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Cladistics (2016) 1–5


Homology and synapomorphy-symplesiomorphy—neither

synonymous nor equivalent but different perspectives on the same
Stefan Richter*
Allgemeine & Spezielle Zoologie, Institut f€
ur Biowissenschaften, Universit€
at Rostock, Universit€
atsplatz 2, Rostock 18055, Germany
Accepted 20 September 2016


In a recent debate, either synapomorphy and symplesiomorphy or only synapomorphy have been claimed to be synonymous or
equivalent to homology. In my view, exactly the same relationship exists between homology supported by a congruence test on the
one hand and synapomorphy as well as symplesiomorphy on the other hand. Both conditions become established at the same time
with the process of rooting of an unrooted topology. I, however, do not consider the concept of homology equal or synonymous to
that of synapomorphy and symplesiomorphy. In my view, they represent different perspectives on the same phenomenon, i.e. corre-
spondence by common origin. Homology has no implication on the direction of transformation, whereas symplesiomorphy as “primi-
tive” condition and synapomorphy as “derived” condition refer directly to phylogenesis, the real historical evolutionary process of
speciation and transformation. In addition, synapomorphy and symplesiomorphy might also refer to a character state that refers to
the absence of a structure/organ, which creates problems with traditional homology concepts. Hennig’s terms synapomorphy and
symplesiomorphy are necessary and sufficient for the evolutionary interpretation of character states. For what is corroborated in an
unrooted topology as the result of a congruence test, I suggest as a new term “synmorphy” because it can well be applied also to those
characters where one state represents the absence of a structure/organ. The place for homology in morphological cladistics, however,
is restricted to the characterization of the relationship between different character states of one transformation series (i.e. character).
© The Willi Hennig Society 2016.

Since Patterson (1982) suggested the synonymy of mutually exclusive opinions were recently defended
synapomorphy and homology, the relationships (Nixon and Carpenter, 2012a; Nixon & Carpenter
between the concepts of homology and synapomor- 2012b, Brower and de Pinna, 2012, 2014; Nixon and
phy/symplesiomorphy have been discussed.1 The two Carpenter, 2013; Farris, 2012, 2013, 2014a,b; Williams
and Ebach, 2012; Assis, 2013; Platnick 2013).
The two views are exemplified here by four quotes,
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: two for each of the two opinions:
Williams and Ebach (2012) noted a semantic difficulty in apply-
ing theses terms. Indeed, the terms synapomorphy and symple- Homology is not synonymous with synapomorphy: it includes
siomorphy do not pertain to general statements but refer to a special symplesiomorphy, and Hennig clearly included both ple-
character state that might be either a synapomorphy or a symple- siomorphy and synapomorphy as types of homology. (Nixon
siomorphy in reference to a certain taxon. Homology refers to a gen- and Carpenter, 2012a: 160)
eral relationship between structures. If two structures are Hennig (1966) recognized symplesiomorphies as homologies,
homologous, they should be called homologues. This implies that and that view is logically correct under the concept of homol-
the actual question is whether synapomorphy and homologue are ogy (homogeny) prevalent among evolutionists since 1870.
synonymous. However, this semantic inconsistency—I don’t see that (Farris, 2014b: 555)
it is more than that—goes back to Patterson (1982) and beyond. In
my view, the use of the term homology (pl. homologies) for corre- While secondary losses (reversals) are often synapomorphies,
sponding structures is well established. symplesiomorphies (“absent” or otherwise) have no

