Sarahpeth Summer Plan

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S arah pe t h m aG d 20 1 1

State me n t o f i n te n t fo r t h e S um m er p er io d
G e n e r a l i n te n ti o n First and foremost my aim is it to constantly redefine my research question and to investigate into more secondary and primary research. Primary and secondary research should be constantly and simultaneously informing the progress of my project. At the beginning I will define a series of experiments according to my research question by splitting my research question into subcategories in order produce a series of experiments which are approaching aspects of my question. The learning outcomes from my experiments should inform my final outcome. Furthermore I am planning a weekly blogging day / upload research question(s) / experiments for discussion. A precise documentation of work in progress (notes/blog/ photos/printouts) should not be neglected. After the initial phase of experiment which is building up on previous experiments I will concentrate on finding the TEXT (vehicle) to work with. W e e k 27// n o W ! ! ! li V e - S tr e am // Research Question previous question: For the major project proposal I am asking myself whether, by deconstructing and decoding written matter, it is possible to reveal the essence of the individual letter?

Current question: For the major project proposal I am asking myself whether, through pulling written matter apart, by focussing on aspects like content, structure, syntax and semantic, it is possible to reveal the essence of written information. be continued S u b c ate Go r i e S My research question, so far, is leading me to the following subcategories I would like to investigate in the next two weeks. These experiments could take place in the letterpress as well as computer generated. Subareas: perception of written matter / typography structure and syntax of written matter / typography decoding of written matter / typography context of written matter / typography

W e e k 28 // 29 - defining perception/ structure and syntax/ decoding/ context - generate a series of experiments according to the above named subcategories - execute experiments - critically evaluate experiments (showing them to peers) - further research further experiments W e e k 30 // 31 G e r m a n Y - reading /taking notes - giving consideration to the final presentation and outcome - introduce project to family and friends - deciding on THE TEXT (...) - rest and have a break W e e k 32 // 33 G e r m a n Y // u k - considering outcome driven experiments - reconsidering the concept - organizing the secondary and primary research - more very focused outcome driven experiments - put experiments on the blog W e e k 34 // 35 - considering and appreciating criticism - raise self-addressed questions / notes - more very focused outcome driven experiments - getting prepared for reunion with peers - trying to present everything in the probable look and feel

At this point I am hoping to be in the situation where I can see a very clear direction of what I am aiming to visualize in order to start production.

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