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1) Position A and B both at Latitude N75:00 are plotted on a Polar stereographic chart, the initial

great circle track from A at N75:00 W107:00 to B is 326T and the longitude of B is

a) E141:00
b) W034:00
c) E039:00

2) In order to arrive at position S20:00 W172:00 15 minutes before the end of evening civil
twilight on April 14th , an aeroplane on a six hour flight must leave position S08:00 E178:00

a) 1132 LMT April 15th

b) 1117 LMT April 15th
c) 1124 LMT April 15th

3) An aeroplane departs from position A N60:00 E118:45 at 0600Z on January 2nd, flying due
west at a mean groundspeed of 300kts and lands at sunset the same day at destination in

a) E083:15
b) E071:39
c) E101:00

4) The scale of a polar stereographic chart is 1:1992 047 at S80:00 and atS75:00 the scale is:

a) 1:999 640
b) 1:1 016 966
c) 1:982 609

5) On a conical orthomorphic chart, one standard parallel is N40:00 and measures 63.88 cm, the
length of the other standard parallel is 41.7 cm at latitude ?

a) N20:00
b) N55:00
c) N60:00

6) On a mercator chart the perpendicular distance between parallels N34:00 and N35:00 is 2cm
and the scale at N30:00 is :

a) 1:5 815 000

b) 1:5 559 000
c) 1:5 432 000

7) A mercator chart is constructed to a scale of 1:5 000 000 at the equator nd the width of the
graticule between the greenwich meridian and E030:00 is:

a) 26.26 cm
b) 69.49 cm
c) 66.65 cm

8) During a flight along the N48:00 parallel, the measured distance between fixes X and Y 25
minutes apart is 17.9 cm on a mercator chart. The scale of the cart is 1:3 000 000 at N15:00,
and the aircrafts Ground speed is :

a) 434 kts
b) 459 kts
c) 482 kts

9) An aircraft overflies position A on a heading of 067C variiation 21W, deviation 3E,

intending to maintain a track of 058T Afix is obained 105 nm from A which places the
aircraft 7 nm to the left of intended track, The heading Magnetic to be steered to return to A
from the fix is:

a) 239M
b) 257M
c) 260M

10) The initial great circle track from A (S41:27 W171:24) to B (S41:27 E161:24) is:

a) 288T
b) 279T
c) 261T

11) On a lambert’s chart in the northen Hemisphere, a straight line is drawn from A to B, the track
measured at A is 070T, An aircraft leaves A on a constant heading of 070T zero wind
conditions, and will pass :

a) North of B
b) Overhead B
c) South of B

12) Aircraft A GS 280 kts passes point X 7 minutes ahead of aircraft B, GS 326 kts, Aircraft B
passes the point Y 6 minutes ahead of aircraft A, the distance from X to Y is:

a) 429.7 nm
b) 411.9 nm
c) 400.7 nm

13) An aircraft flies from A (N48:47 E169:20) on a rhumb line track of 090T to B, the distance is
450 nm, the longitude of B is:

a) W179:17
b) E179:43
c) W179:24

14) The position of A is N40:00 E008:00, B is on the same parallel, the grat circle track form A to
B is 276, the longitude of B is

a) W001:20
b) W010:40
c) E026:40

15) An aircraft receives a QDM of 073 from a VDF station in position N30:00 W020:00,
variation at he aircraft is 17E and 19E at the VDF, convergency 4, the bearing to plot on a
lamberts chart is :

a) 272
b) 270
c) 268

16) Two meridians 174W and 172E in the southern hemisphere, have a convergency of 7 on a
lamberts chart. The great circle track from A (W168:00) to B(E172:00) measures 250T at A,
the rhumb line track from B to A is:

a) 075,0
b) 073,5
c) 080,0
17) Two aircraft at the same flight level, estimate the same position at the same time. Aircraft A ,
GS 200 kts is flying due north. Aircraft B GS 300 kts is flying due east. Aircraft A’s velocity
relative to B is :

a) 303 at 360 kts

b) 056 at 360 kts
c) 034 at 400 kts

18) The pilot of an aircraft TAS 360 kts heading 309T makes the following observations using
Airborne search radar (ASR) :

Time Relative bearing Range nm

1036 015 47
1042 055 20

Using the navigational computer the local W/V is:

a) 248/48 kts
b) 055/47 kts
c) 010/44 kts

19) An aircraft leaves position X (S30:00 W168:45) at sunrise on January 21st for positon Y
(S30:00 E165:18), reaching Y at sunset on January 22nd. The average GS for the flight is :

a) 126 kts
b) 87 kts
c) 101 kts

20) An aircraft passes overhead NDB A at 10:32 Z, TAS 260 kts, heading 060M, variation 17E.
At 10:46 Z, the radio compass is tuned to NDB A, which gives a teady relative bearing of
178, Simultaniously the aircraft passes over NDB B, 110 nm from A, the Wind Velocity is :

a) 335/35
b) 277/29
c) 237/29

21) The following wind velocities are forcas for the climb to cruising altitude.

W/V 270/15
W/V 240/27
W/V 180/42

The mean W/V for the climb is :

a) 230/28
b) 214/23
c) 195/27

22) A flight of 2152 km is flown along the 69th parallel on atrack of 270T. the LMT of arrival at
the deatination is the same as the LMT of departure, after a flight of :

a) 1 hr 12 min
b) 3 hr 36 min
c) 6 hr 40 min

23) An aircraft departs from P (S22:55 E008:10) for Q following a rhumbline track of 340T and
crosses the equator in longitude :

a) W009:00
b) W000:21
c) W008:19

24) The graet circle bearing of A from B is 094T, the rhumb line bearing of B from A is 270T
the cahnge of longitude between A and B is 10 degrees and the mean latitude between A and
B is approximately :

a) S36:52
b) N36:52
c) S53:08

25) Two aircraft on the same track at the same flight level are approaaching waypoint 4. The first
at a ground speed of 240 kts is 280 nm form WPT 4 at 0620 Z. the second at ground speed
300 kts is 315 nm from WPT 4 at 0626 Z. in order to ensure 50 nm seperation at waypoint 4,
the second aircraft must reduce its speed to 240 kts at:

a) 0630 Z
b) 0653 Z
c) 0645 Z

26) A track is drwn from N70:00 E100:00 to N70:00 W140:00 on a polar stereo graphic chart. At
its most northerly point this track will be :

a) At a tangent to N80:00 latitude

b) North of N80:00
c) South of N80:00

27) The track of an aircraft represented by a straight linbe on a polar stereo graphic chart measures
328T at position N74:00 E015:20, and recrosses latitude N74:00 at :

a) W079:20
b) W116:20
c) W100:40

28) A Lamberts chart ( Northern Hemisphere n facto 0,8) has an overprinted grid based on
W40:00. The grid heading of an aircraft crossing E30:00 ( variation 10 West) is 250 (G) and
the heading magnetic is

a) 268
b) 316
c) 300

29) On a lamberts projection the meridians through A S50:00 E008:30 and B S48:00 W006:30
converge at an angle of 10,095 and the parallel of origin of this projection is

a) S42:18
b) S49:12
c) S55:40

30) At 1530Z an aircraft, track 190M ground speed 360 kts,observed a QDM of 240 to an NDB
at 1540Z the QDM to th eNDB was 330. The losest distance of the aircraft fro the NDB was

a) 20 nm
b) 30 nm
c) 40 nm

31) The standard time of moonrise at Cape Town S33:58 E018:36 on January 1st 1970, was.

a) 0002
b) 0048
c) 0116

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