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MODAL VERBS 1. DEFINITION Modal verbs are used to show the speaker's attitude towards the action. We use them with other verbs. There are 10 modals: can, may, must, shall, should, will, would, ought to, need, dare. Modal verbs are not “complete” verbs. They are called defective because they lack (except dare and need) component tenses, the passive voice and have some other peculiarities: 1. We can’t use them as “to”-infinitives: to go, to speak. 2. We don’t use the “to”-infinitives after modals: QYou mustn’t phone now. It’s late. 3. There is no -(e)s in the 3rd person singular: Q The boss can see you now. Jn their first use modal verbs have basic meanings which are given in the dictionaries: ¢an/could ~ ability Q I can lift 25 kg /I can type. may/might — permission Q You may leave early. shall/will/would - prediction Q It will rain soon. should/ought to ~ duty Q You should do as you are told. must - total obligation Q You must be quiet. needn’t— no obligation Q You needn't wait. The second use of modal verbs is to express degrees of certainty or uncertainty. QUESTIONS AND NEGATIVES Gan you play chess? Could you swim when you were a child? can’t understand a word, Must | go there now? THE CONTRACTED FORMS can't [ka:nt] couldn't [kudnt] needn’t [ni:dnt] shouldn’t [fudnt] oughtn’t [o:tnt] mayn’t [meint] mustn't [masnt] 137 2. CAN FORMS AND MEANINGS Lae PRESENT PAST FUTURE Equivalent can can could = Seen eee teal tae was | ableto... | will be ableto.... is able to... re are IN ITS FIRST MEANING “CAN‘ EXPRESSES: 1. Mental, physical, Gan you lift this box? circumstantial ability He can solve the most difficult problems. They can get there by bus. 2. Permission You ean go now. ‘MOKeTE + MAG. You can play with the boys here. 3. Request Can you do me a favour? Could you get me a glass of water? 4. Prohibition You can’t cross the street here. Henb3a + UH. NOTES: 1. We use could/couldn’t to describe “general ability” in the past: QI could run very fast when | was a boy. 1 could read when I was 5. But if we mean that someone managed to do something in the particular situation, you have to use: (was/were able to do smth|(not could) O The fire spread throughout the building very quickly but everyone was able to escape (= managed to escape). O They didn’t want to come with us at first but in the end we were able (= managed) to persuade them. was/were able to = managed “cMor”, The negative couldn’t is possible in all situation: My grandfather couldn’t swim. O We tried hard but we couldn’t persuade them. 2. We use could (do) in a number of ways: a) itis a past of can (do), expressing general ability in the past: O My grandfather could speak five languages. ‘yaanoce™ 138 b) sometimes we use could to speak about possible future actions. In this case it has apresent or ft G'What shall we do this evening? We could go to the cinema. Mot mori Obi noiirn B KUMHO. When you go to New York, you could stay with Linda. .. Tht MOr7Ia Ob! OCTAHOBUTECA y SIMHabI. 3. The past of could (do) is could have (done). We use could have (done) to say that we had the ability or opportunity to do something but did not do it: We didn’t go out last night. We could have gone to the cinema but we decided to stay at home. .. MOP Obi NOHTH B KMHO, HO peluMnu OCTaTbCA OMA. Why did you stay at a hotel in New York? You could have stayed with Linda. 4, We often use can + verb in place of the simple present with the verbs of perception: Ql can see a bird in that tree. (= | see) Q Can you see it? (Do you see it?) Q | looked up but couldn’t see anything. (= didn’t see) Ql can smell something burning. Ol can understand what he means. Ol couldn’t understand what he said. Ol can’t see anyone. EXERCISES Ex. 1. (A, B) Explain the meaning of “can” (ability, permission, request, prohibition, possible action) in the following sentences. 1. She is unwell, she can’t leave her room. 2. Can | smoke here, Mrs Right? 3. The teacher said they could all go home. 4. A policeman arrived and told him he couldn't park there. 5. My son is not in town; but he'll be here before long. - Can I give him any message? 6. We can discuss it now. 7. | could never understand what made her behave as she did. 8. If you are tired you can lie on the sofa for a bit. 9. “Life,” the old man said, “can only be understood when you are old. Now I see all the mistakes | could have avoided.” 10. We are in charge of this great business. We cannot leave our responsibility to others. 11. He was surprised that she Could paint so well. 12. She is not married though she could marry anybody she chose. Ex. 2. (A, B) Fill in the spaces with “will be able to” or “will not (won't) be able to”. 1. When her arm is better, she play the piano again. 2. I'm sorry, but! come to your birthday party next week. 3. He eat everything when the doctor allows him. 4. My sister go out to dances until she is seventeen. 5. Why do you sitat the back of the class if you can’t hear well? You hear better if you sit in the front. 6. I'm too busy to have a holiday this year, but | hope | have along holiday next year. 7. The train leaves at five o'clock tomorrow morning. We catch it if we don't get up very early. 8. He was working very hard before he fell ill. He work so hard when he comes out of hospital. 9. Perhaps one day we the Moon. 10. She wear her new dress when it is read: difficult problem. I'm afraid you solve it without help. 12. The doctor is very busy; he ‘see any more patients today. 139 Ex. 3. (B, C) Complete the following sentences using “could” or ‘was/were able to”. 1. Itwas a fine day yesterday, so we have a picnic, and we enjoyed it very much. 2. He suddenly felt il, but he finish his speech, although at the end he could hardly stand. 3. He spoke very little French when he left school, but he understand the language. 4. | got to the station at 9.50 a.m. and catch the 9.55 a.m. train. |was very pleased | didn’t have to wait for the next train. 5. He has always been good at Math’s. But even he solve this difficult problem. 6. The town was full of visitors, and we didn't know where we would spend the night, but at last we find two vacant rooms in a small hotel. 7 Before his iliness, he work fourteen hours a day if he had to. 8. He was very ski all day and dance all night. 9. | was a long way from the stage. | see allright but | not hear very well. 10. We borrow umbrel- jas, owe didn’t get wet. 11. When the garage had repaired our car we continue our journey. 12. When | arrived everyone was asleep. Fortunately | wake my sister and she let me in. Ex. 4. (B, C) Translate the words in brackets. 1. Ofcourse, | (ory) translate this article, 2. I think | (mor 6t1) show you how to do it. 3. You (MoxHo) go and tell her about it. 4." (Moxxo) I see the doctor now? 5. He (Mor 61 nomous) you but he didn’t want to bother. 6. You (moxere) easily get there in 20 minutes. 7. You (cmoxere) do it directly on return. 8. (MoxHo) | have some cream with my tea? 9. You (Henbaa) discuss the subject with your friends. 10. She was in a hurry, she (He morna) wait for us. 11. There is a sign. You (Hentss) take pictures here. 12. The swimmer was very tired but he (cmor) reach the shore. 13. Before her illness, she (morna) work fourteen hours a day. 14. When they buy a car, they (cMoryr) visit their friends more often. Ex. 5. Translate the sentences into English. 1 (A,B) 1, OH CMoxeT roBopuTb No-dpaHuy3cKu cBo6oAHO (fluently), Korfa BepHeTca 13 Napwxa. 2. MoxHO MHe B3sTb TOW py4ky? — fa, Noxanyilicta. 3. Bb yMeeTe KaTaTbCA Ha KOHBKaX? 4. Korna oH 6tin MonogbIM, OH Mor npoiiTu 20 KuNoMeTpOB B feHb. 5. HAKTO He Mor MHe nomoub. 6. Tel CMoxKelUb CAENaTb 3Ty pa6oTy 3aBTpa? 7. A yMen nnaBatb, Kora MHe 6biNo- natb net. 8. Tet mor Gbi nepeBecTu sToOT TeKCT? 9. Sty KHMry MOXHO KynuTb B NI060M maraauHe. 10, Mbi CMoxKeM NoexaTb B ropbl B CNesyIOWeM rony. tl. (B,C) 1, A Xopowio 3Han 9Ty CTpaHy, M NosTOMy # CMor NOCOBeTOBaTb eli, KakMe AOCTO- NpuMevaTenbHooTu NocmoTpeTb. 2. HeCMOTpA Ha LTOPM, OH CMor AonnbiT’ Ao Gepera. 3. OH He Mor nokasaTb HaM pacHeTel, Tak Kak OHM He GbiNM roToBbI. 4. B KOMHaTe TeMHO, A He Mory HaiiTn cBon BeUyY. 5. MokHO MHe 4ai0? 6. A Mory BepHyTEcAa Ha aBTobyce. 7. Mopuc 6bin HacTonbko GesrpaMoTHbIM, 4TO OH NPOCTO He Mor HanucaTb HMA OAHOrO 140 cnopa sToro AoKnana. 8. OH Maxe He NpeACTABNAN, YTO OHA MOXeT TAK XOPOLUO PUCOBATb. 9. Tam Gbinl0 Tak AYLHO, 470 MbI egBa Morn AbiWaTb. 10. TloYeMy TBI He MOXKeLUb NPUSHATb, 4To 6bin HenpaB? 