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Received: 7 September 2020    Revised: 14 October 2020    Accepted: 16 October 2020

DOI: 10.1111/ijlh.13381


The hematology laboratory’s response to the COVID-19

pandemic: A scoping review

Robert Bell1 | Gina Zini2,3  | Giuseppe d’Onofrio3  | Heesun J. Rogers4  |

Yi-Shan Lee1 | John L. Frater1

Department of Pathology and Immunology,
Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA Abstract
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound worldwide impact on the labo-
Gemelli IRCCS - Roma, Rome, Italy
ratory hematology community. Nevertheless, the pace of COVID-19 hematology-re-
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome,
lated research has continued to accelerate and has established the role of laboratory
Robert J Tomsich Pathology and Laboratory hematology data for many purposes including disease prognosis and outcome. The
Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic, purpose of this scoping review was to assess the current state of COVID-19 labora-
Cleveland, OH, USA
tory hematology research. A comprehensive search of the literature published be-
Correspondence tween December 1, 2019, and July 3, 2020, was performed, and we analyzed the
John L. Frater, Department of Pathology and
Immunology, Washington University School sources, publication dates, study types, and topics of the retrieved studies. Overall,
of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, Box 402 studies were included in this scoping review. Approximately half of these stud-
8118, St. Louis, Missouri 63110-1093.
Email: ies (n = 202, 50.37%) originated in China. Retrospective cohort studies comprised
the largest study type (n = 176, 43.89%). Prognosis/ risk factors, epidemiology, and
coagulation were the most common topics. The number of studies published per day
has increased through the end of May. The studies were heavily biased in favor of pa-
pers originating in China and on retrospective clinical studies with limited use of and
reporting of laboratory data. Despite the major improvements in our understanding
of the role of coagulation, automated hematology, and cell morphology in COVID-19,
there are gaps in the literature, including biosafety and the laboratory role in screen-
ing and prevention of COVID-19. There is a gap in the publication of papers focused
on guidelines for the laboratory. Our findings suggest that, despite the large number
of publications related to laboratory data and their use in COVID-19 disease, many
areas remain unexplored or under-reported.


COVID-19, laboratory hematology, SARS-CoV-2, scoping review

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N Although the most clinically significant symptoms appear to be res-
piratory, with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) among
1.1 | Rationale the most dire complications, a broad spectrum of multisystem ef-
fects has been described, which include damage to the kidney, brain,
The COVID-19 pandemic originated in December 2019 in the capi- and heart. 2-5
tal of the Hubei Province of China, Wuhan. It is a viral illness, the SARS-CoV-2 has a noteworthy effect on hematologic param-
causative agent of which is a novel β-coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.1 eters, and alterations of the complete blood count (CBC) and

148     © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Int J Lab Hematol. 2021;43:148–159.
BELL et al. |

hemostasis/ thrombosis laboratory-derived data have been identi- virus”, “Wuhan virus”) AND “laboratory” and synonyms (“laborato-
fied as biomarkers of disease severity and mortality. Among these rial”, “laboratories”). In addition, we screened the contents of 50 he-
are lymphopenia, neutrophilia, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, matology and medicine journals to identify studies not found in the
prolongation of prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial throm- database searches due to possible delays in indexing (see Table S2).
boplastin time (aPTT), and elevated D-dimer and fibrin degradation We limited our search to studies published between December 1,
products (FDP). 2019, and July 3, 2020, the date of the search. This protocol has not
There has been an immense output of scientific information in been registered. Individual authors were not contacted.
response to the pandemic: a search of the Google Scholar data-
base for “COVID-19” performed on July 9, 2020, revealed a total of
1,220,000 results, and a simple search of PubMed yielded 30,302 2.3 | Eligibility criteria
studies. A survey of the COVID-19 literature performed in February
2020 demonstrated that a wide variety of topics were addressed We included the COVID-19 literature related to the following labo-
by these studies, most commonly prevention and control, outbreak ratory hematology topics published between December 1, 2019, and
reporting, genetics, and transmissibility. July 3, 2020: coagulation, flow cytometry, cellular analysis, morphol-
ogy, standards and quality assurance, and biosafety. There was no
restriction of article type.
1.2 | Objectives

