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Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 221

reflect a bidirectional view of the relation between teach- trajectory by testing and revising conjectures about both
ers’ activity in PD sessions and their classrooms. the prospective learning processes and the specific means
Incorporating design principles from the PD and preser- of supporting it.
vice teacher learning literatures to delineate an envisioned Data collection. The data collected have to make it
learning trajectory might involve, for example, outlining a possible for the research team to address the broader
sequence of cycles of pedagogies of investigation and ped- theoretical issues under investigation when conducting
agogies of enactment that are designed to support teach- retrospective analyses. At a minimum, researchers will
ers development of increasingly sophisticated forms of need to collect data to document—
the intended knowledge or practice. Including pedagogies
of enactment in which teachers try out the intended prac- • relevant aspects of the PD learning environment,
tices in their own classrooms would encourage up-front including the enacted supports for the participating
attention to how teachers’ developing practice is situated teachers’ learning, and
in the school settings where they work. That said, because • the process of the teachers’ learning in the PD sessions.
research on the processes by which teachers develop par-
ticular practices is relatively thin, the initial envisioned In addition, for studies with in-service teachers and
learning trajectory will almost certainly be provisional and with preservice teachers who participate in school set-
thus eminently revisable. tings, researchers will need to collect data to document—
Placing the study in theoretical context. The intent of
a PD design study is to produce knowledge that will be • relevant aspects of the school context that might medi-
useful in providing guidance to others as they attempt to ate the impact of the PD on teachers’ resulting prac-
support teachers’ learning in other settings. As is the case tices, knowledge, or conceptions and
with classroom design studies, it is therefore important to • developments in the teachers’ classroom practices.
frame a PD design study explicitly as a paradigmatic case
of a broader class of phenomena, for example, teachers’ The data are likely to be primarily qualitative given the
development of particular practices (e.g., eliciting and goal of accounting for both the process by which teachers
responding to student thinking), knowledge (e.g., of stu- learn and the means by which it is supported. However,
dents’ reasoning in a particular mathematical domain), it is reasonable to include validated quantitative instru-
or beliefs (e.g., about the mathematical capabilities of par- ments, such as an assessment of teachers’ mathemati-
ticular groups of students). As an illustration, Borko and cal knowledge for teaching (Hill et al., 2008), if they fit
colleagues (Borko, Jacobs, Koellner, & Swackhammer, with the theoretical intent of the study and contribute to
2015) framed their initial PD design studies as a context the research team’s understanding of teachers’ ongoing
in which to develop a more general model of high-quality learning.
PD that targets both individual teachers’ learning and Cycles of design and analysis. In PD design studies, the
the development of a learning community. The resulting cycles comprise a PD session together with the research-
model, which they call the problem-solving cycle, can be ers’ debriefing meetings held after the session to conduct
adapted to a range of domains beyond their initial focus an initial (ongoing) analysis of what transpired and to
on algebraic reasoning. As another example, in the con- plan for future sessions. The cycles are therefore usu-
text of a PD design study that focused on teaching sta- ally less frequent than is the case for a classroom design
tistical data analysis in the middles grades, Cobb and study and depend on the frequency of the PD sessions.
colleagues (Cobb, McClain, et al., 2003) developed a more In the debriefing meetings, it is important for research-
general theory of the role of the school and district setting ers to take account of the school settings in which the
in mediating the influence of professional development in-service teachers (or preservice teachers) work when
on teachers’ developing practice. Both these examples developing explanations of the teachers’ activity in PD
illustrate that, similar to what we discussed with class- sessions as well as of their classroom instruction.
room design studies, the resulting models or theories are
grounded in the practice of designing to support learning. Conducting Retrospective Analysis

Experimenting to Support Learning As is the case for classroom design studies, ongoing analy-
ses conducted while a PD design study is in progress con-
The objective when experimenting to support the par- tribute to the immediate pragmatic goal of supporting the
ticipating teachers’ learning is to improve the envisioned participating teachers’ learning, whereas retrospective
222 ◆ methods

analyses treat the teachers’ learning and the means by the school settings in which teachers work and employ
which it was supported as paradigmatic of a more encom- an interpretive framework that treats teachers’ learning
passing phenomenon. In discussing retrospective analy- as situated with respect to the PD learning environment
ses, we assume that one of the primary goals of the study is and school settings.
