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Question 1 Considerations

The provision of earthquake resistance is a function of the structural form and layout & hence
when the building is at design stage, the architecture should comply with parameters set by
seismic design considerations for all goals to be achieved. The brief was analysed and the
following important points were noted :

1. Site is located along the Seafront on a Slope

2. Site is within a Seismically-Active Region
3. Slope is of 2 degrees towards horizontal
4. Frontage of 175m & Width of 225m
5. Super structure of 35 Storeys & Sub Structure of 2 Storeys
6. Floor to Floor Height of 6m at Ground, 1st & 2nd
7. Floor to Floor Height of 4m at 3rd to 35th Floor
8. Floor to Floor Height of 3m at Basements
9. Maximum Plan Area : 175 x 225 = 39375m2
10. GF up to First 20 : 40% : 39375 x 0.4 = 15750m2
11. having a Square ( more effective than Rectangle ) is square root of 125.5m
12. 21st to 35th Floor : 39375 x 0.15 = 5906.25m2
13. Same Approach for the Point Above : 76.85m
14. Ground Floor has to Contain 150m2 dance hall free of Columns
15. Service Floor within the first 20 Storeys
16. Roof to accommodate Building Services
17. 8m Deep Porous Sand Deposit overlying a Hard Rock Stratum
18. Ground Water Table is located at 6m below Promenade
19. External Cladding is Light-Weight
20. Internal Partitions are non-load Bearing

Obtaining the Layout

The first objective was to determine the most effective layout in terms of general plan when
considering the restrictions placed within the brief. After iterating the plan numerous times, it was
found that the most efficient in terms of massing was to create three different blocks which will be
labelled as Block A, B & C.

The reason for opting to design three

different blocks resulted upon considering
the 50m length guide relating the seismic
and expansion joint. Block B contains all
the 35 storeys with 15% of the maximum
allowable area with its square containing
dimensions of 76m by 76m.

The difference between the 40% and the

15% for the first 20 storeys, which is 25%
is divided into two adjacent blocks, hence
block A:15750m2 - 5906.5m2= 9843.5m2,
diving into two = 4921.75m2 and division
by 76m to have the same length & align
grid of internal columns therefore :
4921.75 / 76 = 64.75m is the maximum
width. The decided width to fit within the
offset rectangle is 64.5m.
Sizes of Blocks

Block A : 64.5m in Width & 76m in Length

Block B : 76m in Width & 76m in Length
Block C : 64.5m in Width & 76m in Length

The advantages for adopting this type of layout include points as such that the grid lines between
all different blocks will remain the same horizontally, the columns will be uniform till the basement
level and even upon entry of garage and Block B is a square having ratio of length to width 1:1,
most effective in seismic resistance. Another advantage is that the structure contains a sense of
uniformity in layout making it easier to employ fast erection methods, most suitably for
prefabricated elements and slip form construction within the core.

SWOT Analysis of Structural Solutions

A. Rigid Connections // Sway Frame :

Moment is transferred through the rigid connections of the beams and columns. Both
beams and columns are analysed under both uniaxial loading and also with an applied
moment. The rigid connections are not in need of any bracing system to account for the
lateral stability of the structure thus will obtain space which is free when compared to the
bracing areas of a braced frame. A moment resisting structure is solely reliant on the rigid
connections to transfer the loads to the foundations. Method of stabilisation is not as
adequate when compared to the braced frame. Analysis is complex when compared to
the braced frame. Considered to be labour intensive. Since the construction is labour
intensive, the cost to construct would be directly proportional too. Reinforced concrete
structures which are cast in-situ inherently employ moment resisting frames due to their

B. Pin Connections // No-Sway Frame :

Analysis is fairly simple when compared to other techniques. Less labour intensive than
moment resisting joints hence could be less cheaper. The introduction of lateral stability
from bracing or shear walls will eliminate the bending within beams and columns. A
pinned frame could allow the use of slender structural elements. Prefabrication is fastened
since this type of structure will contain a sequence of repetition. A core, shear wall or
bracing will prove to be a necessity to ensure lateral stability.Unlike the moment resisting
frame, the pinned connections do not transfer moment within themselves. Alone can only
account to the vertical loading of the building. Since lateral stability is dependent on either
shear walls, bracing or a core, the introduction of such might disturb the architectural plan
by obstructing large openings.

C. Composite Design

Possibly provides a structure which is lighter, stiffer and less expensive when compared to
the traditional construction methods adopted locally. The fact that the structure is lighter
means that there would be less material to handle on site. Provides adequate lateral
stability and considered as suitable for better earthquake resistance. Since the structure
depends on the concrete acting together within the steel sections, the relatively light
structure would be close to completion prior other robust methods. A composite design
has the ability to cover large spaces which are column free and also accounts for the long
spans between supports. The main weak point is that the design analysis is rather
complex and up till now, the knowledge on composite design is premature and yet to be
enhanced. The threat opposed by composite design is purely from the lack of knowledge
regarding the calculations of such designs.

D. Inclusion of Shear Walls // Shear Core

Reduced number of connections which are fixed. May provide large open spaces which
are free from columns. Provides adequate stiffness and a good level of ductility to the
structure. Could integrate a function purpose to the cores in forms of shafts, facade
elements and also containment for vertical transportation. The introduction of a shear core
would inevitably withstand lateral loading such as wind and also its weight in gravity.
Possible core uses; Lift and staircase, heavy goods lift, ventilation shafts, having a shaft
with the ground floor being part of an internal yard or else having a shaft large enough to
have balconies within it. The construction duration may be prolonged since the core would
be the first element to construct. Redundant construction equipment is required that ties
the erecting structure to the existing shear core. Would disturb a large concentrated area
of space within each floor. Not so suitable for relatively short buildings.
Q1 : Structural System Adopted & Reasoning


The chosen solution for the three blocks is to employ a central concrete shear core that is capable
to resist lateral and axial forces whilst integrating service and ventilation shafts within the
perimeter of the core. The slabs will require a significant stiffness to transfer the lateral forces
which mainly originate from the pushing of wind into the shear core itself hence a diaphragm
action is achieved. The wind loading must travel from the edge of the building towards the centre
core through the means of the slab and the underlying beams, therefore the slab needs to be
thick enough to provide enough stiffness against the diaphragm action caused by wind.

