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5, MAY 2010 1555

1.8 pJ/Pulse Programmable Gaussian Pulse

Generator for Full-Band Noncarrier Impulse-UWB
Transceivers in 90-nm CMOS
Bo Qin, Xin Wang, Haolu Xie, Lin Lin, He Tang, Albert Wang, Fellow, IEEE,
Hongyi Chen, Bin Zhao, Fellow, IEEE, Liwu Yang, and Yumei Zhou

Abstract—This paper presents a single-chip ultralow power full available 3.1–10.6-GHz frequency spectrum into several
programmable Gaussian pulse generator (PG) designed and im- subbands/channels in system designs, which proportionally re-
plemented in the 90-nm CMOS for 3.1–10.6 GHz full-band duces the data throughput capacity and has to resort to complex
impulse-radio ultrawideband (UWB) transmitters. Measurement
shows that this novel simple two-inverter-based PG achieves the digital-signal processing means, such as fancy modulation and
lowest reported power dissipation of merely 1.8 pJ/pulse with deep compression, to achieve reasonable data rates required in
a 100-MHz pulse-repeating frequency at 1-V supply, extremely applications [2], [3]. Such UWB schemes apparently increases
short and programmable pulsewidth ranging from 150 to 350 ps the complexity, power, and costs of UWB chips. In addition, the
while covering the full 3.1–10.6 GHz UWB spectrum, and a very
small area of 0.0068 mm2 . It supports up to 6 Gb/s data rate
carrier-based transmission approaches used require frequency
for UWB wireless streaming. A new Federal-Communication- mixers and power amplifiers (PAs), which are generally noisy,
Commission-aware Gaussian PG design optimization method is power hungry, and difficult for full CMOS implementation to
discussed and verified experimentally. realize low-power low-cost UWB SoC in CMOS. Alternatively,
Index Terms—Gaussian pulse generator (PG), impulse radio impulse-radio (IR) UWB technique transmits extremely short
(IR), ultrawideband (UWB). impulse trains using the full 3.1–10.6-GHz available spectrum
and in a carrier-free scheme. IR-UWB has advantageous fea-
I. I NTRODUCTION tures, such as much simpler RF front-end architecture without
mixer and PA; simple modulation, e.g., BPSK modulation
S INCE the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) re-
leased the 3.1–10.6-GHz unlicensed spectrum for commer-
cial ultrawideband (UWB) applications in 2002, research and
and noncompression schemes for simple and low-power dig-
ital baseband; most-digital and full CMOS implementation;
development (R&D) efforts for UWB radio technologies have etc., which will eventually make it possible to realize low-
mushroomed with the ultimate goal of achieving multigigabit- power low-cost CMOS UWB SoC desired for multigigabit-
per-second (Gb/s+) wireless data streaming for video and per-second high quality-of-service (hi-QoS) multimedia and
multimedia applications [1]. While significant industrial R&D video wireless-streaming applications [4]. A Gaussian pulse-
work has been devoted to multiband orthogonal frequency- generator (PG) circuit plays the core role in a UWB transceiver
division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) UWB and direct-sequence because it produces the UWB pulse signals with very short
UWB (DS-UWB) protocols mainly to inherent existing intel- pulsewidth to enable high data-rate communications.
lectual assets, such UWB protocols do not take full advantage In order to completely comply with and take full use of
of the original UWB radio principle because both divide the the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) spectral mask
over the 3.1–10.6-GHz band regulated by FCC, the pulsewidth
Manuscript received December 20, 2008; revised July 29, 2009. First pub-
and amplitude of radiated UWB signals must follow very
lished August 21, 2009; current version published April 14, 2010. This work stringent restriction, i.e., pulsewidth of less than 1 ns and pulse
was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant amplitude of less than 1 V, with tunable features. Therefore, it
0808951 and in part by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation under
Grant 60776025.
is extremely challenging to design UWB PGs and transmitters
B. Qin was with Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. He is meeting such strict specifications while achieving low-power
now with Citruscom Semiconductor, Beijing 100029, China (e-mail: bqin@ high-throughput operation to enable low-cost CMOS IR-
X. Wang, L. Lin, H. Tang, and A. Wang are with the University of California, UWB systems. Early reported PG designs use step-recovery
Riverside, CA 92521 USA (e-mail:; diode, microstrip, and surface acoustic-wave technique for
H. Xie and B. Zhao are with Freescale Semiconductor, Libertyville, IL pulse generation [5]–[7], which do not meet the integration,
60048-5339 USA (e-mail:;
H. Chen is with the Institute of Microelectronics at Tsinghua University, low-power, and low-cost requirements. Recently reported
Beijing 100084, China (e-mail: UWB PGs have used analog approaches or complex digital
L. Yang is with Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation,
Shanghai 201203, China (e-mail:
topologies. For example, a complicated up-converted analog
Y. Zhou is with the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of topology is employed in [8] for a Gaussian PG at 5 GHz, which
Sciences, Beijing 100029, China (e-mail: is fairly power hungry. Reference [9] reports a pulse-position
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at modulation (PPM) Gaussian PG with calibration to produce
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2009.2029591 accurate 1-ns pulse, which, however, consumes high power of

