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Mathematical Methods of Physics & Classical Mechanics
Dimensional analysis; Vector algebra and vector calculus; Linear algebra, matrices, Cayley Hamilton
theorem, eigenvalue problems; Linear differential equations; Special functions (Hermite, Bessel,
Laguerre and Legendre); Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms; Elements of complex
analysis: Laurent series-poles, residues and evaluation of integrals; Elementary ideas about tensors;
Introductory group theory, SU(2), O(3); Elements of computational techniques: roots of functions,
interpolation, extrapolation, integration by trapezoid and Simpson’s rule, solution of first order
differential equations using Runge-Kutta method; Finite difference methods; Elementaryprobability
theory, random variables, binomial, Poisson and normal distributions.
Newton’s laws; Phase space dynamics, stability analysis; Central-force motion; Two-body collisions,
scattering in laboratory and centre-of-mass frames; Rigid body dynamics, moment of inertia tensor,
non-inertial frames and pseudoforces; Variational principle, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms
and equations of motion; Poisson brackets and canonical transformations; Symmetry, invariance and
conservation laws, cyclic coordinates; Periodic motion, small oscillationsand normal modes; Special
theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations, relativistic kinematics and mass–energy equivalence.
Electromagnetic Theory & Quantum Mechanics
Gauss’ Law and its applications; Laplace and Poisson equations, boundary value problems; Magneto-
statics: Biot-Savart law, Ampere's theorem, electromagnetic induction; Maxwell'sequations in free
space and linear isotropic media; boundary conditions on fields at interfaces; Scalar and vector
potentials; Gauge invariance; Electromagnetic waves in free space, dielectrics, and conductors;
Reflection and refraction, polarization, Fresnel’s Law, interference, coherence, and diffraction;
Dispersion relations in plasma; Lorentz invariance of Maxwell’s equations; Transmission lines and
wave guides; Dynamics of charged particles in static and uniform electromagnetic fields; Radiation
from moving charges, dipoles and retarded potentials.
Wave-particle duality; Wave functions in coordinate and momentum representations; Commutators
and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle; Matrix representation; Dirac’s bra and ket notation;
Schrodinger equation (time-dependent and time-independent); Eigenvalue problems such as particle-
in-a-box, harmonic oscillator, etc.; Tunneling through a barrier; Motion in a central potential; Orbital
angular momentum, Angular momentum algebra, spin; Addition of angular momenta; Hydrogen
atom, spin-orbit coupling, fine structure; Time independent perturbation theory and applications;
Variational method; WKB approximation; Time dependent perturbation theoryand Fermi's Golden
Rule; Selection rules; Semi-classical theory of radiation; Elementary theory of scattering, phase shifts,
partial waves, Born approximation; Identical particles, Pauli's exclusion principle, spin-statistics
connection; Relativistic quantum mechanics: Klein Gordon and Dirac equations.
Thermodynamic, Statistical Physics & Electronics
Laws of thermodynamics and their consequences; Thermodynamic potentials, Maxwell relations;
Chemical potential, phase equilibria; Phase space, micro- and macrostates; Microcanonical, canonical
and grand-canonical ensembles and partition functions; Free Energy and connection with
thermodynamic quantities; First- and second-order phase transitions; Classical and quantum statistics,
ideal Fermi and Bose gases; Principle of detailed balance; Blackbody radiation and Planck's
distribution law; Bose-Einstein condensation; Random walk and Brownian motion; Introduction to
nonequilibrium processes; Diffusion equation.
Semiconductor device physics, including diodes, junctions, transistors, field effect devices, homo and
heterojunction devices, device structure, device characteristics, frequency dependence and
applications; Optoelectronic devices, including solar cells, photodetectors, and LEDs; High-
frequency devices, including generators and detectors; Operational amplifiers and their applications;
Digital techniques and applications (registers, counters, comparators and similar circuits); A/D and
D/A converters; Microprocessor and microcontroller basics.
Experimental Techniques and data analysis, Atomic & Molecular Physics
Data interpretation and analysis; Precision and accuracy, error analysis, propagation of errors, least
squares fitting, linear and nonlinear curve fitting, chi-square test; Transducers (temperature,
pressure/vacuum, magnetic field, vibration, optical, and particle detectors), measurement and control;
Signal conditioning and recovery, impedance matching, amplification (Op-amp based,
instrumentation amp, feedback), filtering and noise reduction, shielding and grounding; Fourier
transforms; lock-in detector, box-car integrator, modulation techniques. Applications of the above
experimental and analytical techniques to typical undergraduate and graduate level laboratory
Quantum states of an electron in an atom; Electron spin; Stern-Gerlach experiment; Spectrum of
Hydrogen, helium and alkali atoms; Relativistic corrections for energy levels of hydrogen; Hyperfine
structure and isotopic shift; width of spectral lines; LS & JJ coupling; Zeeman, Paschen Back & Stark
effect; X-ray spectroscopy; Electron spin resonance, Nuclear magnetic resonance, chemical shift;
Rotational, vibrational, electronic, and Raman spectra of diatomic molecules; Frank
– Condon principle and selection rules; Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein A & B
coefficients; Lasers, optical pumping, population inversion, rate equation; Modes of resonators and
coherence length.
Condensed Matter Physics and Nuclear and Particle Physics
Bravais lattices; Reciprocal lattice, diffraction and the structure factor; Bonding of solids; Elastic
properties, phonons, lattice specific heat; Free electron theory and electronic specific heat; Response
and relaxation phenomena; Drude model of electrical and thermal conductivity; Hall effect and
thermoelectric power; Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism; Electron motion in a
periodic potential, band theory of metals, insulators and semiconductors; Superconductivity, type – I
and type - II superconductors, Josephson junctions; Defects and dislocations; Ordered phases of
matter, translational and orientational order, kinds of liquid crystalline order; Conducting polymers;
Quasi crystals.
Basic nuclear properties: size, shape, charge distribution, spin and parity; Binding energy, semi-
empirical mass formula; Liquid drop model; Fission and fusion; Nature of the nuclear force, form of
nucleon-nucleon potential; Charge-independence and charge-symmetry of nuclear forces; Isospin;
Deuteron problem; Evidence of shell structure, single- particle shell model, its validity and
limitations; Rotational spectra; Elementary ideas of alpha, beta and gamma decays and their selection
rules; Nuclear reactions, reaction mechanisms, compound nuclei and direct reactions; Classification
of fundamental forces; Elementary particles (quarks, baryons, mesons, leptons); Spin
and parity assignments, isospin, strangeness; Gell-Mann Nishijima formula; C, P, and T
invariance and applications of symmetry arguments to particle reactions, parity non-
conservation in weak interaction; Relativistic kinematics