The towers obtain their vertical stability from the pinned connections contributing to the no sway
frame of the structure. The horizontal stability is obtained from the shear core that vertically
extends throughout the entire structure acting as a cantilever. This means that the centre of
rotation is on the centre of mass in plan therefore additional moments due to eccentric loading is
neglected in such case. The Block B configuration of shapes also helps facilitate calculations
since the building is symmetrical in more than one plane (if any calculations were to be issued).
The grid lines of the columns should be designed in such way that vertical continuity throughout
the building exists and provides a simple loading path diagram from top to bottom.

Considering foundations, there were two main options thought to be as viable alternatives ; pile
foundations and a raft foundation. Taking into account that the areas between each grid lines is
significant, the raft foundation would not be the most effective in terms of material efficiency and
also due to the slope, each pile could be altered and curtailed to the proximity of the water table
and/or sea level.

Another reason for adopting piles is because they could transfer tensile forces within the ground.
The tensile forces are obtained if the bending moment is greater than the compressive axial load
that originates from the dead load of the shear core. Considering that the two main forces acting
on the towers are vertical axial loading due to the self weight of the structure and later horizontal
wind loading.

Last important note to mention is that the sizing of the core should be approximately (1/3) x (1/3)
= 1/9 ( approximately 15 to 20 percent ) of the plan area and this is because the reaction of the
axial dead load at core foundation ideally lies within the middle third to avoid additional moments
due to eccentricities and rotational effects around the foundations themselves.
Q1 : Load Paths

Stress Stress
Diagram due Diagram due
to Axial Load to Bending


Horizontal loading Vertical loading



Diagram configuration is dependent on

the magnitude of axial force and
Deformation Shape bending moments

Description of Horizontal Load Path Description of Vertical Load Path

1. Source of load is assumed to be the 1. Load is applied on floor slab mainly

suction or pushing effect of the wind sourcing from dead load.
onto facade. 2. Load is transferred onto secondary
2. The facade transfers its loading onto the beams which span in the shortest
cladding substructure. direction.
3. This is transferred onto the core via the 3. Secondary beams transfer their load
diaphragm action that travels through onto primary beams that span in
the slab and any horizontal bracing between columns.
elements with the aid of primary and 4. The primary beams take their load onto
secondary beams. the core or the columns.
4. The core transfers its loading onto the 5. Same process is repeated for each floor.
foundation. 6. Total axial load is transferred to the
7. Piles take their loading onto a safe
bering pressure into the ground.
Anticipated Construction & Structural Detailing Problems

The following is a list that mostly relates the obstacles thought to be encountered considering the
geotechnical aspects of the project :

1. The depth of excavation is an estimated total of 2 storeys X 3m floor to floor height = 6m + the
depth of piles used. Without considering the depth of the piles, the excavation is also
assumed to fall below the ground water table. This will surely present difficulties upon
excavation which would require a constant flow of dewatering which removes ingress water
that lies at the bottom of excavation whilst simultaneously implementing a system of sheet
piling alongside the vertical faces of the excavation to prevent additional pressures or wedge
failures. ( Sumps are of great importance because they could reduce uplift under
foundations ). This process is to be conducted until the construction of the basement is
complete in the sense that the bearing pressure of water should be adequately resisted by the
walls and slabs of the basement. Also consider to offset the boundary walls within the
basement by a 1m barrier to prevent the intrusion of high humidity rates which could by time,
affect the structural integrity of the building elements.

2. The depth and consistency of hard rock stratum is not defined and hence the pile length is not
determined because it is of crucial importance that the pile transfers its load bearing onto a
solid stratum rather than the porous sand deposit. Issues are expected to arise upon casting
in wet sites. The fact that the ground is made of different strata will mean that the oscillations
that are expected due to the resisting of seismic forces will vary which would be problematic.

3. The frame of the building is expected to contain different regions, ones which are stronger and
ones which are more critical within their seismic performance. The detailing of these regions
should withstand the capability to transmit the loading under the uniform cyclic conditions
meaning that more consideration for ductility should be given within storeys that could form
soft plastic mechanisms, especially within columns. Considering that the ground, first and
second storey are of different heights compared to the rest, the columns of at these three
storeys should contain a greater stiffness by integrating a stronger weak column principle for
the other remaining floors. The frame structure should be designed to allow the plastic hinge
formulation within the beams and not the columns whilst the beams should also satisfy the
minimum resistance against lateral torsional buckling as documented within EN 1993. The
point within the frame structure that is assumed to contain the largest stress due to seismic
design should be the beam end.
Q1 : Structural Materials Adopted & Reasoning


Two lists are formed that display the advantages of Steel & Concrete which helps choose the best
suited material to be used for the Frame Structure, as follows;

Advantages for Steel :

1. Considering the Fundamental Principle of Newton’s Second law, the horizontal force applied
is the seismic loading which is equal to the ground acceleration & mass structure. The
acceleration of the ground is considered to be a constant hence the mass is directly
proportion to the force applied. Steel is lighter than concrete hence would induce less force.

