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NEW DELHI-110001
Sir, I Virender, S/o Sh. Gobind Singh, R/o Qtr. No. 575, Type II, Sector-
5, Pushp Vihar, M.B. Road, Delhi-110017,currently posted in Rajkot, Gujarat,
aged about 31 years, would like to encroach upon your kind and valuable
consideration towards continuous threatening with dire consequences of falsely
implication in criminal cases of rape and dowry demands from the hands of my
newly wedded wife and her family, and also repetition of threatening to destroy
my family, career and image in the society, from the hands of my newly wedded
wife Smt. Babita, D/o Sh. Bhuwan Singh, and her family members.
Sir, I am peace loving and law-abiding citizen, never given any chance
for any complaint to anyone throughout my life, enjoying respect and goodwill
in the society, I am working as central government employee in the income tax
department and currently posted in Rajkot, Gujarat, my father Sh. Gobind Singh
and my mother Smt. Manju Rawat are residing with my unmarried sister
namely Ms. Pooja Rawat, in the quarter allotted to her, who is also a central
Government Employee and working in Defence Ministry, I also have one
younger brother namely Sh. Ravi Singh, who is working in Central government
as Accountant, and posted in Delhi.
Sir, in the month of January 2020, while I was posted in Rajkot, Gujarat,
my family received the call from the Mama of my wife, and he proposed the
proposal of his niece for me before my family, therefore in February 2020, I
first time talked to my wife and at first she seemed quite understanding and
matured, therefore I came back to Delhi and after few meetings and after
considering the educational and family background of my wife, and only after
my wife’s acceptance to come and stay with me in Rajkot, after leaving her
present Job in Gurugram, as textile designer, and join different company in
Rajkot, my family and I accepted the proposal of my wife, but unfortunately
due to lockdown in March 2020, the date of marriage was not fixed, but we had
started talking over phone, we used to talk once or twice in 15 days, as most of
the time my wife used to be either busy, or used to ignore my calls on one
pretext or another, even when I used to request her to suggest the place for our
honeymoon, she used to say that she do not want to go anywhere due to covid,
even though the cases were minimal during that time.
Sir, in the month of June 2020 my father received a call from my father in
law namely Sh. Bhuwan Singh, and he requested my father that the marriage
must be solemnised soon in the month of July, but as my father is a heart patient
and had suffered bypass surgery in 2017, and Covid was on its peak, therefore
my father requested him to postpone the marriage till atleast November,
therefore even though there were some restrictions due to Covid 19 Pandemic
situation, but still on request my family agreed upon his request and the
marriage was fixed on 20.11.2020, and it was also decided that right after
marriage, my wife would come and stay with me at Rajkot in Gujarat after
resigning from her job as Textile Designer at E Shakti Pvt. Ltd. at Udyog Vihar,
Gurugram, but when even I used to call her on phone and ask her about whether
she had resigned her job, she always used to avoid the matter on one pretext or
another, and only after my several requests and persuasions, my wife agreed and
I had booked the tickets for both of us to Rajkot on dated on dated 30.11.2020.
Sir, in the month of November 2020, I had taken leave from my work
from 08.11.2020 to 30.11.2020, and my marriage was solemnized with my wife
Babita on dated 20.11.2020, at Shiv Temple, Sector-8, R.K.Puram, New Delhi,
in the presence of just close family members, according to Hindu rites and
ceremonies, in simple manner, without any kind of dowry demands or gifts. All
my family members very happy after the marriage, and treated my wife with
due love and respect in her matrimonial, my wife also seemed happy, but as
soon as we entered my room at night, my wife clearly told me to not to touch
her as she is not comfortable spending night with me and needed some time to
adjust, and that she also have her periods, therefore I completely understood her
situation and gave her time to adjust in her matrimonial home.
