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Chapter 1



Poor decision making occurs when people are under drastic time pressure

(Payne, Bettman, and Johnson, 1988). People in this situation do not change their

perspective. Instead, they adjust the decisions and expedite information when

they do not have complete access to it.

Peter Ducker (2014) states that the most common source of problems in

decision making is the importance of finding the right answer rather than the right

question. Decision makers require complete knowledge about the situation, failure

to essential facts may result in an incorrect decision (Frank Sonnenberg, 2015,

Lindsay Taylor, 2013). Having a lot of knowledge is frequently considered as

good, but if the information is insufficient to support your decision, you may feel

mistaken and confused (Eleonora Malacarne, 2019).

Decision making has become important as research has shown that good

strategic decision-making are associated with good performance (Russell, 2001).

Decision making is important for everyone. Making decisions is crucial to people's

lives. The people's career life is saved by keeping them out from the trap that

manages everyone. The ability to distinguish between choice and needs play a

vital role in the life of people. The ability to make decisions and choices for oneself

according to (Chitra Reedy, 2016).

Diwan Amit (2022) Sometimes a single choice can make and can change

the trajectory of life. One's future is determined by the choices you make now, and

this choice may change that. Due to the fact that every time a fresh and

determined decision has been made, your life changes. Decision making is crucial

for everyone. They can be saved if they make the correct choices at the right

moment. However, failing to make the right choice does not spell disaster.

Effective decision making is a great confidence builder. Conversely, having more

self-assurance will likely make wise choices. The ability to handle potentially

challenging situations increases over (Melissa Paige Leigh, 2017).

This study has relevance to Compostela National High School thrust on

enhancing decision making among SHS-STEM learners. The researchers have

not come across a study that built on decision making in the local rectory. It is in

this context that the researchers are interested in determining the decision of

students as this can range their knowledge in matrix decision effectively. The

result of the study could develop action plans to improve decision making of SHS-

STEM learners.

Conceptual framework

Figure 1: A conceptual paradigm showing the factors affecting decision making.

Jack Zenger (2014) states that the factors affecting decision making are

the following; (a) Laziness, this showed up as a failure to check facts to take

initiatives to confirm assumptions, or to gather additional output. Basically, people

were perceived to be sloppy in their work and unwilling to themselves out. (b)

Indecisiveness, at the end of the scale when faced with complex decisions that

will be based on constantly changing data, it is easy to continue the data before a

decision gets made. (c) Remaining locked in the past, people make poor

decisions to the reason of the fact that they are using the same old data or

processes they always have. (d) Having no strategic alignment, bad decisions

stem from a failure to the problem to the overall strategy. In the absence of a clear

strategy that provides context, many solutions appear to make sense.


Statement of the Problem

     The study attempts to determine the Decision Making of SHS-STEM students

at Compostela National High School Academic year 2022-2023.

     Specially, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in level of;

a. age;

b. sex;

c. year level?

2. What is the level of decision making when measured in terms of;

a. laziness;

b. indecisiveness;

c. remaining locked in the past;

d. strategic alignment?


     The level of decision making of SHS-STEM Students is poor in satisfaction.


Significance of the Study

     The result of the study will merit the following;

School Administrators - the results of this study will assist the school

administrators to improve the students decision making and enhance programs

for school's advancement.

Curriculum Planner - this study helps solve problems promptly and creates a

leadership position for the decision-makers.

Guidance Councilor - the result of this study is to encourage students' academic,

social, emotional, and personal development.

Students - the result of this study is personality builder. Decision-making skills for

students can help the student to provide an insight on their personality as it throws

light on their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, it can allow the students to focus

on their weaknesses so that they can improve them.

Parents - the result of this study is the parents’ decisions dictates the path that

their children's  lives take. Teaching your children to make their own decisions has

several benefits. When they make a good decision, they can gain the greatest

amount of satisfaction and fulfillment because they chose it.

Future Researchers - the result of this study will add to the body of knowledge

that other researchers can use as a reference material to determine where there

are gaps in the literature for future studies on relevant topics.

Scope and limitation

This study is limited only to Compostela National High School during the

Academic Year 2022-2023.

Determining the factors affecting Decision Making of Senior highschool STEM

students was the fucos of this research. The information needed will be gathered

using the survey research-made questionaire. Only this specific set of students

was qualified to collect all of the data and insights used to develop the study’s


 Definition of terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to this study,

the following terms are define conceptually and operationally.

Decision Making- the process of making choices by identifying a decision,

gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.

Factors – it is a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or


Expedite- make an action or process happen sooner or be accomplished more


Effective- producing or capable of producing a result.

Strategic- a process of understanding the interaction of decisions and their

impact upon the organization to gain an advantage.

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