to develop a practice-specific PD theory. Similar to classroom design studies, the generaliz-
Argumentative grammar. The argumentative gram- ability of the findings of a PD design study is based on a
mar that we propose for PD design studies parallels that process-oriented explanation that reports the mecha-
for classroom design studies. The two major differences nisms through which and the conditions under which
are specific to PD designs with in-service teachers and teachers developed the documented practices. In the
with preservice teachers who participate in school set- case of a practice-specific PD theory, the mechanisms are
tings. They concern accounting for changes in the teach- the process by which specific aspects of the PD learning
ers’ activity across settings and the need to take account environment supported teachers’ successive reorganiza-
of the mediating role of the school context. Although tions of their practices. The conditions are the teachers’
trustworthiness is central to the argumentative gram- practices at a particular point in the substantiated learn-
mar for PD design studies, we do not discuss it explicitly ing trajectory and specific aspects of the school settings.
because the issues addressed when discussing classroom In summary, the argumentative grammar for a PD
design studies also apply to PD design studies. design study involves—
Similar to classroom design studies, the first step in the
proposed argumentative grammar is to demonstrate that • demonstrating that the participants would not have
the teachers would not have developed the documented developed particular forms of practice but for their
forms of instructional practice but for their participa- participation in the design study;
tion in the design study. This is usually straightforward, • identifying the specific aspects of the PD learning
because PD design studies typically investigate teachers’ environment that were necessary rather than contin-
development of instructional practices that rarely occur gent in supporting the emergence of these successive
in situ and for which there are currently not viable designs. forms of practice; and
The second step in the argumentative grammar involves • clarifying how specific aspects of the school settings
showing that the findings are potentially generalizable. mediated the influence of the teachers’ learning in PD
This can be accomplished by delineating the aspects of sessions on their classroom practice.
the investigated learning processes and the means of sup-
porting them that are necessary rather than merely contin- Given that the research base on which a team can build
gent and by reporting how the school settings in which the when formulating initial design conjectures for a PD
teachers worked mediated the influence of the PD on their design study is thin, it is unlikely that a robust practice-
classroom practices. Similar to classroom design studies, specific PD theory can be developed in the course of a
this does not imply that a design should be repeated with single study. Therefore, as is the case for classroom design
absolute fidelity. Instead, the intent is to inform others of studies, it is probably necessary to conduct a series of stud-
the necessary aspects of the PD design and of the school ies in which the findings of one study inform the initial
settings so that they can customize the design to the set- PD design for the next study (see, for example, Borko
tings in which they are working. This entails conducting et al., 2015).
an analysis of the entire data corpus to document how the As an additional observation, much of what we have
teachers developed increasingly sophisticated forms of said about investigating and supporting teachers’ learn-
instructional practice, to identify aspects of the PD learn- ing can be generalized to the investigation of the learning
ing environment that supported the teachers’ development of members of other role groups whose practices are impli-
of these practices, and to clarify the mediating role of the cated in school and district instructional improvement
school settings in which the teachers worked. efforts, including mathematics coaches, school leaders,
The resulting practice-based PD theory explains how and PD facilitators. The goal of such studies would be to
the teachers’ learning was engineered by specifying rela- develop a practice-specific PD theory that consists of—
tions between successive developments in teachers’
practice and the relevant aspects of the PD learning • a substantiated learning process that culminates with
environment and the school settings. The likelihood the target role group’s development of a particular
that the research team will be able to construct a robust form of (coaching, school leadership, or facilitation)
theory of this type is greater if they take a broad view of practice and
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 223

• the demonstrated means of supporting that learning Cheng, & Sabelli, 2011, p. 331). Consistent with the basic
process. tenets of DBIR, organizational design studies focus on
persistent problems of practice, involve iterative cycles
In our view, it is reasonable to extrapolate from the of design and analysis, and develop theory related to sup-
teacher learning literature because there is little research porting and sustaining system-level improvements in
on supporting coaches’, school leaders’, and PD facilitators’ classroom teaching and learning. As Penuel et al. (2011)
learning. noted, the iterative nature of design research makes it
particularly well suited for supporting the productive
Organizational Design Studies adaptation of innovations as they go to scale.