Sir, even though I was on leave till 30.11.2020, but my wife insisted upon
joining her office from 25.11.2020, she used to go to her Job in the morning and
also used to come around 8 pm in the evening without caring about any of her
matrimonial responsibilities towards me and my family, on dated 26.11.2020
when my wife came back from her job, she went straight to her room, and when
I tried to talk to her, I was shocked and surprized to smell alcohol from her
breath, when I confronted her, she shamelessly told me that she is hardcore
drunk of liquor, she also started saying that she does not like the faces of my
family members, and never wanted to marry me, and only under the pressure of
her parents, she had accepted to marry me, and even threatened me that if I
disclosed this fact to her parents or my parents, she would implicate me and my
whole family in false criminal cases of dowry demands, as she is well aware of
women laws, therefore I was scared and could not disclose the aforesaid
misconduct of my newly wedded wife to anyone.
Sir, since the aforesaid incident, my wife started showing her dual
character in front of my family, her attitude  was totally different in the
bedroom and in the living room, she pretended to be very sober, cooperative,
responsible, caring and loving towards me and my family, in front of my other
family members, but used to change completely inside the four corners of our
bedroom, just within the 10 days of our marriage, according to her, she was
brought up like a boy by her father and therefore she used to behave like a boy,
and whenever I tried to come close to her, not allowed me to have Sexual
Relationship with her, and also used to call me “napunsukh” “hizrra” “gay” and
“namard”, who will never be able to satisfy her sexual lust inside the room, that
caused lots of mental and physical harassment to me, She threatened even me
that I have to  accept  her and her  all habits, she has also disclosed to me that
she has been taking the drinks for the last more  than 4 years.
Sir, I had done booking for both me and my wife for Rajkot, as it was
already decided before marriage that I and my wife would live in Rajkot after
marriage, and after the aforesaid incidents, I had hoped that may be after
coming to Rajkot, the conduct of my wife may be improved,but on dated
29.11.2020 after that she refused to join for 2 to 3 months, on the pretext that
she is paying EMI of 3000 for the property in Noida/Greater Noida but never
disclose the information about who is the owner of the property, and when I
tried to enquire from her, she told me that I should mind my own business, as I
was not the owner of her life, and she can do whatever she wants to and spend
her money where ever she wants, therefore I left for Rajkot on dated
30.11.2020, without consummating the marriage, even when I called her after
reaching Rajkot, she did not attend my phone and did not even bothered to talk
to me about my well being for atleast a week.
Sir, my wife never used to wear any sindoor, mangalsootra or any other
article that may disclose that she is married, I was dying day and night, as
nobody in my family was ready to listen anything against her, she never used to
talk to me on phone, used to live like a guest at her matrimonial home, but my
parents were fine with this situation as they did not know about the atrocities
she was making upon me. On dated 19.12.2020, I had planned to come back to
Delhi, as my newly wedded wife was not talking to me, therefore I had thought
that maybe if I am close to her she would understand me better, but in the
morning on dated 19.12.2020, my wife called me up and told me that she
wanted to go to her parental home for 15-20 days, I was shocked and surprised
to hear this as I had already told my wife in advance that I would be coming to
Delhi, but despite that she left her matrimonial home with meeting her air
hostess friend, eho lives in Dwarka, to her parental home, without considering
the fact that I am coming to Delhi and other matrimonial responsibilities
towards my family, which caused lots of mental and physical torture to me.
Sir, When I reached Delhi I requested my wife to join me in her
matrimonial home, she came 2 days later with her father and both of them
started convincing me and my parents that it is not a big deal to live separately
as everyone used to live separately in earlier, I and my family were shocked to
hear the unreasonable demand of my wife, as it was decided before marriage
itself that my wife is going to stay with me after marriage, therefore only after
several requests and persuasions from me and my family, my wife was
convinced to come with me to Rajkot, but during my whole stay in Delhi till
29.12.2020, my wife used to leave early for her job and used to come late in the
night in totally drunk condition, and even then she used to be on her phone till
late nights, whenever I tried to make sexual relations with my wife, she used to
abuse me in most unparliamentary language like “KUTTE, NAMARD,
SEXUALLY SATISFY HER and GAY aswell, even asked me to go and sleep
on floor or else she would implicate me in and my family in false criminal cases
of dowry demands, or commit suicide, which caused lots of mental and physical
torture to me, but I could not tell to anyone about the misconduct of my wife
due to her continuous threats to me.