© The Willi Hennig Society 2016

2 Stefan Richter / Cladistics 0 (2016) 1–5

evidentiary import to cladistic hypotheses of relationship. “primary homology” (Farris et al., 1970; de Pinna,
Thus, we argue that identifying symplesiomorphic character 1991) although the more general term “hypothesis on
states as ‘homologous’ is conceptually vacuous, because they
homology” has also been suggested (Nixon and Car-
are either synapomorphies (homologues) of more inclusive
taxa, or complementary absences that unite no group.
penter, 2012a). De Pinna (1991) defined “primary
(Brower and de Pinna, 2014: 330) homology” as “conjecture of homology” and “sec-
ondary homology” as “supported phylogenetic homol-
Thus we maintain and reinforce our preference for the con-
ogy”. Because de Pinna (1991) equated phylogenetic
ceptual, if not terminological, equivalence of homology and
synapomorphy in cladistics. (Brower and de Pinna, 2014: 335)
homology with synapomorphy (following Patterson,
1982), for him secondary homology is supported
I start my argumentation with what could be called synapomorphy. One should keep in mind, however,
the standard procedure of numerical cladistic analysis that the identification of character state identity refers
(e.g. Farris, 1983; Meier, 1992; Nixon and Carpenter, to both, synapomorphies and symplesiomorphies, in
1993; Richter, 2005). The first step is the establishment the same way. At this stage, a certain state might rep-
of a character matrix with characters and character resent one or the other, so we do not know yet
states. Here, I deal only with binary characters which whether (for example) the crystalline cone made of
might be absent/present characters or both states rep- four or the one made of two cone cells represents the
resenting different conditions of the same organ/struc- symplesiomorphy.
ture (neomorphic and transformational characters The “2nd step of testing homology hypotheses” is
sensu Sereno, 2007). It will be shown that distinguish- the congruence analysis in which all character state
ing between the two kinds of characters is very impor- transformations are tested against each other in the
tant. I start with a binary character where neither of most parsimonious topology. Certain character state
the two states refers to the absence of an organ or transformations might now be considered as homo-
structure. plastic (i.e. not congruent with the most parsimonious
First, it is very important to distinguish character/ topology), while others might be corroborated (i.e. the
character states from the actual “thing” which is transformation from one character state to another of
described, the “organ” or “structure” (recently we a certain character appears only once on the topol-
have introduced the term morpheme to replace these ogy). Because the resulting topology is an unrooted
less precise terms; Richter and Wirkner, 2014; G€ opel network, no direction of transformation (e.g. 0–1 or
and Richter, 2016). Character states, however, are by 1–0) is implied. Only the rooting of the topology trans-
definition the evolutionary units (historical individuals forms those ‘homologies’ (or homologues) into
sensu Grant and Kluge, 2004) and differ fundamen- synapomorphies or symplesiomorphies; which of the
tally from the organ/structure (see also Hennig, 1966). two states represents the symplesiomorphic and which
The delineation of character states and characters is the synapomorphic one depends exclusively on the
part of a process that finally results in a character rooting in the next step (see also Farris, 2014b).
matrix. Here, I use as an example the arthropod This implies that between this kind of homology
ommatidium, with either a crystalline cone made of supported by a congruence test and both synapomor-
four semper cells (state 0) or a crystalline cone made phy and symplesiomorphy exactly the same relation-
of two semper cells (state 1). Whereas the character ship exists. I do not see any possibility to exclude
states represent the evolutionary units, each semper symplesiomorphy from this relationship. In this
cell could well be independently recognized as a “struc- respect, I agree with Nixon and Carpenter (2012a,b)
ture” as well as the entire ommatidium, respectively. and Farris (2012, 2013, 2014b). Brower and de Pinna
As a result of the character analysis, character state (2014: 330) are correct in so far that in cases where
identity (Brower and Schawaroch, 1996) will be estab- both states represent the presence of a thing (i.e. a
lished by using the same scores (0, 1) for the same structure or organ), the symplesiomorphic state would
character state in different terminals; for example, we refer to a synapomorphy of a more inclusive taxon.
identify in some species a crystalline cone made of four However, this does not make them synonymous
cells, and in others made of two cells. For the decision because these terms are relative terms and always need
whether the (never completely identical) structure an exact reference to a certain taxon (see footnote 1).
indeed refers to the same character state, it has been Ax (1984) used the term synapomorphy only referring
suggested first referring to the topographic identity, to sister groups. This has been adopted by some
and then using the “standard test criteria for recogniz- authors (particularly from Germany) but is different
ing homology” (Brower and Schawaroch, 1996: 267). I from Hennig’s original approach that used synapo-
have suggested the correspondences should outweigh morphy for characters (states) shared by two or more
the non-correspondences in a “1st step of testing taxa (see also Richter 2016). In any case, the terms
homology hypotheses” (Richter, 2005). What is identi- (syn)apomorphy and (sym)plesiomorphy refer directly
fied by passing the 1st test has been often called to the real historical process of speciation and
Stefan Richter / Cladistics 0 (2016) 1–5 3