*Note: All 50 questions are from the discipline of Physics only.

Chemistry Syllabus for PhD Entrance -2021


Errors in Analytical Measurements: Measurement errors, absolute and relative error,

determinate and indeterminate errors. Assessment of accuracy and precision. Significance
testing-t-F-and Q- tests, Calibration and linear regression. Acid-base titrations - indicators and
applications. Complexation, precipitation and redox titrations. Gravimetry - conditions of
precipitation, co-precipitation and post- precipitation,PFHS,Organic precipitating agents,
Examples of gravimetric analysis.

Potentiometric Electrodes and Potentiometry: Indicator and reference electrodes, glass

pHelectrode, Ion-selective electrodes, Solid-state ISFET electrodes, Direct potentiometry
and potentiometric titrations.

Electrogravimetry: Effect of current on cell potential, Ohmic potentials; IR drop,

Polarization effects. Electrogravimetric methods - Electrogravimetry without potential
control, controlled potential electrogravimetry, Instrumentation and applications.

Thermal Methods of Analysis: Thermogravimetry, Differential thermal analysis and

differential scanning calorimetry, Thermomechanical analysis, Evolved gas analysis and
Thermometric titrations.

Atomic Spectrometric Methods: Flame emission spectrometry and Atomic absorption spectrometry.

Chromatography: Principles, Classification of chromatographic techniques, Theory of

column efficiency in chromatography. Gas Chromatography: Performing GC separations, GC
columns and detectors, temperature selection, Quantitative measurements, Head space analysis,
Thermal desorption, purging and trapping, GC-MS.

Liquid Chromatography: HPLC - Principles, Stationary phases, Equipment for HPLC. HPLC
method development, Fast liquid chromatography, LC-MS. Thin Layer Chromatography:
Principles, methodology, instrumentation and applications. Capillary chromatography and
Capillary gel electrophoresis.


Chemical Periodicity: Important periodic properties of theelements, covalent radii, ionic

radii, ionization potential, electron affinity and electronegativity.

Bonding: Chemical bonding in homo- and heteronuclear molecules, including shapes of

molecules (VSEPR Theory), MO Theory.

Concepts of Acids and Bases: Lux-Flood and solvent system concepts. Hard-soft acids and
d-block and f-block Elements: General properties, comparison of 3d, 4d and 5d elements.
Spectral and magnetic properties of compounds of actinides in comparison with those of
lanthanides and d- blockelements.

Coordination Compounds: Preparation of complex compounds, Stability of complexions

in solution, Coordination number and geometry, Bonding in coordination compounds,
Electronic spectra and magnetic properties. Reactions of coordination compounds.

Organometallic Compounds: Fundamental concepts, Preparation, structure and bonding in

metal carbonyls (nickel, cobalt, iron and manganese), nitrosyls, alkene and ferrocene.

Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis: Alkene hydrogenation, the Wacker process,

Monsanto acetic acid process and water-gas shift reaction and Ziegler-Natta catalysis.


IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds, Structure and Reactivity: Acids and bases,
Structural effects on acidity and basicity, Hydrogen bonding, Resonance, Inductive and
hyperconjugation effects, Concepts of aromaticity. Stereochemistry: Principles,
Conformational analysis, Isomerism, Chirality. Aromaticity.

Reaction Intermediates: Carbocations, Carbanions, Free radicals, Carbenes, Nitrenes,

Nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorousylides.

Pericyclic reactions: electrocyclisation, cycloaddition, sigmatropic rearrangements and other

related concerted reactions. Principles and applications of photochemical reactions in organic

Reaction Mechanisms: Mechanism of aliphatic and aromatic nucleophilic and

electrophilic substitution reactions, Elimination reactions, Addition reactions.

Heterocyclic Chemistry: Synthesis, typical reactions and applications of 3-,4-,5-,6-membered

and fused ring systems.

Oxidation and Reduction: Oxidation with chromium and manganese compounds, Peroxides,
Peracids, Lead tetraacetate, Periodic acid, OsO4, SeO2, NBS, Chloramine-T, Sommelet
oxidation, Oppenauer oxidation; Catalytic hydrogenations, Wilkinson’s catalyst, Bakers yeast,
LiAlH4, NaBH4, Birch reduction, Leukart reaction, Hydroboration, Meerwein- Ponndorf-
Verley reduction, Wolf-Kishner reduction, Clemenson reduction.
Molecular Rearrangements: involving carbon to carbon, carbon to nitrogen and miscellaneous

Reagents: Gilmann reagent, DCC, DDQ, Crown ethers, LDA, Ziegler-Natta catalyst,
Diazomethane, Stannous chloride, Sharpless epoxidation, Woodward and Prevost hydroxylation,
Peterson reaction, Reformatsky reaction, dithiane, Wittig reaction.