Few organizational design studies have been conducted
As we have indicated, the intent of PD design studies is in mathematics education to this point. However, studies
for researchers to develop and refine a design for support- of this type have been conducted in other subject matter
ing teachers in improving their classroom practice and areas. For example, the Center for Learning Technologies
thus their students’ mathematical learning. In contrast, in Urban Schools (LeTUS) investigated and supported the
the intent of organizational design studies is to develop implementation of a technology-supported innovation in
and refine a design for supporting the development of science in two large school districts. In the course of several
school or district capacity for instructional improve- design and analysis cycles, the research team clarified the
ment in mathematics. For example, a study of this type conditions for the successful large-scale implementation
might build on the findings of PD design studies by inves- of innovations of this type that implicate multiples levels
tigating what it takes for school districts to develop the of a school system (Fishman et al., 2004). Organizational
capacity to provide high-quality teacher PD (Borko et al., design research also shares several commonalities with
2015; Jackson et al., 2015; Maaß & Doorman, 2013). improvement science as it is being applied to education by
When we discussed PD design studies, we emphasized the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
the importance of documenting how school and district (Bryk, Gomez, Grunow, & LeMahieu, 2015). Improvement
context mediates the influence of PD on classroom prac- science provides a set of routines and tools for improving
tice. Organizational design studies focus directly on the organizational systems and processes by learning from
school and district context in which teachers work and practice (Berwick, 2003; Lewis, 2015). Bryk, Gomez, and
involve both investigating and scaffolding the development Grunow (2011) clarified that a core aspect of the approach
of contexts that support teachers’ ongoing improvement of involves enacting plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles that
their instructional practices. Figure 9.2 shows some of the are highly compatible with the cycles of design and analy-
key aspects of the school context an organizational design sis characteristic of design research. Thus far, the meth-
study might focus on. ods of improvement science have not been used to support
Organizational design studies are a variant of design- improvements in content-specific aspects of mathemat-
based implementation research (DBIR), which is con- ics instruction that have been linked to student learning.
cerned with “the development and testing of innovations However, in our view, a potentially productive direction
that foster alignment and coordination of supports for future organizational design studies involves adapt-
for improving teaching and learning” (Penuel, Fishman, ing some of the tools and routines of improvement science

School and District Context School and District Context

Current goals for students’ Current organization of Intended goals for Intended organization of
learning professional development, students’ learning professional development,
Vision of high-quality teacher collaboration Vision of high-quality teacher collaboration
instruction and instructional instruction and instructional
Current coaching Intended coaching
instructional instructional
Current school practices Current Intended school practices Intended
and district accountability for and district accountability for
created assessments instruction (e.g., school created assessments instruction (e.g., school
leaders’ press) leaders’ press)

Figure 9.2. Schematic representation of an organizational design study.

