Sae Standard Ja1011

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SAE Standard JA1011 / SAE Standard JA1012

Since the initial work done by Nowlan and Heap, RCM ha been !ed to
help "or#!late phyical aet #ana$e#ent trate$ie in al#ot e%ery area
o" ind!try, in al#ot e%ery ind!triali&ed co!ntry in the world'
Howe%er, the widepread !e o" the word RCM ha led to the e#er$ence o"
a n!#ber o" procee that di""er i$ni"icantly "ro# the ori$inal and that "ail
to achie%e the $oal o" Nowlan and Heap' So#e are co!nterprod!cti%e' (n
repone to the international de#and "or a tandard, John Mo!bray and
other leader in the "ield worked with SAE tandard body to de%elop a
reco$ni&ed tandard "or RCM that et o!t the criteria that any proce #!t
co#ply in order to be called RCM' )he re!lt i the SAE Standard JA1011
and now !pdated to JA1012'

SAE (nternational, thro!$h the %ol!ntary work o" #ore than *,000 co##ittee
#e#ber and participant, #aintain o%er +,00 technical tandard and
related doc!#ent'

RCM 2 co#plie with SAE Standard JA1011- .E%al!ation Criteria "or

ReliabilityCentered Maintenance RCM rocee3' )he latet !pdate to
the tandard i SAE Standard JA1012'

)he tandard wa p!blihed "irt in A!$!t 1444' (t i a brie" doc!#ent

ettin$ o!t criteria that any proce #!t ati"y to be called RCM when it i
applied to any partic!lar aet or yte#'

Copie o" thi tandard can be obtained "ro#-

(nternational Society o" A!to#oti%e En$ineer 5ept 26+ 600

Co##onwealth 5ri%e 7arrendale  A
A 180490001 :nited State o" A#erica


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