2. Steel has a higher weight to strength ratio than concrete meaning that smaller and lighter
cross sections could be adopted when compared to concrete.

3. Being totally prefabricated, the level of quality is ensured and less susceptible to man-made
errors which could be encountered during the casting of fresh concrete.

4. When compared to concrete, Steel is a more ductile and flexible choice with normally faster
construction sequences.

Advantages for Concrete :

1. Concrete is generally less expensive than steel elements.

2. The fact that the external cladding consists of light weight insulated panels and the internal
partitions are non-load bearing light-weight panels, this might make concrete a viable option
since reduced deflections would be assumed and hence avoid major seismic activity on the
façade wall.

3. The fact that the slabs require a stiff diaphragm action would prove that concrete is more
suitable especially when considering the direct load transfer and the connection between slab
and shear core.

4. Concrete elements are protected by the concrete cover which in this case is particularly
helpful when thinking about the proximity of the sea which could prone steel to corrode.

One could also consider the option for composite design with corrugated sheeting over primary
and secondary beams with additional reinforcement and horizontal bracing within the slab but
due to the expected significant diaphragm action caused by the wind, concrete should be a
viable option especially when considering point number 3 & 4 within the advantages of the
material hence it is the chosen material for this design. ( Not to state that a steel structure would
still function, it is only another viable option ).
D e s i g n C o d e r ecommendations regarding S e i s m i c B e h a v i o u r


Eurocode 8 (4.2.3) implies that structures should be geometrically regular in both plan and
elevation and if they seem to be more complex, they should be categorised into minor structures
which are dynamically independent units. The segregation between regular and irregular
buildings is critical within Eurocode 8 in that the sectors would arrive to different methods of
analysis, different structural models and distinct values of q which is the behaviour factor. The
following list is a number of conceptual design principles that is recommended by EC8 which
help defy the nature of the building between regular and irregular ;

1. Symmetry & Uniformity : Short and direct transmission of inertia forces are easily obtained
through simple and regular plans which could be achieved by integrating seismic joints to
form a more uniform shape.

2. Structural Simplicity : direct load paths that limit the number of uncertainties therefore would
structurally model the building in a more effective way in case of earthquakes.

3. Stiffness in a Bi-Direction : The two main perpendicular directions should contain similar levels
of resistance to any horizontal loading. ( Not only two main directions in X & Z but also in every

4. Torsional Resistance : The columns, beams and any other structural members should provide
sufficient torsional resistance against torsional forces which could be generated by uneven
loading onto the building. This is achieved by aligning the centre of the mass and the centre
of resistance to lie onto the same parametric point hence reducing the possibility of
generating eccentricities and as a result, additional second order moments.

5. Foundations : Detailing the connections of superstructure and sub-structure down to the

foundation with adequate detail and knowledge would ensure that the distribution of seismic
loading is uniformly spread.

6. Diaphragm Action : as mentioned before, the need to transmit inertia forces through slabs and
beams to the vertical shear walls by conducting proper detailing of connections will ensure a
direct load and seismic transfer to a safe bearing pressure.
To further provide more criteria that describe the regularity or irregularity of the building, two lists
are documented which relate directly to the plan and elevation of the structure;

Important Guidelines for Plan view :

1. Symmetry : Plan should be symmetric in both orthogonal axis.

2. Compaction of Plan : by integrating a polygonal convex line, the set backs that are designed
within certain floors should not affect the floor in-plane stiffness by not exceeding 5% of the
floor area.
3. In-Plane Stiffness : the in-plane stiffness > lateral stiffness of any vertical element hence
deformation of one floor should have minimal effect on the distribution of forces.
4. Slenderness : λ = Lmax /Lmin on plan < 4.
5. Eox ≤ 0.3⋅ rx (4.1a); rx ≥ ls is the condition for eccentricity and torsional radius which need to be
satisfied in order to obtain a significant analysis for both the x and y direction.
6. The lateral resisting elements such as shear walls, shear cores and any form of bracing
should run with a certain degree of consistency until they reach the foundations.
7. Deflection due to horizontal load does not vary greatly from the original shape.
8. Centres of Stiffness and torsional radii do should remain coherent with the moments of inertia
of each cross section, even when considering the flexural deformation of the element.

Important Guidelines for Elevation view :

1. Similarly to point 6 indicated within the plan guidelines, the interruption of all lateral resisting
system must be avoided even if set-backs are present within higher levels of the design.
2. The elevation must contain a certain degree of consistency within its mass hence also lateral
stiffness and if need be only exhibit gradual changes not abrupt ones.
3. The difference between the resistance obtained and
the resistance required should not be disproportionate
between two adjacent floors.
4. If a setback exists which is lower than 15% of the total
height ( of structural frame / system ), the recess should
not exceed 50% of the original plan dimension. The
figure on the right depicts the criteria for regularity
dedicated for building that contain setbacks.
Effect of P l a n & Ve r t i c a l S t r u c t u r a l C o n f i g u r a t i o n on Seismic Performance

To begin describing the buildings being considered, the following parameters have been listed;

Block Width /m Breadth /m Height H/B Ratio H/B Ratio

Major Axis Minor Axis

A 63.5 76 68 68/76 = 0.89 68/63.5= 1.07

B 76 76 152 152/76 = 2 152/76 = 2

C 63.5 76 68 68/76= 0.89 68/63.5 = 1.07

The height to base ratios are all below the value of 3.5 hence the risk of overturning is minimal.

Important Attributes that define the architectural configuration and disposition of Seismic
Resistance include :

1. As stated above, since the h/b ratios are small, risk of overturning is minimised.
2. The wall to column stiffness should be equal within the 3rd till 35th floor since they all contain
same floor heights.