Several reviews have been published which address features of the 2.4 | Screened titles and abstracts
clinical phenomena and virology of COVID-19.12,13 There have also
been reviews published in the clinical laboratory literature, most of Titles and abstracts of all studies were screened by two of the au-
which have a conventional narrative structure, which were limited thors (RB and JLF). The full text of all studies considered for poten-
by the relatively small number of primary studies published in the tial inclusion in the analysis was reviewed for suitability. For articles
first months of the pandemic. However, the COVID-19 literature published in Chinese, the full text was evaluated by a member of the
focused on the clinical laboratory, including laboratory hematology, research team fluent in that language (Y-S L). Finally, the following
has continued to grow. We therefore chose to perform a survey of information was extracted for the included studies: (a) title, (b) first
the current state of the laboratory hematology literature regarding author, (c) journal, (d) publication or posted date, (e) country from
COVID-19. We chose the scoping review format as an appropriate which the study originated, (f) article type, and (g) topic (see Figure
means to assess this body of work. A scoping review is an evidence- S3). The content of the included studies was critically appraised by
based study which maps the available literature on a given topic and all authors, who are experts in the field of laboratory hematology.
details the characteristics of the body of literature, in an effort to
organize its key concepts and identify knowledge gaps.11,14 We de-
signed this scoping review to focus on topics of interest to the labo- 2.5 | Data analysis
ratory hematology community and COVID-19.
To identify gaps in the literature, we performed a descriptive analy-
sis of the included studies. In the description, we included the jour-
2 |  M E TH O D nal in which the study was found, date of publication, article type,
and topic of the article. We also categorized the articles as case re-
2.1 | Format ports, case series, comment, comment/opinion, editorial, guidance/
guideline or consensus statement, image/case presentation, letter to
This study was performed using the Preferred Reporting Items for the editor, meta-analysis, opinion, prospective study, retrospective
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) Extension for study, or review.
Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR), which contains a 27-point check-
list which serves as an adaptation of the PRISMA checklist (see
Table S1).15 3 | R E S U LT S

3.1 | Search results
2.2 | Search strategy
See Figure S3), which contains a flow chart of the screening process.
We conducted an electronic search in Medline (PubMed interface) The database searches identified 5755 studies (4095 from PubMed,
and Web of Science using the keywords “COVID-19” and synonyms 1660 from Web of Science). To these studies, we added 253 papers
(“SARS-CoV-2”, “2019 novel coronavirus”, “2019-nCoV”, “Wuhan cor- identified through a search of the contents of 50 hematology and
onavirus”, “novel coronavirus”, “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia medicine journals. After the removal of duplicates, 4872 studies
150       BELL et al.

TA B L E 1   Characteristics of COVID-19 studies included in the remained. The titles and abstracts of the studies were reviewed,
review—journals (publishing > 1 paper) and country of origin (all and 4096 were excluded as being out of scope (ie, not concerning
countries with > 4 papers)
laboratory hematology aspects of COVID_19). The full text of the
Number of remaining 776 papers was reviewed, resulting in the elimination of
Articles/ Percentage 374 additional studies, for similar reasons. Therefore, a total of 402
Studies (%)
articles were included in this review (see Table S4, which contains
Journal the bibliographic information for the papers included in this study.
Other 183 45.64% The full data set can be obtained from the corresponding author
Journal of Thrombosis and 55 13.72% upon any reasonable request).
British Journal of Haematology 37 9.23%
Journal of Medical Virology 17 4.24% 3.2 | Characteristics of the included articles
American Journal of Hematology 12 2.99%
Clinical Chemistry and 9 2.24% Of the 402 included studies, based on the address of the first au-
Laboratory Medicine thor of the papers, the highest number was from China (n = 203,
Journal of Infection 8 2.00% 50.50%, see Table 1). The other top contributing countries were
Lancet Journals 8 2.00% the United States (n = 48, 11.94%), Italy (n = 34, 8.46%), the United
Clinica Chimica Acta 7 1.75% Kingdom (n = 26, 6.47%), and France (n = 15, 3.73%) (Table 1). The