Named Reactions: Mechanism and synthetic applications of aldol condensation, Claisen-Schmidt,

Perkin, Cannizaro’s, Michael addition and Robinson’s annulations reactions.

Structure determination of organic compounds by IR, UV-Vis, 1H & 13C NMR and Mass
spectroscopic techniques.


Electrochemistry: Debye-Huckel theory of strong electrolytes, Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation,

Theories of electrical double layer, Concentration cells, Liquid junction potential, Over voltage,
Conductometric and potentiometric titrations, Transport numbers, Corrosion inhibition &

Chemical Kinetics: Arrhenius equation, Energy of activation & its determination, Order of
reaction, parallel, consecutive & reversible reactions. Simple collision and activated complex
theory, Effect of temperature, pressure and catalyst on rates of reactions, Langmuir’s theory of
surface reactions. Chain reactions, Linear free energy relationship, Hammett & Taft equations.

Thermodynamics: Concept of entropy & free energy, Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies,
Maxwell relations, Third law of thermodynamics, Partial molar properties, Chemical potential,
Gibb’s Duhem equation, Fugacity, Raoult’s law & Henry’s law, Heat capacity of solids, Phase rule
& its applications, Principle of equipartition of energy, Relation between thermodynamic
probability & entropy, Maxwell- Boltzman distribution equation, partition function.

Quantum Chemistry: Plank’s Quantum theory, Bohr’s model of H atom, deBroglie equation,
Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, operators, Schrodinger wave equation for particles.

Nuclear Chemistry: Radioactive decay, Half life, Liquid drop nuclear model, Definition of curie,
Magic number, alpha and beta decay, Binding energy, Oppenheimer-Phillips process, Spallation
reactions, Bethe’s notation, Nuclear reactions.

Basic Concepts of Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory: Symmetry elements and symmetry
operations, Correlation of Schoenflies and Hermann-Maugin symbols for symmetry elements,
Multiplication tables for the symmetry operations of simple molecules, Properties and definition of
group theory, Point groups of simple molecules


Environmental Chemistry: Air pollution, types of air pollutants; control of air and water pollution
Depletion of ozone in the stratosphere. Causes and remedial measures. The green-house effect and
its consequences. Water technology: DO, BOB, COD, Total Hardness, anions in water, Acid rain,
photochemical smog. Treatment of sewage and industrial effluents. Desalination of water. Disposal
of radioactive wastes.

Chemistry of natural products: Carbohydrates, proteins and peptides, fatty acids, nucleic acids,
terpenes, steroids and alkaloids. Biogenesis of terpenoids and alkaloids.

Bioinorganic chemistry: photosystems, porphyrins, metalloenzymes, oxygen transport, electron-

transfer reactions; nitrogen fixation, metal complexes in medicine.

Polymer Chemistry: Classification of polymers, types of polymerization reaction, Molecular

weight of polymer, Glass transition temperature, Adhesives, Elastomers, Biodegradable polymers,
conducting polymers, photoconducting polymers and applications.

Chemistry in nanoscience and technology: Classification, synthesis and application of


Chemical Fuels: Classification, GCV, NCV, Octane and Cetane number, petroleum cracking,
reforming of petrol, prevention of knocking and antiknocking agents.

*Note: All 50 questions are from the discipline of Chemistry only.



Unit-1: Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency
of a system of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series:
Expansions of Periodic functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and
Probability: Correlation and regression,. Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability
distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions; Continuous probability distributions-
Exponential and Normal.

Unit-2: Modern Algebra: Definition of Groups, Subgroups and Factor Groups, Lagrange's Theorem,
Homomorphisms, Normal Subgroups. Quotients of Groups. Basic Examples of Groups including
Symmetric Groups, Matrix Groups.

Unit-3: Real Analysis: Limit of Functions. Continuous Functions, Continuity and Compactness,
Continuity and Connectedness, Discontinuities, Monotonic Functions, Infinite Limits and Limit at
Infinity. Derivative of a Real Function. Mean Value Theorem, Continuity of Derivatives, L’Hospital’s
Rule, Derivatives of Higher Order, Taylor’s Theorem.

Unit-4: Complex Analysis: Analytic functions, conformal mappings, bilinear transformations; complex
integration: Cauchy’s integral theorem. Zeros and singularities; Taylor and Laurent’s series; residue

Unit-5: Vector Analysis: Divergence and curl of a vector point function – solenoidal and irrational
functions – physical interpretation of divergence and curl of a vector point function. Integration of vector
functions – Line, surface and volume integrals. Guass - Divergence Theorem – Green’s Theorem –
Stoke’s Theorem.

*Note: All 50 questions are from the discipline of Mathematics only.

Department of Polymer Science and Technology
Syllabus for M.Sc. (Engg) and Ph.D. Entrance Examination