11. BbI MOxKeTe AOKa3aTb ero HEBUHOBHOCTS? 12. MoxHO NOBECUT 3TO oGpaBneHve B kopugope? THE SECOND WAY WE USE “CAN‘ IS TO EXPRESS strong doubt or astonishment: do (generally) = — i | Present Heyxenn i be doing (atthe moment) — pase |Can/could he + i have done (then) ami have been doing (for 4 hours already) Q Can he know it? - Heyxen on axaet 310? 0 Can he be working now? - Heyxenn ox celiac paGoraer? 0 Can he have been waiting for us all this time? ~ Heyxenn on nan Hac ace 3To BpeMa? He momer Geib, |11, cant +[ inf be doing J— Present 4To6bI; BpAN 1M have done ease have been doing — Q “Oh!” Cried Fleur: “You can’t have done it!” — He moxer 6piTb, 4TOObI BbI STO CAenanu! O She can’t be still waiting. - He moxer GpiT», uTOGbI Ona BCe eLie KAANAa Bac. ‘WE CAN EXPRESS STRONG DOUBT ABOUT NEGATIVE STATEMENTS: “Heyxenn oH He...”, “OH He MOF He ...", “HE MOKET ObITb, HTOObI OH He...” Model: 1. He didn't notice you. a) Can/could he have failed to notice you? - Heyxxenu oH He 3aMeTun ... b) He can’t have failed to notice you, - OH He Mor He 3aMeTUTb ... He moxer ObITb, YTOOb! OH HE SAMETUN ... 2. He doesn't like it here. Can he dislike it here? — Heyxenu emy He HpaBuTcA? He can’t dislike it here, - He Moxer Obie, uToGbI emy 3f1ecb He HpaBiinoce. 3. He didn’t see your letter. Can he have never got my letter? - He moxer ObiTb, 470Gb! OH He Nonyaun Moero niicbMa. 141 EXERCISES Ex. 6. (B) Express strong doubt about the statements. Translate the sentences. Model 1: 1) He knows English well. a) Can (could) he know English well? b) He can’t know English well. O)He is waiting for somebody. a) Can he be waiting for somebody? b) He can’t be waiting for somebody. He understands every word you say. She is really fond of the child. They know how to get there. Sheis crying. She is looking for somebody. They are always fighting. But they are very fond of each other. Children like to play here. He is telling the truth. LPOENMASON> Model 2: 0) She knew about it. a) Can she have known about it? b) She can’t have known anything... He saw the lion move. There was a public meeting in the town. On Friday morning Bill came to my office. He was dismissed. He has greatly changed. I don’t believe it. Phil would have never done such a thing. PAUPONs Ex. 7. (B, C) Express strong doubt. Use the appropriate infinitive, 1. Can it (be) so late now? 2. Can he (tell) the truth then? 3. Surely it can’t (be) Jim. | know him quite well. 4. But she can’t (say) it. | am sure she didn’t mean it. 5. I'll try to do it myself. It can’t (be) so difficult after all. 6. Who told you about it? You can't (know) about it before. 7. It seems strange. Can somebody (work) against us? 8. | can’t believe it. Can he (resent) it? 9. Could it (be) a joke? She felt rather hurt. 10. You can’t (see) him at the meeting. He was ill then. 11. He can’t (forget) your address, he has visited you several times. 12. Could they (win) the game? They are just an amateur team. Ex. 8. (B, C) Translate into Engish using the verb “can”. 1. He Moxer 6piTb, 4TOGbI OH ONOsgan. OH BCerga TakOH NyHKTyanbHbIi. 2. OH He Mor NpowTate sty KHUry Tak GbICTpO; OHa Tpya@Ha ana Hero. 3. Bpag nu ona 3a6bina 06 93TOM; #06 9TOM ef HanomuHana TonbKO BYepa. 4. Heyxkenn BbI He NOMHUTe, YTO A BO3BpaTUN BaM oTy KHUTy? 5. PasBe Mor KTO-HIA6yAb NOAYMaT, 4TO 9Ta KOMaHjla salimeT nepsoe Mecto? 6. Hey:xenu oH npourpan? 7. He mor oH aToro ckasarb. 8. Heyxenn GbiO Tak xONOAHO? 9. He MOxeT GbiTb, YTOObI OH GIN MOMa Celi4ac. 10. Heykenn OH Tak XOpOWIO 3HaeT KUTAMCKHii AsbIK? 11. Heykenu OH OTKagancA NOexaTb TyMa? 12. He 142 MoxXer 6biTb, YTOGEI OH NoTepan oTH DOKyMeHTBI. 13. He MOET ObITS, “TOOb! OHM yexanu, He NonpowjaBwunce c Hamu. Ex. 9. (C) Express strong doubt about these negative statements. Model: Q He didn't notice you. Can he have failed to notice you? ~ Heyes oH He 3aMeTUn ... He can't have failed to notice you. - OH He Mor He 3aMeTMTb ... Q He doesn''t like it here. Can he dislike it here? He can’t dislike it here. You didn’t understand me. She didn’t like the play. They don’ttrust him. They didn’t notice the mistake. They didn’t receive the telegram in time. They didn't realise the importance of the event. She didn't see you. NAIA Ex. 10. (C) Translate into English. 1. Heyxenu bi ero He ysunenu? 2. He Mor oH SToro He saMeTiMTe. 3. HeyKenn Bbi 06 3TOM He 3Hanu? 4, He MOXeT ObiTb, ¥TOObI OH He OOGpsN Ballero peLieHiAA. 5. He MOxeT GuiTb, 406i OHa BAM 06 9TOM He pacckasana. 6. Heyxxenu OH BepuT (He BepuT) sToMy? 7. He MoxeT GbiTb, YTOGHI ef HE HPABUNCh OTH KAPTHHEI. 8. He MOXET GuITS, YTOGLI A HenpasunbHo Bac NoHAN. 9. He MOxeT GbiTb, 4TOGbI OHa He Hallina Ballero OMA. 10. Heyxenu Bi He Haulin MO1O KHUry? 2.1 REVISION Ex. 11. Translate into English. 1. (A) 1. Tei Moxkelub roBopitTe No-dpakuyscKn? — Her, TONbKO No-aHrnuiicku. 2. Tei MO>kelUb KaTaTECA Ha nbbKax? — Ja, HOA He CMOry NPAT yYaCTUe B COpeBHOBAHVIAX (competition). ‘Ave cMor nepeBecTn sTOT TeKcT, XOTA BbI OGBACHUNN BCE NpaBuna (rules). Tel MOXeLUb NOUNHUTS Mol TeneBu30p? — HeT, A He yMeIO 4MHITb TeNlesvgopbI. Tei npeactasnaelib, Mon Mama cama CMorna NOYMHMMTe yrior. Specb Henbsa OcTaHaBnuBaTEca. Moko safe Te6e Bonpoc? - fla, Ho Go1oce, # He CMory Ha Hero OTBeTHTB. Kora Mbi ClanMM ok3aMeHbl, MbI CMOxKEM MOeXaTb B epeBHIO. On He cmor CAaTb nocneaHui aksaMeH, OH 3a6onen, 0. Bui He MoxeTe HATH AOMOI, BbI He aKOHYMNU paoTy. - A crapanact (try hard), Ho He cmorna ee 3aKOHYUTb, ZEENPVAL 143 UL. (B, C) 1. S1He ory 3aKoH4UTe pa6ory ceronHa. 2. Moxere nm BbI nepeBecTn ST CTaTHIO Ha paHUySCKuiA ASbIK? 3. Slymaio, 4To 9 CMory OMO4b BaM. 4, Ox cMor nouuHuTe CBO BeNnocunes, 5. Kora on npviexan B JIoHp0H, oH CMor O6o/Ticb (manage) 6es nepesogunKa. 6. Bnpownom rogy on He mor Gerno rosopuitb no-aHrauiicKu. 7. Mbl Morn 3akoH4ViT pa6ory B NaTb AHEM. 8. He Moxer 6biTb, 4TOGbI Tam Ceii4ac Opi xoNO~HO. 9. A6010cb, ¥TO OH He CMOxeT BepHyTCA BOBpeMsA. 10. Hey:xenu on oTnpasunu rpy3 napoxopom? 11. SloveHb pag, 4TO CMOr NOMOUb eMy. 12. Bpa nu oH 3a6bIn 0 CBOeEM OGeWaHUH. 13. AsHan, 4TO OH CMOxeT CAeNaTe sty paboTy. 14. Pagse Bam He CoobuMn o 3acenaHiun? 15. Sty pa6ory Henb3a Cpenate B TaKON KOPOTKMi CpoK. 16. Heyxenu BbI He ySHaN MeHA? MBI YY C BAMM B OHO! WKONe. 17. StU Undpb! MOXHO HaliTH B MOGOM cnpaBoUHKe. 18. He Moxer ObiTb, 4TOObI OH Tak MW He NosBINcA (npuweN). 19. Mbt Mornin GbI OTNPABMTe STOT rpys B KOHLe MecaLia. 20. HeyxXenu TBOMM poAMTensM He rloHpaBunact Sta Munas NeBywiKa? 21. Bol Mornn 6bI HaiiTt STY KHUTY B Hallie OuOnuoTeKe, ecnu 6bI NOWUNM Tyna BYepa. 22. Nlovemy Bb! He NPULUN BYepa B KOHTOpy? Bel Mornu (Morn 6b!) rloroBOpuTe c AYpeKTOPOM fo stomy Bonpocy. 3. MAY FORMS AND MEANINGS MODAL NERS PRESENT PAST FUTURE Equivalent may may might - an was to be allowed to...| is allowed to. allowed to... | will be allowed to... are ‘were WE USE MAY/MIGHT: 1. to ask permission/ May | borrow your umbrella, please? give permission (momHo) May | see your garden, please? 2. to talk about possible I'm not sure where to go for my holiday. ‘happenings in the Future I may go to Italy. (= perhaps / will go ) (soamoxso, moxer Gers) | The weather forecast is not very good. ttmight rain this aftemoon. (= perhaps it will rain) 144 3. to talk about possible plans 1am going to Italy in July. (For sure) (mory, Bo3MoxHO) Imay/might go to Italy in July. (it’s possible) 4. reproach (only might) You are becoming forgetful. (mor 6b1) You might have reminded me about it. NOTES: 1. We also use can/could to ask or refuse permission. Canis the commonest and most informal: Q You're visiting your friend and want to make some coffee. You say: Can | make myself a cup of coffee? Could is more polite than can: Could | make a phone call, please? 2. We refer to “some other authority” that gives/refuses permission lke this: Q You are allowed to/not allowed to Q You are permitted to/not permitted to QYou mustn't/you are forbidden to We can ask for permission like this: Q Can/could/may/might | borrow your umbrella? Q Do you think | could/might borrow your umbrella? Ol wonder if | could/might borrow your umbrella? ermission/prohibition in other tenses than Present or Future. May is not a “complete verb”, so we use to be allowed/to be permitted to make up the missing parts: Q The children were allowed to watch TV last night. O He has just been allowed to go home after 3 hours at the police station. His doctor hadn't allowed him to take any exercises in the year before he died. 4. The negative answer to the question containing a request for permission: smoke here. 1. No, don’t, please | Don’tis|ess strict than may not. It is rather asking somebody Pm afraid not. not to do something. 