224 ◆ methods

to support improvements in the quality of mathematics • organizing regularly scheduled mathematics teacher
teaching and learning at scale. collaborative meetings; and
In the remainder of this section, we assume that the • fostering collaboration between members of key cen-
intent of an organizational design study is to investigate tral office units.
and support teachers’ development of ambitious, inquiry-
oriented instructional practices at the level of a large It is important to note that the enactment of the annual
school district. A primary goal when conducting a study cycle involves a genuine collaboration between the re-
of this type is to contribute to the development of what we searchers and the leaders of the collaborating districts.
call a content-specific capacity building theory (or content- District leaders retain the authority to determine the
specific theory of action for building district capacity for instructional improvement designs that they attempt
instructional improvement). Content-specific means to implement, and the role of the researchers when they
not merely that the theory is specific to mathematics make recommendations about modifying the district
instruction but also that it is specific to a particular vision improvement strategies is advisory. The researchers
of high-quality mathematics instruction (cf. Hiebert & then take the design that district leaders subsequently
Grouws, 2007). In our view, it is essential that this vision develop as their primary point of reference when they
be justified in terms of student learning opportunities as conduct the next data collection, analysis, and feedback
the vision orients the entire organizational design effort. cycle. Thus, in contrast to the other two types of design
A content-specific capacity building theory consists of— studies we have discussed, organizational design studies
frequently involve a genuine partnership in which practi-
• a substantiated organizational (school and district) tioners play a central role in revising the design based on
learning process that culminates in the development ongoing analyses (Cobb, Jackson, et al., 2013).
of school and district contexts that support math- It is important to clarify that the feedback analyses
ematics teachers’ ongoing development of particular conducted as part of each cycle are pragmatic in intent and
forms of instructional practice and aim to inform the districts’ instructional improvement
• the demonstrated means of supporting this organiza- efforts. They therefore correspond to the ongoing analyses
tional learning process. conducted in the course of classroom and PD design stud-
ies. When we discussed these two types of design studies,
To ground our discussion of organizational design we noted the importance of debriefing meetings after each
studies, we use the Middle School Mathematics and the classroom or PD session in the course of which members
Institutional Setting of Teaching (MIST) study with which of the research team share ongoing analyses and make
we are associated as an illustrative case. This study is plans for future sessions. In the case of the MIST study,
in its eighth and final year at the time of writing in 2015 this debriefing phase of each annual cycle is protracted
and involves an ongoing collaboration with several large and involves the researchers developing a written report
urban districts to investigate what it takes to improve for each district in which they share findings and rec-
the quality of middle-grades mathematics instruction ommendations. The research team then meets with dis-
across a district. As part of the study, the research team trict leaders to discuss the implications for the district’s
conducts a data collection, analysis, and feedback cycle instructional improvement effort.
in each district each year. Each annual cycle involves The MIST study is relatively broad in scope and focuses
documenting the district’s instructional improvement on several of the aspects of the school and district con-
strategies, collecting and analyzing data to document text shown in Figure 9.2. It is therefore important to
how these strategies are being enacted in schools and clarify that organizational design studies that focus on
classrooms, reporting the findings to district leaders, a single aspect of the school and district context can
and making recommendations about how the district’s make important contributions to our understanding of
strategies might be revised to make them more effective instructional improvement at scale. For example, Project
(Henrick, Cobb, & Jackson, 2015). Although there are PRIMAS conducted a series of design studies to develop
differences in the collaborating districts’ improvement and refine seven modules for supporting the develop-
strategies, they include— ment of teacher development leaders (Maaß & Doorman,
2013). Although the focus of Project PRIMAS is nar-
• providing PD for teachers and for principals in their rower than that of the MIST study, its span is larger as
role as instructional leaders in mathematics; it involves a collaboration of researchers from 14 uni-
• developing a cadre of mathematics coaches; versities, and the modules are being implemented in
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 225

12 European countries. We classify Project PRIMAS as (Cobb, Jackson, et al., 2013). Consistent with current
an organizational rather than PD design study because research on teacher learning and on professional learn-
the intent is to support the development of system-level ing more generally, the framework reflects the view that
capacity for instructional improvement in mathematics. co-participation with others who have already developed
As a further illustration that is relatively narrow in relatively accomplished practices is essential when the
focus and modest in span, members of the MIST team con- learning demands of a district’s improvement strategy
ducted a design study in which, with the leaders of one of require the reorganization of, rather than merely extend-
the partner districts, they co-designed and co-led PD for ing or elaborating, current practices (Lave & Wenger, 1991;
three mathematics coaches and approximately 30 school Rogoff, 1997; Sfard, 2008).