3. The fact that block B is a square whilst A & C are fairly close to squares with their width to
breadth ratio being 63.5/76 = 0.83 which is close to 1, this will reduce the torsional effect on
the structure.

4. The difference between the h/b ratios ( 0.89 and 1.07 ) is small hence resistance is balanced
in both orthogonal axis.

5. The cross-sections and elevations are fairly uniform hence avoiding any concentrations of
stresses within sections of the building.

6. The structural configuration integrates grid lines close to the perimeter meaning that the
maximum possible torsional resistance is achieved with direct load paths and no significant
cantilevers. Allow a degree of toleration in failure of certain members which could be made

The plan configuration is made of three different blocks, each of which contain a central core
integrated with services such as lifts, staircases and shafts. Plan contains uniformity and centre of
mass coincides with the centre of rotation hence torsional effects will only arise if there would be
any significant difference in loading on different floors.

The vertical configuration is also made uniform with regards to positioning in the sense that the
columns in different floors are vertically aligned without any eccentricities and offering a direct
load path from top to foundations. In terms of heights, the stiffness may vary due to the different
floor to floor heights within the basements, ground, first and second to the rest of the building.
Stiffness should remain the same to avoid a soft-storey within the lower levels possibly meaning
that the higher levels could contain a gradual taper in cross section widths.
Q1 : Precautions taken to Minimise the Risk of Pounding


The effect of pounding is defined as a combination of a drifting effect of two adjacent building
resulting into one exerting a force onto the other. The brief states that the building is to be fully-
detached hence any seismic joint at perimeters are considered to be redundant. The introduction
of two seismic joints between block A&B and B&C will separate the building into three different
blocks hence the structural elements will act distinctly to one another. Another precaution taken
with regards to seismic loading is the creation of a 1m gap between the excavated rock and the
exterior walls of the basement hence avoiding any collisions. Since the strata contains a porous
sand, a retaining wall could also be introduced to resist any lateral forces from the ground. The
point which is considered to be an advantage is that the brief guides the designer to permit a
10m gap between the peripheral sides and the perimeter of the underground parking space.
Introduction of expansion joints are also thought to benefit the structural performance of the
building. Since the height to base ratio is less than 3.5, slenderness limits are also thought to
employ adequate proportioned sizes in cross-sections with deflection limits L/500.

The fact that all blocks are of similar size on plan still justifies the integration of the seismic joint
because although the three towers will be exposed to the same ground motions during an
earthquake, the period of vibration, start, end and phase of the oscillations may vary to each other
do the different heights, finishes and loading.

The following is a calculation of the width of Seismic joints required between the blocks;

[1in + H1 – 20ft]/ 10ft + [1in + H2 – 20ft]/ 10ft

[25.4 + H1 – 6096]/ 3048 + [25.4 + H2 – 6096] / 3048 (all in mm)

The width of the seismic joint between A & B should be equal to the width of the seismic joint
between B & C since block A and C are identical hence;

[25.4 + 152000 – 6096]/ 3048 + [25.4 + 68000 – 6096] / 3048 (all in mm)

Width of Seismic Joint Required : 68.2mm

Although this value quantifies the minimum distance, the issue of practicality should be
considered and possibly increase this value to a number that ensures the construction of the joint.
Q1 :Plan Layout for a typical floor at Basement Level


Notation Legend

Shear Cores

1m Barrier

10m Offset of Un-excavated Material

Seismic Joint creating Three Separate Blocks

Overlying Super-Structure of Blocks

Q1 :Plan Layout at G r o u n d F l o o r L e v e l & 3 rd & the 2 0 th L e v e l

b & c

D u e t o t h e d e s i g n o f b u i l d i n g , t h e p l a n d o e s n o t d i f f e r f r o m g r o u n d f l o o r u n t i l t h e 2 0 t h f l o o r.

T h e a l l o c a t i o n f o r t h e d a n c e h a l l i s o n l y a t G F, o t h e r w i s e p l a n i s t h e s a m e . 

Notation Legend

Shear Cores

Seismic Joint creating Three Separate Blocks

Tower Building Perimeter

Possible Allocations of Dance Hall

Column Placement
Q1: Plan layout for a typical floor between the 2 1 st & the 3 5 th L e v e l


Notation Legend

Shear Cores

Tower Building Perimeter

Roof of Side Building

Column Placement
Q 1 : Tr a n s v e r s e S e c t i o n



Notation Legend

Dedicated Service Floor

Vertical Shear Cores

Slope of 2 Degrees in Section

1m Barrier

10m Offset of Un-excavated Material

Q1 : Longitudinal Section



Notation Legend

Dedicated Service Floor

Vertical Shear Cores

Seismic Joints

Slope of 2 Degrees
Question 2: Classification of a Building

To continue on what has been documented and answered in question 1, Eurocode 8 implements
the concept of regularity within the both plan and elevation in shape, symmetry and geometry.
The reason for this intent is that the designed building will have a direct and easy load path that
goes from top to bottom. Designing a more non-uniform building will mean that the analysis will be
more complex and complicated because additional forces and possibly moments could be
generated and applied additionally to the structure. Not to repeat what was answered in Question
1 ( iv ), the principles that were mentioned will be used as guidelines to assess the regularity or
regularity of this structure.

Assessing Regularity in Plan :

• The building structure seems to be

symmetric in both orthogonal axis with the
lines of symmetry marked in red and blue.

• Considering that from level 3 onwards exists

a recess from three sides does not exactly
comply with the regularity of the structure.
Although being compact, the in-plane
stiffness of the columns should not greatly affected in the sense that the area between the
parameter and the convex polygon which acts as a delimiting notation, should not be greater
than 5% of the total plan area.