2. No, you may not. | Actually prohibiting something. (net, Henbaa=He cmeii) 3. No, you must not. | Means that it is not the person who prohibits the action but (sanpewexo, Hema) | there are facts, rules or circumstances prohibiting it. 4. No, you can’t. It denotes the absence of possibility depending on circumstances, Pm sorry, you can’t. | rules, laws, etc. 5. Might instead of may is used because of the Sequence of Tenses: Q May |! read the letter? He asked if he might read the letter. In its second meaning may/might is used to express uncertainty, supposition implying strong doubt. May denoting uncertainty is used with all forms of the infinitive. 145 peters |— Present Moxer 6nrte, i be waiting —__J Seon | He menor on > TE owge —— have been ——__I—_Past sleeping There is no important difference between may and might in this meaning. Sometimes “might” expresses greater uncertainty than “may”: GHe may/might be in his office now. (I'm not sure.) Ol can’t find my bag anywhere. - You might have left it in the shop. Q He may not have noticed you in that crowd. EXERCISES Ex. 1. (B, C) Analyse the meaning of the verb may. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. I said to Mrs Micawber, “May | ask what you and Mr Micawber intend to do, now that Mr Micawber is out of his difficulties? Have you settled yet?” 2. He said | might come to him any day | liked. 3. | asked if | might bring my wife down next Saturday. 4. If he walks from the station, he may arrive in the course of the next half-hour. If he drives, he may be here any moment. 5. “May I look around?” he asked. 6. It was some special occasion. | don’t remem- ber what. It may have been my birthday. 7. He may not have learned the news, that’s why he looks as if nothing had happened. 8. Of course | am too young but I try hard, and one day Imay achieve something. Ex. 2. (A, B) Fill in the blanks with “can/could” or “may/might” (or the negative forms). 1. we leave the room? Is the lesson over? 2. you stand on your head? - | when | was at school but I now. 3. | smoke here? - No, you ’ smoking is not allowed. 4. you type? - Yes, | type but | do shorthand. 5. | come in? — Please, do. 6. Where | buy fruit? 7. He answer the teacher’s questions yesterday, but he. answer the same questions today. 8. come and see you this evening? - Of course you . 9. When [first went to Spain | read Spanish but! speak it. 10. He said that we use his flat whenever we liked. 11. There was a lot of noise in the street last night, and! sleep. 12. \ borrow your umbrella? 13. The boys wait for him, they have no time for that. 14. It’s very cold. | shut the windows? 1 be away from home tomorrow. He have been hurt. It or not be true. It was so dark, we ee nothing. you lend me a shilling? __ dou hear what he is saying? You walk miles in this district without seeing anybody. this be true? . we go to the pictures after we wash up? - Yes, you 10. Mother says | not go out. LON MHA 146 11. Sorry, sir, you smoke here. 12. No, it be so far as all that. 13. Thave some more bread? 14. You ask him to be the chairman. 15. The ietters have been written in this very house. Ex. 3. (A, B) Translate the sentences. Bbl, BO3MOXHO, BCTPETUTe ero Ha CTaHUMM. Moxer 6biT», oH ocTaBiMn Ham sarucky. Bel, BOSMOXHO, 3a6bINU CBOM nepyaTkH fOMa. Oxa, BOSMOXHO, NO/MeT 3TO NOsxe. Moxer 6biTb, ABepb Gbu1a He sanepra. Bo3MOXKHO, OHM He XOTAT BUeTE Hac. Ona, MoxeT ObITb, Hanmer Bam. Ona, BOsMOXxHO, BCe yxxe sabbINA. ee . 4. (B, C) Translate into English. MoxHo mHe 3feCcb nofoxknaTe? - fla, KOHeYHO. Tel Mor GbI OcTaTbCA QOMa XOTA 6bI Ha OAH BeYep. Moxer 6tiTb, oH xe yen. Moxxer ObiTb, OH eu >KNeT. Crynextel Moryt nony4ute aty KHury B 6uGnuoTeKe. Vinorga orcioga MoxHO BUpeTb Mope. Mory 8 nomoub Bam? MoxHo MHe nombgoBaTbca cnoBapem? Henbsa rionbsoBaTeca CnoBapeM BO BpeMA KOHTPONbHON paborsl. . Bei Mornn 661 Npuxo_TS BOBpeMmA. Boi BCerfa OnaspbIBaeTe. | A\He Mory BCNOMHMT» ero anpec. — Heyxken Tel AaxKe ynuuy 3a6bin? . Spech Henb3a KynaTboA. . asa nosBoHum Maiiky, Ham MoxeT noHapoGuTeca ero coBeT. |. OHM, MoxeT ObITb, NpUeAYT 3aBTpa. PONDAPWOMS Bens 4. MUST FORMS AND MEANINGS PRESENT PAST FUTURE | Equivalent MODAL VERB | must have to... be to. must - have has am is to... are will have to... 147 “MUST” EXPRESSES: 1. obligation, necessity Well, it’s 10 o'clock, | must/have to go now. (= have to...) (gomkeH) 2. acommangd, an urgent You must leave the room at once. request (no6yauTenbHoe | HemeppeHHo BbiliguTe 13 KOMHATEI. npeanoxexue) 3. prohibition (Henb3a, You mustn’t speak to a prisoner in a foreign language. ganpeujaetoa) “TO HAVE TO” EXPRESSES: obligation or necessity arising | | have to get up at 6 every day. My working day out of circumstances begins at 8. (gomxex = npuxoautes, Last night Den suddenly became ill. We had to call ably KneH) the doctor. “TO BE TO” EXPRESSES: 1. an agreement or arrangement, We were to meet at the entrance to the theatre at part of a plan a quarter to nine. (gomxex) They are to go to Spain in July. 2. a strict order/prohibition You are to go straight to your room, (no6yauTenbHoe npeanoxeHne) | Ceiivac xe NAN B CBOIO KOMHaTy. You are not to get your feet wet. He cmeii Mount. Hor. 3. something thought Sally wanted Morris to be friendly with her, but as unavoidable evidently it was not to be, He went about thinking (npeactout, cykneHo) of his life and what was to become of him. NOTES: 1. The absence of necessity is expressed by “needn't”: Yes, you must. Q Must | go there tomorrow? aaa No, you needn't. (Her, He HyxHO) 2, There is sometimes a difference between “must” and “have to”. With “must” the speaker is giving his own feelings, saying “he” thinks it necessary: OI must visit my friend. He is ill. O11 must write to Ann. | haven't written to her for ages. 3. We can only use “must” to talk about the present and future; “have to” can be used in three tense forms: QIhad to go to hospital. Olam afraid | can’t come tomorrow. | will have to work late. 148 We use do/does/did with “have to” in present and past questions and negative sentences: Q Did you have to walk all the way home? OI No, i didn’t have to walk, | took a tram. USE OF MODAL VERBS TO EXPRESS NECESSITY NECESSITY AS TIME OF A RESULT OF PLAN, NECESSITY CAUSED AGREEMENT, act, | BY CIRCUMSTANCES ABSENCE OF NECESSITY GENERAL ARRANGEMENT, TIME-TABLE You must hurry. You needn’t hurry. lam to meet Mother 5 It’s five to ten already. There is plenty of time. at the doctor's at five i | Ihave to leave younow. | I don’t have to leave —_| sharp. Q | Here goes the bell. you yet. When is the lecture & | (Ihave got to leave you | The bell won't go for to begin? now.) another five minutes. Ihad to leave heras__| Youneedn’t have Iwas to come to the interval was over. | hurried. the Institute an hour - There was plenty of time. | before the time and g I didn’t have to leave —_| wait for her in the hall. a her at once, for the interval was only beginning. @ Pl have to hurry | won’t have to hurry. pz to catch the five thirty | There'll be plenty 2 | train. of time. EXERCISES Ex, 1, (B) Translate the sentences, explain the use of “must” or “have to” in them. 1. | must go and lay the table myself. 2. We had to walk all the way to the station. 3. She had to change her shoes after walking in the garden. 4. She pretended she didn’t understand anything. Mother had to tell her plainly what she thought of it. 5. We'll have to run. 6. The shoes are a size too small. Ill have to go to the shop and have them changed. 7. She was running high temperature. | had to put her to bed at once. 8. You'll have to do somethit about it. 9. Someone will have to stay and warn them. Ex, 2. (B, C) In each of the following sentences the necessity of some action is stated. Use “to be” instead of ‘must’/“have to” to show that the action is not only necessary but also expected or planned, Translate the sentences. 1. | must buy a present for her birthday. 2. We had to take the letters to the post-office. 3. | have to make a report at the conference. 4. They must show us how to organise the 149 work. 5. She had to take this group of children round the picture gallery. 6. We had to start early. 7. | must do the shopping today. 