0278-0046/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


1.8 nJ/pulse and has a large die size of 1.95 mm2 . Reference
[10] presents a BPSK/PPM transmitter using very complex PG
and phase-locked loop that consumes a 126-pJ/pulse at 1-V
supply in 90-nm CMOS. A three-optional-channel concept
is presented in [11] with a 3-ns pulsewidth and a 550-MHz
bandwidth achieved, which, however, requires a high-pass filter
for FCC compliance. Reference [12] depicts a traditionally
modulated 17-ns PG for the 7–9-GHz band with programmable
carrier, where the bandwidth and pulsewidth greatly limit the
wireless data throughput. Other digital Gaussian PGs using
low-cost low-power topology are also reported. For example,
[13] describes an accurate Gaussian pulse generation under
subthreshold working condition, and [14]–[16] report Gaussian
pulse generation with approximated method; however, all of
them are not easy to control and are sensitive to the process,
voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations.
This paper reports a fully integrated ultralow power program-
mable pulsewidth UWB Gaussian PG for the 7.5-GHz full-band
noncarrier IR-UWB transceivers. Section II discusses basic
pulse-generation principles. Section III describes design details
of the new UWB PG circuit with PVT variations considered.
Section IV presents the measurement results followed by the


For IR-UWB transceiver, several different waveforms, such
as sinusoidal and rectangular, can be used for UWB signal
transmission. However, Gaussian and its derivative pulses are
favored because their waveform sidelobes have the smallest
energy, making it easier to comply with the strict FCC EIRP
power-spectrum mask. In theory, the time sequence and power-
spectrum density (PSD) of Gaussian pulses can be depicted,
Fig. 1. Simulated (a) t-domain pulse waveform and (b) f -domain PSD for
respectively, as Gaussian pulses.
1 t2
G0 (t) = A0 √ exp − 2 (1) ted over the 3.1–10.6-GHz spectrum. Since the latter approach
2πσ 2σ
  can utilize the full 7.5-GHz UWB bandwidth, it has the po-
ε0 (f ) = 0 exp −(2πf σ)2 (2) tential to realize the desired multigigabit-per-second hi-QoS
Tf wireless streaming for multimedia and video applications. This
where A0 is the pulse-amplitude parameter, σ is a time constant, paper adopts the second approach to design an FCC-compliant
also called variance, and Tf is a pulse interval equal to the Gaussian PG circuits to produce the desired Gaussian pulses.
reciprocal of the pulse repeating frequency (PRF). A second-derivative Gaussian pulse can be derived from (1)
and (2) and its time and frequency-domain properties are
A. Radiated Signal After Antenna  2   
t − σ2 t2
G2 (t) = A2 √ exp − 2 (3)
As shown in (2), the maximum PSD of Gaussian pulse 2πσ 5 2σ
locates at DC. Considering the FCC-allowable spectrum of  
0–960 MHz and 3.1–10.6 GHz, as well as the FCC EIRP ε2 (f ) = (2πf )4 exp −(2πf σ)2 . (4)
power-mask limitation, there could be two feasible approaches
to implement a Gaussian PG circuit: The first one utilizes Equation (4) reveals that the maximum PSD of a second-
the 0–960-MHz spectrum and uses special wideband antenna derivative Gaussian pulse shifts from DC to higher frequency,
[17], which, however, requires > 1-ns pulsewidth and can only which can be readily comprehended from its t-domain and
support lower data throughput due to its limited bandwidth. f -domain characteristics shown in Fig. 1. The minor segment
The second approach radiates Gaussian pulses through regular exceeding the FCC power mask, as marked by a circle shown in
antennas, e.g., impact dipole antenna [18], which has a high- Fig. 1, can be taken care of using our new Gaussian PG-design
order-derivative function property that converts an original optimization method that will be discussed in the following
Gaussian waveform into higher order derivatives, such as a section, where the critical PSD peak and the −10-dB corner
second-derivative Gaussian pulse that can be readily transmit- frequencies can be uniquely determined in practical designs.

