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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Umingan, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade& Section: _____________________________________________ Score: ____________________

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.

____1. Which of the following is the third section of mass?

a.Credo b.Sanctus and Benedictus c.Agnus d. Gloria
____2. It is primarily utilized in the early Christian church?
a. Gregorian Chant b. Mass c. Credo d. Gloria
____3. He was named the Gregorian Chant?
a. Gregory I b. Gregory II c. Gregory III d. Gregory IV
____4. It is a religious narrative large scale work for orchestra and voices performed without costume, scenery or action.
a. Cantata b. Oratorio c. Suite d. Troubadour
____5. is a set of instrumental compositions for dance style. Consist of a series of dances derived from social or court
dances of the time.
a. Troubadour b. Suite c. Oratorio d. Cantata
____6. usually monophonic,sometimes with improvised accompaniment and tells of chivalry and courtly love.
a. Suite b. Troubadour c. Cantata d. Oratorio
____7. Is an era of absolute monarchy?
a.Renaissance b. Medieval c.Baroque d. Classical
____8. Famous music functions of Renaissance period?
a.Mass b.Madrigal c. Mona Lisa d. none of the above
____9. An optical instrument designed to make objects appear nearer?
a.Tv b.Radio c. telescope d. microphone
____10. This refers to chants which consists small groups of up to five or six notes sung to a syllable.
a. Gregoriant b. Neumatic c. Opera d. Troubadours
_____11. It is a large-scale music drama that combines poetry, acting and scenery and costumes with singing and
instrumental music
a. Opera b. Neumatic c. Cantata d. Suite
_____12. They were travelling poet musicians who flourished in the various courts of Europe.

a. Oratorio b. Cantata c. Suite d. Troubadour

_____13.In the Renaissance period ,the_____________was used to accompany most of the songs.

a. Lute b. flute c. Suite d. Pipe Organ

_____14.The harpsichord and the _________________ were used as basso continuo/thorough bass/figured bass during
the Baroque period.
a. Flute b. Lute c. Pipe Organ d. Viola
_____15.The recorder,flute,harp or other wind and stringed instruments were used as ____________________ during the
Medieval period.
a. harpsichord b. accompaniment c. Gregorian d. Troubadour
_____16.The orchestral can be observed in the ________________period.
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Middle
_____17.The viol or________________,is a six –stringed instruments played by bowing in an upright position.
a. Violam b. Violin c. Viola da Baroque d. Viola da Gamba
_____18. Which of the following is also called jaw’s harp, juice harp, or guimbard, musical instrument consisting of a thin
wood or metal tongue fixed at one end to the base of a two-pronged frame.
a. Sharpsichord b. Viola da Gamba c. Viola da Baroque d. Harpsichord

______19. Medieval music was both sacred and secular. During the earlier medieval period, the liturgical genre,
predominantly Gregorian Chant, was monophonic. This statement was…
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the above
______20. Major differences of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music.Baroque musical genres include both vocals
and instrumental. Renaissance music consisted of smooth regular flow of rhythm while Baroque music was
comprised of a metrical rhythm with varied motion. This statement was…
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the above

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Umingan, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2022-2023

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____1. Art is derived from the Latin word ARS. The term ARS means __________.
a. imagine b. skill c. creative d. active
_____2. Art is also known as the totality of human activities. The following are importance of art to
humans EXCEPT
a. Express feelings of love.
b.Give satisfaction to talented people.
c. Develop character, proper attitudes and values.
d.Encourage budding sportsmen.
_____3. Cave paintings encompasses any parietal art which involves the application of color pigments on
the walls. In what era when these types of arts dominated as the people’s means of communication?
a. Ancient Egypt b. Classical Greek Era c. Prehistoric Era d. Romanesque Era
_____4.Your group was tasked to do a mural painting in your school using the colors made with grind
powder pigments in pure water to make the painting become an integral part of the wall. What
technique of painting is ideal for mural painting using the above-mentioned materials?
a. fresco b. encaustic c. acrylic d. chiaroscuro
_____5. You were asked by your art teacher to paint using melted beeswax and mineral pigment to varnish
your work of art. What medium of painting are you going to apply?
a. fresco b. encaustic c. acrylic d. chiaroscuro
_____6. Kerch style is an attic red-figure pottery named after the Crimean city of Kerch. The following
were the most common shapes of this classical vase painting EXCEPT
a. wine container
b. bowl for water and wine
c. low bowl w/ two handles
d. low handles and lid
_____7. A method of painting that denotes a picture painted in a panel, usually made of wood.
a. panel painting b. plein-air painting c. scroll painting d. miniature painting
_____8.The formal writing system of Egypt with the use of pictures.
a. hieroglyphics b. calligraphy c. photography d. logography
_____9. A typical art process in Romantic era where pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials were
formed together to create an image.
a. stained glass b. photography c. printmaking d. mosaic
_____10. Which of the following BEST describe an Egyptian sculpture?
a. Significant in revealing the artistic progress of the culture or artist involved.
b. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the Gods.
c. Living is presented larger than the dead.
d. Faithful and direct imitation of human anatomy.
_____11. To reach a peak of artistic excellence, Greek sculptors were particularly concerned with the
following EXCLUDING
a. Perfection of human body.
b. Arrangement of figures and groups.
c. It is extremely primitive and mysterious.
d. Dramatic representation of movements.
_____12. Which of the following is NOT a relevant nature of Pre-Historic sculpture?
a. Symbolic elements were widely used.
b. Sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not a human artistry.
c. Carvings may have mythological or religious significance.
d. Materials used in sculpture vary according to region and locality.
_____13. What are the dominant themes of Byzantine sculptures?
a. human form, everyday life, still life
b. religious, everyday life, nature
c. human nature, symbols, war
d. heroes, humor, landscape
_____14. In Greek architecture, temples were designed either of the three architectural styles or orders.
Which among the following is NOT a Greek Classical style?
a. Tonic b. Corinthian c. Doric d. Ionic
_____15. A style of architecture characterized by pointed arches.
a. Gothic b. Byzantine c. Romanesque d.Roman

