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Ever heard of the term H2H or Human to Human Marketing? Over the past few years,
marketing strategies, whether online or offline, have all been focused on the B2B (business to
business) and B2C (business to consumer) segments. In this sense, one of their shortcomings
is that they did not humanize their buying and selling processes. Their only focus was to
fulfill the need of the business.
The best way to stand out in the market today is to give people what they want, and that is
exactly the kind of approach that Human to Human marketing (H2H) offers. This is a kind of
marketing that promotes closer relationships, made by people and for people.
Why is human to human marketing (H2H) important for a successful business strategy?
Humanizing service is important to ensure that all other marketing strategies, digital or
offline, are accurate and achieve the best possible result. This approach is important to
generate interaction between potential customers and the brand. Through the humanization of
business, empathy finds gaps so that the company can get close enough to its buyer
persona to influence their decision.

 Great ways you can think about your marketing through an H2H lens are given below:
1. Talk like an actual person: Use easy words and phrases that are actually used in day-
to-day life. Keep in mind, over-engineered, robotic language is not believable and
resonates with no one. Also, research shows that it actually triggers a sense of risk.
Remember, the easier you make things for your reader audience, the more believable
and trustworthy you become.

2. Use stories to become more memorable: A customer story is the H2H antidote to a
traditional sales pitch. Incorporate any storytelling elements into your marketing.
Think about a customer who you have helped and make him or her the protagonist of
your success story. You can talk about why did that person come to you or how did
you help him. Research shows that if people love your brand’s story, 55% are more
likely to buy from you in the future, while 15% will buy the product immediately.
Storytelling marketing is a potent and necessary “human” element for marketers in
any industry.
3. Incorporate user-generated content (UGC): Your audience is naturally skeptical of
marketing claims that come straight from the source. But they ARE open to hearing
the opinions of like-minded peers. In fact, consumers are 92% more likely to trust
their peers over advertising when it comes to purchasing decisions. This makes user-
generated content (UGC) a vital element for every H2H marketer’s toolbox. There are
plenty of ways to incorporate it, from sparking conversations on social media,
encouraging people to share photos of your service or solution in action, reviewing
you on a third-party website, and so on.

4. Train your team to treat customers equally: As the saying goes, you should treat
people the same way you would like to be treated. For the H2H approach, this applies
very well. Think of a salesperson offering a product for themselves. Surely, they
would be honest when presenting the advantages and disadvantages of what they are
selling. The human to human (H2H) strategy bases itself on honesty. Ensure that your
team is attentive to details and is always ready to offer the best advice for your ideal

Summing it up, Human to Human Marketing is a great way to amaze your customers and
helps in keeping up with the level of satisfaction of your customers.

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