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Name: _______Beyonka G________

Lab Exercise 43: Physiology of Reproduction: Gametogenesis and Female Cycles

1. Go to Mastering A&P > Study Area > Study by lab manual exercise > Pre-lab Quiz > ex.43
physiology of reproduction: gametogenesis and the female cycles

Complete the pre-lab quiz.

2. Go to Mastering A&P > Study Area > Lab Tools > Practice Anatomy Lab 3.1 > Histology >
Reproductive System

Click ‘show labels’ and then click structures to hear pronunciation.

Activity 2: Use PAL slides 1-10 AND Figures 43.3-43.4 on page 644 in lab manual to
complete this activity (examining events of spermatogenesis).
Activity 4: Use PAL slides 11-29 AND Figure 43.6 on page 646 in lab manual to complete
this activity (examining oogenesis in the ovary).
Activity 6: Use PAL slides 30-32 AND Figure 43.7 on page 648 in lab manual to complete
this activity (observing histological changes in the endometrium during the menstrual

3. Go to Mastering A&P > Study Area > Study by lab manual exercise > Post-lab Quiz > activities
43.2 (Examining events of spermatogenesis), 43.4 (Examining oogenesis in ovary), and 43.6
(observing histological changes in the endometrium during the menstrual cycle).

Complete these three post-lab quizzes.


4. Complete the Review Sheet questions 1-16 and 19-21 on pages 651-654.

1. The following statements refer to events occurring during mitosis and/or meiosis. For each
statement, decide whether the event occurs in (a) mitosis only, (b) meiosis only, or (c) both
mitosis and meiosis.

___c__ 1. dyads are visible (dyads defined on p.642)

____b_ 2. tetrads are visible
____a_ 3. product is two diploid daughter cells genetically identical to the mother cell
___b__ 4. product is four haploid daughter cells quantitatively and qualitatively different from
the mother cell
___c__ 5. involves the phases prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
___a__ 6. occurs throughout the body
___b__ 7. occurs only in the ovaries and testes
____a_ 8. provides cells for growth and repair
____b_ 9. homologues synapse; chiasmata are seen
____c_ 10. chromosomes are replicated before the division process begins
___a__ 11. provides cells for production of offspring
___b__ 12. consists of two consecutive nuclear divisions, without chromosomal replication
occurring before the second division

2. Describe the process of synapsis.

Homo chromosomes are close lined along the complete length

3. How does crossing over introduce variability in the daughter cells?

4. Define homologous chromosomes.

Chromosomes carry genes of the same trait paternam and maternal

5. The cell types seen in the seminiferous tubules are listed in the key. Match the correct cell
type or types with the description given below.

Key: a. primary spermatocyte b. secondary spermatocyte c. spermatogonium

d. sustenocyte e. spermatid f. sperm

___c 1. primitive stem cell __e__ 4. product of meiosis II

__b.e,f_ 2. haploid (3 responses) _f___ 5. product of spermiogenesis
___d 3. provides nutrients to developing sperm ___b_ 6. product of meiosis I

6. Why are spermatids not considered functional gametes?

There too much superfluous cyto plasma no motile

7. Differentiate spermatogenesis from spermiogenesis.
Form of haploid gametes with the male

8. The sequence of events leading to gamete formation in the female begins during fetal
development. By the time the child is born, all viable oogonia have been converted to
___primary oocyctes ____.
In view of this fact, how does the total gamete potential of the female compare to that of the
male? _____________very cmaller and total number is already determined _____________

9. The female gametes develop in structures called follicles. Describe the structure of a
primordial follicle.
Structure which includes cap of follicle cell contains developing gamete

10. How are the primary and vesicular follicles anatomically different?
The primary is 1 or a small number of layered follicle cells , vesicular follicle has a large fluid
produced by the granulosa cell

11. What is a corpus luteum?


12. What are the hormones produced by the corpus luteum?

Progesterone and estrogen( female testosterone)

13. Use the key to identify the cell type you would expect to find in the following structures.
The items in the key may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Key: a. oogonium b. primary oocyte c. secondary oocyte d. ovum

_ _Primary oocyte 1. Forming part of the primary follicle in the ovary

_Secondary oocyte_ 2. in the uterine tube before fertilization
_primary oocyte_ 3. in the vesicular follicle of the ovary
_ovum_ 4. in the uterine tube shortly after fertilization
__Ovum 5. primitive stem cell

14. Label the ovary illustration in your lab manual.

15. The cellular products of spermatogenesis are four _____spermatids____; the final products
of oogenesis are one ___ovum_____ and three __polar________. What is the function of this
unequal cytoplasmic division seen during oogenesis in the female? _________to provide the
ovum or functional gamete with adequate nutritional reserves so that it can survive during its
journey to the uterus ________________

What is the fate of the polar bodies produced during oogenesis? ___they deteriorate _______
WHy? __they usually lack sustaining cyto plasma nutrient reserves____
16. For each statement below dealing with plasma hormone levels during the female ovarian
and menstrual cycles decide whether the condition in column A is usually (a) greater than or (b)
less than the condition in column B.

Column A Column B

__a 1. amount of LH in the blood during menstruation amount of LH in blood at ovulation

__a 2. amount of FISH in blood on day 6 of cycle amount of FSH in blood on day 20
__b 3. amount of estrogen in blood during menstruation amount of estrogen at ovulation
_b_ 4. amount of progesterone in blood on day 14 amount of progesterone on day 23
_a_ 5. amount of estrogen in blood on day 10 amount of progesterone on day 10

19. The menstrual cycle depends on events within the female ovary. The stages of the
menstrual cycle are listed below. For each, note its approximate time span and the related
events in the uterus; and then to the right, record the ovarian events occurring simultaneously.
Pay particular attention to hormonal events.

Menstrual cycle stage Uterine events Ovarian events

menstruation days 1-5 Days 1-5 endometrium is Primary follicle begins to
sloughing off grow

Proliferative days 6-14 Days 6-14 endomterium, Follicular growth continues

repaired,glands and bloods and vescicular follicles
vessels prolifeate. produced. Estrogen secreted
Endometrium thickens and peaks at day 14.
Ovulation occurs on the 14th
Secretory days 15-28 Days 15-28 vascular supply Ruptured follicle is converted
increases and glands begins to a corpus luteum ,which
secretory activity begins to produce
progesoerone peak at day 23
and then begins to decline

20. Endometriosis occurs when fragments of endometrial tissue undergo retrograde (moving
backward) menstruation, resulting in displaced tissue that often attaches to the peritoneum of
the pelvic cavity. These fragments respond to hormonal changes, resulting in bouts of severe
pain even after menstruation has ended. Explain how the female anatomy contributes to the
ability of this tissue to relocate and attach to the peritoneum.
The lateral ends of the uterine tubes are open to receive ovulated occytes. If endometrial cells
migrate backward through the uterine tubes they can escape and deposit on the peritoneum

21. Natural family planning, or fertility awareness, is a method that can be used to achieve or
prevent pregnancy. It is based on the ability to predict ovulation. Measuring which hormone
would be the best predictor for ovulation, and why?
Luteinzing Hormone

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