leaders (Dunlap, Webster, Jackson, & Cobb, in press;
Jackson et al., 2015). The rationale for involving district Preparing for a Study
personnel in this work was to improve district capacity
for instructional improvement by supporting their devel- Given that organizational design studies typically involve
opment as designers and facilitators of coach and school an ongoing collaboration with practitioners, considerable
leader PD. More generally, we can envision organiza- thought needs to be given to the recruitment of partner
tional design studies that focus on any one of the aspects schools or districts. In our view, it is essential to specify
of the school and district context shown in Figure 9.2 explicit selection criteria. In the case of the MIST study,
and that might be conducted in a relatively small num- the criteria included that researchers and district lead-
ber of schools rather than across entire districts. The pri- ers had compatible goals for students’ mathematical
mary feature that qualifies such studies as organizational learning and compatible views of high-quality mathemat-
design studies is that a research team, which might be ics instruction so that they could begin to forge a common
quite small, investigates and supports the development agenda for instructional improvement. Once a partner-
of school or district capacity for instructional improve- ship has been initiated with the collaborating schools or
ment in mathematics. districts, it might also be necessary to select a purposeful
sample of schools and participants within those schools
Developing an Interpretive Framework to make data collection and analysis manageable. In
the MIST study, we selected between 6 and 10 middle-
The purpose of the interpretive framework used in an grades schools in each district (depending on the size of
organizational design study is to assess the potential of the schools) that were representative of district schools
a school’s or district’s improvement strategies to con- in terms of their capacity for instructional improve-
tribute to instructional improvement before they are ment in mathematics. The participants in the study then
implemented and to account for the documented conse- included middle-grades mathematics teachers from the
quences of the strategies when they are implemented. participating schools, the mathematics coaches who
The interpretive framework that we use in the MIST served these schools, the principals of these schools, and
study has enabled us to explain why the collaborating district leaders in key central office units (e.g., Curricu-
districts’ strategies are playing out in the ways that we lum and Instruction, Leadership), for a total of 50 parti-
document, thereby informing the formulation of recom- cipants in each collaborating district.
mendations for revising current district improvement Specifying goals for organizational learning. As we
strategies. Space limitations preclude a discussion of this have indicated, the intent of an organizational design
framework beyond noting that it distinguishes between study is to support and investigate the development of
four general types of supports that capture the range of school and district contexts that are productive for teach-
improvement strategies that districts typically attempt ers’ learning. The process of specifying the goals for an
to implement: new positions, learning events (including organizational design study therefore involves delineat-
PD), organizational routines, and tools (Cobb & Jackson, ing the aspects of a school or district context that have
2012). In the course of the MIST study, we have found the potential to support teachers’ ongoing improvement
that strategies that support consequential professional of their instructional practices. In this regard, Elmore
learning involve some combination of new positions to (1979–1980) recommended mapping out from the class-
provide expert guidance, ongoing intentional learning room by first considering supports for teachers’ learning
events, carefully designed organizational routines car- (e.g., pull-out PD, teacher collaborative time, mathemat-
ried out with a more knowledgeable other, and the use of ics coaching) and press for their learning (e.g., princi-
new tools whose incorporation into practice is supported pals’ classroom observation and feedback). The resulting
226 ◆ methods

specification of supports and press for teachers’ improve- case of supporting districts’ development of the capacity
ment of their instructional practices then has immediate to support mathematics teachers’ development of ambi-
implications for coaches’ and school leaders’ practices tious instructional practices. A more circumscribed study
and leads to a consideration of possible supports for their might be a paradigmatic case of supporting school leaders’
learning. Although research in mathematics education, development as effective instructional leaders in math-
the learning sciences, and educational policy and lead- ematics or of organizing school-based teacher collabora-
ership can inform the specification of goals for organi- tive meetings that support participants’ development of
zational learning, the research base on which a research increasingly sophisticated instructional practices.
