

Indicators WM Verbal Description
Enhance social skills. 3.7 Often
Build positive friendships with classmates. 3.8 Often
Created a wider circle of friends. 3.5 Often
Enhance communication skills. 3.6 Often
Provide assistance to one another. 3.4 Sometimes
AVERAGE 3.57 Often
City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

As shown in table 8, students often build positive relationships with

classmates with collaborative learning (WM = 3.8). However, students are less

likely to provide assistance to one another (WM = 3.4). Hence, collaborative

learning often affects learner’s interpersonal skills (WM = 3.57).

Fredricks and her colleagues (2016), student engagement lowers a

student’s risk of participating in delinquent behaviors, substance abuse and

experiencing depression. Furthermore, according to Finn & Zimmer (2012), the

practice of remaining engaged results in the invaluable life skill of persistence.

On the other hand, students can experience quite the opposite when they

become disengaged in the classroom.

3.2 Learning Achievement

Table 9

The Effect of Student’s Learning in Mathematics as to their Learning


Indicators WM Verbal Description

Get high marks in mathematics tasks. 3.42 Sometimes
Gain better knowledge in group
3.44 Sometimes
Performs better in tests. 3.49 Sometimes
Develop critical thinking skills. 3.42 Sometimes
Deepen mathematics understanding. 3.71 Often
AVERAGE 3.5 Often
As shown in table 9, collaborative learning indeed deepens mathematics

understanding among students (WM = 3.71). However, students are less likely to

get high marks in mathematics class, and critical thinking skills is only sometimes
City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

developed (WM = 3.42). Hence, collaborative learning often affects student’s

learning achievement (WM = 3.5).

Studies have shown that compared to individual learning, collaborative

learning provides students the opportunity to discuss and have a higher level of

thinking, and information can also be me memorized for longer (Cheng, Wu and

Su, 2021).

Problem 4. Is there a significant relationship between the collaborative

strategy in mathematics and the student’s learning styles in mathematics?

Table 10

Kendall’s Tau Correlation Between Collaborative Learning Strategies and

the Student’s Learning Styles in Mathematics

Collaborative Learning Strategies

Learning Styles Interactive Learning Cooperative Learning
τ P Decision τ p Decision
Reject Ho. Reject Ho.
Auditory Had Had
.365** <0.01 .270* 0.02
Learner significant significant
relationship. relationship.
Reject Ho. Reject Ho.
Kinesthetic Had Had
.297* 0.01 .474** <0.01
Learner significant significant
relationship. relationship.
Reject Ho. Reject Ho.
Had Had
Visual Learner .320** <0.01 .287* 0.013
significant significant
relationship. relationship.
City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

A Kendall’s tau correlation revealed that interactive learning had a very

high significant relationship with auditory learner ( τ =0365 , p <0.01), kinesthetic

learner (τ =0.297 , p=0.01 ), and visual learner (τ =0.320 , p <0.01). It had also

shown that cooperative learning had a very high significant relationship with

auditory learner (τ =0.270 , p=0.02), kinesthetic learner (τ =0.474 , p<0.01), and

visual learner (τ =0.287 , p<0.013 ). Hence, collaborative learning strategies had a

very high significant relationship with the student’s learning style.


Learning styles is defined as a set of strategies that encompasses

cognitive aspects, motivation or self – esteem. A large number of empirical

studies indicated that the type of learning strategies used by participants were

highly consistent with their type of learning styles (Cobos, 2019).

Problem 5. Is there a significant relationship between the student’s learning

styles in learning mathematics and the effect of student’s learning in


Table 11

Kendall’s Tau Correlation Between Collaborative Learning Strategies and

the Effect of Student’s Learning in Mathematics

Collaborative Effects of Student’s Learning in Mathematics

Learning Interactive Learning Cooperative Learning
Strategies τ P Decision τ p Decision
Interpersonal 0.209 0.073 Fail to reject .264* 0.024 Reject Ho.
Skills Ho. No Had
significant significant
City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

relationship. relationship.
Reject Ho. Fail to reject
Had Ho. No
Learning .538** <0.01 0.127 0.276
significant significant
relationship. relationship.