Sir, after the several requests and continuous persuasions with my wife
and her father, my wife had finally agreed to come with me to Rajkot on dated
29.12.2020, and I had booked 2 tickets to Rajkot, and had thought that maybe
she would improve her conduct towards me, once she would come to different
place with me, but once again to my surprise, my wife had refused to come with
me to Rajkot, on the pretext that one of her friend’s namely Ms. Menka Rawat
brother in office, is Covid positive and she would not leave the station till he
gets negative report and therefore once again I was forced to cancel her ticket to
Rajkot, as my wife went to her parental home on 12.01.2021 till 24.01.2021 and
once again I went alone to my work place, and again when I reached there she
never used to call me by herself, and whenever I used to call her, she used to
talk in very restrictive manner by just answering my questions in just Yes or
Sir, on dated 27.01.2021 my wife called me for the first time after almost
20 days, and I was happy that maybe my wife was starting to make an effort in
her matrimonial life, but when I picked the call, she simply asked me about the
number of the gynaecologist she was being treated for her periods problem, and
she became annoyed when I asked her about when she was coming to Rajkot,
and started yelling on me in most unparliamentary language, that she never
intends to come to Rajkot, and I should never dream about even touching her, as
she is never going to accept me as husband, and disconnected the phone, I was
stunned to hear such words from my newly wedded wife, as I had never
expected such behaviour from her, but still for sake of my matrimonial life, I
didn’t say anything to her and simply provided her with the number of the
gynaecologist, and when she didn’t view the number for an hour, I again tried to
call her number of times but she did not pick up my call.
Sir, in the evening my wife used to come at around 8 PM from her office,
but on dated 27.01.2021 it was around 9:30 PM, and my wife had still not
reached back to her matrimonial home, which made my parents worried, and
they called the parents of my wife while enquiring about my wife whether they
are aware about her whereabouts, when my mother in law namely Smt. Prema
Rawat picked up the call and was surprisingly calm about the absence of my
wife and thereby told my mother that “AA JAYEGI GHAR KOI BAAT NAHI
AAP WAIT KAR LO THODA AUR”, but when my wife did not return back
till 10 PM, my sister called the 100 number and filed the Lost report having
unique reference number 2678298, at police station Saket, and when the police
officials came, they asked my parents to lodge a complaint in Udyog Vihar,
Police Station, Gurugram, therefore we coordinated with Udyog Vihar Police
station at Gurugram on phone, the police officials told my parents to come in
the morning next day as they would not lodge the FIR at night, but surprisingly
no efforts were made by the family of my wife to find her. In the mean while I
was also coordinating with my wife’s friend namely Ms. Priyanka from
Dwarka, who gave me her another phone number, which was neither in my
knowledge, nor in the knowledge of my family members, I was shocked to hear
about another number of my wife, and when I tried to contact that number, even
that number was switched off but ringing on Whatsapp, my wife’s friend also
told me that a railway ticket was booked by my wife and her one of friend
namely Sh. Dhirender to Mumbai, and gave me the PNR number of their tickets
booking. I was very much surprized by this conduct and dual nature of my wife,
as on one hand my wife used to act like Hindu devoted wife in front of my
parents, and on the other hand she used to fight with me and had even booked
tickets for Mumbai with another man.
Sir, on dated 28.01.2021 I had also taken flight from Rajkot and reached
straight away to Udyog Vihar police station in Gurugram, the parents of my
wife had reached directly to her office, and did not make any contact with me or
my parents, they were very normal with the conduct of their daughter, when I
reached the police station Udyog Vihar, an FIR bearing No. 17/2021, P.S
Udyog Vihar was lodged at around 2:20 PM, and after enquiry from my wife’s
office, we came to know that she had left around 6 p.m. from office staff and
was very busy for two to three hours on her phone on 27.01.2021, even though
she did not talk to me even after multiple calls made by me, we also came to
know that she went on a bike with some person as per the CCTV footage, which
showed her leaving the office building, after further enquiries, When further
enquiries were made by the police, it appeared that my wife had made a
transaction the of HDFC bank account of my wife, in a hotel Smart Signature at
Mahipalpur around 10:40 P.M, and when we reached there at about 3:30 PM
along with the police officials, my wife was present at the room No. 304 of the
aforesaid hotel at Mahipalpur and was reeking of alcohol. I and my family were
completely shocked with the conduct of my wife, then she accompanied us back
to the police station Udyog Vihar.