B. PG-Design Optimization Method TABLE I

A new Gaussian PG-design optimization method is intro-
duced to ensure optimal PG design completely complying
with the FCC power mask and also fully utilizing the given
FCC spectrum power for enhanced data rate and transmission
distance. The first critical PG-design parameter is the optimal
frequency (fopt ) corresponding to the peak PSD point.
By differentiating (4) against frequency f and setting it to
zero, it gives the inductor value is reasonably reduced for cost concern. Ac-
√ cordingly, simulated peak amplitude of 200 mV for a Gaussian
2 pulse is selected as optimum value in this design.
fopt = . (5)
2πσ Next, we consider designing the Gaussian pulsewidth, which
can be derived from the time parameter σ that, in nature,
Obviously, the bell shape of the PSD suggests that the fopt
determines the transmitted pulsewidth. The pulsewidth τ is
should be set to the center of the FCC-allowed 3.1–10.6 GHz
defined as the time period across which the energy accumulated
spectrum range, i.e., around 7 GHz, which ensures that the gen-
achieves 99.9% of that over an infinite time period, as follows:
erated second-derivative Gaussian pulse possess the most signal
power allowed by FCC EIRP mask while fully complying with τ /2  ∞
the regulation. Using (5), the time parameter σ is optimized at G2n (t) G2n (t) ≥ 99.9%. (8)
about 32 ps. −∞
−τ /2
The next critical parameter for the second-derivative
Gaussian waveform is the amplitude parameter A2 , which can From (8), the pulsewidth of the Gaussian and its second-
be calculated following the −10-dB corner-frequency rule, i.e., derivative pulse is found to be about 5σ and 7σ for > 99.9%
−10 dB off the −41.3-dBm/MHz FCC PSD limitation from the pulse-energy coverage, respectively. From (5) and (8), impor-
10.6-GHz end. Consider that the PSD varies little over a 1-MHz tant relationships among critical design parameters are ex-
frequency interval; by integrating (4) for the PSD at 10.6 GHz tracted and summarized in Table I. Therefore, following the
across 1 MHz, A2 can be found approximately from new PG-design method and using the aforementioned analysis,
assume a dipole antenna having the required second-derivative
106 · (2πf )4 exp −(2πf σ)2 = 10−5.13 · 10−3 . (6) function; the optimum PG design parameters are chosen as
Tf the pulsewidth of 160 ps for the Gaussian pulse and 225 ps
for the radiated second-derivative Gaussian-pulse signal after
Assuming PRF = 100 MHz and substituting f = 10.6 GHz
the antenna, and fopt = 7 GHz for the maximum spectrum
and σ = 32 ps into (6), the preferred A2 is calculated as
that is around the center of the FCC-allocated UWB spectrum
1.881 × 10−32 . Then, using the calculated optimum time
of 3.1–10.6 GHz. Therefore, such a narrow Gaussian pulse
parameter (σ) and amplitude parameter (A2 ), the allowable
generated shall fully comply with the FCC UWB power mask.
peak amplitude for a second-derivative Gaussian with FCC
In this paper, a 160-ps all-digital Gaussian PG is designed for
EIRP compliance can be estimated from (3) as
low-power low-cost UWB transceivers.
G2 (t)|peak = √ = 229 mV. (7)
Further, considering complete FCC compliance, two critical While direct-mapping method to create Gaussian PG accord-
corner frequencies of 1.61 GHz with −75.3 dBm and 10.6 GHz ing to (1) seems to be doable [12], it is practically infeasible in
with −51.3 dBm ought to be used in calculating the optimum designing any real-world Gaussian PGs due to the extremely
σ and A2 . Therefore, using (6) and (7), the actual optimized complicated circuitry and control mechanisms involved in ac-
PG parameters of σ = 21 ps and A2 = 5.161 × 10−33 are ob- tual designs. Alternatively, a two-inverter-based approximate
tained to ensure a completely FCC-compliant second-derivative Gaussian pulse-generation algorithm is proposed in this paper,
Gaussian pulse with its peak not exceeding 222 mV. These where the exponential function associated with capacitive-load
critical parameters are used in this design following our new charging and discharging procedures serves to generate the
PG-design optimization method. various Gaussian pulses required. Fig. 2 shows the topology of
a Gaussian PG and its two-inverter concept.
As shown in Fig. 2, the two inverters are composed of Mp1,
C. Practical PG-Design Consideration
Mn1, Mp2, and Mn2, while Md1 and Md2 forms the delay cell,
Using the aforementioned PG-design technique and the es- which will generate a delay between signals at nodes X and
timated allowable peak second-derivative Gaussian amplitude Y . C1, C2, and C3 are parasitic capacitors. Clearly, only when
G2 (t)|peak , one can readily derive the required zeroth-order the two signals become “Low” simultaneously that a Gaussian
Gaussian pulse G0 (t)|peak , adopting various antenna models pulse can be generated at node Z and radiated through the
accordingly. In this paper, a simple antenna model reported in antenna. To understand it, assume that input changes from “0”
[18] is used to demonstrate our new design methodology, where to “1”; the precharged C1 starts to discharge via Mn1 and VX

