Scenario - DZ Ambush

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The defenders received intel that an attacking force would be attempting a paradrop in
this area soon. Would they be dropping supplies for the resistance, a commando team,
or was this a feign to distract them?

Points limit: 20 points

Follow the guidelines on page 43 to create a countryside scene. The table should be
scattered with large spaces of open ground and rough ground. Obstacles like
hedgerows or fences separate the table into different fields. You may place up to one
small farmhouse.

The defender does not deploy Patrol markers or any sentries. Instead, he places his
entire force in reserve from the start. Follow the rules for reserves and moving onto the
table as normal. The alarm tracker starts at suspicious for this scenario.

First, the Attacker and then the Defender alternate placing 4 Objective markers. They
must be at least 9 inches away from the table edges and each other. The attacker then
chooses two opposite table edges as his escape edges and places one Escape marker
on each. Along the middle line between these two tables edges he places a Special
marker. This is where his troops are attempting to paradrop onto. When the attacker
draws an Action token, he must give a fighter an Advance action. Place the model on
the Special marker then roll the dice. Move the model in the direction the chevrons point
on each die and move 3 inches for each chevron stripe. Medal results have no effect.
Alert results do not add an alert token to the fighter but instead count as a minor wound.
The model must take a trauma roll immediately. Stealth results cancel out Alert results
as normal. If a fighter lands in an area of rough ground or a building, they will take a
Strength 1 hit and make a wound roll with one black die.

The defender’s reserves enter from the table edges the attacker did not place an
Escape marker on. They may attempt to move onto the table turn 1 as if the alarm was
raised. They may move towards the closest Objective marker or the Special marker or a
detect enemy fighter within 15”.

Attacker Objectives
Primary: Recover at least 2 supply canisters and escape off of one of the chosen table
Secondary: At least half of the original number of fighters in the attacking force must
move off one of the chosen table edges.
Defender Objectives
Primary: Destroy the supply canisters before the enemy recovers them.
Secondary: Take out at least half of the original number of fighters in the attacking

Special Rules
Supply Canisters
An attacking fighter may pick up an Objective marker if they touch it. Carrying an
Objective marker has no effect on movement or any actions. They may not carry more
than one Objective or pass the Objective to another fighter. The Bad Intel and
Dangerous Objective Event cards have no effect for this scenario. If a fighter is taken
out while carrying an Objective, place the marker where the model was.

A defending fighter may attempt to destroy an Objective marker if they touch it. Make a
basic Brawn test. Alert and Stealth results DO have an effect as normal.

Ending the Game

The game ends immediately when either side completes their secondary objective. At
this point, whoever has achieved their primary objective is the winner. If they have also
achieved their secondary objective, then they have a Total Victory. If not, then they
have a Partial Victory.

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