Part A
Unit 1: Physic and chemistry of polymers
Polymer science: Functionality, Classification of polymers, definition of polymerization chain
polymerization (free radical, ionic and co-ordination polymerizations), step (condensation)
polymerization, copolymerization, methods of polymerization (bulk. solution, Suspension, Emulsion.),
degree of polymerization, polydispersity, molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, methods
of measuring molecular weight, crystallinity, methods of measuring crystallinity, T g and Tm (factors
affecting on Tg and Tm.
Polymerization kinetics: Definition of reaction rate, order, molecularity, different theories of reaction
rate, activation energy, kinetic expressions for simple first order & second order chemical reactions,
kinetics of linear step reaction polymerization, kinetics of addition polymerization initiated by free
radical initiator: steady state assumption.
Unit 2: Polymeric materials and compounding additives
Thermoplastic, thermoset and elastomers: Industrial production methods of, properties, applications
of HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS, ABS, PMMA, Nylon 6 and Nylon 66, PET, PF, Epoxy, unsaturated polyester,
Natural rubber, SBR, NBR, EPDM, Silicone, Fluoro elastomers, IIR
Compounding additives: Antioxidants, fillers, crosslinking agents, accelerators, lubricants, process
aids, flame retardants
Unit 3: Polymer blends and composites
Polymer blends: Reasons for blending, definitions of terms used in polymer blends and alloys, types of
polymer blends, blend components’ selection criteria, methods of blending, fundamental principles for
development of polymer alloys and blends, designing a polymer blend. Factors affecting miscibility of
polymer blends, role of compatibilizer, compatibilization methods, degree of compatibilization,
measurement of miscibility.
Polymer Composites: Definition, functions of constituent phases, classification of composites,
advantages and limitations of polymer matrix composites over metal matrix and ceramic matrix
composites, applications, thermoset and thermoplastic matrix materials, fiber reinforcements (natural
and synthetic), coupling agents (role, types and chemistry/mechanism), processing of polymer
Unit 4: Processing, testing and characterization of polymers
Processing polymers: Extrusion, Injection moulding, blow moulding Compression moulding. rotational
moulding, thermoforming, Calendering.
Polymer testing and characterization of Mechanical properties (short and long term properties)
Tensile, compression, impact, hardness, creep, stress relaxation, flex fatigue, abrasion, resilience. FTIR,
1. Padma L Nayak, Polymer Science, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 1st Edn., 2005.
2. Gowariker, V. R.; Viswanathan, N. V., Polymer Science; Wiley: New York, 1986.
3. Seymour, R. B.; Carraher, Polymer chemistry: an introduction; 4th ed.; M. Dekker: New York,
4. Young, R. J and P.A. Lovell, Introduction to polymers; Chapman and Hall: London, 1981.
5. Anil Kumar, Fundamentals of Polymer Science and Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
6. Billmeyer Fred W. JR. Textbook of Polymer Science, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984.
7. D V Rosato and D V Rosato. Reinforced Plastics Handbook, 3rd Ed., Elsevier, UK, 2004.
8. K KChawla. Composite Materials Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed., Springer publications, New York,
9. R.P. Brown, Hand Book of Polymer Testing, Mercel Dekker, New York,1998.
10. Isayev, Injection molding and compression molding fundamentals, Marcel Dekker, 2010.
11. Alan Griff, Plastics Extrusion Technology, Krieger Publishing Company, 1996.
12. Rosato and Rosato, Blow Moulding Hand book, Hanser Publishers, 2010.
13. Polymer characterization- Physical Techniques. D Campbell and J R White, Chapman and Hall, UK,

Part B

Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency of a
system of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series:
Expansions of Periodic functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and
Probability: Correlation and regression,. Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability
distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions; Continuous probability distributions-
Exponential and Normal.
Syllabus for PhD Entrance Exam
Part A
Unit 1: Basic concepts of Biotechnology
Cell and its types in Eukaryotes, cell and its organelles-structure and function, cell to cell
communication, Cell cycle and its regulation, mitosis and meiosis, programmed cell death. Microscopy
– Light & Electron, Pure culture Techniques, Sterilization Techniques, Morphology, Ultrastructure and
Reproduction of Bacteria, Fungi & Viruses, Microbial nutrition, Microbial growth process, Microbial
Metabolism, Study of common Microbial Diseases – Typhoid, Cholera, Tuberculosis, Acquired Immuno
Deficiency, Polio & Rabies.

Unit 2: Biochemistry and Biochemical Techniques

Carbohydrates and their classification, Amino acids and their classification, Peptide bond – Structure
and conformation. Structure of proteins, naturally occurring peptides. Structure of Insulin, Ribonuclease
and Myoglobin. Quaternary structure – Hemoglobin. Classification of lipids. Types of fatty acids,
triglycerides, structure and biological activity. Principle and procedure of TLC, Ion-exchange
Chromatography, Affinity Chromatography, HPLC, GLC. Introduction to spectroscopy, turbidometry,
UV-Vis spectrophotometry, atomic spectrophotometry, Principles of Electrophoretic techniques:
agarose and polyacrylamide, SDS-PAGE

Unit 3: Bioprocess Technology

Laws of thermodynamics, Basic concepts of Unit operations and Unit Processes, Kinetics of microbial
growth and Product formation, Basic Design, equation for different bioreactors, Stoichiometry of cell
growth and product formation, Upstream processing, Media design and Sterilization, Inoculum
development, Overview of Downstream processing, Primary separation techniques, Enrichment
operations, Membrane based separation processes, Product separation techniques, Solid and waste water
treatment techniques.

Unit 4: Immunology and Cell culture techniques

Innate & Adaptive Immunity, Cells & Organs of Immune System, Compliment and their activation,
Immunoglobulin classes and sub classes, Antigens, Monoclonal antibodies, MHC, Immunosuppression,
Immunotolerance, Elisa, Western Blotting, Radio Immuno Assay (RIA). cellular totipotency,
cytodifferentiation, organogenesis, media constituents and their importance, Explant selection and
culture, embryo culture, Somatic embryogenesis, isolation and culture of single cell, bioreactors for
suspension culture, Androgenesis and Gynogenesis, production of haploids, protoplast isolation, culture
and fusion, media for culturing cells and tissues of animals, sterilization, primary culture, isolation of
cell lines, culturing, developing and maintenance of different cell types and cryopreservation.
Unit 5: Molecular Biotechnology
Organisation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Chromosomes, Central Dogma, DNA Replication –
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic, Protein Synthesis – Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic, Operon – Lac & Gal, DNA
damage & repair, Gene, restriction enzymes, Vectors in recombinant DNA technology: types of vectors
and their applications, Methods of Nucleic acid hybridization, amplification, construction of genomic
and C-DNA libraries, gene transfer techniques, transgenic technology in plant and animal improvement.
Biological databases, sequence alignment methods and tools: Pairwise and MSA, FASTA, BLAST,
Phylogenetic analysis, gene predictive methods, genome mapping and protein predictive methods

Part B
Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency of a
system of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series:
Expansions of Periodic functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and
Probability: Correlation and regression,. Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability
distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions; Continuous probability distributions-
Exponential and Normal.