Fig. 3. Fifth-derivative Gaussian pulse obtained by approximation agrees well

with the ideal Gaussian pulse.

it significantly undermines the performance of the PG designed

in this paper.
Fig. 4 shows the Monte Carlo statistics for the PG pulsewidth
Fig. 2. Approximate two-inverter-based Gaussian PG topology. and peak amplitude after 2000 simulation iterations. Two obser-
vations are worth a discussion: First, the average pulsewidth and
drops gradually to zero, which then turns on Mp2 and moves the peak amplitude obtained shift slightly from the optimized
it from off to saturation for small VZ . Assume C1 is being values using our new design method discussed previously; this
charged to VDD initially, a Gaussian pulse will be generated is mainly attributed to the PDK model inaccuracy of the im-
at VZ due to the exponential behavior of capacitor charging and mature 90-nm CMOS technology used in this design. Second,
discharging. Monte Carlo simulation reveals that, even in the presence of
The new Gaussian approximation-design method can be process-model inaccuracy, the obtained pulsewidth and peak-
appreciated using (9), showing its output at the bottom amplitude values are still fairly compact around their center
of the page, where η = ζVT C1 /In , M = I0 η/C3 , P = data, indicating a reasonably good PVT immunity. Neverthe-
Kp (VDD − Vth )2 /C3 , Q = P • 2Req Cp1 , Vth is threshold less, considering the extremely short pulsewidth and ultrahigh
voltage, In = Kn (VDD − Vth )2 is the saturation current, and data rate in practical applications, a programmable pulsewidth-
Req = 1/Kn (VDD − Vth ) is the equivalent linear-region resis- control mechanism shall still be a value-added feature in UWB
tance for M1n. This output-pulse amplitude, by approximation, Gaussian PG design to fine tune the PG pulses generated to
is compared with the ideal Gaussian simulation as shown in accommodate any substantial PVT variations.
Fig. 3, which shows a good matching. The minor discontinuity Fig. 5 shows a detailed schematic for the embedded program-
point observed, marked by a dashed circle, is attributed to mable control circuitry used in this design. Transistors M1–M4
the adoption of a simplified two-segment CMOS modeling for are relatively large to generate clean and sharp square wave
weak inversion to saturation transition in the analysis as shown at node X. Transistors M5 and M5a–M5c provide sourcing
in (9), which does not occur in real transistor operation. current for the delay cell, which sets the delay time between
Because the designed Gaussian PG features very short the two square waves at nodes X and Y . As M5a–M5c switch
pulsewidth, sensitivity of the two-inverter-based PG topology to on and off, the sourcing current to node Y changes, resulting in
inevitable process, voltage supply, and temperature variations a variation of the delay time. Therefore, if significant PVT vari-
should be studied. A Monte Carlo simulation is performed ation occurs, the pulsewidth and the amplitude of the generated
for this design. Unfortunately, at the time of this design, the Gaussian waveform can be fine-tuned accordingly. Transistors
90-nm CMOS technology used was in its early qualification M8–M11 constitute the Gaussian-pulse formation block, which
phase, which could not guarantee the desired accuracy level for is a simple NOR gate. In order to avoid the charge sharing at
both the PDK device models and its Monte Carlo models. Thus, node P , the connection should be fixed as shown in Fig. 5.

