Assignment Reading Comprehension Iii

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(Farizawati, M.Pd)

Group of Nonfiction Texts

The member :

Salsabila (21101311008)

Silvia Putri (21101311001)

Savana Nurlida (21101311002)

M. Afandi (21101311011)

Farah Nadia (21101311005)

Tafziliah (21101311006)


Nonfiction Non-fiction text is the text Provide information about
that written based on factual events that actually happened
things. Usually this non-fiction to the reader.
text has elements that
intersect with educative and
informative aspects. So that
writing can be said as the truth
of what happened (factual).
Non-fiction texts include:
1. Advertisement An advertisement (often An advertisement refers to a
shortened to advert or ad) is paid form of communication
the promotion in order to that promotes a service,
attract interest, engagement product or brand. Marketers
and sales. Advertisements use advertisements to help
come in many forms, from companies reach their
copy to interactive video, and objectives and increase
have evolved to become a revenue. Often, they design
crucial feature of the app advertisements for specific
marketplace. groups of potential customers.

Refers to a paid form of

1. Advertisement of Service. communication that promotes
Advertising Services means a service, product or brand.
services rendered by an Marketers use advertisements
advertising agency when to help companies reach their
designing and/or objectives and increase
implementing an advertising revenue.
Refers to a paid form of
communication that promotes
2. Advertisement of Product. a service, product or brand.
Product advertising is a paid Marketers use advertisements
promotional communication to help companies reach their
that attempts to induce objectives and increase
consumers to purchase a revenue.
product. Communication
channels utilized for product
advertising include television,
radio, print media, websites,
social media, and billboards. To attract the right candidate
for an open position.
3. Advertisement of Job Companies spend a lot of
Vacancy. money to place ads, sorting
Job advertisement is an through resumes, selecting
announcement that informs candidates for an interview,
people that a certain job then running reference checks,
position is available. It is and possibly testing for drugs.
written in an engaging tone
and it contains information not
only about the job position,
but also about your company
and the benefits you offer.

2. Reviews Review Text is a type of text in This assessment (review text)

English that aims to review or aims to identify and inform the
evaluate a work, be it films, quality, advantages, and
books and so on. disadvantages of work.

1. Review of product. 1. introducing a brand.

Product reviews are written 2. provide information related
custumer reviews that explain to a product.
the characteristics
3. persuasion.
(disadvabtages and
advantages) of a product
based on a product based on
personal experience.

2. Review of book. 1. Comparison of works.

Response, interpretion, 2. soucer of input to the
assessment of the quality or
content of a book by
3. book promotion media.
emphasizing scientific Help one understand more
assessment and about journal articles. This can
argumentation. be used as a reference for
3. review of journal.
readers for research to be
Journal review is the activity of
carried out. Improve the
evaluating, investigations,
providing, clarifications to writtwes ability on certain
readers about the importance topics concerning research.
of the journal articles being Understanding grammar in
reviewed. scientific journal writing.

3. News Articles A news article discusses News articles are written to

current or recent news of inform and educate readers on
either general interest (i.e. current affairs/events. They
daily newspapers) or of a are used to provide readers
specific topic (i.e. political or with information they
trade news magazines, club need/want to know about the
newsletters, or technology world around them.
news websites). A news article
can include accounts of
eyewitnesses to the happening
Types of new arcles: Hard news aims to provide the
1. Hard news is the most most important and up-to-
updated, quality, and valuable date information about
news. As the name implies, events.
this type of news is news that
is important and must be
immediately known by the
public. Hard news itself covers
international events, the state
of society, the economy, to
criminals whose events are
unexpected. Examples of hard
news are such as fires,
accidents, election results that
the public must know
immediately, state economic
shocks and so on.

2. Soft news is soft news or in

another sense, news that is Soft news's main purpose is
light in nature. This news also not to convey actual
does not have to be information, but to entertain
immediately conveyed by the readers.
public. Soft news is usually in
the form of supporting news
from the main news, or news
that is not serious and
stressful. Examples of soft
news news are sellers in the
middle of the holiday, pottery
making, entertainment, and

3. In-depth news itself is in-

depth news about an event. In-depth news To inform and
The hallmark of this type of
stimulate thought on issues
news is to highlight how and
why an event occurred. In- that impact our future in an
depth news is also often longer increasingly interdependent
because it reveals complete world.
information. An example of in-
depth news is the cause of the
relocation of street vendors so
that many have difficulty
finding a comfortable place.