Syllabus for M.Sc. (Engg.) and Ph.D. Entrance Exam

Part A
Structural Analysis: Engineering Mechanics – Statics, Solid Mechanics – Flexure, Shear, Torsion and deflection,
Analysis of determinate and Indeterminate structures.

Structural Design: Principles of RC Design, Design concepts of RC Structural elements – Beam, Slab, Column
and Footing. Principles of steel design, Design concepts of steel structural elements – Tension, compression and
flexural members; Design concepts of connections – bolted and welded connections.

Geotechnical Engineering: Soil as three phase system, Classification, Compaction and Consolidation, Shear
strength and Stresses in soil.

Highway Engineering: Highway planning and geometric design elements, Pavement materials and its
characteristics, Pavement structure and its components, Design concepts, Principles of traffic engineering.

Fluid mechanics – Properties of fluids, Fluid statics, Continuity, Momentum and Energy equations and their
applications, Flow through pipes; Dimensional analysis and model studies.

Water Resources Engineering: Hydrologic cycle and water losses, Irrigation systems and methods, water
requirements of crop, Gravity dams and Earthen dams.

Geomatics: Principles of surveying, Distance and angle measurements, Levelling, Modern surveying – Total
station and GPS, Remote Sensing and GIS.

Construction Materials: Properties and testing of building materials, Alternate building materials; Construction
technology, Construction equipments, Properties of fresh and hardened concrete, testing of concrete, Special

Construction Management: Construction project, Project planning, Network analysis, Cost estimation, Quality

Part B
Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency of a system of
linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series: Expansions of Periodic
functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and Probability: Correlation and regression,.
Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric
distributions; Continuous probability distributions-Exponential and Normal.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Industrial Production & Engineering

Syllabus for the M.Sc (Engg) by Research and Ph.D. Entrance Test

Part A

Unit 1

Design Engineering

Mechanics of Materials: Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poisson's ratio; Mohr’s circle for plane
stress and plane strain; thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear
stresses; deflection of beams; torsion of circular shafts; Euler’s theory of columns; energy methods;
thermal stresses.

Theory of Machines: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; cams; gears
and gear trains; flywheels and governors; balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses; gyroscope.
Machine Design: Design for static and dynamic loading; Stress concentration factor, Factor of safety,
failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such
as bolted, riveted and welded joints; shafts, gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes and
clutches, springs.

Unit 2

Thermal Engineering

Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substances, behaviour of

ideal and real gases; zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics, calculation of work and heat in various
processes; second law of thermodynamics; availability and irreversibility. Air compressors; vapour and
gas power cycles, I.C. Engines: Air-standard Otto, Diesel and dual cycles.

Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy, stability of floating bodies;
Bernoulli’s equation; viscous flow of incompressible fluids, boundary layer, elementary turbulent flow.

Unit 3

Production Engineering

Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators;
gauge design; interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance
analysis in manufacturing and assembly.
Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials, phase diagrams, heat
treatment, stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials, principles of powder metallurgy

Casting, Forming and Joining Processes: Different types of castings, design of patterns, moulds and
cores; solidification and cooling; riser and gating design. Principles of welding, brazing, soldering and
adhesive bonding. Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining; basic machine
tools; single and multi-point cutting tools, tool geometry and materials, tool life and wear; economics of
machining; principles of non-traditional machining processes.

Unit 4

Management Science

Management and administration, Roles of management, levels of management, modern management

approaches, Planning, steps in planning and planning premises, Hierarchy of plans; Principles of
organization, nature and importance of staffing. Cost accounting and methods of depreciation; break-
even analysis, recruitment, selection, training and development, simplex method, duality and sensitivity
analysis; transportation and assignment models; network flow models PERT and CPM, importance of
entrepreneurship, Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, Concepts and definition of small scale

Part B
Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency of a system of
linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series: Expansions of Periodic
functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and Probability: Correlation and regression,.
Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric
distributions; Continuous probability distributions-Exponential and Normal

Syllabus for the M.Sc (Engg) by Research and Ph.D. Entrance Test

Part A


Types of reactions, acid/base, precipitation, reversible and irreversible reactions. Chemical

equilibrium – redox and ionic equations.
Drinking water quality parameters, guidelines and standards, Microorganisms of importance in
water environment.
Pipes and pipe materials, Pumps and pumping station. Rising main economics, Hazen-William
equation, Manning’s equation, Cole Brooke-White equation. Population forecasting methods,
limitations and numerical problems. Water demand, design period, peak factor.
Water Intakes- types and design aspects.
Design principles of aeration, flash mixer, coagulation – flocculation systems, tube settlers, types
of settling, sedimentation, pulsators, filtration, disinfection processes.
Miscellaneous treatment- defluoridation, water softening, arsenic removal.
Distribution system - types. Hardy- cross and Newton-Raphson methods of pipe design.

Advanced water treatment, Automation in Water Supply and Smart Water Supply Systems,
Application of nanomaterials in water treatment.


Types of sewerage systems. Characteristics of wastewater. Estimation of dry and wet weather
flow, Self-cleansing and non-scouring velocities. Manholes, inverted siphons. Materials of sewers,
laying, joining and testing.

Screens, equalization, grit chamber, oil and grease removal, primary sedimentation tank, design
criteria and equations.

Biological reaction kinetics, Determination of bio-kinetic coefficients and types of reactors.