⎧ t

⎨ M eη − 1 , (t ≤ t1 = Vth C1 /In )
VZ = t1  t−t 2(t−t )

⎩ M e η − 1 + P (t − t1 ) + Q − Req C1
4e 1 −e
− Req C1
1 −3 , (t > t1 )

Fig. 6. Die photographs for the Gaussian PG circuits design. (a) Zeroth-order
Gaussian PG in 90-nm CMOS. (b) Second-derivative Gaussian PG in 0.13-μm

small area of 0.0068 mm2 . For testing flexibility, three splits

are designed in one tapeout, and the controls Ca, Cb, and Cc
are connected to VDD or GND separately in each split.
Fig. 7 shows a sample measured pulse train and enlarged
waveform that shows a very short pulsewidth of 180 ps and
Fig. 4. Monte Carlo simulation results of the pulsewidth and peak amplitude amplitude of 80 mV. By choosing different combinations of
for Gaussian PG show tight distribution. the controls Ca, Cb, and Cc, the measured Gaussian pulses
can be tuned in both time and frequency domains, as shown
in Fig. 8, to realize the programmable function, which can
tune the pulsewidth from 150 to 350 ps. The measured PG
power consumption is merely 1.8 pJ/pulse at 1.0-V supply
voltage for a 100-MHz PRF, which is the lowest reported PG
power dissipation in the same category, to our best knowledge.
The measured PG spectrum is well predicted by the simulated
zeroth-order Gaussian PG circuit PSD shown in Fig. 1(b). It is
observed that closer to DC, the spectrum becomes higher, and
for smaller pulsewidth, the spectrum spreads wider in the fre-
quency band, both predicted in circuit analysis and simulation.
The measured PSD clearly shows that the peak PSD locates at
the DC end and a higher order derivation function, e.g., second-
derivative Gaussian PG, is needed to ensure FCC power-mask
compliance as verified later.
To confirm experimentally the previous discussion that
Fig. 5. Schematic for Gaussian PG with embedded tunable control mecha-
nism serves to fine-tune pulsewidth and accommodate possible PVT variations. higher order Gaussian derivation function, for example, using
antenna, serves to shift the PSD peak to higher frequency end,
which can ensure better FCC EIRP mask compliance, a separate
split of higher order Gaussian PG with simple antenna-model
The new programmable zeroth-order Gaussian PG was de- circuitry on chip were designed and implemented in a 0.13-μm
signed and implemented in a foundry 90-nm CMOS. Fig. 6(a) CMOS, not with the same 90-nm CMOS due to lack of RF
shows the die photograph of the PG circuit that occupies a very inductors in the 90-nm process at the time of this design.