Direction: Identify the following architectural style whether PRE-HISTORIC, ANCIENT EGYPT, GREEK, ROMAN, BYZANTINE,

________________________1. Hagia Sophia

________________________2. Mastaba
________________________3. Dolmens
________________________4. Doric
________________________5. The Parthenon

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Umingan, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2022-2023

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.

_______1. . It is the ability of an officiating official to settle disputes without sacrificing the integrity of a game and the
officiating team.
a. Physical qualities b. Emotional qualities c. Mental qualities d. social qualities
_______2. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating b. Sports Psychology c. Sports Science d. Sports Youth
_______3. To signal a technical foul the referee will place both his hands in front of him and put them in the formation of a
letter __________?
a. L b. T c. C d. Y

_______4. Replace players of the starting line-up only once per set.
a. Additions b. Line Violation c. Substitutes d. Eliminations
_______5. He is responsible to enforce the laws and rules of the game.
a. Head Referee b. Chief Referee c. Tournament Manager d. Head Director
_______6. The following are the objectives of first aid except;
a. To prolong life b. To prevent added/ further injury or danger
c. To alleviate suffering d. To add injury
_______7. It is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.
a. Medicine b. Hilot c. First Aid d. Quack Doctor
_______8. is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one-time injury to the bone.
a. Knee injuries b. Fracture c. Dislocations d. Strains
_______9. It is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon. a. Strain b. Sprain c. Fracture d. Dislocations
_______10. Refers to a stretch or tear of a ligament.
a. Dislocation b. Strain c. Fracture d. Sprain
_______11. Ana’s father experiencing a condition in which the blood supply to a part of the brain is suddenly and
seriously impaired by a blood clot or ruptured blood vessel.
a. Dislocations b. Heartstroke c.Heart ache d. Heart broken
______12. When a player has committed a traveling violation, the official will signal it by placing both of his hands.
a. Jumpball b. Blocking c. Technical Foul d. Traveling
______13. When Jonathan and Ismael have control over the ball at the same time, it is indicated by both thumbs
pointing upwards with arms extended. This kind of violation is_____________?
a. Jumpball b. Technical Foul c. Traveling d. Blocking
______14. If a defensive player commits a blocking foul the official will have both hands, in fists, touching his hips, and
his elbows in tight against his body.
a. Three seconds b. blocking c. Three point shot d. Traveling
______15. To signal a technical foul the referee will place both his hands in front of him and put them in the formation
of a letter “T”.
a. Jumpball b. Blocking c. Technical Foul d. Traveling
______16. When the ball is contacted for serve, overlapping by adjacent players other than the server.
a. Illegal Alignment/Improper Serve c. Line Violation
b. Ball Touched d. Net Foul
_______17. Replace players of the starting line-up only once per set.
a. Additions b. Line Violation c. Substitutes d. Eliminations
______18. What do you call a day-to-day activity effectively and efficiently, without fatigue and you still have the energy to
do leisure and meet emergencies?
A. Endurance B. Flexibility C. Physical fitness D. Power
______19. What is the Body Mass Index of a person whose weight is 56 kgs and has a height of 1.56 meters?
A. 20.23 B. 23.04 C. 23.06 D. 24.04
______20. Which of the following is performed if you want to know if your weight is appropriate with your height, and to
diagnose if you are underweight, normal, overweight, and obese?
A. Body Mass Index B. Health examination C. Physical Fitness Test D. Practical test
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Umingan, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2022-2023

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.