team can build is limited and becomes increasingly thin
the further it moves out from the classroom. It is therefore Experimenting to Support Learning
wise to view initial goals as provisional and to anticipate
that they might well be revised in the course of the study. The immediate pragmatic objective when conducting an
Documenting starting points for organizational learn- organizational design study is to support the collaborat-
ing. Consistent with the intent of an organizational design ing schools or districts in increasing their capacity for
study, the process of documenting the starting points improvement. However, it is also important to remain
involves assessing each aspect of the school and district cognizant of the longer term research objective of con-
context on which the study focuses (e.g., teacher collab- tributing to the development of a content-specific capac-
orative meetings) as well as teachers’ current instructional ity building theory by testing and revising conjectures
practices. In our view, video (or observation) is essential to about both the development of increasingly productive
assess teachers’ initial instructional practices. In contrast, school and district contexts and the specific means of
we have found it feasible to assess relevant aspects of the supporting these developments.
school and district context (including coaches’ and school Data collection. The data have to make it possible for the
leaders’ practices) by conducting interviews with and research team to address the broader theoretical issues of
administering surveys to teachers, coaches, and school which the capacity-building work with the partner schools
leaders. It has, however, proved essential to triangulate the or districts is a paradigm case when subsequently conduct-
responses of members of different role groups (e.g., teach- ing retrospective analyses. At a minimum, it is necessary to
ers and school leaders) to avoid relying exclusively on self- collect data to document—
Delineating an envisioned learning trajectory. In the • changes in each focal aspect of the school and district
case of an organizational design study, an envisioned tra- context (i.e., enacted supports and accountability
jectory comprises testable conjectures about significant relations);
developments in (1) each focal aspect of the school and • changes in teachers’ classroom practices; and
district context (e.g., coaches’ and school leaders’ prac- • (ideally) changes in students’ mathematics learning
tices, activities enacted during teacher collaborative by using assessments that are aligned with the goals
meetings, the quality of facilitation); (2) the means of sup- of the instructional improvement effort.
porting those developments; and (3) how those develop-
ments are likely to support and press for improvements Depending on the number of participants, the data
in teachers’ instructional practices. Given the currently might be either primarily qualitative, or both qualitative
thin research base, most of the conjectures about devel- (e.g., participant interviews, video recordings or observa-
opments in the school and district context will be highly tions of the participating teachers’ instruction) and quan-
provisional and thus are likely to be revised repeatedly in titative (e.g., participant surveys, measures of teachers’
the course of the study. mathematical knowledge for teaching).
Placing the study in theoretical context. The intent of Cycles of design and analysis. Cycles are often daily for
an organizational design study is to produce knowledge classroom design studies and span perhaps a week or month
that can inform others as they attempt to support the in the case of a PD design study depending on the frequency
development of productive school and district contexts of PD sessions. Cycles might well be longer in the case of
in other locales. Consistent with our discussion of other organizational design studies due to the complex, inter-
types of design studies, it is important to frame the effort related nature of developments implicated in the organi-
to improve the contexts in which the participating teach- zational learning of a school or district. In the MIST study,
ers work as a paradigmatic case of a broader class of phe- for example, data collection-analysis-feedback cycles that
nomena. For example, the MIST study is a paradigmatic spanned an entire school year proved to be more appropri-
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 227

ate than the originally planned semiannual cycles given our that the quantitative and qualitative analyses mutually
focus on district-wide changes in practice. inform each other (National Research Council, 2002). For
example, the results of quantitative analyses can be used to
Conducting Retrospective Analysis select relevant cases for in-depth qualitative analysis (e.g.,
teachers who are successful in supporting the learning of
The analyses conducted as part of each iterative cycle historically underserved groups of students). Conversely,
while an organizational design study is in progress con- qualitative analyses can be conducted of a small set of rep-
tribute to the immediate pragmatic goal of supporting resentative cases to clarify the mechanisms or processes
the development of the collaborating schools’ or districts’ that lie behind and account for relationships or associa-
capacity for instructional improvement. In this regard, tions identified by quantitative findings (e.g., the finding
they parallel the ongoing analyses that are conducted that there is a relationship between the instructional
while a classroom or PD design study is in progress and expertise of colleagues teachers turn to for advice and
that inform the effort to support the participating stu- improvement in teachers’ instructional practices; Sun,
dents’ or teachers’ learning. Retrospective analyses of an Wilhelm, Larson, & Frank, 2014).