Fig. 7. Measured Gaussian pulse train and single-pulse waveform.

Fig. 6(b) shows the die photograph for the higher order PG
that occupies an area of 0.07 mm2 . Fig. 9 shows the measured
Gaussian-pulse waveform as predicted in Fig. 1(a) for a second-
derivative Gaussian pulse. Fig. 10 shows the measured PSD Fig. 8. Measured tunable Gaussian-pulse waveforms in (a) t-domain and
(b) their PSDs in f -domain under 100-MHz PRF. The PSD curves agree with
spectrum, which clearly shows that the fopt , corresponding to well simulation and confirm that the second-derivative Gaussian function is
the PSD peak, shifts toward higher frequency as predicted, serv- needed to ensure FCC EIRP mask compliance.
ing to convert the non-FCC-compliant zeroth-order Gaussian
pulse to an FCC-compliant Gaussian pulse. The observed minor
PSD exceeding the FCC mask is mainly attributed to the PDK
model inaccuracy problem for the 90-nm CMOS at the time of
this design, which leads to many issues, such as larger than real
parasitic capacitance in the delay cell that caused inaccuracy
in post simulation. Consequently, the measured pulsewidth of
320 ps is bigger than the target of 225 ps, and the central
frequency shifts toward the lower end.
Table II summarizes key circuit specifications for the re-
ported state of the art in the similar Gaussian PG category.
It clearly shows that this design occupies the smallest circuit
size of 0.0068 mm2 due to novel two-inverter-based all-digital
topology, the lowest reported power dissipation of only 1.8 pJ/
pulse, and extremely short and programmable pulsewidth rang-
Fig. 9. Measured waveform of second-derivative Gaussian PG with on-chip
ing from 150 to 350 ps while covering the full 3.1–10.6-GHz antenna model circuitry in 0.13-μm CMOS agrees with simulation.
UWB spectrum.
the lowest reported power dissipation of 1.8 pJ/pulse and
extremely short and programmable pulsewidth ranging from
150 to 350 ps while covering the full 3.1–10.6-GHz UWB
This paper has presented a design of a 1.8 pJ/pulse ultralow spectrum. The die area of this design is merely 0.0068 mm2
power fully integrated 3.1–10.6-GHz Gaussian PG fabricated in due to the novel two-inverter-based all-digital topology used.
a foundry 90-nm CMOS. Measurement shows that it achieves A new Gaussian PG-design optimization method has been

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Bo Qin received the B.S. degree in electrical en-

gineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an,
presented that is verified experimentally in this paper. This China, and the Ph.D. degree in microelectronics from
PG achieves the desired performance for noncarrier full-band Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2004 and
2009, respectively.
Gb/s+ throughput, low-power low-cost UWB SoCs, which He has been with Citruscom Semiconductor,
facilitates many industrial and consumer wireless applications, Beijing, since 2009 as an IC Designer. His research
such as hi-QoS video and multimedia wireless streaming, in- interests include ultrawideband system and circuit
design, RF circuit design, mixed-signal IC design,
dustrial wireless control, in-vehicle wireless communication ESD protection design for ICs, and SiP/MCM
and control, etc. subsystems. He has published several peer-reviewed

The authors would like to thank Semiconductor Manufactur-
Xin Wang received the B.S. degree from Beijing
ing International Corporation for the IC fabrication. University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Beijing, China, in 2005, and the M.S. degree
R EFERENCES from the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology,
[1] Federal Communication Commission, First Report and Order, FCC 02- Chicago, in 2007. He is currently working toward
48, Feb. 14, 2002. the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical
[2] Multi-Band OFDM Physical Layer Proposal for IEEE 802.15 Task Group Engineering, University of California, Riverside.
3a, IEEE P802.15-03/268r2, Sep. 14, 2004. His research interests are UWB RF transceiver and
[3] DS-UWB Physical Layer Submission to 802.15 Task Group 3a, IEEE mixed-signal IC design and on-chip ESD protection
P802.15, Mar. 2004. design.