4. Opinion News or opinion

news is a type of news that
contains a report from opinion news purpose provide
someone's point of view about information and increase
something, creative ideas, knowledge about an actual
thoughts or it could be in the
event or events of interest to
form of comments on
something that is considered the public.
Usually, opinion news is taken
from sources who are
community figures, such as
experts, scholars, professors,
or officials, especially those
related to a problem or event
being discussed. An example of
opinion news is news about
the opinion of political
observers commenting on
elections in Indonesia.

5 .Feature is a type of
journalistic writing that
contains a combination of Feature purpose Provide
news and opinion, contains information on a situation,
human interest, and is in the circumstances, events that
style of literary writing. In the occur. Entertain and develop
feature story, the writer looks imagination.
for facts that will interest the
reader. Examples of feature
writing are inspiring stories,
stories of traders surviving
during a pandemic.

6 .Explanatory news or
disclosure news is the type of
news that you often see on Explanatory news Its main
television. Generally, this type purpose is to give us details
of news explains in detail by
about where small amounts of
describing an event based on
complete and detailed data. An information can be found.
example of explanatory news
is data on corruption in social
assistance funds.

7 .Investigation news is
investigative coverage to
Investigation news This type of
uncover an event.
Investigations must have data news is usually made for a
that cannot be obtained on the specific purpose, such as
surface only, but must also be revealing hidden things that
carried out on the basis of have not been conveyed to the
investigations. The content of public.
this news is in the form of facts
that expose criminal cases or
fraud that causes harm to the
public interest. An example
from investigative news is
Revealing the crime of rat

8. Interpretative news is direct

news that is equipped with
additional information such as
Interpretative news purpose
from reporters and competent
To find out the latest
sources. It can be said that
information today which is
interpretative news is a
reported directly.
combination of facts and
opinions from reporters and
sources. An example of this
type of news, for example, is
the impact of terrorist
bombings on the number of
foreign tourists who come to
4. Magazine articles A magazine is a publication A magazine provides
with a paper cover which is information that may be more
issued regularly, usually every in depth but less timely than
week or every month, and that of, for example, a
which contains articles, stories, newspaper. A magazine can
photographs, and typically focus on trends or
advertisements. issues, and it can provide
background information for
The type of Magazines : news events.

1. General News Magazines. To publish news regularly and

Its similar to newspaper. the audiences is going to be
loyal and engage more.

2. Cooking Magazines. To introducing recipes and

Its a article filled by cook something tasty for everyone
recipes. who loves to cook.

3. Art Magazines. To give tutorials about how to

Generally sees famouys draw, paint or sketch. They
painting, fantastic music and can also be about music theory
dancing styles, incredible and musical instruments.
sculptures and many other art

4. Fashion Magazines. Fashion magazines are the

A magazine devoted to most well-known and easily
fashion, especially the latest accessible source for readers
styles of clothes, accessories, to learn current trends. Their
etc. main purpose is to disseminate
fashion news, styles, and
trends to the reader.

5. Health Magazines. Health ’s mission is to bring

As a publication focusing on a fact-based health and wellness
healthy lifestyle information to all people
regardless of race, gender
identity, sexual orientation,
age, religion, culture, body
type, and ability.
5. Biography A biography is a text written The purpose of biography text
about someone else's life is to tell a story of a person
(usually someone famous). An that the author finds
autobiography is a text written interesting.
about one's own life.

Type of Biographies :
1. Autobiography.
A narrative of person’s life, To portray the life experiences
written by, or as having been and achievement of the
written by that person. author.

2. Biography.
A history of a person as life it To share the life of another
could be written another person with an audience.

