Pushpam October

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Pushpam Calendar September

Week 1
Sl No Date Day Concept Caption
1 10/1/2022 Saturday Spiritual Saturdays The values attached to dualities are made
from the mind. They are based on
prejudices, not the ultimate truth

2 10/2/2022 Sunday Sunday Thoughts Thoughts, feelings and actions are

instruments of spirituality. Evolvement
begins with the mindful use of these

3 10/3/2022 Monday Monday motivation Experience is the greatest teacher that

guides us through this life towards the light.

4 10/4/2022 Tuesday Tuesday Thinking Happiness: A choice not a destination.

Source of eternal Joy is to look within.
5 10/5/2022 Wednesd Midweek inspiration Detachment is the key to turn inward. Inner
ay peace comes from freedom from worldly

6 10/6/2022 Thursday Thoughtful Thursdays The wise words of The Dalai Lama on Love,
Compassion and Giving.

7 10/7/2022 Friday Friday Mindfulness When God is everywhere, peace is a natural

state. What is within, is all around the self.

Week 2
8 10/8/2022 Saturday Spiritual Saturdays The only way to enlightenment is to serve
others. By serving others, true evolvement
becomes possible and within reach.
9 10/9/2022 Sunday Sunday Thoughts Yoga. A fine balance. Through practice
comes knowledge. Through knowledge
comes bliss.

10 10/10/2022 Monday Monday motivation All it takes to achieve incredible things is

commitment and focus. The results will

11 10/11/2022 Tuesday Tuesday Thinking Service is a path to enlightenment. Love

and care to fellow human beings can uplift
and help us evolve.

12 10/12/2022 Wednesd Midweek inspiration Mindfulness is not a goal. It is a state of

ay being. An awakened state of consciousness.
13 10/13/2022 Thursday Thoughtful Thursdays A mind full of distractions is incapable of
focus. Focus is the first step in meditation

14 10/14/2022 Friday Friday Mindfulness Everything we are begins and ends with our
ability to turn inward. With this, we can
move mountains.

Week 3
15 10/15/2022 Saturday Spiritual Saturdays Change begins with small steps. The road to
enlightenment is full deliberate choices.

16 10/16/2022 Sunday Sunday Thoughts Doing one's duty diligently is a form of

meditation. To serve, love, give is a way to
meditate and realize inner peace
17 10/17/2022 Monday Monday motivation The goal of meditation is to be aware of the
self. Thoughts, emotions, fears come and go
like the tide.

18 10/18/2022 Tuesday Tuesday Thinking What one values as important is an

outcome of surroundings. When thoughts
are turned inward, there is only one desire,
i.e. to evolve.

19 10/19/2022 Wednesd Midweek inspiration Flexibility of the body is not enough. It is

ay only when the mind is flexible that
evolvement happens

i 10/20/2022 Thursday Thoughtful Thursdays One is the scultor of one's own mind,
thoughts and through these two, one's
actions. It is through this process that one
seeks the light.
21 10/21/2022 Friday Friday Mindfulness The mind is full of narratives that it picks up
from the surroundings. The self is beyond
such narratives. The self is pure and

22 10/22/2022 Saturday Spiritual Saturdays True enlightenment is when the self
expands to include everything around it.
When everything one sees is an extension
of self, how can one not be compassionate?

23 10/23/2022 Sunday Sunday Thoughts The importance of service, kindness and

compassion. It is through serving others
that one can ultimately find oneself

24 10/24/2022 Monday Monday motivation Meditation is a way of life that turns the
mind inward to seek light. The reality
around is inconsequential to this process
25 10/25/2022 Tuesday Tuesday Thinking When the physical world around does not
affect the mind, the mind is truly free. A
mind that is free is easily channelized
towards the self.

26 10/26/2022 Wednesd Midweek inspiration Turning inwards towards the self is the final
ay destination of all knowledge. It is through
this that one knows joy, peace and
complete fulfilment.

27 10/27/2022 Thursday Thoughtful Thursdays In a world full of noise, purpose can create
the silence necessary for growth. In such a
space, other people's opinions cease to

28 10/28/2022 Friday Friday Mindfulness In the eyes of the Almighty, everyone is the
same. He is not partial and does not favour

Week 5
29 10/29/2022 Saturday Spiritual Saturdays Words of wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita o

30 10/30/2022 Sunday Sunday Thoughts When the inner self is filled with light, there
can be no darkness. Any darkness around
has no power to create fear or discomfort

31 10/31/2022 Monday Monday motivation Expecting life to be fair or even balanced is

not possible. What is possible is to prepare
oneself to accept life for what it is.

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