Aerobic, Anoxic and Anaerobic systems, Suspended and attached growth systems, activated sludge
process and modifications, trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, Sequencing Batch
Reactors, design criteria and equations.

Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems – Wetlands, Septic tanks and soak pits.
UASB, nutrient removal, Electrochemical coagulation, Gas Stripping, Dissolved Air Flotation,
Advanced Oxidation, Electro-dialysis, Ion Exchange, Adsorption, Membrane filtration, Membrane
bio reactors, Microbial fuel cells, DEWATS. Hybrid Wastewater Treatment Systems.
Chemical, Biological and electro-chemical sludge – sources and generation, Quantification and
characterization, SVI, CSI, and disposal options. Sludge Digestion- aerobic and anaerobic, Sludge
Drying Bed, Sludge Thickeners, sludge filter press, design criteria and equations. Disposal- Cradle
to Grave Concepts.

Pollutant transport due to disposal of wastewater into surface water bodies - Process Dynamics,
Material Balance Relationship. Diffusive and Convective Mass Transport. Fick’s Law of
Diffusion, Combined Convective-Diffusion Equations.

Sources and Sinks of DO in surface water bodies, Streeter –Phelp’s Equation and Expression for
Critical Point, mixing zone concept – types of outfall and mixing regime.

Fate and transport of pollutants in Lake (stratified and completely mixed), Estuary, Coastal
Regions and Groundwater (differential equations with analytical solutions for 1-D case).


Sources and engineering classification, characterization, generation and quantification; Objectives,

principles, functional elements of solid waste management system – Regulatory aspects of solid
waste management. Environmental implications of open dumping, Construction debris –
management & handling, Waste Minimization: 4R: reduce, recover, recycle and reuse.

Waste Generation: Rate of generation, frequency, storage and refuse collection, physical and
chemical composition, quantity of waste, engineering properties of waste, prediction, modeling

Collection, Segregation and Transport: Handling and segregation of wastes at source, Collection
(primary & secondary) and storage of municipal solid wastes, collection equipment, transfer
stations, collection route optimization and economics, regional concepts. System dynamics.

Treatment Methods: Refuse processing technologies. Mechanical and thermal volume reduction.
Biological and chemical techniques for energy and other resource recovery: composting,
vermicomposting, Incineration of solid wastes.

Disposal Methods: Impacts of open dumping, site investigation and selection, sanitary land filling
- Types, Liners - earthen, geo membrane, geo synthetics and geo textiles.

Operational aspects of MSW Landfills: Daily cover, leachate disposal, leachate and gas collection
systems – Design, leachate treatment. Landfill Final Cap Design; landfill remediation.

Recent Developments in Solid Wastes Reuse and Disposal: Power Generation, Blending with
construction materials and Best Management Practices (BMP). Community based waste
management, Waste as a Resource concept.
E- Waste Management, Biomedical Wastes (BMW) and Hazardous waste- Health care systems,
sources, categories, generation, Segregation and handling of BMW, E-waste, Hazardous waste,
BMW (Management and Handling), E-waste, Hazardous waste Rules.


Air pollution episodes – Bhopal Gas Tragedy, London and Los Angeles Smog, Sand / Dust
Storms. Sources of air Pollutants: Natural and Anthropogenic, Units of measurements of air
pollutants. Effect of air pollutants on human, plants and animals, materials and structure/
Classification of air Pollutants: Primary and Secondary Pollutants. Photochemical Oxidants,
Characteristics, Smoke and its measurement.
Effects of air pollutants on visibility and other related atmospheric characteristics, Acid rain, Wet
Deposition, Greenhouse effect. Global warming. Ozone depletion and Heat island effect.

Meteorological factors – Solar radiation, temperature, lapse rate, wind velocity profile, humidity,
precipitation. Maximum/ Mean mixing depths, atmospheric stability conditions, Plume rise,
effective stack height, plume rise formulations, guidelines for fixing stack height, problems on
plume rise calculations, wind rose diagram.

Inversion – types, plume behavior under different atmospheric stability conditions, Pasquil –
Gifford atmospheric stability classification.

Measurement of various gaseous (CO, HC, NOx, SOx, etc) pollutants, particulate matter and
microbial, sampling devices, sampling train, sampling methods/ techniques, stack sampling

Gaussian plume model – for point source. Gaussian dispersion co-efficient, Downwind ground-
level concentration computation, maximum ground level concentration.

Particulate Matter Control – settling chambers, inertial separators, cyclones, fabric filters,
scrubbers, wet collectors, and electrostatic precipitators. Design aspects. Control of gaseous
pollutants – adsorption, absorption, combustion and condensation.

Air pollution laws/ acts, air quality and emission standards, air pollution indices - determination of
air pollution index by different methods. Indoor air quality – hospitals, health care facilities,
residential and commercial establishments, effects and control, air changes per hour (ACH), IAQ

Part B
Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency
of a system of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier
Series: Expansions of Periodic functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics
and Probability: Correlation and regression,. Probability, Random Variables. Discrete
probability distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions; Continuous probability
distributions-Exponential and Normal
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CS&E),
Department of Information Science and Engineering (IS&E)
Department of Master of Computer Applications (MCA))

Syllabus for M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research and Ph.D.

Part A

Programming and Data structures: Programming Concepts in C, Arrays, Pointers, Functions,
Dynamic memory allocation, Stacks, Queues, Linked lists, Trees and graphs.
Algorithms: Time and Space Complexity, Asymptotic notations, Algorithm design techniques,
Searching, Sorting and hashng methods.

Computer Organization and Architecture: Machine instructions and addressing modes, Arithmetic
Logic Unit, data‐path and control Unit, Instruction pipelining, Memory hierarchy: cache, main memory
and secondary storage; I/O interface, pipelining and parallel processing.
Operating System: Processes, threads, inter‐process communication, concurrency and synchronization,
Deadlock, CPU scheduling, Memory management.