character transformation (phylogenesis) and were first the Anoplura and Mallophaga is a synapomorphous charac-
created by Hennig for distinguishing “ancestral” from ter, whereas in the Collembola, Protura, etc. it is a symple-
siomorphous character. (Hennig, 1966: 95)
“derived” species or groups as concepts of his “devia-
tion rule” (Hennig, 1950, 1953; see Richter and Meier,
1994) whereas the “concept of homology has no rela- The term homology applies in principle only to structures
tion to the direction of transformation between the that are present (positive characters). A ‘character [state]’,
various characters [states] that come all from one ini- however, is also (by definition) the absence of a structure. For
tial character [state] of the common ancestor” (Hennig, the purposes of phylogenetic systematics it is important to
1984: 38; my translation). distinguish whether a ‘negative character’ is the result of the
This shows that synapomorphy and symplesiomor- reduction of a particular structure or to the result of its pri-
mary absence. The common concept of homology ignores this
phy are neither synonymous nor equivalent to
important aspect. It is therefore clear that either the meaning
homology but synapomorphy/symplesiomorphy and of the term homology needs to be extended, or other terms/
homology refer to the same phenomenon (correspon- concepts need to be added. (Hennig, 1984: 38; my translation)
dence through common origin) but from a different
For Hennig (1966: 95), the discrepancy between the
Or in Hennig’s (1953: 16) words (my translation): concepts “organ” (structure) and “character” was
obvious. Hennig was a systematist, primarily interested
Homologies are not only the true synapomorphies but also the in the classification of organisms. For him, dealing
symplesiomorphies. The concepts of synapomorphy and with “differential” or “corresponding” characters was
homology, therefore, do not coincide. Of course, the homology
a natural thing but it was also Hennig who recognized
criteria form the starting point of any systematic work which
uses morphological methods. Only correspondences in homolo-
that “the true method of phylogenetic systematics is
gous characters can be compared. But not all homologies are not to determine the degree of morphological corre-
important for systematics: symplesiomorphies are not.2 spondence, or distinguish between ‘essential’ and
‘nonessential’ characters, but to seek out synapomor-
One might want to argue, however, that the term phous correspondences” (Hennig, 1966: 146). And, of
homology (supported by a congruence test) can then course, the absence of wings might indeed be an
be applied in any unrooted network but in my view important “differential” character (but not an organ
this is only then true when indeed both character or structure) for insect classification but for Hennig it
states refer to the presence of a morpheme. was much more important to distinguish whether (or
when) the absence of wings is symplesiomorphic or
Homology and absence synapomorphic. The applicability of the concept of
homology was not in the focus of Hennig’s interest
This leads to the second part of the recent debate, (particularly not in his earlier contributions).
referring to the problem of “absence”. Character state If we now go back to what has been called “homol-
identity might indeed have different implications if one ogy” (supported by a congruence test) referring to an
character state refers to a certain structure/organ and unrooted topology, in my view the argumentation above
the other to its absence (a/p characters or neomorphic makes it necessary to replace this term here. The non-
characters; see also Pleijel, 1995; Richter, 2005; Sereno, directional character state transformation in an
2007). unrooted topology refers in the same way to what will
Interestingly enough, already in 1950, Hennig only be after rooting synapomorphy and symplesiomorphy
considered ‘Merkmals€ ubereinstimmungen’ (character but in the case of “absence” not to homology. There is
correspondences) to be potentially homologous. no homology relationship between something which
Hennig’s view remains very clear in his succeeding does exist and something which does not exist. In an
publications: unrooted topology it is also open whether the absence
In general we speak only of the homology of organs but a
‘character’ may also be the absence of an organ. [. . .] It is
state will turn out as synapomorphy or as symple-
completely unequivocal to say that the absence of wings in siomorphy after rooting. For this phenomenon regard-
ing unrooted topologies, I suggest “synmorphy” as a
new term, which easily could also refer to a/p charac-
“Homologien sind ja nicht nur die echten Synapomorphien, son- ters. In a rooted cladogram, however, synapomorphy
dern auch die Symplesiomorphien. Die Begriffe Synapomorphie und and symplesiomorphy are necessary and sufficient terms
Homologie decken sich also nicht. Nat€
urlich stehen die Kriterien der
for the characterization of the character states.
Homologie am Anfange der systematischen Arbeit, soweit sie mor-
phologische Methoden benutzt. Verglichen werden k€ onnen u €ber-
So far we have dealt with the character states of a