8. | must explain it all to you. Ex. 3. (B, C) Use the following word combinations to compose sentences expressing order or prohibition. Translate your sentences. Model: Q to do something exactly the way you are told. order - You must do it exactly ... O not to get one’s feet wet. prohibition - You mustn't get your feet wet. not to do anything in a hurry; not to breathe a word about something; to give a faithful account of something; to be reasonable about something; not to cry and bother people; not to worry about something; to take every precaution; not to drink with your meals. PNOAROM> Ex. 4. (A, B) Replace the infinitives in brackets by “must”, “have + infinitive” if the action is only necessary; by “be + infinitive” if it is expected. 1. This is Dora. She (share) your room. 2. | must leave you now. | (do) the cooking. 3. Who (meet) you there? 4. My feet are wet. I (change) my stockings. 5. I'm afraid you (go) there alone, darling. I've such a headache! 6. When the lecture (begin)? 7. Two more apartment houses (be built) here. 8. Well, children, who (do) the dishes to-night? 9. Sorry, I’ve got to rush. | (meet) mother at the metro station at 6 sharp. 10. You (leave) at six to catch the train. 11.1 (write) a letter to my sister. lam worried about her. 12. She (wear) glasses as her eyesight is very weak. 13. Itis raining. You (put on) your raincoat. 14. It was planned that we should wait for them after the performance. We (wait) for them at the entrance. Ex. 5. (B, C) Analyse the meaning of the verb “to have”. 1. King Lear had three daughters. 2. Have a look at the picture. | think it is a Magritte. 3. [have to answer many letters. 4. | have some information to pass on to you. 5. During our trip we had an accident in which I had my leg badly hurt. 6. He has just come from abroad. 7. You will have to leave at six to catch the train. 8. | have never made a speech in my life. Ex. 6. (A, B) Change the following into the interrogative and negative. 1. Mother has to cook dinner after work. 2. He had to sit up late with this work. 3. You will have to get up very early to-morrow. 4. The girl had to take care of her younger sister and brothers. 5. She will have to do it once over again. 6. These documents have to be filed. 7. They had to cover the whole distance on foot. 8. We will have to speak to him about it. Ex. 7. Translate the sentences showing the absence of necessity. 1. Emy He Hago npuxopntr ciofa Kakabii feHb. 2. MHe He Hy>kHO GyfeT CaaBaTb 3TOT 9kgameH. 3. MHe He Hao Obi10 NONMBaT BETH, NOTOMy YTO HOYBIO NPOWEN DOxKAb HM 150 3emna Oba euje MoKpas. 4. TeGe HeYero ToponuTeca. OHa TombKO 4TO NOsBOHUNA 1 ckagana, 4To BbIesxKaeT. 5. A XOpOLO OTHOXHyNa B BOCKpeceHbe, Tak KaK MHe He Hao Obi0 saHumateca. 6. MHe He Hao BCTaBaTb paHo cerogHa. Y MeHA CeroHA BbIXODHON DeHb (day off). Ex. 8. Translate the words in brackets. 1, He (npuuinocs) take the documents to the police station. 2. You (qomxHt!) try to find the mistake and correct it. 3. If you want to become a good football player you (HosKHbI) be an all round athlete. 4. | (BbiHyxXqeH Gwin) read the letter twice before | understood it. 5. When (fomxkHe!) they dock? Have they written? 6. You (nomkHbl) think of others. 7. The lecture (qonxxHa) begin at 8 o'clock. 8. It has been arranged that she (nomxHa) come and help the old lady. 9. It is necessary that you should do it. You simply (aomkHt!) do it. 10. If you (gomKeH) meet Mother at six, you must hurry. Ex. 9. (B, C) Translate the sentences into English. 1 1. MHe Hao BufeTb ero cerofHs Ke. 2. MHe NPULUIOCb MATY TyMa Camomy. 3. Bam npugetca HeMHoro NofoxkAaTb. 4. Korfa ke OH AOMKeH NpuiATH? 5. Celiuac ke oTAAli ei May. 6. He Melt c Hei urpatb. 7. Bb! AO/KHbI BCTABaTh Palo KAXKABI NeHb? 8. Mbl AOWKHb! Gein BCTpeTuTBCA B TeaTpe. 9. MHe He NPUUWIOCb >KAaTb ero DONO. 10. Bam npupeTca noroBopuTe CHeit. 11. UM npiuinoce o4eH’ Aono MATH NeWKoM. 12. Emy Hano nepenuicars couvHeHHe. 13. Korga BbI Os>kHbI ObITb B MHCTUTYyTe 3aBTpa? 14. MHe Hao MATH TyAa Celiuac? u 1. OH QomKeH 6bin CTaTb MysbiKaHTOM. STO bilo peleHo ele AO ero poxneHna. 2. Bam npwgerca Hanucate emy eue pas. 3. Wm npvusnoct Aonro «KAaTb aBTobyca. 4. A nOMKeH 6bin OKOHUMTb paGoTy BYepa, HO He CMor 3TOrO CpenaTe. 5. Yea o4epenb? KTo foOmKeH WAM 3a BopCI? 6. TeGe npumeTcA B3ATb NanbTO. CraHosuTca xonopHee. 7. A MOMKeH OTBeSTU GpaTy ero BeLYM. Tak MbI AOTOBOPMNMIC, Kora OH YXOAWN. 8. BbiNO y>Ke NOSDHO, HM HaM NpMUNOCb NoexaT Ha MeTpo. 9. MogOxKAM HeMHOro, A HOMKHa QOuMTaTe raBy 20 koHua. 10. MHe npuwinoct ocTaBuTb BCe 4 NoexaT B GonbHuuy.11. Bam npugetca satu nosxe. Ee euje HeT. 12. TeOe O6a3aTenbHo Hao exaTb CeropHa? 13. Korfja OH AOMKeH Mpviexatb? Mb AoroBopunvce BcTpeTuTbcA B BoceMb. 14. Oreu He paspewiaet ei NPWXOAUTb AOMOM NOsHHO, OHa AOMKHA GbIT AOMa K DeBATH YacaM KaxAbii BeYep. 15. Buepa Beyepom aeTobyc Gein nonynycroii (half empty), u MH He NPMLWIOC CTOSTb. In its second meaning “must” denotes probability or supposition bordering on assurance, almost a conviction. In this meaning it is used in affirmative sentences only. AlomKHo errs, : be doing in BepoatHo || must + [inf have done have been doing ot Q He must be at home at this hour. OQ He must be writing about his travels. Q He must have taken a lot of photos while he was on the islands. 151 In negative sentences and sentences referring to the future supposition is expressed by means of the modal words “evidently”, “probably” : Q Evidently, she didn’t know my address. O She will probably come tomorrow. O She is not likely to come so late. ‘COMPARE THE FOLLOWING PATTERNS: [TIME OF THE ACTION NECESSITY NEAR CERTAINTY Must wait Must be waiting Alonxen xgaTb Zlomxxo 6eiTe, BET PRESENT ‘Must know ‘Must know Alonxen aviare Alonxto Gers, sHaet Had to wait Must + have been waiting Aonxen 6vin par Alonxto Geir, xaan Pee Tpnundos oar ‘Must + have waited Had to know Alonxno Ovirs, nonoxnan Alonxen Gin snare ‘Must have known Hago 6bino 3Hatb AlonxHo 6bITe, 3Han Shall/will have to wait Tpugerca xnav. FUTURE Shall/will have to know [lpugerca 3Hatb EXERCISES Ex. 10. (A, B) In the following statements of near certainty change the form of the infinitive to refer to the past. Add appropriate time references. Model: O The t ki him. ey must_know him. = AlonxnHo ObiTb, OHM O They mustbe waiting for you. AlonxHo ObiTs, OHM KAYT Bac. ero sHaior. They must have known him, then. Alonxxo ObiTb, OHM ero 3HaNIN. They must have been waiting for you yesterday. AlomkHO ObiTb, OHM >KgasIN Bac BYepa. 1. It must be raining. 2. She must be pleased about it. 3. She must be really fond of you. 4, They must be always trying to help him. 5. She must know nothing about it. 6. She must be out shopping. 7. This must be the prettiest garden in the village. 8. She must be the youngest child in her class. 9. Somebody must be trying to get you on the phone. 10. The children must be at school now. Ex. 11. (B, C) Paraphrase the following sentences using “must + infinitive” to express near certainty. Use the indefinite infinitive when speaking about the present, the perfect infinitive when speaking about the past. Model: Q Of course, he is somewhere here. - He must be somewhere here. O Certainly, she knew that something was wrong. - She must have known that something was wrong. 152 1. | am sure the information was wrong. 2. She was obviously upset by something. 3. Probably, he recognized you by your photo in the papers. 4. He is sure to be in at this time. 5. Of course, she is trying to help you. 6. She is certain to be waiting for you at home. 7. Probably, the play is over by now. 8. There is little doubt that the first experiment failed. 9. No doubt, she knew what she was about to do. 10. I'm sure she is very fond of the child. 11. They are sure to have taken the wrong turning. 12. Probably, the dog was hungry. Ex. 12. (B, C) Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. George must (be) pleased that he has passed his examination. 2. | found this baby bird at the foot of the tree. It must (fall) out from a nest. 3. During the storm, the captain was on the bridge the whole time. He must (be) exhausted afterwards. 4. If Fred left here at four o'clock, he must (be) home by now. 5. Look, there's a tree right across the road! So there is. It must (be) blown down by the gale last night. 6. | sat on a seat in the park and now my coat is covered with green stripes. The paint must (be) wet. 7. As soon as | switched on my new electric cooker there was an explosion. There must (be) something wrong with it. 8. | don’t know at what time | went to bed last night, but it was late. It must (be) after midnight. 