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Essay Outline

I have to start by saying that after all that I have seen in the course it represent a
challenge, personally to try to focus on a topic due to the vast elements, and the vast
impact that comprehends the institution of slavery in the history of America. Because of
that, I thought it appropriate to explore the extension of slavery in American society in
the documentary Unchained Memories, where I found a deeper understanding on the
impact of slavery in the lives of the people that suffered it.

There is a testimony where it compares the “quality” in which the slave owners viewed
the slave, evidently as property, and even after the emancipation proclamation and the
winning of the Civil War by the Union, seen just as merchandise and labor force. With
this these are the topics that I intend to explore:

1. Set the institution of slavery as an essential part of capitalism and how this
structure, clingued to white supremacy ideology, managed to form a system of
interdependence between the oppressors and leaders of the confederate union
and slaves.
2. outline context first by exploring the origins and development of the cotton
industry and how the economic, political and ideological practices of the era
shaped the tensions between the different factions as the civil war approached.
3. As a second Id like to explore the establishment of the slave trade, and how it
was related to the international trade.
4. Shape the relations of slave owners and slaves through the lens of literature and
or testimonies.
5. Explore how these relations shaped the future relations between the african
american communities and the white communities in the years after the civil war
and how some practices still were shaped to endure the power dynamics rooted
during the slave institution.

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