Journal of Clinical Virology 6 1.50% article types (Table 2) could be classified into 14 groups, of which
the largest number were retrospective studies (n =  176, 43.89%),
Blood 5 1.25%
letters(n = 56, 13.97%), and reviews (n = 34, 8.48%).
Annals of Hematology 5 1.25%
Thrombosis Research 5 1.25%
Platelets 5 1.25%
3.2.1 | Sources of articles
Seminars in Thrombosis and 5 1.25%
The studies were published in a large number of journals. Nearly,
Haemophilia 5 1.25%
half of these studies (n = 183, 45.64%, Table 1) appeared in journals
Journal of thrombolysis 4 1.00%
that published only 1 or 2 papers included in this review. The largest
Clinical Infectious Disease 4 1.00% number of articles was published by The Journal of Thrombosis and
International Journal of 4 1.00% Haemostasis (n = 55, 13.72%), The British Journal of Haematology
Laboratory Hematology
(n  = 37, 9.23%), The Journal of Medical Virology (n = 17, 4.24%),
Jama Journals 4 1.00%
The American Journal of Hematology (n = 12, 2.99%), and Clinical
Clinical Microbiology and 3 0.75% Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (n = 9, 2.24%) (Table 1).
Blood Advances 2 0.50%
JCI Insight 2 0.50% 3.2.2 | Publication date
Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2 0.50%
Haematologica 2 0.50% A weekly breakdown of the number of articles published during the
New England Journal 2 0.50% study period is listed in Table 1. The number of published studies in
Country 2-week increments is illustrated in Figure 1. There was a steady in-
China 203 50.50% crease in the overall number of published articles over the course of
USA 48 11.94% the study period. The largest single day increase was on July 1, 2020,

Italy 34 8.46%
when 30 articles were published.

UK 26 6.47%
France 15 3.73%
3.2.3 | Topics
Iran 8 1.99%
Canada 7 1.74%
Each article was characterized as having a main topic belonging to
Spain 6 1.49%
1 of the following categories: prognostics, risk factors, epidemiol-
Belgium 5 1.24% ogy, coagulation, laboratory monitoring, hematology, treatment and
Greece 5 1.24% monitoring, pathophysiology, lessons and challenges, treatment,
Netherlands 5 1.24% screening/ prevention, molecular biology, and biosafety (Table 2).
BELL et al. |

The topics most frequently encountered were clinical features and The papers in this study utilized hematology laboratory data for a
observations (n =  103, 25.69%), prognostics/risk factors (n  = 80, variety of purposes, including the potential use of these parameters
19.95%), epidemiology (n = 63, 15.71%), coagulation (n = 34, 8.48%), to guide therapy and predict outcome. The percentages of papers
and laboratory monitoring (n = 32, 7.98%). The mapping of the article using coagulation and automated hematology data are illustrated
types with their corresponding topics is presented in Table 3, which in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. D-dimer, PT, aPTT, and fibrinogen
highlights gaps in the literature. Whereas retrospective studies of were the most cited coagulation parameters. Platelet count, abso-
the clinical features, epidemiology, and prognosis/ risk factors of lute lymphocyte count, white blood cell count, and absolute neutro-
COVID-19 are well reported, other areas such as laboratory moni- phil count were the most cited automated hematology parameters.
toring of COVID-19 disease, studies comparing the molecular bio-
logic features of COVID-19 to hematology findings (such as different
mutations), the role of hematology data in screening/prevention of 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
COVID-19 disease, and lessons and challenges to the hematology
laboratory associated with COVID-19 are relatively few. 4.1 | Summary of evidence

Our scoping review, which is focused on the COVID-19 literature

TA B L E 2   Characteristics of COVID-19 studies included in the
relevant to laboratory hematology, demonstrates a marked increase
review—Type of article and Topic
in articles between December 1, 2019, and July 3, 2020. There are,
Number of articles/ Percentage however, gaps in study types and research fields that are evident
Characteristics studies (%) based on a critical evaluation of the literature. There is a clear bias in
Type of Article favor of retrospective clinical studies, letters to the editor, and nar-
Retrospective study 176 43.89% rative review articles. Prospective and case-control studies are un-
Letter 56 13.97% der-represented, a trend also observed in an earlier scoping review