organizational design study treat developments in the par- Argumentative grammar. The argumentative gram-
ticipating schools’ or districts’ capacity for instructional mar for organizational design studies largely parallels
improvement and the means by which they were supported that for classroom and PD design studies. Given the gen-
as a case of a more encompassing phenomenon. In organi- eral lack of success of large-scale instructional improve-
zational design studies that have a broad or large span, the ment efforts in the United States over the last 50 years in
amount of data collected is likely to be large compared with mathematics and in other content areas (Elmore, 2000), it
classroom and PD design studies. is usually possible to show that the participating schools
As an illustration, PD design studies typically investi- or districts would not have improved their capacity for
gate and support the learning of a single group of teach- instructional improvement but for their involvement in
ers. As a consequence, it is both possible and reasonable the study. A primary goal of retrospective analyses that
to analyze video recordings of and artifacts generated contribute to a content-specific capacity building theory
during PD meetings by employing qualitative techniques. is to trace successive developments in the focal aspects
In contrast, the number of classroom lessons observed or of the school and district contexts, document how these
video recorded in the course of an organizational design developments were supported, and detail their influence
study often makes it impossible to analyze the resulting on the practices of members of different role groups. The
data qualitatively at an adequate level of rigor. In the case resulting analyses should include an explicit specification
of the MIST study, the research team found it essential of the collaborating schools’ or districts’ initial capacities
to use an existing instrument, the mathematics-specific for instructional improvement (cf. Lamberg & Middleton,
Instructional Quality Assessment (Boston, 2012; Boston 2009). This specification is essential if other researchers
& Wolf, 2006), to code classroom video recordings. are to adapt the design for supporting the development
Similarly, given the number of participants, we found it of school or district capacity to the settings in which they
necessary to develop a number of coding schemes for key are working. For example, if there were few teachers in
constructs that were assessed by conducting interviews the collaborating districts who had already developed
(e.g., participants’ visions of high-quality mathematics relatively sophisticated instructional practices, it might
instruction; Munter, 2014). In general, it is wise when have been crucial to support the development of a cadre of
preparing for an organizational design study to antici- mathematics coaches. Researchers partnering with dis-
pate that there may not be appropriate instruments tricts in which a significant proportion of teachers have
available to code either important aspects of participants’ already made substantial progress in developing ambi-
practices or major supports and accountability relations. tious instructional practices might adapt the design by
The need to develop and validate instruments is an addi- capitalizing on these teachers’ instructional expertise
tional challenge that frequently has to be addressed when rather than by focusing on mathematics coaching.
conducting an organizational design study. In our view,
collaborations across research teams to develop common Current Limitations of Design Studies
instruments are both highly desirable and sorely needed.