Haolu Xie received the B.S. degree in electrical Hongyi Chen is a Professor in the Institute of
engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Microelectronics at Tsinghua University (IMETU),
China, in 2001, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Beijing, China. His research area is in the field of
electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Tech- semiconductors and integrated-circuit design with
nology, Chicago, in 2004 and 2007, respectively. a focus on ASIC and SOC design methodology,
He has been with Freescale Semiconductor, library development, algorithm mapping to hardware
Libertyville, IL, as an RF IC designer since 2007. architecture and realization, VLSI-DSP and appli-
His current research interests include ESD protection cations in multimedia signal processing and infor-
devices design, UWB, GSM, WCDMA, and LTE mation security fields, etc. He has published more
transceiver RF/analog IC designs. He designed the than 230 academic articles, copublished two books,
first SAW-less GSM/WCDMA/LTE transceiver IC in and cotranslated two textbooks. He is the holder of
CMOS in the world. He has published more than 20 IC design technical papers. 13 U.S. patents. He was Director of IMETU.

Lin Lin received the B.S. degree from the University

of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China,
in 2002, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering Bin Zhao (S’90–M’94–SM’99–F’08) received the
from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, in B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Tsinghua
2007. She is currently working toward the Ph.D. University, Beijing, China, in 1985, and the M.S. and
degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. degrees from California Institute of Technol-
University of California, Riverside. ogy, Pasadena, in 1988 and 1993, respectively.
Her research interests are UWB RF front-end IC He was with SEMATECH, Rockwell International
and on-chip ESD protection designs. Corporation, Conexant Systems, and Skyworks So-
lutions. Currently, he is the Director of the Southern
California Development Center, Freescale Semicon-
ductor, Libertyville, IL. His research interests cover
VLSI technology as well as analog/mixed-signal/RF
He Tang received the B.S. degree from the Univer- IC design. He has published 200 papers and three book chapters, and he is the
sity of Electronic Science and Technology of China, holder of 45 issued U.S. patents.
Chengdu, China, in 2005, and the M.S. degree in
electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Tech-
nology, Chicago, in 2007. He is currently working
toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electri-
cal Engineering, University of California, Riverside.
His research interests are ADC and on-chip ESD Liwu (Lee) Yang received the B.S. degree from
protection designs. National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in
1975, the M.S. degree from Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, in 1982, and the Ph.D. degree from
Yale University, New Haven, CT, in 1985.
He has career experience with Motorola, Ford
Albert Wang (M’95–SM’00–F’09) received the Microelectronics, GE, Lockheed Martin, and TRW.
B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Tsinghua He is currently with Semiconductor Manufacturing
University, Beijing, China, in 1985, and the Ph.D. International Corporation (SMIC), Shanghai, China.
degree in electrical engineering from the State Uni- His research interests cover semiconductors, IC tech-
versity of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, in 1996. nologies, RF ICs, etc. He has published more than
He was with National Semiconductor Corporation 100 papers.
before he joined Illinois Institute of Technology, Dr. Yang is an SMIC Fellow.
Chicago, as a Professor in 1998. Since 2007, he has
been a Professor of electrical and computer engi-
neering at the University of California, Riverside.
His research interests focus on AMS/RF ICs, on-chip
ESD Protection, IC CAD and Modeling, SoC, etc. He is the author of the book
Yumei Zhou received the B.S. degree in electri-
On-Chip ESD Protection for Integrated Circuits (Kluwer, 2002) and more than
cal engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing,
140 papers.
China, in 1985.
Dr. Wang received an NSF CAREER Award in 2002. He is an Editor of the
Since 1985, she has been with the Institute of
Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
S OLID -S TATE C IRCUITS . He was an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSAC -
Beijing, where she is currently the Deputy Director.
TIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS I and II and Guest Editor-in-Chief of the
Her research interests are in the area of semiconduc-
tors and IC designs.
Lecturer and the Vice President of the IEEE Electron Devices Society. He
serves on the ITRS Committee, IEEE EDS VLSI Technology and Circuits
Committee and IEEE CAS Analog Signal Processing Technical Committee.

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