Review 34 8.48% of the entire COVID-19 literature conducted in February 2020.11

Moreover, the number of papers categorized as guidelines or con-
Comment/Opinion 33 8.23%
sensus statements remains low, likely due to the rapid worldwide
Case reports 27 6.73%
spread of the pandemic and the challenges to national and interna-
Prospective study 18 4.49%
tional organizations. Despite the large number of papers reporting
Meta-analysis 16 3.99%
laboratory data, many de-emphasize the importance of hematology
Case series 13 3.24%
parameters. Approximately 40% of studies have a primary focus
Guidance/guideline or 11 2.74% on clinical features of SARS-CoV-2 infection and epidemiology,
consensus statement
and laboratory data are minimally reported. The largest contribut-
Editorial 6 1.50%
ing country by far has been China, and many articles by research-
Image/Case 4 1.00%
ers from other regions of the world that have been categorized as
Observational 3 0.75% reviews and meta-analyses are derived from data from China. The
Basic Research 2 0.50% degree to which this data is generalizable is unclear. Nevertheless,
Cross-sectional study 2 0.50% there has been a marked increase in the laboratory hematology-fo-
Topic cused COVID-19 literature since our earlier narrative review, most
Clinical Features & 103 25.69% notably in the fields of coagulation, automated hematology, and cell
Observations morphology.1
Prognostics/Risk factors 80 19.95%
Epidemiology 63 15.71%
Coagulation 34 8.48% 4.2 | Coagulation
Laboratory monitoring 32 7.98%
Hematology 31 7.73%
There have been several breakthroughs in our understanding of the
pathophysiology of COVID-19 disease related to acquired abnor-
Treatment and 27 6.73%
monitoring malities of coagulation, as reflected in this scoping review. There is

Pathophysiology 14 3.49% accumulating laboratory evidence related to abnormal coagulation

changes in COVID-19 infected patients, which may be a result of
Lessons and challenges 6 1.50%
profound inflammatory response, and not associated with intrinsic
Treatment 4 1.00%
procoagulant effect itself. A subset of severe pneumonia patients
Screening/Prevention 4 1.00%
developed viral sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC),
Molecular biology 2 0.50%
and multiorgan failure.16,17 Early reports from Wuhan, China, demon-
Biosafety 1 0.25%
strated abnormal results in coagulation parameters related to sepsis
152       | BELL et al.

Number of studies published per me interval F I G U R E 1   Graph of the studies

organized by date of publication in 2-week
increments [Colour figure can be viewed
80 at]
Number of studies (n)


Date (2020)