9. Look, the streets are wet; it must (rain) now. 10. He promised to come at six, but he didn’t. He must (forget) his promise. 11. | didn’t hear the telephone. | must (be) asleep. 12. He must (be) very careless if he makes such mistakes. 13. The baby woke up when she went into the bedroom. She must (make) noise. 14. The taxi-driver got to the airport in half an hour. He must (drive) very fast. 15. He never got the letter. It must (send) to the wrong address. Ex, 13. (B, C) Translate the following negative sentences into English. Model 1: Q Ona, 207KHO 6biTe, He Mana eMy BO3MOXHOCTH BOspasiTb. She must have given him no opportunity to object. 1, Homxto 6biTb, oH He coenan OWMGKM. 2. osDKHO 6bITb, OH He OGepann. 3. HomKHo ObiTb, OHa He umena onbiTa. 4. JIOMKHO GbiTb, OH He fan oTBeTA. 5. JO/DKHO GbITb, OHM He NPYHUMaIoT Mep. 6. JJO/KHO ObITb, Ha He ObpaulaeT BHUAMAHMA Ha 370. 7. [JOKHO ObiTb, y HX HeT KH. 8. OH, JOMKHO ObITb, He Nony4un oTBeTa. 9. LlosrKHO ObITb, AeHer 3a paGOTy OHM He Nony4unn, 10. Ova, 2OKHO 6biTb, He cTapanacs (take the trouble) cnenart 9To npaBinbHo. Model 2: 0 Jomo 6biTb, OH 06 TOM He 3Han. Evidently, he didn’t know about it. Q Oh, Beposno, He sHaer. He probably doesn’t know. 1. Homkto 6biTb, OHV eLue He NpMUAM. 2. BeposTHo, OHM Toro He 3Haior. 3. [lo-BuaYMoMy, 9TO He GbiNo CAenaHo BOBpems. 4. BeposTHo, 3T0 He anecb. 5. STO, AOMKHO GbiTb, He 3aHano MHOro BpemeHl. 6. JlomkKHO GbIT, OH NPuAeT 3aBTpa. Ex. 14. Translate the sentences. 1. DlomkHo Obirb, oH XopoUo sHaeT ABbIK. 2. JloMKHO BbiTb, OH eule Sect. 3. Mo-BAoAMoMy, OH yHec Gymarn c CoboN. 4. O4eBMnHO, 3necb yxke KTO-TO Gti. 5. BepoaTHo, OHM Han Hamn cMeloToa. 6. LOMKHO GbiTb, OHM Tora KANN anece. 7. JJOMKHO GbiTb, MOET BOxAb. 8. BepostHo, 2oxknb yxe npekpatunes. 9. JlomKHO GbiTb, OH KaK pag 4MHIAN NPOOKH (fuse). 153 Ex. 15. (B, C) Translate into English using the verb “to have” in its modal meaning. Mue cevivac npuxonutca MHoro pa6orars, Tak Kak 9 Goslena ui oTCTana oT rpynnbi. Bam npugetca noroBopite c HAM MHO. Ham npnuinoce nepexAate AOxNb Ha CTaHU. A BbIHYy>KNeH GbIN USBMHUTECA, XOTA MHe 3TO GbiIO HENPUATHO. Kxury Heo6xofumo nepennectu, uHa4e HeEKOTOpbIe CTPaHUUbl MOryT MOTepATECA. Bam MpvxoguTca o4eHb palo BCTABaTb, He TAK NI? PAROS 4.1 REVISION Ex. 16. (B, C) Paraphrase the sentence using the verb “must”. 1. Probably that building in the distance is the station. 2. The boy was evidently reading something funny. He was smiling all the time. 3. They have most likely not realized what opportunity they were losing. 4. | shan't bother you any longer; no doubt you are tired of my talking. 5. | see something is eating him. He looks worried. 6. It was clear the family were expecting some guests: mother was bustling about the house tidying up the rooms. 7. He surely did not find out the real reason for their silence. 8. am sure he has got all he needed. Ex. 17. (B, C) Combine the verb “must” with the proper form of the infinitive in brackets. 1. [feel | must (to do) something before it is too late. 2. You must (to follow) my advice. There isno other way out for you. 3. He saw an old woman sleeping soundly in Green Park. A shower was falling all the time, she must (to get) drenched to the skin. 4, “The hotels must (to do) a tremendous business,” old Jolyon thought. “A few years ago there had been none of these big hotels.” Then he thought of his son. “... Jo were only with him. The boy must (to be) forty by now.” 5. She must (to be) angry with you. She does not even look in your direction. 6. She must (to get) angry with me. She left without saying good-bye. 7. Mary must (to be) ill, otherwise she would have come. 8. She turned pale. She must (get frightened). Ex. 18. (B, C) Translate into English. 1. A. pomkHa npouecte sty KHUTy. 2. Oa, AOmKHO 6biTb, uMTaer STY KHUITy. 3, Mama bia GonbHa, U MHe NPMUNOCe roTOBNT’ OG6en. 4. HlomkHo ObiTb, oHa roToBMNa OGen, Kora npvwen par. 5. AfomKex Obin aaitty B AeKaHar. 6, LlomkHO ObITb, OH 3aXOAMNN B AeKaHar. 7. Bb AOMKHbI NoroBopuTb c Hei. 8. AomkHO ObiTb, OH CeYac pasroBapuBaeT No- arnuiickn. 9, MHe npnusioce Hanicate 06 atom cecTpe. 10. OHa, AOsKHO 6eITb, Hanucana cectpe. 11. Oxa, Q0mkHO 6biTb, Nvcana cecTpe, Kora BbI ee yBugenu. Ex. 19. (C) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Ova, HOMKHO GbiTb, xGeT Hac B UHCTUTYTe. 2. Oa DOKHa *MaTb HAC B MHCTHTYTe. 3. Zloktop ckagan, ¥T0 OH AOMKeH >KUTb Ha 1Ore. 4. OH, AOKHO BbITb, %KUBeT Ha fore. 5. OH AOIKeH MHOrO YUTaTb BCNyX, 4TOOb! VCNpaBUTb CBOe NPOVsHOWeHMe. 6. OH, AOKHO ObITb, MHOrO 4MTaeT BCIIYX; y HeTO XOpOWee NpoMsHOWeHHe. 7. A DOsKeH OCTABaTbCA 3NeCb 10 3uMbI, 8. OHa, MOMKHO GbiTb, FOCTUT y CBOMX Apysel4, Tak KAK OHA Nucana, 4TO npoBegeT OTnyck y HUX. 9. OHM, LOMKHO GbiTb, KAYT MeHA, a 9 HNKaK He MOTY /1aTb MM 3HaTb o ce6e. 154 10. Keira pacnpogaxa; Halo ee nonokaTe 8 ByKHHMiCTHMeCKHX MaraaiHax. 11. OH, no Bceli BePOsTHOCTH, 3a6bIN, YTO OGelaN npUiATH. 12. CHK, HaBePHO, NMLUYT COMHeHHe ke OKONO ABYX 4ACOB M CKOPO AOJDKHbI 3AKOHYUTb. Ex. 20. (G) Translate into English using the verbs “must”, “to be (to)”, “to have (to)”. (Dictation-translation). 1. Ckaaan nv npenogasatenb, 4TO MbI AOMKHE! BbIYYMTb STOT TeKCT HangycTB? 2. A He 3HaN, 4TO STOT TeKCT He Hao YuitTb HanaycTb. 3. He WyMitTe: AeTH, AOMKHO ObiIT, CHAT. 4, HiKTo, HaBepHo, He cKagan emy 06 oToM. 5. OHM AOMKHEI Gbinn npHiit 8 5, a yKe 6 yacos. 6. OHV, HaBepHO, 3a0bINN, 4TO AOMKHbI ObINM NpUiiTH B 5 4acoB. 7. Hanetoce, BaM He NpMUWNOCb AoNro xAaTe, Na? 8. Haflelocb, HaM He NpngeTca xAaTb. Ex. 21. (B, C) Translate into English. 1. Cnextaknb AomKeH 6biN HaYaTbCA B WECTb 4ACOB, HO ETO NPULWNOC OTIOXMTE, Tak KaK OAMH axTep 3aGonen. 2. MHe Hago Gbino (npuuuNoc’) OcTaTeCA AOMa BYepa, Tak Kak y MeHA ObIN0 O4eHb MHOro paGoTEl. 3. BbI LOSKHbI BCTABAT PaHO KAKObI DeHb? 4. Mbi DoroBopuniics BCTPeTHTBCA B TeaTpe. OH AOMKeH Obin NpHexaTe K NONOBUHE BOCbMOrO Ml >KNATb MeHA y pxofa. 5. OH B4epa ObIN OMA, Tak Kak eMy He Hy:KHO ObIIO WATH B VHCTHMTyT. 6. A BepHynca DOMO! palibille OBbIsHOFO, Tak Kak MOM [py3bA AOFDKHbI GbINIM BaiiTH KO MHE B CEMb 4acoB. 7. A DOMKeH Gbin aKOHUMT’ STY paGoTy BYepa, HO He CMOr STOrO cAenats. MHe npunétca 3akOHNNTe e& CeronHA. 8. B KOTOPOM acy BbI DOMKHbI ObITe B MHCTHMTYTe saBTpa? 9. Bam Aonro npuwinock xAaTe ero? - MHe NPMUUNOC’ xAATb ero HegoNro. 10. AMpeKTop ews He npuwén. OH AosKeH GbITb 3fecb B 11 YacoB. Bam npugétca nopoxKAaTb HeMHOrO. 11. EA NPMUWNOGe NepenevaTEIBATb NACbMO HECKONEKO pas. OHa, HOMKHO ObITb, yorana u coenana MHOrO OWNGOK. 12. STO, AOMKHO GbITb, Maras, TaM MHoro Mogei. 13. Bet GnepHbl, BbI, BeposTHo, yotanu. 14. Bona xonogHan, O3ep0, AOMKHO ObiTb, O4eHb rny6oKoe. 15. MHe NPMDETCA BbIY'YNTb STO CTHXOTBopeHne K Cpene. 16. Bbixoga He GbiIO, M emy NPMLUIOCe sannatute utpab. 5. SHOULD AND OUGHT There is hardly any difference between these verbs, very often they are interchangeable. There is a difference in construction: ought is always followed by the to-infinitive. Moral obligation or duty is more often expressed by ought fo. It is a little stronger than should. FORMS AND MEANINGS MEANING EXAMPLES: 1. moral obligation Aman should help his parents when they become old. 2. advice You should be more careful. 3. disapproval You shouldn’t treat me like this. 155 MEANING EXAMPLES 4. criticism of the past action, | She was feeling unwell yesterday, she shouldn’t have disapproval gone to her office. 5. reproach You can’t remember what | said, you should have listened more carefully. 6. regret Itwas his birthday yesterday. | should have sent him abirthday card. DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH The policeman said to Tom, The policeman told Tom that he should be “You should be more carefulwhen | more careful when crossing the street. crossing the street.” The teacher told Jack,"You ought The teacher told Jack that he ought to help the old.” to help the old. EXERCISES Ex. 1. (B) Analyse the meaning of the modal verb “should” and translate the sentences into Russian, 1, He looked more than ever out of place; he should have stayed at home. 2. The children were out dancing when they should have been learning their lessons. 3. “It is very wicked of you,” she said. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself.” 4. "lam having trouble with my leg.” ~ { see. Well, | think you should go and see the doctor I know.” 5. I'll see and speak to Maurice. He should not behave like that. 6. He came out of the water, smiling. “You should have come earlier,” he said. 7. You should have chosen a more suitable time to tell me that dreadful news. Ex. 2. (A, B) Put “should” or “shouldn't” in the spaces. Translate the sentences into Russian. Watch the meaning of “should’/”shouldn't”. 