In cases where the retrospective analyses of the data To this point, we have focused primarily on the potential
generated in the course of an organizational design study contributions of design studies. It is essential that the
involve mixed methods, it is important to try and ensure research team members conducting a design study adopt a
228 ◆ methods

highly critical stance toward their conjectures about learn- their work beyond the research community (Fishman &
ing and the means of support if they are to improve their Krajcik, 2002; Penuel et al., 2011). This weakness is espe-
initial design. In concluding this chapter, we step back and cially evident in many classroom design studies, as it is
take a similarly critical stance toward the design research often the case that little attention has been given to the
methodology to identify areas for further improvement. knowledge and skill that teachers would have to develop
In discussing classroom design studies, we highlighted to enact the design effectively. In many cases, the learn-
a major current limitation that also applies to PD and orga- ing demands appear to be unreasonable for most teach-
nizational design studies: the lack of an explicit, agreed- ers given their current instructional practices and their
upon argumentative grammar. We attempted to address schools’ capacity for instructional improvement. This
this weakness by outlining a provisional scheme of argu- weakness is also evident in PD design studies in which
mentation and hope that other design researchers will cri- members of the research team often “camp out” in a
tique, refine, and improve this initial effort. In our view, it is small number of schools but fail to take into account their
essential that this limitation is rectified if design research atypical expertise in supporting the participating teach-
is to become a mature methodology with explicitly codi- ers’ learning. The possibility that the design developed
fied standards that can be used to judge the quality of and refined in the course of a design study might contrib-
proposals for and reports of particular classroom, PD, ute to improvements in classroom teaching and learn-
and organizational design studies. ing on a large scale will be significantly reduced unless
A second limitation of all types of design studies researchers consider not merely their own but others’
concerns the limited attention that is typically given to capacity to support students’ or teachers’ learning when
issues of equity. It is important to acknowledge that the formulating the design. Borko et al.’s (2015) work is an
complexity of the settings in which classroom, PD, and exception, as they documented the practices of the facil-
organizational design studies are conducted makes it itators of the problem-solving cycle and implemented
impossible to specify completely everything that tran- and refined designs aimed at supporting facilitators’
spires in the course of a design study (Cobb, Confrey, learning.
et al., 2003). Choices therefore have to be made when fram- The fourth limitation that we identified is specific to
ing a design study as a paradigmatic case of a broader class classroom design studies and concerns the lack of atten-
of phenomena. It is nonetheless striking that few design tion to the instructional practices of the teacher in the
studies have been conducted that focus explicitly on equity study. Most researchers who conduct classroom design
in student learning opportunities. In this regard, a class- studies would readily acknowledge that the study teacher
room design conducted by Enyedy and Mukhopadhyay plays a central role in supporting the participating stu-
(2007), in which they attempted to support students’ devel- dents’ learning. However, these teachers’ instructional
opment of increasingly sophisticated statistical argu- practices are rarely the focus of explicit analysis. This
ments by drawing on their out-of-school knowledge, is is unfortunate because they typically enact relatively
an all too rare exception. In our view, attending to issues sophisticated practices. Analysis of their practices could
of equity in classroom design studies entails attending therefore contribute to the delineation of crucial aspects
explicitly to the distribution of students’ learning oppor- of inquiry-oriented mathematics instruction. This would
tunities and, perhaps, the development of their math- in turn help clarify the goals for teachers’ learning that
ematical identities (cf. Cobb, Gresalfi, & Hodge, 2009). should be targeted in teacher PD in general and in PD
In the case of PD design studies, attending to issues of design studies in particular. Kwon et al.’s (2013) investiga-
equity entails investigating teachers’ development of tion of the development of mathematical argumentation is
instructional practices for which there is either evidence a rare exception, as they framed the study-teacher’s dis-
that they support the learning of diverse groups of stu- cursive moves as an essential designed support for the par-
dents or, at a minimum, a conceptual analysis that indi- ticipating students’ learning. Such attention to the study
cates they have this potential. For organization design teacher’s practices can inform efforts to support the imple-
studies, it entails ensuring instructional practices that mentation of instructional sequences developed during
satisfy this criterion are central to the orienting vision of a classroom design study in other contexts.
high-quality instruction. The fifth set of limitations is specific to PD design
A third set of limitations specific to classroom and studies. As we noted earlier, there are relatively few
PD design studies is the frequent failure of researchers published accounts of PD design studies, and most of
to design for scale when preparing for studies, thereby these do not explicitly report several of the important
limiting the potential pragmatic payoff and relevance of features of design research we have outlined. A signifi-
Conducting Design Studies to Investigate and Support Mathematics Students’ and Teachers’ Learning ◆ 229

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