or DIC. One report with the first 99 hospitalized COVID-19 patients affect the DIC score of International Society on Thrombosis and
showed elevated aPTT (6%), elevated PT (5%), elevated D-dimer Haemostasis.16,25,27,28,31,32 A meta-analysis of nearly 400 COVID-
(36%) as well as inflammatory biomarkers such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), 19 patients found significantly lower platelet count in patients with
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-reactive protein. Another more severe COVID-19 (weighted mean difference −31 × 10 9/L). 29
report with 138 patients found higher D-dimer, progressive lym- Patients with severe COVID-19 at presentation and D-dimer ele-
phopenia, and renal dysfunction in nonsurvivors compared to sur- vated > 6-fold the upper limit of normal or a sepsis-induced coag-
vivors during hospital course.19 A further study reported severely ulopathy (SIC) score ≥ 4 were found to have decreased mortality
ill COVID-19 patients (6.1%; 67/1099) including admission to ICU, when treated with prophylactic doses of enoxaparin or unfraction-
the use of mechanical ventilation or death had higher D-dimer lev- ated heparin, unless there are contraindications.17,23,28,30 Based on
els, suggesting extensive thrombin generation and fibrinolysis. currently available laboratory data in COVID-19 patients, interim
In a study of consecutive measurement of PT, aPTT, fibrinogen, guidance suggests monitoring coagulopathy in patients with se-
antithrombin, FDP, and D-dimer during 2-week hospitalization, vere COVID-19 by measuring D-dimer, PT, and platelet count (in
overall mortality was 11.5% (21/183). 22 The nonsurvivors demon- decreasing order of importance) every 2-3 days. 28,29,31 The re-
strated significantly higher D-dimer and FDP levels, and longer PT searchers noted a statistically significant increase in D-dimer lev-
and aPTT compared to survivors on admission. The fibrinogen and els, and PT, and decrease in fibrinogen levels in nonsurvivors at
antithrombin levels were significantly reduced in nonsurvivors, and days 10 and 14.16,29
D-dimer and FDP were markedly elevated in all nonsurvivors by the Although the pathogenesis of the COVID-19-induced coagu-
late hospitalization. The progressive coagulation changes suggested lopathy has not yet been fully elucidated, the thromboinflamma-
a common coagulation activation, dysregulated thrombin genera- tory pathway associated with COVID-19 infection may contribute
tion, impaired natural anticoagulants and fibrinolysis, indicating the to potential clinical thromboembolic complications. Significant
development of DIC. Overt DIC was developed more frequently in inflammation in severe COVID-19 patients causes profound ac-
nonsurvivors than survivors (71.4% vs 0.6%, respectively) in median tivation of coagulation factors, platelet activation, systemic in-
4 days from admission.16,23-25 High D-dimer level on admission or flammatory response, or elevated cytokines (IL-6), and severe
increasing D-dimer over hospitalization is associated with increased endothelial cell activation and damage. This coagulopathy con-
mortality of COVID-19 patients and can be used as an indicator of tributes localized or systemic procoagulant or hypercoagulable
prognosis.16,17,20,26-28 It is already described that individuals with status.17,21,33,34 Procoagulant factor, factor VIII, and acute phase
older age and co-morbidities such as atrial fibrillation or ischemic reactants including fibrinogen were severely elevated in critically
heart disease are more likely to die from COVID-19 infection. ill patients with COVID-19. Natural anticoagulants such as protein
The most typical laboratory finding in COVID-19 associated coag- C, protein S, and antithrombin activity are mildly reduced in these
ulopathy is an increased D-dimer, a relatively modest decrease in patients. 21,30,35-37 The imbalance of procoagulant and anticoagu-
platelet count, and a prolonged PT. 28 lant factors can contribute hypercoagulability in critically ill pa-
However, laboratory findings in patients with severe COVID- tients and increase the risk of venous or arterial thromboembolic
19 showed a somewhat different pattern from sepsis-associ- complications with reported incidence of 5%-15%. Ischemic stroke
ated DIC. COVID-19 patients have a relatively modest decrease and limb ischemia, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embo-
in platelet count and very high D-dimer (>5 folds), which may lism have been reported in critically ill COVID-19 patients. 21,28 As
BELL et al.

TA B L E 3   Mapping of article types and study topics. Numbers correspond to number of articles in a given combination of article type/ study topic

Article Type

Comment Cross- Guideline, or
Basic Case Case Or sectional Consensus Case Meta- Observational Prospective Retrospective
Topic Research Reports Series Opinion Study Editorial Statement Image Letter Analysis Study Study Study Review

Biosafety 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Clinical Features 0 18 9 3 0 0 0 1 9 2 0 2 52 7
Coagulation 0 1 1 4 0 3 2 0 12 0 0 1 5 5
Epidemiology 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 3 4 1 2 46 1
Hematology 0 5 1 2 0 0 1 3 7 2 0 2 8 0
Laboratory 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 3 4 0 2 12 7
Lessons and 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Molecular 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Pathophysiology 0 0 1 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 3
Prognostics/Risk 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 4 1 5 49 9
Screening/ 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Treatment 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Treatment and 0 0 1 8 0 0 3 0 9 0 0 2 2 2
154       BELL et al.