Sir, after returning back to the police station from hotel with my wife, her
parents had also reached the police station with some advocate namely who
claimed to be the neighbour of my wife, and my wife went straight into the arms
of her aforesaid advocate neighbours and started hugging her,which caused lots
of mental and physical torture to me, and only after the request of her mother,
she was separated from him, and even after being asked multiple times, my wife
refused to give any statement to police, even denied to talk with me or my
parents, and said that she would give her statement only in front of the
Magistrate in Court, while the above named advocate was clearly instigating my
wife to give false and frivolous statement against me and my family members,
that we have committed cruelty against her and implicate me and my all the
family members in false criminal cases of dowry demands, I and my family
members were completely shocked and surprized with the aforesaid conduct of
my wife, later when I and my family asked her to come back to her matrimonial
home,she denied and stayed back at the police station for the
whole night,.(ye wala incident 29 january ko court me
statement ke baad or uske hospital me medical ke jaane
ke baad jab usko thane wapas lekar aaye court me se us
din hua akhir me )
Sir, on the next day i.e. on dated 29.01.2021, my wife was produced
before a magistrate in Gurgaon and her statement was recorded, and the same
aforesaid advocate was present in the court as well, and my wife was only
talking with her parents and the advocate, and ignored me and my family as if
we were not present in the court, the aforesaid advocate was again continuously
provoking my wife to give statement against me and my family members and
implicate me and my family members in false and frivolous cases of dowry
demands, that advocate even asked my wife to not to have her medical
examination conducted, later she went alone for recording her statement and
when she came back the aforesaid advocate was annoyed with my wife that why
did she not give false statement against me and my family members and even
consoled her that she can give her statement again and implicate me and my
family members in false criminal cases of molestation, dowry demand and
attempt to rape on my younger brother, but my wife refused and I and my
family were shocked to hear the aforesaid false and frivolous allegations that the
aforesaid advocate was forcing my wife to put on me and my family members,
but my wife refused his demand and even after continuous request to come back
with me to her matrimonial home, she came back with her sister and chacha but
took her clothes and belongings and went back to her parental home, I and my
parents made number of calls but she did not pick up the call therefore my
mother called her mother but they refused to send her and never allowed to talk
with her she went with her family and aforesaid advocate, back to her parental
home. The conduct of my wife and her family members in the police station
seemed as if it was not the first time she had visited the police station as they
were very normal about it.
Sir, on dated 03.02.2021, I called my wife and once again requested her
to join me in her matrimonial home, but my wife started abusing me just after
picking my phone that she is not going to come in Rajkot and I must get my
transfer back to Delhi or else forget that I am married to my wife, as she is
never going to came back to her matrimonial home if I would not come back to
Delhi, even though she knew that I was a central government Employee and my
job was non transferable even before the marriage, and when I tried to console
my wife, she became even more annoyed and started saying that she had always
wanted to marry a lawyer just like her neighbour advocate friend,She had also
disclosed to me that she was very much interested in the marriage with the
aforesaid advocate, and her family was not ready for marriage not ready just
because of the reason that he was not of same caste, She also started
pressurizing me in order to harass, humiliate and pressurize me and my family
members, with her malafide intention and ulterior motive, in most shameful
manner that I must shift to Delhi near her residence, after separating myself
from my family, as aforesaid advocate is living near her home and he require
her presence in his life. She also pressurized me that I should arrange the full
time domestic servant with my salary in the house and she would never cook or
do any house hold chores, if I want her presence in my life and want our
marriage to be consummated, and threatened me to commit suicide if the
aforesaid unreasonable demands of my wife were not accepted by me.
