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Name: Mauro Jay G.

Palar Year and Course: 1st Year BSBA-HRDM

Teacher: Marielou Manglicmot Subject: PHR2
Title: Written Case Analysis

The Employees’ Pregnancy

     Cristina Andres is the supervisor of a department in a small

manufacturing company of precision tools.  Four operators who are
mostly men, except Ching who is five months pregnant, competently
operate the machinery at the production department.  She had been
there when Cristina was hired and has maintained an excellent
work record.

     The job requires very little physical exertion and most of
the time, employees simply have to push buttons.  Occasionally,
however, it is necessary to lift boxes associated with work. 
Ching’s fellow workers had been doing this for her during most of
her pregnancy but one day, all were extremely busy and no one had
time to help her.  Thus, a bottleneck was created.  Cristina
Andres reprimanded Ching for not keeping the work flow steadily.

      On the next day, Ching walked into the office of the
supervisor and told her that she had read that lifting heavy
objects might cause a miscarriage.  She requested that the
supervisor assign another worker to do all of the lifting for
her.  She also wanted other workers to refrain from smoking for
fear it might harm her baby.  The supervisor was caught off-guard
by her request and did not know who to follow.  Perhaps she could
be sent home on an unpaid leave of absence, or maybe, she could
transfer her to another job where lifting was not required, but
this would mean a reduction in Ching’s pay by P35.00 per hour. 
All of these raced through her head as she stared up at the
ceiling in her office hoping a situation would magically appear. 
After a few more moments of silence, Cristina Andres looked at
Ching and said “I better check with my boss on this one”.     


Written Case Analysis

Name: Mauro Jay G. Palar Year and Course: 1st Year BSBA-HRDM
Teacher: Marielou Manglicmot Subject: PHR2
A. Title:

 The Employees’ Pregnancy

B. Objectives:

 To improve the benefits of the employees in the company for

them to be satisfied while working.
 To maintain the steadiness of the workflow without
compromising the condition of the employee.
(pregnant and sick employee)

C. Statement of the Problem:

 Cristina Andres didn’t plan ahead for an alternative

solution for the pregnant employees, and the company lacks
benefits or privileges for the pregnant employees
considering the job requires physical exertion which is not
good for pregnant employees like Ching.

D. Alternative Courses of Action (Solution):

 Better quality management that will help and satisfy the

employee’s needs, especially who are pregnant, with a
disability, and seniors.
 Company must have a maternity leave and the company must
process the benefits like “SSS” so that Ching can still have
benefits and provide less work time for the pregnant and
lighter job without deducting their basic salary.
 Company must have health insurance provided to their
employees to cover the expenses for pregnancy-related
conditions or illnesses.
Name: Mauro Jay G. Palar Year and Course: 1st Year BSBA-HRDM
Teacher: Marielou Manglicmot Subject: PHR2
E. Conclusion:

 Therefore, I conclude that Cristina Andres didn’t anticipate

the problems that will occur especially in special cases
like pregnant employees, and did not provide an alternative
solution to satisfy the needs of Ching as an employee of
their company.

F. Recommendations:

 Cristina Andres must have good quality management and plan

ahead of time to anticipate the problems that will occur
like Ching’s condition. Also, the company must have a
special privilege for the elderly, a person with a
disability, and pregnant women to satisfy their needs while
working in the company. The company must apply health
insurance for the employee so that the employee can work
efficiently and be happy since the health insurance can
cover the expenses if they are sick or pregnant. Pregnant
women should have the benefit of early out or less work
without deducting the pay, this will lessen the stress of
pregnant women.


2 3 4 5 SCORE
Name: Mauro Jay G. Palar Year and Course: 1st Year BSBA-HRDM
Teacher: Marielou Manglicmot Subject: PHR2
Below Approaching At Exceeds
Standard Standard Standard Standard

Clear explanation of key

strategic issues 

• The problems, scope, and

seriousness was clearly
identified in the


·   Critical issues and key

problems that supported the
Case Analysis were
identified and clearly
analyzed and supported.

Conclusions and
recommendations are
consistent with strategic

·   Specific
recommendations and/or
plans of action provided.

·   Specific data or facts

were referred to when
necessary to support the
analysis and conclusions.

·   Recommendations and
conclusions were presented
Name: Mauro Jay G. Palar Year and Course: 1st Year BSBA-HRDM
Teacher: Marielou Manglicmot Subject: PHR2

and supported in a
knowledgeable and effective

Proper organization,
professional writing, and
logical flow of analysis.
APA formatting

·   Logically organized,
key points, key arguments,
and important criteria for
evaluation is easily

·   Key points were

supported with a well
thought rationale.

·   Proper grammar,
spelling and punctuations


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