F I G U R E 2   Pie chart illustrating the coagulation testing data referenced in the studies [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

hypercoagulable condition was followed by the activation of fi- clot formation time and higher maximum clot firmness, which
brinolysis, significantly lower fibrinogen, and higher D-dimer, PT appears to be linked to massive increase in fibrinogen and fibrin
and aPTT are noted in nonsurvivors than survivors. 30 High plasma polymerization. 38 Antiphospholipid antibodies (APL), which are
tissue type plasminogen activator (t-PA) level or elevated FDP is important in diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), were
also laboratory evidence of fibrinolysis in severe COVID-19 pa- detected in a subset of critically ill COVID-19 patients. 21,37,39,40
tients. Bleeding manifestations are not common in COVID-19 co- One study reported APL in 47% (31/66) of critically ill patients.
agulopathy. Endothelial cell damage and a secondary deficiency of IgA anti–β2 glycoprotein antibodies (B2GPA), IgA anticardiolipin
ADAMTS13 related to severe inflammation can cause thrombotic antibodies (ACA), and IgG B2GPA are common in decreasing order.
microangiopathy due to ultralarge von Willebrand factor multim- Interestingly, many patients with APA developed thrombotic
ers. However, these findings remain to be investigated in severe events, particularly cerebral infarction. It should be noted that
COVID-19 patients. 28 Hypercoagulability has been demonstrated these antibodies can also arise transiently in patients with critical
by whole blood thromboelastometry in ICU patients with acute re- illness and various infections. COVID-19 may trigger COVID-19-
spiratory failure due to COVID-19, and the pattern shows shorter induced-APS-like-syndrome. 39 Whether ACA or B2GPA antibodies
BELL et al. |

F I G U R E 3   Pie chart illustrating the hematology testing data referenced in the studies [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

play a role in the pathophysiology of COVID-19 associated throm- per patient and, when defined, was most often at initial presenta-
bosis remains to be clarified in larger series.40 tion. We now know that automated hematology parameters may be
dynamic over the course of disease and convalescence, as reported
by many studies in this review.43-46 This implies that longitudinal
4.3 | Automated hematology monitoring of these parameters may be significant.
The role of experimental CBC parameters and features avail-
Many studies in this review reported automated hematology data able in the expanded CBC of many instruments has also been ex-
and have established the important role of thrombocytopenia, lym- plored. For example, Wang et al have shown an increase of high
phopenia, neutropenia, and other CBC abnormalities present at fluorescent lymphocytes (HFL) using the Sysmex XE-5000 blood
initial presentation or during the course of treatment as potential cell counter, compared to healthy subjects.47 Gérard et al have
biomarkers associated with aggressive disease and poor outcome. found that 5%-10% of FBC from COVID-19 patients were flagged
These were initially identified in early retrospective studies from by the blood cell counters (MO flag for the Beckman-Coulter DxH
China, and data were later pooled in meta-analyses.1,6,8,10,41,42 800 and Blasts/AbnLymphs for the Sysmex X10) and required pe-
A significant limitation of this data is that most of this informa- ripheral blood film assessment.48 An increased monocyte volume
tion was collected from retrospective studies as a single timepoint distribution width has also been described using the Beckman
156       BELL et al.