Sir, I was very much depressed and tormented after the aforesaid conduct
of my wife, and came back to Rajkot alone once again, but shockingly on dated
08.06.2021, my mother in law namely Smt. Prema Rawat , had called me and
started raising false and frivolous allegations on me and my family that we have
made the life of her daughter like hell and that she was tortured by raising
dowry demands, whereas she was well aware that no demand for dowry was
made by me and my family members from the family of my wife, either before
or after the marriage, but still in order to harass, humiliate and pressurize me
and my family members, with her malafide intention and ulterior motive to
bring me back to Delhi, after that number of calls were made by me and my
family members to my wife and her family members in the month of February
and March 2021, but all our efforts went in vain, as we never used to get any
answer or effort from her family members for reconciliation between me and
my wife from her family members, instead they used to talk with me and my
family members in most unparliamentary language like, “KANGLO,
Sir, I and my family were very disturbed from the aforesaid conduct of
my wife and her family members, everytime they used to force me to get
transferred to Delhi and only then they would talk about reconciliation, on dated
10.04.2021, I and my whole family was Covid Positive, but my wife did not
pick my phone at first and even when she came to know about our situation, she
most shamefully said that “KAMSE KAM EK DO LOG TO MARNE
CHAHIYE COVID SE”, and when I raised objection against her such words,
she said “BHAAD ME JAO SAB”and disconnected the phone, I was very much
depressed and shocked to hear such derogatory words about me and my family
members from my wife and decided that I would not to talk with my wife until
some efforts are made by her for saving her matrimonial relationship with me,
but still called her several times for sake of my matrimonial life but she never
picked up my call, even though she used to appear online on Whatsapp but still
never cared to talk with me on dated 05.06.2021 and only after my non stop
calling, she picked up my call on 07.06.2021she started screaming upon me just
after picking up the phone and refused to come to Rajkot with me, and only on
dated 8.06.2021 her phone was picked by my mother in law and she started
making false and frivolous allegations upon me and my family members that we
have spoiled her daughters life, and threatened and abused me and my family
members in most unparliamentary language, even though I and my family had
tried our best for consoling my wife and calling her back to her matrimonial
home, but all our efforts went in vain.
Sir, on dated 29.06.2021, I once again tried to talk with my wife, and
made as much as 50 calls to her, but she insisted on sending text messages as
her number was always busy, but later didn’t even cared to message me back,
that caused lots of mental and physical torture to me, on dated 30.08.2021, my
parents called her parents to meet and sort out the mis understandings, but they
insisted upon coming to their place for talks, but I and my family were so scared
due to the false and frivolous allegations made by my wife and her family
members, that they would implicate them in false criminal cases, that we
requested them to meet outside the house at some restaurant for sorting out, but
they refused, even on dated 08.09.2021 my father in law Sh. Bhuwan Singh
made a call to my father and told him that he is coming to our house with their
relatives, but my father refused and again asked them to meet at some restaurant
to sort the things out first and then come to home, after hearing this my wife
was furious and messaged me that it was her mistake to not file false and
frivolous complaints against me and my family members, when she had a
chance in the court, and now I and my family members must be prepared for
dire consequences, as her advocate friend has connections with top brasses of
the police and with the help of their money and muscle power, they would make
our life like living hell.
Sir, now I and my family has been living under the continuous threat and
pressure from the hands of my wife and her family members, that they will
definitely get a false and baseless criminal complaint registered against me and
my entire family, with false and fictitious allegations of rape against my father
or brother and case of dowry demands against my entire family. As per their
threatening, which has snatched the peacefulness and tranquillity of me and my
family’s life, and we are living under continuously threat. Therefore I would
like to request you that you may kindly look into the matter personally and
protect me and my family from any false accusation committed by my wife and
her family members, and also take appropriate legal action against them and do
Justice with me.

S/o Sh. Gobind Singh,
R/o Qtr. No. 575,
Type II, Sector-5,
Pushp Vihar, M.B. Road,
Presently posted in Rajkot, Gujarat

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