A Kendall’s tau correlation revealed that interactive learning had a very

high significant relationship with student’s learning achievement ( τ =0.538 , p <0.01

). It had also shown that cooperative learning had a very high significant

relationship with interpersonal skills (τ =0.362 , p< 0.01).


A study of Backer, Miller and Timmer (2018) mentioned that through group

work, students can improve their genuine engagement in the content, ask better

questions and offer meaningful explanations. Collaborative learning gives

students the support they need in an instructional environment, having a positive

effect on their ability to learn.

City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education



This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusion, and

recommendation of the study.


The study was conducted to determine the effect of collaborative

strategies on the students’ learning styles in learning mathematics. The

researchers used a descriptive survey design and a survey questionnaire was

employed and filled out by the study respondents, which became the source of

data. A Raosoft application was used to determine the sample size for the entire

population of Puting Bato National High School's Grade 10 students, and as a

result, 55 students participated in the study. The survey results were analyzed

statistically by the researchers using weighted mean and Kendall tau's

correlation. The study found a substantial correlation between collaborative

City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

learning methodologies and students' auditory, kinesthetic, and visual learning

preferences. The study also revealed a significant relationship between

collaborative strategies such as interactive and cooperative learning and their

effects on students' learning, which included students' interpersonal skills and

learning achievement in mathematics.


The study revealed the following findings from the analysis of the data

drawn and collected.


1. The students frequently experience interactive learning and

cooperative learning when learning Mathematics.

2. Auditory learning is often used as a learning style in mathematics;

kinesthetic and visual learning are sometimes used. Hence,

auditory learning is most likely to be observed as a learning style

used in learning mathematics.

3. Collaborative learning in mathematics often leads to building

positive relationships among learners and deepening their

understanding of mathematics. As a result, it has an impact on a

learner's interpersonal skills and learning achievement.

4. Using Kendall Tau’s correlation, a significant relationship between

students' learning styles used in mathematics and collaborative

City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

strategies such as interactive and cooperative learning has been


5. Using Kendall Tau’s correlation, it has also been found that

collaborative learning in mathematics has an indirect effect on a

learner’s interpersonal affairs, learning performance, and academic



The effect of collaborative learning strategies on students' learning styles

in mathematics learning can be both beneficial and detrimental, and it indicates

an indirect link between the learning styles adopted and how well students

perform when utilizing collaborative learning strategies. Although some students

prefer solitary learning, where they can better understand concepts and learn

when working alone, collaborative learning is limited to the fact that it improves

students' interpersonal interactions and classroom performance in mathematics.

The various learning styles were stated as having a tenuous connection. The

majority of the study's respondents were auditory learners. Students' learning

styles do not directly affect the collaborative strategy used to learn mathematics,

which is another point to consider. Collaborations between auditory, kinesthetic,

and visual learners, however, have been successful. As a result, the learner's

performance in the classroom is indirectly impacted by the learning styles being


City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

Based on the findings of the study and conclusions drawn, the following

recommendations are offered for consideration:

1. School Administrator

School administrators may continue to encourage teachers to find

and develop interactive techniques in teaching mathematics to encourage

participation and engagement among learners. A seminar related to any

new collaborative teaching strategies in mathematics may be pushed


2. Teachers

Teachers may develop more teaching strategies in mathematics

that will encourage participation and engagement among students that

would cater to both solitary and social learners also, to diminish the

negative impression of mathematics. Training is a must for teachers in


3. Students

Students may be encouraged to participate in collaborative class

activities. Also, students could be taught more about practicing and

strengthening their skills in mathematics through engaging in group

brainstorming activities to enhance their communication and interpersonal


4. Future Researchers

Further studies could be conducted to determine the other learning

styles used in mathematics and to explore the other effects of

City of Cabadbaran
College of Teacher Education

collaborative strategies in learning mathematics to validate the results of

the current study and to discuss the other factors related that failed to be

included in the present study.

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