• Considering this structure, the floor slabs are rectangular without any substantial openings
which contribute to double-heights ( only intended for vertical movement and shafts ) should
allow an even distribution of stress. The aspect ratio of the lower levels is 36/25 = 1.44 and for
the upper levels is 31.5/19=1.66, both values are considered to be relatively compact.

• Ratio of side length does not exceed 4 ( 1.44 & 1.66 ).

• Since the plan is doubly symmetric, the centre of mass and the centre of stiffness happen to
coincide therefore no eccentricities are generated. This satisfies the criteria set for the two
orthogonal directions at each level which are , eox < 0.3 rx and that rx > ls.

• No interference from any lateral resisting structures because the structure employs a moment
connected concrete frame, hence no need of additional support such as shear cores or
bracing, shear walls or bracing.
Question 2: Classification of a Building

Assessing Regularity in Elevation :

• The last point of the plan applies to the elevation, the fact that the building exhibits a recess
means that if one can assume that all the perimeter walls are all load bearing, the structure
shows an interruption in the vertical resisting elements marked in red.

• The structure contains a degree of change between level 1 and level 2, one should assess the
level of change because in order to be classified as a regular elevation, the building should not
show abrupt changes. The level of detailing should account for this change within the structural
elements in an increase of reinforcement or increase in grade of concrete to maintain the same
stiffness of the underlying floors.

• The set back that takes place needs to be located at a height of 0.15 x the total height. The total
height of the building is 22.5, with the slab of level 2 being at an altitude relative to the ground
level of 9m. 22.5 x 0.15 = 3.375m < 9m hence regular. Considering the criterion of ( L3 + L1 ) /L
< 0.2 : L3 = L1 = 3m, 6m / 25m = 0.24 > 0.2 hence would be considered as irregular.

Suggesting Design Measures :

• The abrupt change between level 1 and 2 could be lessened in order to conform with the
second point mentioned in the elevation assessment. If not, this difference of stiffness between
the two levels will be transferred to the rest of the structural system.

• The setback could be altered to satisfy the criterion of ( L3 + L1 ) /L = 0.2 meaning that ( L3 + L1 )
= 5m hence the recess would be equal to 2.5m instead of 3m. This obviously would be
dependent on the client’s requirements.

• The last option would be to integrate two seismic joints to create three different structures of
regular elevation. This would eliminate the need to strengthen the weak areas identified within
the abrupt changes but one needs to consider the cost and justification of two seismic joints,
since the building does not exceed the 50m in its length or width.
Question 2ii


Material Properties

External Column 350mm X 350mm

Internal Column 450mm X 450mm

Number of Ext. Columns at Ground and First Floor 26 Columns

Number of Int. Columns at Ground and First Floor 28 Columns

Roof Floor Beams 350mm X 275mm

Roof Slab Thickness 225mm

Intermediate Floors ( 2, 3 & 4th )

Floor Slab Thickness 275mm

Number of External Columns 20 Columns

Number of Internal Columns 12 Columns

Floor Beams 350mm X 325mm

Finishes’s Self Weight

Density of Concrete 24 KN/m3

Self Weight of Floor and Roof Tiling finishes and Screeds : 1 KN/m2

Self Weight of Perimeter Curtain Wall Glazing 0.4 KN/m2

Weight of 225mm masonry wall: 2.87 KN/m2

Weight of 150mm Concrete Block-work Wall 1.91 KN/m2

Density of Wall Plastering 21 KN/m3

Variable Floor Loading - Roof Level 2 KN/m2

Variable Floor Loading - Corridors & Accessible Terraces 4 KN/m2

Variable Floor Loading in all other areas 3 KN/m2

Internal Partitions ( Concrete Blockwork ) 175mm

Plaster Thickness ( Both Sides ) 12mm

Upper Floor Exterior Masonry Wall 225mm

Upper Floor Interior Masonry Wall 150mm

Plaster Thickness ( Interior Side Only ) 12mm

Properties of the Structure

Slab Over Height /m Width /m Length/m Area /m2

Ground Floor 4.5 36 25 900

First Floor 4.5 36 25 900

Second Floor 4.5 31.5 19 598.5

Third Floor 4.5 31.5 19 598.5

Fourth Floor 4.5 31.5 19 598.5

Height of Building 22.5m

Importance Class Class 4

♈ IV 1.4

Ground Type A, vs,30 180 m/s

Dead Load Calculations

Roof Over Third Floor

Length/ Height/m
CS Volume / Number Load / KN
mm X or Span/m or Area / m3
Width/mm depth/m m2

External Column 350x350 4.5 0.1225 0.55125 20 264.6

Internal Column 450x450 4.5 0.2025 0.91125 12 262.44

3m Vertical Beams 350x325 3 0.11375 0.34125 8 65.52

8m Vertical Beams 350x325 8 0.11375 0.91 16 349.44

Horizontal Beams 350x325 4.5 0.11375 0.51188 28 343.98

Slab - 0.275 598.5 164.588 1 3,950.1

Finishes - - 598.5 - - 598.5

Perimeter Wall ( X ) 225 +150 4.5 - 63m 1,355.13

Perimeter Wall ( Y ) 225 +150 4.5 - 38m 492.68

Plastering 101 - - - - 25.452

Total Dead of Roof Over Third Floor = 7,707.842 KN

Dead Load Calculations

Roof Over Second Floor

Length/ Height/m
CS Volume / Number Load / KN
mm X or Span/m or Area / m3
Width/mm depth/m m2