haupt nur Ubereinstimmungen in homologen Merkmalen. Aber cladistic analysis and have shown that the term homol-
nicht alle Homologien sind f€ ur die L€osung einer systematischen ogy is not needed in this context. It can easily be
Frage von Bedeutung: die Symplesiomorphien sind es nicht.” replaced by three steps of (i) identification of character
4 Stefan Richter / Cladistics 0 (2016) 1–5

state identity, (ii) identification of “synmorphy” by a many cases, however, the topographic identity might
congruence analysis, and (iii) identification of symple- help to identify the character to which the character
siomorphic and synapomorphic character states by states belong (see Brower and Schawaroch, 1996).
rooting the topology.
In the quotes above, Hennig clearly speaks only about
Homology and transformation series character states that refer to something which is present,
but obviously characters (transformation series) might
also include character states that refer to the absence of
Different characters [states] that are to be regarded as trans-
formation stages of the same original character [state] are
a structure/organ. When Sereno (2007: 573ff) distin-
generally called homologous. (Hennig, 1966: 93) guished between “neomorphic characters” and “trans-
formational characters” he suggested that the
In deciding whether different [italics in the original] characters
neomorphic characters should comprise only two states,
[states] of several kinds are to be regarded as homologous
[ . . . ] it is a question of determining whether they can be
absence and presence of a certain “new” structure/or-
regarded as transformation conditions of a character that was gan, whereas the transformational characters should
present in a different condition, which did not have to be the not include the state “absent”. One might argue that the
stem species of only the compared species. But in deciding absence of wings in fleas and lice obviously belongs to
whether corresponding [italics in the original] characters the same phylogenetic transformation series as its pres-
[states] of several species are regarded as synapomorphies, ence in other Pterygota. This argument might be even
convergencies, [ . . . ] we must determine whether the same
plausible for the absence of wings in “apterygote hexa-
character [state] was already present in a stem species that is
common only to the bearers of the identical characters pods” but what about crustaceans and other arthropods
[states]. (Hennig, 1966: 120) —or even sponges? In those cases, can one really argue
that the absence of wings belongs to the same transfor-
The first step in finding synapomorphous correspondences is
mation series? As discussed before, in both cases (i.e.
to identify, among different species (or species groups), those
corresponding or divergent characters [states] that belong to between all species of fleas, and between “apterygote
one and the same phylogenetic transformations series. This is hexapods” and sponges), “the absence of wings”, does
the problem of homology of characters [states] in a broadened not represent a homology either because there are no
sense. (Hennig, 1966: 146) correspondences to consider. The absence of wings in
These three quotes show at first the difficulties of fleas, however, most probably does represent a synapo-
Hennig’s application of the term character. In all morphy and the absence of wings in “apterygote hexa-
cases, we would replace character by character state pods” might indeed represent a symplesiomorphy.
(as I have done above). What is mostly called charac- The absence of wings in sponges, however, in my view
ter today, Hennig called “transformation series” does not represent a shared symplesiomorphy with
(although not consistently). Hennig’s character concept “apterygote hexapods”. There is nothing which would
is clearly a historical one that necessarily implies the refer to wings in sponges which could give an argument
transformation from one character state to another, for putting them in the same transformation series with
i.e. from the plesiomorphic state to the apomorphic absence and presence of wings in hexapods. However,
state, which therefore refers to both character states what is the difference between sponges and “apterygote
(plesiomorphic and apomorphic) as historical individu- hexapods” in terms of the absence of wings? One could
als (Grant and Kluge, 2004). The three quotes also argue that only in the hexapods does a reference system3
show that Hennig applied the term homology for iden- exist which allows finding the homologous position
tifying or delineating “transformation series”. The sec- (compare with Hennig, 1984: 38), i.e. the three-segmen-
ond quote also shows that Hennig was clear when he ted thorax, something which is not the case in sponges.
intended to talk about homology and when about In crustaceans, it would be clearly possible to identify
synapomorphy, symplesiomorphy or convergence. The the first, second and third segment posterior of the max-
recognition of what has been called taxic and transfor- illary/labial segment which correspond to the thoracic
mational homology becomes meaningless when we fol- segments in hexapods but is this sufficient for identify-
low Hennig’s terminology (see Farris, 2014a and ing the same reference system; at least there is no three-
Brower, 2015 for more details). segmented thorax? In other words, should crustaceans
‘Hennig (1966: 94) also recognized that what be scored as “absent” or as “inapplicable” for the char-
Remane (1952) called “principal criteria of homology” acter wings?
are indeed also only auxiliary criteria “because the real 3