_____1. How can we make our environment healthy?

A. By relying on the government to do all the jobs
B. By killing all animals in the forest
C. By causing more and more pollution
D. By creating public awareness among people about the importance of the environment
_____2. In which of the following ways can we create awareness among people about the environment?
A. By spreading through mouths
B. By making treaties with other countries
C. With the help of mass media showing the importance of the environment
D. By forcefully insisting people to protecting the environment
_____3. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development.
A. To attain luxury of life
B. To keep the safety of the environment
C. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home
D. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
_____4. It is the provision of water by public utilities, commercial organizations, community endeavors or by individuals,
usually via a system of pumps and pipes
A. Water Supply B. Food Supply C. River D. Lake
_____5. It is a disease that affects a person's brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or
illegal drug or medication.
A. Stroke B. Disease Control C. Drug Addiction D. Over Dose
_____ 6. It is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful
A. Disease Control B. Drug Addiction C. Over Dose D. Addiction
______7. It refers to the waste products of the human digestive system and the human metabolism, namely feces and
A. Animal Waste B. Human Waste C. Disease Control D. Waste Disposal
______8. It is possible by avoiding contact with sick people or sharing personal items with them
A. Disease Control B. Waste Disposal C. Animal Waste D. Human Waste
______ 9. It is an occurrence of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behaviors and the freedom from
fear of violence.
A. Peace B. Orderliness C. Freedom D. Peace and Order
_____ 10. It is possible by avoiding contact with sick people or sharing personal items with them
A. Personal Hygiene B. Sanitizing C. Cleanliness D. Food sanitation
_____11. to control hazards and to ensure fitness for human consumption staff in a food establishment must do the following except:
A . frequent hand and arm washing and covering cuts.
A. Proper cleaning and sanitizing of all food contact surfaces and utensils.
B. Proper cleaning and sanitizing of food equipment.
C. Improper personal hygiene
_____12. What practices are you going to do in your household to contribute to food sanitation?

A. Wash hands and surfaces often using hot, soapy water.

B. Wash your hands before and after you handle food or utensils, especially raw meat, poultry, fish, or eggs.
C. Wipe all fruits and vegetables before eating.
D. Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods. Keep raw meat, poultry, fish, or eggs away from other foods to prevent
_____13. During this time of pandemic, how can you help in solving water pollution in your community?
A. Say no plastic bags.
B. Refill your water tumbler.
C. Avoid recyclables.
D. Throw your trash on proper place
_____14. Poor solid waste management is one of the Leading Environmental Issues in the Philippines. As a student what will you
contribute in our country to solve this kind of issue?
A. Collect waste
B. Make a recycled waste disposal
C. Avoid using un recyclables materials
D. Throwing your trash anywhere

______15. As a student, what are the way you are going to do to save the environment?
A. Buy from mall
B. Use your own car without sharing rides friends.
C. Recycle, recycle, recycle.
D. Throwing your trash anywhere
II. Direction: Identify the following type of waste.
___________________ 1. Refers to human and animal excreta, household wastewater, cooking oil, fats, and grease.

___________________ 2. It pertains to engine oil, Clorox, paint, battery, methane, and paint thinner

___________________ 3. These are cardboard, paper board, glass, aluminum and steel can, paper, all plastics and Styrofoam.

___________________ 4. It refers to waste tires, scrap metal, furniture and toys appliances and vehicles

___________________ 5. These are food waste, food-soiled paper, pruning waste

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Head Teacher III Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Umingan, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2022-2023


1.A 11. A 1.B 11. C 1.D 11. B 1.D 11. D
2. A 12. C 2. D 12. A 2. C 12. D 2. A 12. C
3. A 13. A 3. C 13. B 3. C 13. A 3. D 13. C
4. B 14. C 4. A 14. A 4. D 14. B 4. A 14. D
5. B 15. B 5. B 15. A 5. A 15. D 5. C 15. C
6. B 16. C 6. D 16. LIQUID 6. D 16. A 6. D 16. LIQUID
7. A 17. D 7. A 17. HAZARDOUS 7. C 17. C 7. B 17. HAZARDOUS
8. C 18. D 8. A 18. RECYCABLE 8. B 18. C 8. C 18. RECYCABLE
9.C 19. B 9.D 19. SOLID 9.A 19. B 9.D 19. SOLID
10. B 20. B 10.B 20. ORGANIC 10. D 20. A 10. D 20. ORGANIC

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