Coulter DxH 900 8 In only one case, a decreased myeloperoxidase • Myeloid left shift and immature granulocytes in peripheral blood
activity has been described in neutrophils and monocytes using in the form of increased proportion of band cells,49 metamyelo-
the ADVIA 2120. cytes, myelocytes and promyelocytes or even blast with cytoplas-
Ratios between different white blood cell types or between mic granules.49,57,62
certain white blood cell types and platelets have been reported
as possibly useful diagnostic indicators in an extraordinary num- Eosinopenia has been described as frequent,66-69 but normal as
ber of conditions. In COVID-19, in consideration of the frequent well as increased eosinophil count have also been described. Effect
combination of lymphocytopenia with neutrophilia, an increased of corticosteroids should be considered. In occasional patients, eo-
neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio has been found useful for prog- sinophil dysmorphism can be observed (trilobed or unsegmented
nostic applications. Other possible indicators are the neutro- nucleus, hypogranular cytoplasm, multiple vacuoles).65
51 52
phil-to-monocyte ratio and the neutrophil-to-platelet ratio. Monocytosis was observed frequently in patients infected with
MERS-CoV infection, caused by a coronavirus related to SARS-
CoV-2 .70 Activated monocytes have been reported as a good prog-
4.4 | Cell morphology nostic indicator,61 while the presence of cytoplasmic blue-green
inclusions is observed in fatal cases.64
Three types of lymphocytes with reactive morphological features Hemophagocytosis has been described in bone marrow biopsies
have been observed in COVID-19 patients' peripheral blood film: (a) in postmortem studies or on living patients.71,72
lymphoplasmocytoid cells, with eccentric nucleus, large deep blue No specific red blood cell morphological anomalies have been
basophilic cytoplasm and, possibly, a clear paranuclear hof.1,49,55- associated with COVID-19. In rare cases, the presence of circulating
In addition, circulating plasma cells and cells with plasmablastic erythroblasts has been observed on the peripheral blood film.56,62
features, such as immature chromatin and nucleoli,58 have been de- Several authors have described the presence of large or giant
scribed. (b) Reactive lymphocytes with large amounts of pale blue platelets in COVID-19, 49,57,65 with dysmorphic features, such as hy-
cytoplasm frequently deformed by the adjacent erythro- perchromatic granulomere, peripheral clear areas of different size,
cytes58,59 similar to Downey type II cells of the infectious mono- and pseudopod-like protrusions.49 In patients with delayed phase
nucleosis.60 (c) Large granular lymphocytes48,49,60,61 considered a thrombocytopenia, a subset of 11.8% presented with delayed-onset
representation of natural killer cells or cytotoxic T lymphocytes. thrombocytopenia: in these cases, bone marrow aspirate showed
In addition, other peculiar lymphocyte atypical features have been impaired maturation of megakaryocytes, with decreased proportion
described, such as Mott cell-like lymphocytes, with prominent cy- of mature, platelet-producing megakaryocytes (less than five per
toplasmic inclusions, 55 apoptotic lymphocytes 49,61 pod formation,61 bone marrow smear).73
and smudge cells.
Many papers have indicated that, besides lymphocytopenia,
neutrophilia is an outstanding feature of COVID-19, especially in 4.5 | Synthesis of results
patients with severe disease.1,47,49,63 Several groups have described
aspects of disorderly granulopoiesis, generally considered as asso- One purpose of a scoping review is to provide the reader with
ciated (as a co-cause or as an effect) with inflammation and cyto- examples of gaps in the literature to guide future research ini-
kine storm or, in a minority of studies, with bacterial superinfections. tiatives. Our study identifies several gaps, which are illustrated
Neutrophil granulocytes can have serious cytoplasmic and nuclear using the data mapping of the article types and their main topics.
dysmorphic features in patients with severe form of the disease (Table 3).
even at diagnosis, before any treatment.1 They include the following: Publications specific to COVID-19 biosafety and the hematology
laboratory are distinctly lacking. Also, despite the obvious impor-
• hypergranular cytoplasm (dark, crowded, “toxic” type) 49,64 tance of laboratory hematology information in clinical management,
• presence of small basophilic, agranular cytoplasmic areas papers with a primary emphasis on the role of disease monitoring
• hypogranular cytoplasm49,65 and screening/ prevention are relatively few. Interestingly, although
• blue-green cytoplasmic inclusions in six patients who all died, in several papers have described the dynamic changes in lymphocyte
neutrophils and monocytes, probably derived from lipid-rich lipo- count, platelet count, and other hematologic parameters in infected
fuscin from necrotic liver cells patients, there has to date been few papers describing the role of
• nuclear hyposegmentation, sometimes with apoptotic chro- these or other laboratory hematology data as prognostic indica-
matin,1 or C-shaped, fetus-like or ring-shaped nuclei or nuclear tors in the treatment and monitoring of disease. Finally, in view of
detachment61 the role of hematology laboratory data as biomarkers of disease in
• absence of nuclear segmentation (pseudo Pelger-Huet nuclei), COVID-19, clinical practice guidelines and recommendations are im-
with liquefied chromatin49 portant to provide a framework for clinicians and laboratorians to
• apoptotic neutrophils in the circulation1,48,49; disintegrated or direct patient care. To date, there have been few papers that discuss
smudged neutrophils57 this important issue.
BELL et al. |

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