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Make or Do

TASK 1. Words used with Make or Do

Look at the sentences below and decide whether they should be used with he verb Make or the verb Do. The form of
the words will need to change in most sentences. Use the words in bold to help you.

1. Has your mother _________ a will yet?
2. She _______her piano exercises every morning.
3. The storm ___________a lot of damage last night.
4. Who will be ____________
making the speech at her wedding?
5. We __________a large profit when we sold our house make a loss
6. There’s lots of work still to be ________.
making great efforts to learn Spanish.
7. At the moment he’s ________
8. They _______a lot of business with European countries.
9. I’m not _________ the washing today.
10. When we got to the hotel the beds hadn’t been ________. made
making much noise that we can’t use the telephone.
11. The workmen are _______so
makling good progress towards finishing the house.
12. We are _________
13. He didn’t mean to _______any harm.
14. His wife usually ______all the housework.
15. The milk boiled over and ______made a mess on the stove.
16. I can’t ________today’s crossword, it’s too hard
make a Christmas cake again this year?
17. Are you going to ______
18. How much money did you ________ make last year?
do the washing up after the party.
19. It took us hours to _______
20. He _________ an inquiry about trains to Edinburgh
21. I need to _________ a quick phone call before we leave. a storm in a teacup
22. Don’t _______such
make a fuss; it’s only a little scratch. make a mountain out of molehill
23. She _________a
made mistake in typing the address.
24. We _________friends with some French people on holiday.
25. Our company is small bit it’s _______
doing well.
making few notes before her speech.
26. She ________a
27. She was __________the ironing when I came home.
28. Businesses often__________ a loss in their first year of operations.
29. Scientists are _________research into new treatments for cancer. to make people redundant
30. This work isn’t good enough; you’ll have to ________better next time. to lay people off
31. Our company is downsizing so we will have to __________10 workers redundant.
32. He’s not athletic at all. In fact he has never __________any sports.
33. If you’re not happy with the service you should ___________a complaint.
34. Good morning class. I hope you’ve all_________
done your homework.
35. You’re the boss now so you’ll have to ________
make all the important decisions

make a copy make sense do someone a favour make someone suffer

make up a story do a task do yoga

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