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Describimos las vocales de acuerdo

al grado a abertura de la cavidad

bucal, localizacion the la lengua y
posicin de los labios

We describe the English vowel

sounds in terms of jaw
position, tongue position and
lip rounding.

Diagragh ea / e/ bed
Long i sound ´/ɜ:/ Short a sound
allophone short i sound
´/ɜ:/ inverted epsilon
/ ɛ / epsilon
Schwa Sound
Inverted upsilon Long a sound
cut / under / cup
Long u sound ball /ɔ:/ hot / cold

Short u sound
sh = ʃ - (esh) Consonant Sound esh Long o sound Short a sound
m+ / n+ /m+oo+n/
If the diagrapgh oo occurs between
ʃ- oo -K
two voiced consonants, the If the diagraph oo occurs between a voiceless consonant sound and a voiceless consonant, the diagraph
diagraph 00 is pronounced as a 00 is pronounced as short u sound
long u sound
happy sound

You pronounce this sound as if you were smiling

We found this sound mostly in American English

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