3. Memoir.
A narrative recollection of the Focus on personal
writer’s earlier experiences, experiences, intimacy and
especially those involving emotional truth.
unusual people, places or

The characteristic of the

biography are :
1. The contents of the
biographical text tell
the story or life
journey of a character
2. Using several linguistic
elements such as
reference words,
verbs, time, activity,
and place.
3. Biographical texts can
be presented in the
form of fiction or non-
4. The biographical text is
presented following a
certain pattern based
on the storyline,
especially the forward
plot, the point of view
of the story, the
writing style, the focus
of the story, and the
use of language.
5. The paragraphs in the
biographical text are
descriptively and
6. Biographical texts are
generally arranged
according to certain
structures such as
orientation, important
events or events, and
7. The character of the
character in the
biographical text is
described directly or
8. The pattern of
development of
biographical texts is
6. Scientific Journal A scientific journal is a Scientific journals serve as a
periodical publication intended research forum for the
to further the progress of introduction and presentation
science, usually by reporting of new research works for
new research. research and criticism of
existing research works. Its
main purpose is to distribute
knowledge about the latest
research and breakthroughs,
and not to make money.
Contributors to academic
journal articles publish their
work to build or enhance their
professional ranking and
Type of Scientific Journal.
1. Research journal Research journals
A research journal is a communicate the results of
researcher's report on the research in the field of study
results of research he has done
covered by the journal

Basically, most research

journals can be scientifically
justified depending on the
method used in the
preparation and preparation of
the research journal report.
Usually research journal
reports are included in the
publication of a collection of
journals together with reports
from other researchers.

2. Print journal
A printed journal is a type of To accessed via electronic
journal that is written by a transmission to provide
researcher or group of materials fot akademic
researchers and then research and study.
disseminated through print
media. Printed journals are
usually accompanied by
accreditation results from
journal accrediting bodies and
related institutions.

3. Electronic journal
Used for study, akademic
an electronic journal is "any
research, finding relevan
serial produced, published, and
information in the area of
distributed over electronic
specialitation, publishing
networks such as Bitnet and
articles/books and completion
the Internet." Furthermore,
of assigment and seminar
Smith (2003) provides a clear
definition of journalism as "any
journal that is available online,
including those available both
electronically and in print".

4. National Journal
a national journal is a means of For publishing national types
publishing articles of a national of scientific works.
nature (national scientific
publications), and one of the
types of scientific works, which
is an indication of the
development of science and

5. International journal To report news insight and

International journals are foster critical debate about the
journals whose manuscripts role that education plays in
are international. Therefore, development.
the languages used are
international languages,
namely UN languages: English,
French, Arabic, Chinese and
Russian. Writing in
international journals means
presenting novelties to
internationally competent

1. Sample for Ad of Service.

2. Sample for Ad of Product.
3. Sampe for Ad of Job Vacancy.

4. Sample for Review of product.

-1. Product quality: "The stroller is good, the material is strong and does not dent easily. The wheels
also don't drag. The cover is thick so it doesn't penetrate the sun. The handle for pushing is also
comfortable and not slippery. There is a place to store luggage underneath so it's not a hassle again
if you are traveling. On the right side there is also a place to store milk bottles. The model is good, it
can be rotated, so the child can face the mother, or face forward"

-2. How to install: "At first it was difficult to assemble this stroller. But fortunately, the manual
includes a link to see the steps on YouTube. So it's very easy"

-3. Packing: "The packaging is very good, because it is wrapped in bubble wrap and also in wooden
packaging, so the stroller is safe without any dents"

-4. Delivery: "Delivery is a bit long, it takes 3 days even though it's still in the Jabodetabek area,
maybe the 12.12 promo is going on so there are a lot of deliveries. But it's okay because it's not in a

-5. Overall: "Overall very satisfying, I give 5 stars."