4. You work more; you miss the lessons. 2. Mothers look after their children, 3. What are you doing here? You be in bed, It is very late. 4. That hat doesn't suit you; you buy another. 5. There are too many accidents. Everyone be much more careful. 6. You have followed the instructions of your coach. Then you would have won the game. 7. Tom was often late and his father told him that he wake up earlier. 8. She told her children that they always say “Please” and “Thank you”. 9. It is dark in the room, you ‘switch on the light. Ex. 3. (B) Make remarks according to the model. Model: A.: | only told Peter. B.: You shouldn't have told anyone. 1. lonly asked Mike. 2. | only invited Jack. 3. | only argued with Tom. 4. | only discussed it with Alec. 5. lonly talked about it with Arthur. 6. | only wrote to Bill. 7. l only complained about Mark. 8. | only woke George. 156 Ex. 4. (B, C) Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. | don’t feel well now. | should (remember) to take the medicine yesterday. 2. Children should (obey) their parents. 3. It’s three o'clock and I’m feeling very hungry; | should (eat) more for lunch. 4. The little boy was playing with his father’s typewriter and of course he broke it; he shouldn’t (allow) him to play with it. 5. You have a weak heart. You shouldn't (run). 6. Iwas very tired last summer and I should (take) a holiday, but there was too much work to do. 7. When he went for a walk he should (take) his umbrella, it looked like rain (but he didn’t). 8. The workmen are very slow; the job should (finish) a week ago. 9. You shouldn't (eat) so much bread, now you've gained weight. 10. You shouldn’t (go) out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught cold. 11. You should (cross) the road by the subway (but you didn’t). 12. He should (check) that his brakes were working properly (but he didn’t). 13. You should (warn) him that the ice was dangerous (but you didn’t). 14, Tom’s had another accident. It sounds like Tom's fault. He should (wait) till the main road was clear. Ex. 5. (C) Fill in the blanks with “must”, “should” or “ought (to)”. Use the correct form of the infinitive. 1. Your questions surprise me, you (know) this. 2. You (to be) absent for such along time. Everyone forgot you. 3. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, | feel | (tell) you the truth. 4. We had a wonderful time at that party. You (to be) there. 5. Let’s tell him all as it is. He (understand). 6. You (apologize) when you saw that his feelings were hurt. 7. She is a very experienced doctor. You (to consult) her. 8. She (not to say) such things in the child’s presence. Now you see the results. 9. | (know) that it might come to that. 10. If they had been warned in time, they (be) there by now. 11. He gave you just the feeling of assurance, of confidence that a doctor (to give). Ex. 6. (C) Fill in the blanks with “ought”, “to be (to)”, “to have (to)”. 1. Don't contradict her, you to respect her age. 2. She is not a bad sort, if some- what capricious; so you sometimes to put up with her whims. 3. The situation grew awkward, He felt that something to be done, or else the party would break up. Ex. 7. (C) Fillin the blanks with either “should” or “must”. Translate into Russian. 1. a) You look fresh! You have had a good sleep at night. b) You look tired! You have a good sleep at night. 2. a) They have studied the subject more thoroughly; they will regret it later on. b) They have studied the subject thoroughly; they answered every question. 3. a)You have ignored the traffic regulations. That's why you were fined. b) You have followed the traffic regulations, then you would not have been fined. 4. a)He be working at his problem now. b) He work at the problem, it hasn't been solved yet. 5. a)l have taken Grandfather's spectacles. | cannot see anything through them. b)I have taken my opera-glasses. | don’t see anything. 157 Ex. 8. (C) Use “should” or “had (to)” with the correct form of infinitive in brackets. 11 (to send) a telegram because it was too late to send a letter. You (to remind) me to do it earlier. 2.1 not (to tell) him the news; he was so much upset, but Ireally (to do) so, for the circumstances demanded it. 3. The agreement was that if Johny White could not repay the money he had borrowed, then Luke Flint (to have) the right to sell the land. 4. It was very hard work but we (to do) it. 5. She (not to let) it pass like that, she (to explain) to him that he was wrong. 6. Although it was unpleasant to her, she {to tell) him that he was wrong. Ex. 9. (C) Translate into English using “must”, “to be (to)”, “have (to)”, or “should”, “can”. 1. Tel, AOMKHO GbITb, NPONyCTUN ero. TbI AOMKeH GbiN GbITb Gone BHUMaTeNbHEIM. 2. Bei, DOMKHO BbITb, C HM yxXe MloroBOpUAM. A BVDKy, BbI BCe 3HaeTe. 3. OH He AOMKeH GbIN Tak rpy6o pasropapveate. Sto Morno oOuperb ero. 4. OHa He AOMKHa bina SaKpbIBaTb OKHO Tak 6bICTPO, HAsO GbUIO NPOBETPUTb KOMHaTY Nonyyle, 5. STO AOSKHO SbINIO CyYMTBCA. Beem usBectHa ero paccesHHocte. 6. Te6e Hafo GbiNo NPoYeCTb CBOe COYMHeHVe ele Pas, TaM, AOKHO SbiTb, ecTe owMOKM. 7. Ham He NPULUNOC TaLTb Bel Ha CeGe: HaM Nonanact nonytHaa MaluMHa. 8, BbI He JO/KHbI Tak paccTpaveaTeca no nyctaKam. Hano Depxate ce6a B pykax. 9. Mpocture, 4To 9 onognan. Bam gonro npulunoct nate MeHA? 10. Hagetoce, Tb! He MospkHa Tenepb Tak paHO BCTaBaTb; Tb BeEAb Tenepb paGoTaelib B DecaTu Minytax xopb6bI OT NoMa. 11. OHa, O4eBMDHO, 6bina O4EHb NPUATHOM KEHLUIMHOM. Bce rosopsr 0 Heli c Tako mo6osbio. 12. A Hikyfa He BIXOAMN B TOT BeYEp, Tak Kak Tlocne paGote! Ko MHe AOMKeH Gein saittn Dpxopax. 13. STO neKapoTBO MOxXHO NONyYUTe Tonbko no peyenty Bpata. 14. Tam, HaBePHO, UAeT AOXAb: CMOTPHY, KaKOe TeMHOe He6O. 15. Te6e He Hao ceropHA roToBMTb OGeA, Tak Kak Mb OOefaem B rocTax. 16. OH, BepOATHO, 4TO-To ropa4o COcyxKnaNn; OH axe He SaMeTHNM, Kak MbI BOW. 17. Bam cnenosano 6bI HaiiTu cneymanucra, KoTOpbIi Mor 661 AaTb BAM XOPOWUMiA CoBeT. 6. NEED Need expresses necessity. It is mostly used in negative and interrogative sentences. MEANING EXAMPLES EQUIVALENTS absence She needn’t get up early. don’t have to ... of necessity The lessons begin at ten. She doesn’t have to do it. (Moxto He something that The water was clean. Didn’t have to is no longer an has been done, You needn’t have boiled it. | equivalent. It denotes the absence wasunnecessary | (MoxHo Gino wHe...; | of necessity without implying that Spa; HanpacHo) the action was performed. 158 NOTES: 1. When “need” is used in the meaning “to be in want of something’ itis treated as a normal verb: OQ He needs a pair of shoes. 2. “Need” as a modal verb has only one tense form — the Present. STUDY THE FOLLOWING CHART. TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES INTO RUSSIAN. ‘Needn’t (the meaning: absence of necessity) with a non-perfect infinitive with a perfect infinitive 1, He needn’t get up early. 1, He must be in his office at nine o'clock, His work begins at nine. but he got up yesterday at six. (He Hy>KHo ...) He needn’t have got up so early. (He Hago 6bino ...) 2. Ineedn’t go to the shops today. 2. The water was clean and fit to drink; There is plenty of food in the house. itneedn’t have been boiled. EXERCISES Ex. 1. (A, B) Practise the following according to the model. Model: A.: You took the lift, | suppose? (walk up the stairs) lo, | walked up the stairs. You needn't have walked up the stairs. You could have taken the lift. 1. You went by bus, | suppose? (walk) 2. You borrowed the books, | suppose? (buy) 3. You phoned him, | suppose? (write) 4. You went by taxi, | suppose? (take a bus) 5. You went second class, | suppose? (go first class) 6. You left your heavy case at the station, | suppose? (take it with me) 7. You sent the sheets to the laundry, | suppose? (wash them myself) Ex, 2. (B, C) Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. You needn’t (send) the car for us, we could have walked. 2. She washed up all the plates, she needn’t (wash) them up, because they had a dishwasher. 3. Why do you want to press the skirt? It is not creased at all. You needn't (press) it at all. 4. | knew | had to be at the office on Saturday; | needn't (remind). 