Database Management System: File structure and Indexing (simple indexing, Multilevel indexing, B,
B++ trees), Database Architecture, Relational Algebra and Calculus, Query Optimization,
Normalization, Structure Query Language (SQL), Transaction management and concurrency control.
Software Engineering: Software Process models, Software Development Life Cycle, Software Agile

Computer Networks: Network Topology, Network Protocols, Digital transmission fundamentals,
Switching, High level data link control, MAC Protocols, Routing Algorithms, Congestion control
algorithms, Network security: authentication, basics of public key and private key cryptography, and

Part B
Unit-1: Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency
of a system of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series:
Expansions of Periodic functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and
Probability: Correlation and regression,. Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability
distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions; Continuous probability distributions-
Exponential and Normal


Part A

Unit 1: Electric Networks, Analog Electronics and Linear Integrated Circuits

Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s voltage law, Kirchoff’s current law, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, maximum
power transfer theorem, inductance, capacitance, passive ac network analysis, star and delta networks
BJT CE, CB and CC amplifiers, re model, hybrid model, hybrid π model, low frequency analysis, high frequency
analysis, negative feedback amplifiers, topologies of negative feedback, effect of negative feedback ,advantages
of negative feedback, analysis of negative feedback amplifiers using BJT, sinusoidal LC and RC oscillators,
classification of power amplifiers, analysis of class A,B,AB BJT power amplifiers , analysis of FET CS,CD and
CG amplifiers
BJT differential amplifier, block diagram of op-amp, characteristics of ideal and practical op-amps, inverting
and non-inverting op-amp amplifier, op-amp differential amplifier, active filters, Linear applications of op-amp,
nonlinear applications of op-amp, ADC, DAC, PLL, 555 timers.

Unit 2: Control Systems and Digital Signal Processing

Laplace transform, Standard second order system, Time domain specification, Stability definition and tests,
steady state error, root-locus, bode plot, gain margin and phase margin, PI, PID, phase-lead, phase-lag controller
Z-transform of DT signals, Fourier Transform of DT signals, DFT, FFT: Decimation in time, Decimation in
frequency approaches, FIR filter, IIR filter design.

Unit 3: Communication and Computer Networks

Analog communications: amplitude modulation and demodulation, angle modulation and demodulation, spectra
of AM and FM, superheterodyne receivers. Information theory: entropy, mutual information and channel capacity
theorem. S-parameter.
Digital communications: PCM, DPCM, digital modulation schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM), bandwidth, inter-
symbol interference, ML detection, matched filter receiver, SNR and BER. Fundamentals of error correction,
Hamming codes, CRC.
Random processes: autocorrelation and power spectral density, properties of white noise, filtering of random
signals through LTI systems.
Computer Networks: Concept of layering, LAN technologies (Ethernet), switching. IPv4/IPv6, routers and routing
algorithms (distance vector, link state). TCP/UDP and sockets, congestion control. Application layer protocols
(DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP). Basics of Wi-Fi. Network security: authentication, basics of public key and
private key cryptography, digital signatures and certificates, firewalls.

Unit 4: Microcontrollers, Microprocessors and VLSI Circuits

Ideal and non-ideal characteristics of MOSFET, Static timing analysis of digital circuit, RISC-V, Pipelining,
Cache memory, Basic computer and Controller Architecture its components, HDL Schematic and layout design
using CAD tools, RTL to GDS-II flow (VLSI Design flow)
Verification of VLSI circuits.

Part B
Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency of a
system of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series:
Expansions of Periodic functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and
Probability: Correlation and regression,. Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability
distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions; Continuous probability distributions-
Exponential and Normal

SYLLABUS FOR ENTRANCE EXAM FOR M..Sc.(Engg.) by Research and Ph.D.


Part A

1. Electric Circuit, Field Theory, and Electrical Machines

(a) Network topology. Node and mesh analysis. Transient response of D.C. and A.C. networks.
Coupled circuits. Sinusoidal steady‐ state analysis, resonance. Network theorems –
Thevenin’s/Norton’s theorem, Superposition theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem. Two-
portnetworks. Three-phase circuit analysis. Power and power factor in A.C. circuits.
(b) Coulomb's Law. Electric Field Intensity. Electric Flux Density. Gauss's Law. Divergence. Electric
field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions. Effect of dielectric
medium. Capacitance of simple configurations. Biot‐ Savart’s law. Ampere’s law. Curl, Faraday’s
law. Lorentz force. Inductance. Magnetomotive force. Reluctance. Magnetic circuits. Self and
mutual inductance of simple configurations.
(c) Theory, modeling, performance characteristics, testing and operation of the following –
single/three phase transformers, D.C. machines (separately excited, series and compound types),
induction machines (squirrel-cage type and wound rotor type), synchronous machines (generators
and motors). Methods of speed control of D.C. motors and induction motors.

2. Analog Electronics, Logic Design and Signal processing

(a) Characteristics and modeling of the following – diodes, BJT, MOSFET. Simple diode circuits:
clipping, clamping, rectifiers. Amplifiers – biasing, equivalent circuit and frequency response.
Oscillators and feedback amplifiers. Operational amplifiers – characteristics and applications like
simple active filters, VCOs, Monostable and Astable Multivibrators.
(b) Combinational and sequential logic circuits. Multiplexers, Demultiplexer, Schmitt trigger,
sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters.
(c) Continuous-time signals – Fourier series and Fourier transform representations. Sampling
theorem and applications. Discrete-time signals – discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), DFT, FFT,
Z-transform, interpolation of discrete-time signals. LTI systems – definition and properties,
causality, stability, impulse response, convolution, poles and zeros, parallel and cascade structure,
frequency response, group delay, phase delay, digital filter design techniques.

