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Salam Pramuka !!

Before telling you about the tourist attractions that found in Humbang Hasundutan Regency, allow me to
introduce myself first, I am Enda Zendato from Kwartir Cabang Humbang Hasundutan and I am very glad as one of
participants of the Toba Caldera Camp of 2022 that held in Porsea, Toba Regency.

Humbang Hasundutan Regency is a regency in North Sumatera province of Indonesia. It includes part of the
southwest shore of Toba Lake of North Sumatera, Indonesia. The regency covers an area of 2, 502.71 km2, and it
had a population of 171, 687 at the 2010 Cencus and 197, 751 at the 2020 Cencus. The capital city of Humbang
Hasundutan is Doloksanggul.

Humbang Hasundutan Regency is one of the district that has the potential to be developed as a tourism area.
There are some tourist attractions that we can see in this regency and they are amazing and attracts many people
to come to see each of them.

The first is Geosite Sipinsur. It is a tourist attraction in the form of nature conservation park and natural scenery
featuring a view of Toba Lake and surrounded by pine forest. The Geosite of Sipinsur is one of the main tourist
areas in Humbang Hasundutan Regency and this area is still managed by the Regional Government. Let’s see the

The second is Aek Sipangolu (The water of Life). This is the second of the main tousist areas that many people
like to come to this place. It is belived that the water can heal many of diseases and have been proved by many
people. Aek Sipangolu is one of the heirloom waters of the Kingdom of Sisingamangaraja XII. Let’s see the

The third is Janji Waterfall. It is located in Marbun Toruan Village, Baktiraja Sub-district. Many people especially
on the weekend come to see this waterfall. The height is around 25 to 30 meters. The local people said that this is
the place of the kings in the past time to make promises. Let’s see the pictures!

The forth is the view of Bakti Raja Sub-District from the top of the mountain. This is one the place that many
people like to enjoy the view of Toba Lake from distance. Let’s see the pictures!

The fifth is Tuan Nagani Paradise. This is the newest tourim object in Humbang Hasundutan Regency. It offers
people some tourism attractions such as a pool which the water come down from the mountain. We can also
enjoy Fly fox, rowing a small boat, and many more. If you want to stay there for some days, you can rent an inn.

That’s all about the tourist attractions that we can see and enjoy in Humbang Hasundutan Regency. So, let’s visit
Humbang Hasundutan in this normal situation and don’t forget to obey the health protocol regulated by the
government. I am Enda Zendato, thank you for watching this video. Goodbye.

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