5. You needn't (help) him. (You helped him but he didn’t need your help.) 6. He was wide awake when his mother called him at seven o'clock this morning; she needn't (call). Ex. 3. (B, C) Paraphrase the following using the modal verb “need”. Model: Was it quite necessary for you to do the work instead of him? Need you do the work instead of him? 1. It is not necessary to copy the composition. | can read it as it is. 2. It was not necessary for her to carry the bags all by herself: there were porters at the station. 3. Why do you want to buy a new bag? I could have lend you mine. 4. There is no use worrying about her; 159 she is quite able to take care of herself. 5. What's the use of reproaching yourself? 6. | don’t think there is any need to bother them. Ex. 4. (B, C) Use “should” or “need” with the correct form of the infinitive in brackets. 1.We (not to hurry) we have half an hour before the train starts. 2. You (not to come) so early, now you will have to wajt. 3. You (not to give) the child so much money. It will spoil him. 4. You (rfot to return) the money so soon. | could wait. 5. You (not to help) him with this work. He could have managed it himself. 6. You. (not to go) into this at present. They've clean forgotten about it. Ex. 5. (C) Translate into English using “(don’t) have to”, “needn't (have)”. 1. Moxere ceropHa Tyna He xonuTb. ToBap ele He AocTasunu. 2. Bam Hesavem WOT Ha ynmuy: y cocenel ects Tenedou. 3. ¥ Hac Tenepb NocTPOMNM CTAAMOH, M AeTAM He npMgeTcA ean Aanexo. 4, iM Hega4eM eSpyiTb TaK MANeKO, MOXHO 3aHMMaTBCA B Hale 4MTasIbHOM sane. 5. MoxeTe He ocTaBaTeca, ecnl He xoTuTe. 6. He o6ASaTeNbHO BaM XOAMTS CAMOMY. Moxere npucnatb Koro-Hn6yAb. 7. A Mor 3TO.cnenaTb TONbKO NOTOMy, 4TO MHe He HAO 6bino MATH B MHCTUTYT B Cpeny. 8. Ham He HyXxHO Obino xoAMTb B 6UGnMOTeKy. ¥ Hac 6binM BCe HEOGXOAMMBIE KH. 9. Hi K 4eMy 6bIIO NOKynaTb STY KHUTY, OHA eCTb B OUGNUOTeKE. 10. Te, Kto caenan sty paGoTy, MoryT He ocTaBaTbCA B aynvTopun. 11. OKasanoce, 4TO Y MeHS ECTb STOT CNOBapb, Tak 4TO HE NPULUNOCb NOKynaTb HoBbI. 12. Bam He HYKHO 6biNO NokynaTs STOT CHOBapb, Y MCHA ECT NIMLUHIA SKZEMNISP, M #1 C YAOBONLCTBMEM fan Obi Ero BaM, ECM 661 BbI ToNbKO NonpooMAN. 13. OH Mor M1 He NPUXOAMTe, BCe yKe BbIno cAeNaHo. 14, Ey HM k 4emy 6biN0 BAaBATECA B NOAPOGHOCTH: 9TO BCe PaBHO He NoMorno. 15. Bce cnoBa B TeKCTe ObINM 3HAKOMbI, 4 MM Hesa4em GbiN0 MONbSOBATbCA CNOBAPeM; STO TONbKO oTHano y HX Gonbiue BpeMeHn. 16, Boe crioBa B TeKCTe GbINM HACTONBKO XOPOLIO SHAKOMEI, 4TO MHe axe Hesa¥eM ObINI0 NoNbsOBATECA CnoBapeM. 7. REVISION Ex. 1. (B, C) Put “can”, “may”, “must", “should”, “ought to”, “have to”, “be to”, “be able to” (or the negative forms) and “needn’t” in the spaces. 1. “Oh, Nurse, I stay here?” ~ “Stay here? Of course, you ” 2. Aman help his parents when they become old. 3. There are no buses or taxis, so we walk. 4. No, Moira, you have another potato. You've had two already. 5. We live without food and water. We eat and drink. 6.1 get up too early tomorrow, so | go to bed late tonight. 7. You not walk ail the way to the station. You take a bus round the corner. 8. Tom’s father told him that he ask silly questions. 9. You switch off the light if you are afraid of the dark. 10. The matter be discussed in tomorrow's debate. 11. You sit there in your wet clothes; you will catch cold if you do. 12. They do all the exercises; it will be sufficient if they do four of them. 13. You do whatever you like. 14. Sooner or later one choose. 15. | read to the end of the story, because | want to see who gets the treasure. 16. Go rightin. You report at once. 17. She sing quite 160 well. 18. You say anything. Just nod your head and he will understand. 19. use your phone? — You ask for permission; you use it whenever you like. 20. Is she waiting? She wait for me at home. We've arranged so. 21. You take a horse to water but you make him drink. 22. The ice is quite thick. We walk on it. 23. If you don't know the meaning of a word you use a dictionary. 24, The day we start, it rained worse than ever. Ex. 2. (B) Complete the sentences using the modal verbs “can”, “may”, “must”. 1, The performance (be over) as there are many people leaving the theatre. 2. I don't believe that he said it. He (say) such a thing. 3. 1am sure they knew everything about it. Mary (tell) them. She can't keep her word. 4. lam sure that she did not do anything of the kind. They (take) her sister for her. 5. _Itisimpossible that they should have refused to help you. They __ (break) their promise. 6. Perhaps it was true, | am not sure. She (be ashamed) to tell you the truth. 7. There was probably some misunderstanding. They. (sent) the contract to the wrong address. 8. you really mean it? 9. There is no doubt that it was all prepared beforehand. He (watch) you. 10. Itis impossible, They (leave) already. | was watching the door of the house. 11. Idon’t believe that they didn’t recognize you. They (fail to recognize) you. 12. His teacher (help) him; his English is quite decent now. 13. My students (be) at a lecture now. They never miss classes. 14, Idon't believe it. He (write) the letter but the signature is certainly not his. 15. this old man (be) your brother? 16. The message (be delivered) in time as we received an immediate answer. 17. you (not remember) our talk? Ex. 3. (C) Translate into English. 1, OH 2OKeH GbITb Tam 3aBTpa. 2. OH MOXeT ObITb TaM 3aBTpa. 3. OH, BOSMOKHO, GyseT TAM sastpa. 4. OH, BO3MOXKHO, Obi TaM Buepa (He Obin). 5. OH, MO BCE BEPOATHOCTH, Obin TaM Byepa. 6. OH fomKeH GbiN GbITb TaM BYepa. 7. He MOxeT GbiTb, YTOGb! OH Obin TaM BYEpa. 8, Bo3MOXHO 11M, 4TOGbI OH 6biN TaM BYepa? 9, Heyer OH TaM Gbin BYepa? 10. He MOxeT ObiTb, 4TOGbI STO Stina npaBaa. 11. Heykenu oTo npaBaa? 12. Sto, AOMKHO 6bIT, npaBaa. 13. BoaMoxHo, aro npaaa. 14. Kro Haer? Moxer GbiTb, 970 UnpaBpa. 15. BosMoxHO, STO Geinanpasna. 16. 370, o¥esY1HO, Obita npaBna. 17. Bei, BEPOATHO, OIVGNVCE. 18. BbI, HOFOKHO ObiTb, oluMGaeTecb. 19. He MOxeT ObITb, 4YTOGbI BbI OLUNGNUCb. 20. HeyKenu (BOSMOXHO NM, 4TO6b!) BbI OLUMENUCb? 21. He MOET ObITb, YTOGbI OHM MeHA HE NOHANIU. Ex. 4. (B, C) Translate into English the parts of the sentences given in brackets using modal verbs. 1.1 know he (Mor 6t1) read classics. He (He o6agaTenbHo) change to something else. 2. If you help me now I (MoxkeT 6biTb cMory) help you later. 3. (Mory 1 # cenate) as I like or (a joka DenaTb) as you like? 4. “Now listen to me!” he said; “I'll tell you a few things that you (gomxkeH 6bin bi cnpocuTs) before starting out.” 5. If your mother calls, tell her | (B03MOxKHO npupercs) be a little late. 6. When you came here I told you you were free to come and go as you please, but you (He AoskHa Otia Haseujate) Old Tante. 7. "I shall wait to hear what 161 Lily (Moxxer) say about it.” “You (Moxer 6tiTb npugercs) wait a long time.” 8. Mr Zappa, the carrier (nomxex Gtin aaexare) for me in the morning at nine o'clock. 9. That book was one of those that one (omkeH 6bin bi npouNTaTs). 10. Somebody has been talking; (kTo Gti ato Mor 6tiTb)? 11. (HesaveM 6bino BonHOBaTbCA), everything has turned out all right. 12. Frequently he (MoxHo 6bio sactaTs) in the garden bent over his flowers. 13. | believe he was always afraid they (Moryt nocmeateca) at him. Ex. 5. (C) Translate into English. (Dictation-translation) 1 1, MHe o4eHb kab, HO A AOMKEH MATH. A MO;KEH BCTPeTUTb BetTu y KuHO. Yxe Ges uersepTu cemb! OHa, AOmKHO ObiTb, Ke XMeT MeHA. MHe npupercA cecTb Ha aeTo6yc. 2. Vix ROM fOMKHbI Guin CHeCTH (Knock down), 1 eMy piiUNOCk Nepeexatb B ApyroA paiiov. 3. Bb! Mornu 6b! NpegynpegMTb MeHA, YTO He NpMgeTe; MHE He NDUWAOCD Obl Tak Aonro Bac «fate. 4. Heza4eM BaM GbINO xO{MTb Tyfa, OHM Mor” GbI Camu npuiiTu. 5. He Hago 6bino Tak paroBapuiBaTb C HUM: BCE Ke OH NocTapwe Bac. 6. Hago 6bino NoAyMaTb 06. STOM paHbUe; TeNepb sTOrO yxke He UcNPAaBULb. 7. Tbl 3PA 3akagan HOMeP B rocTMHHue. ¥ Hac @CTb KOMHaTa ans rocteli. 8. Henb3a nu MHe 3afaTb BaM HECKOMbKO BONPOCOB? 9. Norofa xopowas, 4 MbI Mors 6bI NpoKaTUTECA 3a ropoa, 10. Heyxkenn BbI MM NoBepun? Ouu ckopee BCero NowyTMAM Han Bau. I 1. OH fOMxKeH Bein NOABUHYTECA NOGNWxe, YTOGb! yonbilwaTb ee. 2. Ha cnenylouywi AH’ apt 83an Mes c Co6oii Ha NPorynky, a BEYEPOM MbI AOMKHb! Obi OGenaTe c FpuHamu. 3, Te6e npugeTca MHOro SaHMMaTECA. Ech Obl Tel Mor IPUXOBMMTb KO MHE r10 BOCKPECeHBAM, A Obl C YAOBONCTBMeM SaHumanca C TOGO. 4. OH, AOKHO ObITb, He CKagavi MM HiYero, 1 OHM, BO3MOXHO, ynakOBbiBaloT BeLM. 5. B NDOWNOM rogy A KAN GNM3KO OT MHCTHTYTA, H MHe He NPHXOAUNOCh BCTABATb TAK PaHo, Kak Ceiiuac. 