External Column 350x350 4.5 0.1225 0.55125 20 264.6

Internal Column 450x450 4.5 0.2025 0.91125 12 262.44

3m Vertical Beams 350x325 3 0.11375 0.34125 8 65.52

8m Vertical Beams 350x325 8 0.11375 0.91 16 349.44

Horizontal Beams 350x325 4.5 0.11375 0.51188 28 343.98

Slab - 0.275 598.5 164.588 1 3,950.1

Finishes - - 598.5 - - 598.5

Perimeter Wall ( X ) 225 +150 4.5 - 63m 1,355.13

Perimeter Wall ( Y ) 225 +150 4.5 - 38m 492.68

Plastering 101 - - - - 25.452

Total Dead of Roof Over Second Floor = 7,707.842 KN

Dead Load Calculations

Roof Over First Floor

Length/ Height/m
CS Volume / Number Load / KN
mm X or Span/m or Area / m3
Width/mm depth/m m2

External Column 350x350 4.5 0.1225 0.55125 20 264.6

Internal Column 450x450 4.5 0.2025 0.91125 12 262.44

3m Vertical Beams 350x325 3 0.11375 0.34125 27 221.4675

8m Vertical Beams 350x325 8 0.11375 0.91 18 393.12

Horizontal Beams 350x325 4.5 0.11375 0.51188 48 589.68

Slab - 0.275 900 164.588 1 5,940

Finishes - - 598.5 - - 598.5

Perimeter Wall ( X ) 225 +150 4.5 - 63m 1,355.13

Perimeter Wall ( Y ) 225 +150 4.5 - 38m 492.68

Plastering 101 - - - - 25.452

Total Dead of Roof Over First Floor = 10,117.6175 KN

Dead Load Calculations

Roof Over Ground Floor

Length/ Height/m
CS Volume / Number Load / KN
mm X or Span/m or Area / m3
Width/mm depth/m m2

External Column 350x350 4.5 0.1225 0.55125 26 343.98

Internal Column 450x450 4.5 0.2025 0.91125 28 612.36

3m Vertical Beams 350x325 3 0.11375 0.34125 27 221.4675

8m Vertical Beams 350x325 8 0.11375 0.91 18 393.12

Horizontal Beams 350x325 4.5 0.11375 0.51188 48 589.68

Slab - 0.275 900 164.588 1 5,940

Finishes - - 598.5 - - 598.5

Perimeter Wall ( X ) 225 +150 4.5 - 63m 1,355.13

Perimeter Wall ( Y ) 225 +150 4.5 - 38m 492.68

Plastering 122 - - - - 30.744

Total Dead of Roof Over Ground Floor = 10,577.6575 KN

Dead Load Calculations

Slab at Ground Floor

Length/ Height/m
CS Volume / Number Load / KN
mm X or Span/m or Area / m3
Width/mm depth/m m2

External Column 350x350 4.5 0.1225 0.55125 26 343.98

Internal Column 450x450 4.5 0.2025 0.91125 28 612.36

3m Vertical Beams 350x325 3 0.11375 0.34125 27 221.4675

8m Vertical Beams 350x325 8 0.11375 0.91 18 393.12

Horizontal Beams 350x325 4.5 0.11375 0.51188 48 589.68

Slab - 0.275 900 164.588 1 5,940

Finishes - - 598.5 - - 598.5

Perimeter Wall ( X ) 225 +150 4.5 - 63m 1,355.13

Perimeter Wall ( Y ) 225 +150 4.5 - 38m 492.68

Plastering 122 - - - - 30.744

Total Dead of Slab at Ground Floor = 10,577.6575 KN

Dead Load Calculations

Roof Slab

Length/ Height/m
CS Volume / Number Load / KN
mm X or Span/m or Area / m3
Width/mm depth/m m2

External Column - - - - - -

Internal Column - - - - - -

3m Vertical Beams 350x325 3 0.11375 0.34125 8 65.52

8m Vertical Beams 350x325 8 0.11375 0.91 16 349.44

Horizontal Beams 350x325 4.5 0.11375 0.51188 28 343.98

Slab - 0.275 598.5 164.588 1 3,950.1

Finishes - - - - - -

Perimeter Wall ( X ) - - - - - -

Perimeter Wall ( Y ) - - - - - -

Plastering - - - - - -

Total Dead of Roof Slab = 4,709.04 KN

Total Dead Load Calulcation

Load / KN

Roof Over Third Floor 7,707.842

Roof Over Second Floor 7,707.842

Roof Over First Floor 10,117.6175

Roof Over Ground Floor 10,577.6575

Slab at Ground Floor 10,577.6575

Roof 4,709.04

Total Dead Load of Structure : 46,688.6165 KN

Imposed Load Calculation

Area Load
Load / KN

Roof Slab 598.5 2 1197

Slab over Third Floor 598.5 3 1795.5

Slab over Second Floor 598.5 3 1795.5

Slab over First Floor 900 3 2700

Slab over Ground 900 3 2700

Slab at Ground 900 3 2700

Total Imposed Load on Building = 12,888.00 KN

Combination of The Seismic Action with other Action

/ Value Eurocode

φ 1 EN 1991-1-1 Cl.4.2.4 Table 4.2

ψ2i 0.3 EN 1990 Cl.A1.2.2 Table A1.1

ψ 0.3 EN 1990 Cl.A1.2.2 Table A1.1

∑𝐺︎j,︎k+∑ψ︎k,︎j.𝑄︎k,i︎ 50,555.0165
5155.18 tn

Base Shear Force and Force Distribution

Classification of Building Class 4

Type of Soil Type B

Determination of the Fundamental Period of Vibration T

/ Value Eurocode

𝑇1=𝐶 ∗𝐻.0.75︎ / CL4. 2 (5)

︎ ︎T

Height of Building 22.5m /

For a Concrete Moment 0.075 CL4. 2 (5)