5. Sample review of book.

Title of the book: Understanding the Contents of the Heart (according to the title of the book you
want to review)

ISBN: (fill in according to the ISBN in the book)

Author: Yuliana Utami

Publisher: Media Library

Issued: August 25, 2020

Pages: 156 pages

Book Category: Non Fiction

 The book, entitled Understanding the Heart, tells the story of ethics in understanding one's
heart when viewed from various perspectives, including from the point of view of
 The contents of a person's heart that is considered mysterious can be read through various
things that appear in a person, one of which is through his movements. Yuliana Utami, who
is a talented young writer, writes about how the heart process works in general.
 From a psychological point of view, Yuliani Utami describes how the heart is in every
situation. What I like about this book is when the author gives real-life examples of every
heart condition being discussed.
 Readers can better understand how the heart process works in certain situations. The
language used is also quite friendly, so it is easy to understand.
 However, there are parts of this book that I didn't like. In some explanations of
understanding the heart in this book, the author does not include a strong source. Even
though this book is included in the non-fiction category, which means that every insight in it
can be strengthened by existing sources.
 Even so, the author managed to attract the reader's attention with case examples and
language arranged in a relaxed but clear manner. The book, which has a thickness of 156
pages, has a pretty good cover.
 The selection of images and colors illustrates the contents of this book at a glance. In the
writing section of the title there is also a bold or embossed print that adds to the luxurious
impression of this book. This non-fiction book has sold quite a lot among the public.
 This book 'understanding the contents of the day' is not only suitable for adults to read,
teenagers can also learn a lot from the contents of this one book. Moreover, the explanation
in it can also guide the reader to be able to behave and be civilized in front of many types of
 Although it has some shortcomings as mentioned above, this book has received a good
appreciation and welcome from non-fiction book readers in Indonesia. This can also be
proven from the many positive comments by reading experts behind the cover.
 For the rating, I think this book deserves an 8 out of 10 rating. The content and purpose of
this book is quite good in the eyes of the readers. Sales are quite a lot within 3 is also not a
proof that this book is recommended enough for everyone.

6. Sample review of journal.

Title Leasing in sharia perspektive.

Volume and page Volume 5, number. 1
Year 2013
Writer Ningsih Wahyuningsih
Reviewer Muhammad Ali Imran caniago
Date 21 may 2019
Research The main purpose of this research is to get a better understanding of how
purposes lessing transactions are carried out according to the sharia.
Research subject Lessing intitutions for conventional as well as sharia bussinesses.
Research result Leasing or leasing companies for business have business activities that are
engaged in financing for customer needs.
This financing means that if there are customers who are in need of capital
goods by buying on credit or renting, then the leasing party can finance the
customer's wishes in accordance with the agreement.
Advantages The advantages of this journal include using simple language so that it is easily
understood by readers even the layman.
Deficiency The identity of the journal is not included in the journal. The page number is
missing. The abstract is still in Indonesian. There are some words that do not
match the use of EYD.
7. Sample news article of hard news.

8. Sample news article of soft news.

9. Sample news article of indepth news.

10. Sample news article of opinion news.

11. Sample news article of feature.

12. Sample news article of explanatory news.

Malaysia Chaotic, Thousands Arrested

Kuala Lumpur-Political chaos in Malaysia. Demonstrations demanding reform in the neighboring

country led to clashes between

security forces and thousands of demonstrators. In the clashes that occurred in the capital Kuala
Lumpur, at least 1,400 people were arrested.

Dozens of people were reported injured, but there were no reports of serious injuries. As a result of
barricades installed throughout the city and clashes, since Friday (8/7) night Kuala Lumpur has
become like a dead city. Some analysts said the police action was excessive and would tarnish the
image of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Strict action was taken by the Malaysian police because they considered yesterday's demonstration
illegal. Polls! also repeatedly threw tear gas to disperse demonstrators and arrested activists for
refusing an offer by the authorities to hold a demonstration in a more suitable place.

(Source: Seputar Indonesia, 10 Jul 2011).

13. Investigation news.

14. interpretative news.
15. Sample of General News Magazines.

16. Sample of Cooking Magazines.

17. Sample of Fashion Magazines.

18. Sample of Art Magazines.

19. Sample of Health Magazines.
20. Sample of Autobiography.
21. Sample of Biography.
22. Sample of Memoir.
23. Sample of research journal.
24. Sample of print journal.
25. Sample of electronic journal.
26. Sample of national journal.
27. Sample of international journal.

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