6. A AyMalo, 4TO BAM He cnepyeT oGpaulats Ha 3To BHUMaHMA. Hesa4em GecnoKouTeca Oo nycTaKax. 7. Bel, HOSKHO 6bITb, Bce 4uTanM oTy KHuTy. Ecru HeT, TO BaM CnefoBano Obi ee NPOYECTe Kak MOXHO CKOpee, 4TO6bI BbI MOT OOCyAMTb ee Ha 3aHATHAX Hawero Kpyxka. 8. 3px TI Tak pasroBapuBan C Hum. OH Mor o6ugerBCa. 9. B NOHeAeNbHMK # ele He CMory aTb BaM ONpeneneHHlit orser. Ex. 6. (C) Translate into English. 1. Boi, HaBepHOe, NONOKUNM KMIOY HE Ha TO M@CTO, 4 # He CMor BOMTM B AOM. 2. A Gein yavenéH, yBMnes Tak MHOrO Hapofla B sane, re A AOMKeH Obin BbICTyNaTb. 3. MoxeT Gort, Ona Obina Ha KOHUepTe, HOA ee He Buena. 4. Balle MUO KaKeTCA MHe 3HaKOMBIM. Mbl, AOMKHO GbITb, rAe-TO BCTPeYaNUCe. - BO3MOXxHO, MbI BCTPeYaNCb NETOM BO BpeMA kaHukyn. 5. Hanpacio Tb! ckagana ei 06 atom. Te6e Hao 6bino npomonuate. 6. He MoxKeT 6bITb, YTOGbI OH He CABIWAN O HaLIEM PeWeHUN, HO # BCe Ke CKAXY eMy 06 STOM Cama. 7. OH, AOMKHO BbITb, He ycnen elle NPOYUTATe STY KHUITY WNUK, BOSMOXHO, He AOCTan ee. 8. OH npocun npeaynpeaMTe, 4TO BaM, BOSMOXHO, NPUAeTCA NoOROxKAATe eule AKA ABA Tv, NPEXKAe HEM OH CMOXET BAC NPUHATS. 9. BONbHOro AOMKHE! BLUM ONepUpoBaTb 10-ro, HO BBMAY ero Nnoxoro COCTOAHMA Onepauio NPUUNOC OTNOXKUTb Ha HeoMpemeNeHHoe Bpema. 10. He Moxer 6bITb, YTOObI OHa STOFO He 3Hana.11. OH, AOMKHO ObITb, NPUroTOBUN nepesog sapatee. 12. OH, AO KHO 6biTb, He roTOBMN NepeBog 3apaHee. 13. OH, BEPOATHO, He ycnen nogroTosutb nepesog uM Gein (GyAeT) BbIHYAXQeH NOTpATMTb Ha Hero BCE 162 BOCKPECeHbe, Tak Kak ero HyXKHO SaKOHMMTe K ChemyioMued HeAene. 14. He Morn 6b Bbt TOMO4b MHe SaKOHUUITS pa6oTy? Mie, MoxXeT GbiTb, NpUseTCA yexaTb 3aBTpa BEYEPOM. Ex, 7. (A, B) Translate into English. 1. AnoMKeH CAenaTs 970 ceroAHA? a) Her, Bbi MoxeTe CnenaTb sto 3aBTpa, ecru xoTuTe. 6) Aa, To Hy>KHO Caenatb cerogHA. 2. Mo>kHo MHe nlocmorpers Baty pa6oty? a) Noxanyiicra. 6) Her, oHa ewe He roToBa. 3. Aloxtop, MoxHO MHe KynaTeca B Mope? a) Her, Hemb3a: BbI MoxeTe ONATb 3aGoneTb. 6) KoHe4Ho, MOXxKHO. STO NPUHECeT BaM TONbKO NoNb3y. Mue HyxHo nepenvicatb BCio pa6OTy NIM A Mory TONBKO MCNpaBuTb OWMOKA? Kora MHe MOXKHO NpViiTU 3a OCTaNbHbIM MaTepviasioM? — Bam He3a4eM NpyixopyT CaMOMy. Moi Bam npvusnem ero, Kora oH 6yper roToB. He moxere 11M BbI 3aliTH KO MHe BEYepOM? . Henbsa nu nonpocu Bac gait Ko MHe Be4epoM? . He moran 6b! BbI 3aiiTM HEMHOXKO Nose? PND gp Ex. 8. (C) Translate the words in bold type into English. A Hosoe nnartee Jlynpi. Monopod JlyHe npvwina B ronosy npexpactaa MbIcnb: “Mlo¥emy 6b! MHe He CUTS ce6e HoBoe nnatbe? A Morna Gbi 6 HeM rynaTe NO HeOy,” — 1 OHa OTPABUNACe K NOPTHOMY.” “He MOF 6b! BbI CLUMTE MHe HOBOe Mabe? — cnpocina ola. — HO OHO AOMKHO xopowo cvpeTs.” “Moxete He Gecnokonteca,” — oTseTun NopTHON. — “Oxo GygeT NpekpacHo cupeTb. Boi Taka Monoas, Takaa TOHeHbKaa. MosBosibTe MHe CHATb MepKy.” Korna ox cHan Mepky, JIyHa cnpocuna: “Koraa MHe npvxoguTe Ha npumepKy?” Vl oH Benen ef npuiiTu yepes HesZeNIo. Opnako nate okaganock CAMLUKOM y3kuM. “LOmKHO GbITb, # MOXO CHAN MepKy,” — nogzyman orop4eHHbiii NopTHoi. — “Tenepb npugeTca BCe AenaTb CHaYana.” OH ont CHAN Mepky 1 Benen JIyHe npuiaTu Yepes AeCATe AHEM. Mnatbe cHosa oKaaanoce yakuM, fla 1 JlyHa ebirnagena Tenepb CoBcem Have. “Heyxenn A onsitb owMGca? nv, MoxeT GbiTb, OHa Tak NoTONCTeNna oropyunca nopTHoii, CHMMaa Mepky B TpeTHi pas. - “Hy, Tenepb BCe AOMKHO G6biTb B NopspAKe.” Kora JlyHa npmuina onsite, eto 6bina yKe nonHaa nyHa. “Sto Geso6pasve!” - sazonun NopTHoH. — “Hago 6bino npepynpeaMTe MeHs, 4TO y BAC Takan HeyCTOM4uBaA curypa. He crany # Ans Bac paGoraTb!” Tak JIyHe npvuunoce o6oliTHce Ges HoBOro nnaTEA. B Mepenxa. Sto 6bin ux MegoOBbIi1 MecaL (honeymoon). Mononaa xxeHa Cugena B Kpecne B CBOeM yIOTHOM KBapTUpKe M AYMaNa, 4TO, BEPOATHO, ceiyac Bce TonbKo wu roBopsT 06 ux ceanbbe. 163 Ceanb6a Manbiwa Maklappu ~ nyuuero GoKcepa Hbio-Viopka — 6bia, BO3MOXxHO, CaMbIM BaMe4uaTeNbHbIM COBbITHEM B XU3HK Ux Cocenelt. “Munbiii,” - ckagana ona, - “A Obi, Noxanyii (I'd rather), cbena nepcuK.” Page Mor Manbiw oTkaaars (refuse) ei? OH fake M He MOnyMan O TOM, re OH MOxKeT AOcTaTb nepcuk B CaMoM Hayane BecHbI. OH AOmKeH GbIn HaiiTu ero. OH, BepoRTHO, 3a6bim, 4TO Nepeuk — 9TO Aap (gift) sonoToro neTa. Od Hayan c.naBkn uTanbaHua Ha yrny, HO TaM bi ToNbKO ropbI (pile) onoTHX anenbCHHoB. Satem OH nobexan K CBOeMy Apyry 8 HOYHOM pecTopaH. OHM, AOMKHO G6bITb, EAST Takue ¢pykret Kpyrnbili roa (all year round). Ho ey ons He noBesno (be unlucky). Mpasza, ero Apyr npeanoxun (offer) aMeHMTe NepcukKu Ha SaMevaTenbHble anenbonHe! 13 VicnaHinn, Ho MakTappu He xoTen 06 3TOM UM CrbiWaTt (wouldn't hear). “He MoxeT 6bIT, 4TOGbI Ha Bpozigee He Gbino nepcuikos,” — nogyMan Manbilw. Heyer 4eMnviOH HbI0-Mopka He MOxeT 3aGbITb O Ces0HaX, KANeHAapAX M KNMMaTaX? TnaH poawnca MrHoBeHHO. Mepcukv, HECOMHEHHO, ecb B Ky6e y ero Bpara — JleHBepa Qua, - 4 OH AOGyzeT ux i060 UeHO! (at any price). He MoxerT G6biTb, ¥TOGEI MK OTKagan cBouM GoraTbIM KnveHTaM (visitors) 8 nepcuKax B MapTe. Manbiw Bopeanca B kny6 BMeCTe C NONMUEHCKUMN, KOTOpbIe AaBHO MeuTanu sanony4uuTe (get hold of) eHBepa Aka uv ero KimeHTos. Kak Tonbko Auk yeugen Manbiwa, OHM Havant Apareca (fight), Ho Manbiw fomkeH Gbin noGeanTe: Bepb ero KMaNa CaMan KpacuBan Aesywka B Mupe. Vox no6eaun. Ho Hawen Tonbko OAH cnyyaliHo ocTaBLUMiica NeponK. C¥actnMBbi Manbiu nomuanica AoMmoii. ‘OH 3ackounn B anTeKy NOHMCTHTS KOCTIOM. AnTeKapb ucnyranca: — Bol, AOmMKHO BEIT, ynanu c HeGocKpeba (skyscraper), - Ckagan OH. Ova «nana ero. A OH, JOBONbHbI NOBenOi (victory), BkNapbIBAeT B ee pyky Nepcuk. ~ Pasge # npocuna nepcuk? A 6bi ropaapo oxoTHee Chena anenbcuH. (By O.Henry) 8. TESTS . Bam npuxoautca oyeHb palo BCTaBaTb, He Tak NU? . SHE LOMKeH 6biN FOBOPMTb C Heli TAKUM TOHOM, Moi TOH, AOMKHO ObITb, o6uneN ee. . Bepoatto, poautenn ganpeTunu emy exaTb Ha lor c BaMM. BaM cnepogano camuM NorosopuTe c HMMA. |. Te! HanpacHo cnpawmsana coceneili, 9 Hallien sty KHUTY Ha TBOeM NMCbMeHHOM Crone. . BosMoxkHO, Kakas-HiGylb cpouHan pa6ora anepxkana ero, UNM, MOXeT 6biTb, OH 3a6biN, TO AOMKeH NPUTH Clona. . Bei Moran 661 EMy MlOAPOOHO OBBACHHTS BAL NaH. HeyKenn BbI 3a6bIN, YTO OH HE 3HaKOM C 9TMM BONPOCOM? Novemy Thi BepHyNca Tak palo? — Ham He NPUWNOCb AoNro O6cyxkgaTb STOT BONpOC. . Moet 6biTb, OHa VM Gb Ha KOHUepTe. }. OH HE AO/KEH ObITb B 9TO BPEMA OMA, OH, O4eBUAHO, elie padoTaer. 10. Fpynna Typucros AomkHa NPUGbITb 3aBTPa yTPOM. l 1 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 164 1, Ham He npuunoct nposoxare ux 8 FOCTHHMUy, OHM CaMH Xopoulio 3HaNM AOpOry. 2. Mbl, AOMKHO 6bITb, NPONYCTHAM ero; Mbl JOMKHbI OBIT PATH NOpaHbie, MBI KEM ero uenbiil yac. 3. On Aomxex Gein npugTu B 5, a OH ele He Npuwen. 4. He o6agarenbHo (He Hy:KHO) BaM NPUXODMTe CaMOMy, BbI MOxKETe NPUCNATe KOrO-HUGyAb. 5. OH He Tak yk 3acTeH4NB; BOSMOXHO, BAL BONPOC 6bIN HEOKUAaHHbIM, M OH He CMOr Ha Hero OTBeTHTb. 6. Bb Moran 6bi npeaynpeanr ero 3apaHee, 4TO OH AOMKeH Goin NPMATH BS. 7. Tlovemy ee Het? Heykenu ova oOupenace v4 pewina He NpuxonMTe? 8. Mxe He npmwinoce Aonro McKaTb TBOM AM, Tak Kak @ BCTPETMN TBOeTO COCeAA MI Mbl nownu BMecre. 9. Hecmorpa Ha WITOpM, OH CMor fonnbiTb Ao Bepera. 10. A fomxex Obi AaTb OTBeT AO AByx 4acoB AHA. Ll} 1. Bremuote # He Morna paso6patb, Ckonbko Tam niopei. 2. He Moxer 6biTb, YTOGbI OH 3a6biN CBoe OGeLWAaHNe. OH, BEPOATHO, OYEHb 3aHAT CeM4ac. 3. Heyxxenu BbI He BCTPETUNMCb C HMM Ha KOHepeHUM Ha NPOWNO! Henene? 4. Moxer 6biTb, o#a ye npnexana. Te6e CnezyeT NOSBOHMTE eit. 5. Kro AomkeH Obin Bac BCTPeYaTb? 6. Bam npmwinoce aa TaKcu, He Tak nN? 7. Domkxo 6e1Tb, oa npoBogMT Tam MHOro BpeMeHH. 8. Hanpacxo Te! Toponunca. Oxa elle He npvexana. 9. Te6e cnepyer BcTpeTuTECA C HUM M NOAPOGHO OBcyAMTe sToT BoNpoC. 10. Bui He Morn 6bI AaTb MHE eUye OAH NPUMep? Iv 1, Mocuante spect, noka ob 3anar. A aymaio, BaM He npugeTcA ONTO KATE. 2. Heyxenv Mbt c BaMM BCTPeYanuce Ha KOHepeHLMN B NPOUOM ropy? 3. Bo3MOXHO, OH 3a6bIN O Haweii BCTpeye. OH LOMKEH 6bIN NpUiiTH B 10 4acoB, a celivac yxe 12 yacos. 4. 3ps Bei Gpocunn sty pa6ory. Bei Obi Tak GAMSKH K YEN. 5. Te6e cnegyet npo6pits B Cankt-NMetep6ypre AonbwWe, YTOGbI OCMOTPeTb BECb ropos. 6. OH Mor 6bI CxopMTb TyAAa CaM; eMy HEsa4eM GbINO NocbiNaTb Bac. 7. Hecmorpa Ha To, 470 y Hac ObiN10 MasIO BYEMEHM, MbI CMOrN NOpFOTOBHT® SToT AOKNaA. 8. He Moxer 6biTb, 4YTO6EI oHa Obia Ha KOHCbepeHUuMn. 9. Emy npmusnoce norosopuTe c Heli, He TaK niu? 10. Te6e HeYero ToponuTEca. Oxa TONbKO 4TO BbIeEXaa.

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