Resisting Frame : 𝐶︎ T

Period of Vibration 𝑇1︎ = 0.775s

Elastic Response Spectrum

Ground Type S TB(S) TC(S) TD(S) Eurocode

B 1.2 0.15 0.5 2.0 CL3.2.2.2 : Table 3.3

Design Spectrum for Elastic Analysis

YIV Importance Class for Building Eurocode

1.4 Class 4 CL.

Design Peak Ground Acceleration

/ Value m/s2 Eurocode

2.943 CL.3.2.1
P.G.A1 agr :

Gravity 9.81 /

Importance 1.4 Table 4.3


ag = YI agr 4.1202 /

Behaviour Factor

/ / Eurocode

The Structural DCM CL 6.3.2

Ductility Class Table 6.1

DCM Value 4 CL 6.3.2

Table 6.2

Behaviour 3 αu/α1 CL

Factor for Dual Table 5.1


Since the structure is irregular in Elevation, Apply CL (5)

Reduction of 20%

Behaviour 4 /
Horizontal Components in Seismic Action ( Design Spectrum ) Sd(T) are as follows;

/ Y-Elevation X-Elevation

︎︎ / 4.1202x1.2x2.5x0.5/
𝑇︎c ≤ 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇︎D: 𝑆︎d (T) = 𝑎︎g.𝑆. (2.5 𝑇︎c /qt) ≥ 𝛽.𝑎︎

 4.1202x1.2x2.5/4 /
𝑇︎c ≤ 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇︎D: 𝑆︎d (T) = 𝑎︎g.𝑆. (2.5 /q) ≥ 𝛽.𝑎︎

Recommended Value for β

0.2 0.2

β ag 0.824 m/s2 0.824 m/s2

Value for 𝑆︎d (T) 3.1s 2s

Lateral Force Method of Analysis : X-Direction

Condition to use LFM : CL Pass/ Fail

T < 4 𝑇︎c
2s Pass

T< Constant 2s Pass

Base Shear Force : Fb =Sd (T1).m. λ

Correction Factor for Buildings more than two Storeys λ = 0.85

Fb 8,763.806KN

Building Weight 50,555.0165 KN

Horizontal Force 8,763.806KN

Percentage of Load 17.34%

Lateral Force Method of Analysis : Y-Direction

Condition to use LFM : CL Pass/ Fail

T < 4 𝑇︎c
2s Pass

T< Constant 2s Pass

Base Shear Force : Fb =Sd (T1).m. λ

Correction Factor for Buildings more than two Storeys λ = 0.85

Fb 13,584 KN

Building Weight 50,555.0165 KN

Horizontal Force 50,555.0165 KN

Percentage of Load 26.87%

Distribution of Horizontal Seismic Forces CL Y-Direction

Lumped Weight at Level Mass m (t) Height (m) m * z (m.t) Horizontal Moment
: Force KN KNm

1 1354 4.5 6093 1128.2 5076.9

2 1354 9 12,186 2256.4 20,307.5

3 1214.8 13.5 16,399.8 3036.6 40,994.5

4 969.1 18 17,443.8 3230 58,138.7

5 908 22.5 20,430 3782.9 85,114.6

Distribution of Horizontal Seismic Forces CL X-Direction

Lumped Weight at Level Mass m (t) Height (m) m * z (m.t) Horizontal Moment
: Force KN KNm

1 1354 4.5 6093 727.9 3,275.4

2 1354 9 12,186 1,455.7 13,101.5

3 1214.8 13.5 16,399.8 1,959.1 26,447.9

4 969.1 18 17,443.8 2,083.8 37,508.7

5 908 22.5 20,430 2,440.5 54,912.2

Total Mass = 5,800

Total m*z = 73,362.6

Y - Elevation X - Elevation

In the X-Elevation the load transfer is given by :

(2/5)* (1) + 1 * (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) but 1=2=3=4=5=6=7=8=9

( 2/5 ) F + 8F = 8.4F

Assuming that the edge frame takes 0.5 weight, the later forces relate to other frame by the Conservation
of Energy

X-Direction Y-Direction
Level End Elevation Forces on End Elevation Forces on End Elevation End Elevation
Frames 2 to 9
Frames on 1
Forces on Forces on
Horizontal Force ( KN ) Horizontal Force ( KN ) Frames B to E
Frames A to F

Horizontal Force
Horizontal Force

( KN ) ( KN )

1 85.63 42.815 248.2 67.7

2 171.26 85.63 496.4 135.4

3 230.48 115.24 668.1 668.1

4 245.15 122.575 710.6 710.6

5 287.12 143.56 832.2 832.2

Y-Direction Calculation to Fill Previous Table

Number of Frames Per Floor

Levels 0 to 2 6 Frames

Levels 3 to 5 4 Frames

Level 1 & 2 : Width of Building = 25m

Level 1 & 2 : Frame A & F Loaded Span = 1.5m Span Ratio = 0.06

Level 1 & 2 : Frame B to E Loaded Span = 5.5m Span Ratio = 0.22

Level 3,4&5 : Width of Building = 19m

Level 3, 4 & 5 : Frame B & E Loaded Span = 4m Span Ratio =0.21

Level 3, 4 & 5 : Frame C & D Loaded Span = 5.5m Span Ratio =0.29

end of question of 2ii

Question 2: Provisions of EC8-P1 w/r X & Y 3-Dimensional

Moment Resisting Frame


When seismic forces are present, they are normally a result of accelerations in the x ,y and z

direction caused from a movement within the ground or even earthquakes. The direction of this

acceleration might not be parallel or perpendicular with the plane of the plan and most often

found to be inclined at a certain elevation since the ground is not made up of perfect horizontal

layers. This means that the acceleration and the direction of the earthquake could be resolved

into the three main components of x, y and z. Considering that the horizontal movement of the

ground is the strongest out of the three, the z-direction is the least one expected to be affected.