3. High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems

(a) Phenomenon of over voltages, types and impact on power system. Surge impedance. Tower
top potential. Insulation coordination – basic impulse level, lightning arrestors and selection,
voltage sharing. Breakdown phenomena in gaseous, liquid, and solid dielectrics. Corona.
Generation of high voltage A.C., high voltage D.C. and high voltage impulses by different
techniques. Techniquesof measurement of high voltages and currents. Non-destructive insulation
testing and high voltage tests on electrical apparatus. Applications of high voltage in electrostatic
(b) Power generation concepts. A.C. and D.C. transmission concepts. Models and performance of
transmission lines and cables. Electric field distribution and insulators. Distribution systems. Series
and shunt compensation. Per‐ unit quantities. Bus admittance matrix. Gauss-Seidel and Newton-
Raphson methods of load flow. Voltage and frequency control. Power factor correction.
Symmetrical components. Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis. Principles of over‐ current,
differential and distance protection. Circuit breakers. System stability concepts. Systemstability
concepts. Introduction to solar photo voltaic systems, wind power systems.

4. Power Electronics and Control Systems

(a) Characteristics and modeling of semiconductor power devices – Diode, Thyristor, Triac, GTO,
MOSFET, IGBT. D.C. to D.C. conversion – Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converters. Single and three-
phase configuration of uncontrolled rectifiers. Line commutated thyristor based converters.
Bidirectional A.C. to D.C. voltage source converters. Issues of line current harmonics, power factor.
Distortion factor of A.C. to D.C. converters, Single phase and three-phase inverters. Sinusoidal
pulse width modulation.
(b) Basic control system components. Feedback principle. Mathematical modeling and
representation of systems. Transfer function. Block diagram representation. Signal flow graph.
Transient and steady-state analysis of LTI systems. Frequency response. Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist
stability criteria. Bode and root-locus plots. Lag, lead and lag-lead compensation. P, P-I, P- I-D
controllers. State variable model and solution of state equation of LTI systems

Part B

Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency of a
system of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series:
Expansions of Periodic functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and
Probability: Correlation and regression,. Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability
distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions; Continuous probability distributions-
Exponential and Normal

Syllabus for M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research and Ph.D.

Part A

Circuits and Networks: KCL, KVL, Mesh analysis and Nodal analysis of DC/AC circuits, Start delta
networks, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Superposition, Maximum power transfer theorem.

Analog Electronics: BJT modelling, re model, hybrid model, hybrid p model, CE fixed bias, Voltage

Divider bias and emitter bias configurations, emitter follower, CB Configuration, cascaded systems

Darlington connection, feedback pair, current mirror, current source. JFET Small Signal model, JFET

Fixed bias, Self bias, Voltage divider bias configurations, source follower common gate configuration,

design of FET amplifier, E-MOS and D-MOS amplifiers. General frequency considerations, low

frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers, Concept of feedback, feedback topologies, practical

feedback circuits, basic principle of oscillators, RC, LC and crystal oscillators.

Linear Integrated Circuits: Op-amp characteristics, differential amplifier, adder, integrator,

differentiator, monostable, bistable, astable multivibrators, voltage regulators, phase-locked loops

Transducers and Instrumentation: Errors in measurement, Gross and systematic errors, Absolute and
relative errors, static and dynamic characteristics, calibration Electrical transducers, Resistive,
inductive, capacitive transducers, Differential output and LVDT, Piezoelectric, Photoelectric,
Temperature, Pressure, Corrugated diaphragms Sensors: Primary sensors, Smart sensors,
Microsensorsand MEMS, Actuators: Intelligent and self sensing, microactuators

Digital Electronics: Boolean algebra, logic gates, combinational circuits, flip flops, sequential
circuits, registers and counters, comparators, encoders, multiplexer and de-multiplexers

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: 8086 architecture, instruction set, hardware and software

interrupts, DMA, MSP430 microcontroller architecture, instructions

Digital Signal Processing: Z-transforms, DTFT, DFT Properties, FFT algorithms (decimation in time
and frequency), Design of FIR and IIR filters, Filter structures.

Control Systems: Transfer function modelling of electrical, mechanical and electromechanical

systems, stability, time and frequency domain analysis, PID controller design, Root-locus techniques,
bode plot
Analog/Digital Communication: Basic communication principles, channel theory, Amplitude and
frequency modulation/demodulation, basics of antennas and receivers, PSK, PAM, PWM, AM-SSB,
AM-DSB gain margin and phase-margin

Part B
Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency of a
system of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors. Dirichlet’s conditions.Fourier Series:
Expansions of Periodic functions into Fourier series, Half range Fourier series. Statistics and
Probability: Correlation and regression,. Probability, Random Variables. Discrete probability
distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions; Continuous probability distributions-
Exponential and Normal
Department of Management Studies

Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme

Part A

Module 1 Management: Definition, nature, purpose and functions. Principles of management.

Planning: nature-type-steps; Organizing: Organization structure, span of management, centralization,

decentralization. Staffing:-overview. Directing and controlling, MBO, Personality: definition-traits-

determinants. Perception; Meaning, factors influencing perception, perception and decision making,

Motivation, theories of motivation.

Module 2 Marketing Management: Meaning-importance – PLC, Consumer behavior,Marketing

management process, Marketing mix, demand forecasting.

Module 3 Human Resource Management: definition, nature, scope-managerial andoperative

functions of HRM, Job analysis, Job Description and Job analysis.

Module 4 Financial Management: Definition, scope, functions, objectives, Time value ofmoney,

Ratio Analysis.

Part B: Statistics

Module 5 Quantitative Techniques for Management

Measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, correlation and regressions, hypothesis,

hypothesis testing.

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