principal criterion—the belonging of the character Topographic identity is certainly the most important kind of ref-
erence system although one should be aware that other kinds might
state to a certain phylogenetic transformation series— exist, such as if we compare different seta types: Do they belong to a
cannot be directly determined” (see also Richter 2016). transformation series determined by their position on the body or do
This means that character state transformation is not all types of setae belong in one transformation series independent of
directly epistemically accessible (see Rieppel, 2006). In their position (see Keiler & Richter 2011 for an example)?
Stefan Richter / Cladistics 0 (2016) 1–5 5

In my view, the solution to the problem is that we Brower, A.V.Z., Schawaroch, V., 1996. Three steps of homology
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gote hexapods, crustaceans and sponges would share Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 7–36.
Farris, J.S., 2012. Homology and historiography. Cladistics 28, 554–
the same symplesiomorphic state, “absence of wings”; 559.
however, I think this kind of scoring would not be cor- Farris, J.S., 2013. Symplesiomorphies and explanation. Cladistics 29,
rect. We need to include another more inclusive neo- 13–14.
morphic character, the “three-segmented thorax” Farris, J.S., 2014a. “Taxic homology” is neither. Cladistics 30, 113–115.
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(present only in hexapods). Then crustaceans and 561.
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Obviously, the solution is complex and different Meier, R., 1992. Der Einsatz von Computern in phylogenetischen

Analysen—Eine Ubersicht. Zool Anz 229, 106-133.
options are possible. This clearly shows that the delin-
Nixon, K.C., Carpenter, J.M., 1993. On outgroups. Cladistics 9,
eation of transformation series (i.e. characters) remains 413–426.
of primary importance in morphological cladistics (see Nixon, K.C., Carpenter, J.M., 2012a. On homology. Cladistics 28,
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Acknowledgements 29, 1–6.
Patterson, C. 1982. Morphological characters and homology. In:
Joysey, K.A., Friday, A.E. (Eds.), Problems of Phylogenetic
I am grateful to Torben G€ opel and George D. F. Reconstructions. Academic Press, London, pp. 21–74.
(Buz) Wilson for discussion and comments on the de Pinna, M.C.C., 1991. Concepts and tests of homology in the
manuscript. I also thank participants of the Hennig cladistic paradigm. Cladistics 7, 367–394.
XXXIV meeting in New York City for discussion, Platnick, N.I., 2013. Less on homology. Cladistics 29, 10–12.
Pleijel, F., 1995. On character coding for phylogeny reconstruction.
where these ideas were first presented. James M. Car- Cladistics 11, 309–315.
penter, Andrew V. Z. Brower and an anonymous Remane, A., 1952. Die Grundlagen des nat€ urlichen Systems, der
reviewer provided critical but helpful reviews—needless vergleichenden Anatomie und der Phylogenetik. Akademische
Verlagsgesellschaft Geest und Portig, Leipzig.
to say that all errors and shortcomings are mine. Richter, S., 2005. Homologies in phylogenetic analyses—concept and
tests. Theory Biosci. 124, 105–120.
Richter, S., 2016. Peter Ax’s views on homology—a comparison
References with Remane and Hennig. Peckiana 11, 67–75.
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Assis, L.C.S., 2013. Are homology and synapomorphy the same or concepts in Hennig’s early theoretical publications. Syst. Biol. 43,
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Ax, P., 1984. Das phylogenetische System. Systematisierung der Richter, S., Wirkner, C.S., 2014. A research program for
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