On the other hand, the verticality of the acceleration is most crucial considering its normal length

of wavelength and its proximity to fault lines making the structure susceptible to overly on sliding

ground. This is why EC8 provides criteria that ensures the design is capable to withstand the

horizontal bi-directional seismic motion by the elements of the structure.

To avoid failure of the structure hence collapse, cyclic bending should be a phenomenon present

within the structure. Cyclic bending will relocated dissipative zones onto plastic hinges which are

formed in beams or in beam-column joints. The base of the frame, the top of the column in the

higher levels of a high-rise and in top & bottom single storey buildings which have columns of

NEd / Npl,Rd < 0, are all possible locations of dissipative zones within columns.

The intended location of plastic hinge formulation should not be within the column yet it should be

found in the beam-column connection or the beam itself adopting a strong column weak beam

approach of design. This integration of approach will define the expected collapse method

meaning that for collapse to occur, a number of failed beam-column connection is required which

would describe global failure. If opting for a soft storey effect, the eurocode 8 does not comply

with such method because this emphasises on local failure rather than global failure.
Question 2: Damage Limitation Requirement (DLR) Check


EC8 presents two limits states that need to be satisfied when designing for seismic action which
are the No Collapse Requirement and the Damage Limitation Requirement . The no collapse
requirement is normally a standard of 475years as stated in question ii whereas the damage
limitation requirement is set to avoid collapse due to an earthquake with allowable degrees of
minor damages which could be repairable. The code relies on a low grade earthquake with a
period of 95 years, whilst ensuring that the sway between storeys does not exceed a significant
limit. The lower limits of total building acceleration is adopted within the NCR ( Sd(T)) but for the
DLR, the building structure is considered to be elastic hence Se(T) is utilised. The obstacle arises
when the earthquake exerts seismic forces onto the structure which pushes the building out of the
elastic stage, completely altering the values adopted for NCR. The behaviour factor q, is the link
that creates a direct relationship between the Sd(T) and Se(T) and is dependent on the ductility
class, structural system and structural material of the building.

Check used for DLR :

• Permanent & imposed variable loads are combined to find Ed which is equal to Gk+ ψeiQk.

• Soil and spectrum classifications and parameters are then determined.

• Importance factor and Ductility class are determined.

• Ground acceleration and Period of Vibration are calculated.

• NCR is found and by the inclusion of the behaviour factor q, a direct relation ship describes the
corresponding DLR value when using : Se(T) = qSd(T).

• Calculation of the base shear force by considering Fb =Sd (T1).m. λ.

• A load that corresponds to each lateral seismic force at each level is found in both orthogonal

• Torsional factor is calculated for each storey.

• After obtaining all of the above, section provides acceptable parameters for inter-storey
drifts which could be analysed once this method is completely calculated.

The inter-story drift that are required in order to comply with the DLR contain the following limits
which categorises the structural elements within different sectors.

• Inter-Storey Drift =1% : Considering that the structure is attached with non-structural elements.

• Inter-Storey Drift =0.75% : The non-structural elements which are attached within the building
are considered to be all ductile.

• Inter-Storey Drift =0.5% : Assuming that the non-structural elements are all brittle and attached
to the structure, they are also assumed to exhibit the same structural deformations expected
within the structure itself.
Q u e s t i o n 2 : C o m b i n a t i o n of F a c t o re d L o a d C a s e s including
Ve r t i c a l P e r m a n e n t & Va r i a b l e L o a d i n S e i s m i c D e s i g n .

The combinations of loads will emerge worst and possible case scenarios of loading ( worst can
not always the case with the biggest load ) hence obtaining a stress envelope. The types of
loading include Permanent loads (G) also known as dead load, Variable loads (Q) also referred to
as Imposed Loads and Accidental Actions (A) which cover any seismic activity.

The more combinations applied to these three, the more accurate the stress envelope becomes.
The combinations should account for different areas within the building and categorised by the
classification of the use as instructed in eurocode.

Partial safety factors are applied to the loading combinations depending on the elements that are
in question, beams incorporate a PSF of 1.35 for dead loads and a PSF of 1.5 for imposed loads,
vertical elements such as columns will contain the same PSF with an addition of a PSF of 1.5 to
the calculated wind loading. The overturning combinations vary in the sense that they do not
include variable imposed loads and have a combination of dead load x 1 + wind load x 1.5.

Seismic Loading Combinations is directly related to the ground motion explained in question 2iv
first paragraph where the eurocode provides a set of combinations that should be applied to the
horizontal plane during the design stages. The regularity or irregularity will determine the number
of combinations that should be used, buildings which are thought to be regular have four different
combinations yet irregular buildings which are more complex incorporate eight distinct
combinations. The following is a typical combination for seismic loading ;

Dead Load x1 + (Imposed Load x1x Reduction Factor) + (Seismic Load x 1 x Importance Factor)

The reduction factor is applied by the eurocode because it is thought that during the events of an
earthquake, the imposed loading which originates by live loads ie people would be redundant
due to evacuation. Both the reduction factor and the importance factor are dependent on the type
of building being designed, the eurocode provides classes for both sets in order to obtain an
accurate situation.

The importance class is split into four categories, the first class dealing with buildings of minor
importance to public safety, second class relates to what the code defines as ‘ordinary buildings’,
third class takes seismic resistance to be of importance, buildings which have great significance
in case of collapse and finally class four related to buildings of utmost importance during
earthquakes ( hospitals, power plants, fire stations and etc ).

It must be stated that these combinations are normally conducted over structural softwares and
programs that provide varying situations, all of which are accurately calculated.

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