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1.) What was the movie all about?

It is about a man named John Nash, he suffers from paranoid schizophrenia

which is a mental illness. The movie shows the point of view from a person
with a mental illness. John on his graduate days, believes that what he’s up
to is real. However, in the later days of his life, people around him noticed
what John is doing and his mental illness. John was able to survive his
illness and able to win a noble prize with his genius. All of these he was able
to achieve by the help of his Wife, Alicia. Where he believes is the reason
why he was able to overcome his illness and win a noble prize.
2.) What happened to Josh Nash?
John Nash is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. He think that he is not
crazy and what he’s up to is real and true. However, when he met his wife, Alicia,
there is now someone who follows up what he’s up to. At a certain point, a
psychiatrist picked up John to treat him. John assumed that the psychiatrist was a
Russian Spy in his imagination/delusion. Now, Alicia have to trace what John has
been doing at his work. She knew that John was having a non-existing friends.
Then, Alicia started to tell John about his condition but John did not believe it at
first. After suffering for some time, John realized that he does have a mental
illness. The psychiatrist recommended John to take medication but John insisted
that he could heal himself. He then started to take control and ignore his friends
from his imaginations. Later in his life, he then found students who enjoyed and
appreciated his works. Then John won a noble prize.
3.) What was the mental illness of the main character of the movie? Was it
something biological/ inherited (nature) or did he acquire it? (nurture).
The mental illness of John was paranoid schizophrenia. According to
Medical News Today, it is a mental illness caused by genetics which means
it is something biological or inherited. However there are some
environmental factors that can trigger this illness.
4.) How does the movie end?
The movie ended in a Way that John was able to overcome and control his
mental illness. Also, even if he has a paranoid schizophrenia, he was a
genius in his own way, he loves number. At the end of the movie, he was
able to win a noble prize on his works.
5.) In your own opinion why did the scriptwriter choose the title of the movie
"The beautiful mind"?  
We all are fascinated by how our mind works. In the movie, John, the main
character suffers from a mental illness called paranoid schizophrenia. This
illness causes him to experience a non-existing world. After all his
hardships, his struggles with his illness, and by his genius, he was able to
achieve and perform well in his field which led to him winning a noble
prize. That’s not only it, during his speech while receiving the prize, he
noted on the power of love, which is beyond logic. Knowing the fact that he
suffers from mental illness, and still able to realize the power of love, oh can
you imagine how beautiful the mind is? That is why I believed the
scriptwriter used that title.
6.) What lesson/s  can you learn from the movie?
The movie allows us to see what a person with mental illness is going
through. That they are not disabled, they are special. That they are not crazy,
instead, they are beautiful. We often perceive them as unlucky for they are
born different and can’t experience what we can. But actually, they are
having a different experience, way beyond our comprehension, way beyond
our defition of beauty and life. It teaches us that we are all having our own
reality, our own problems, and our own experience. We might be going
through rough waves but what is the strength of a wave when there is love
mightier than our reason, beyond our comprehension.

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