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CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:45–54

Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer

Yen-Ching Chen, ScD; David J. Hunter, MD, ScD

Dr. Chen is Research Fellow,

ABSTRACT Epidemiology is very successful in identifying environmental and lifestyle factors Brigham and Women’s Hospital, De-
that increase or reduce risk of specific cancers, leading to cancer prevention strategies. How- partment of Medicine, Harvard Med-
ical School, Boston, MA.
ever, the etiology of many types of cancer is still poorly understood, despite extensive use of
Dr. Hunter is Director, Program in
questionnaires and interview-based approaches in conventional epidemiologic studies. The Molecular and Genetic Epidemiol-
integration of molecular techniques into epidemiology studies may provide new insights and has ogy, Harvard School of Public
Health, Boston, MA.
been referred to as molecular epidemiology. For instance, our ability to make connections
This article is available online at
between lifestyle and cancer risk is limited by difficulty in accurately measuring exposure to
many carcinogens—newer molecular markers of exposure may provide better information. The
completion of the Human Genome Project gives us knowledge of the genetic variations that
presumably underlie the fact that a family history of cancer is a risk factor for most cancer types. Some of this excess risk has been
explained over the last decade by identification of mutations in genes that give rise to a very high familial risk. Molecular epidemiologists
are searching for genes that may give rise to much smaller increases in individual risk, but account for much of the residual risk
associated with family history. These genes may also interact with environment and lifestyle factors such that cancer risk is not equally
elevated in all persons exposed to an environmental factor (but not genetically susceptible), or all gene carriers (but not exposed to the
environmental factor). Molecular markers may help to differentiate tumors with the same histologic appearance into different etiologic
subtypes. Finally, response to treatment may be determined by molecular subtypes of the tumor, or inherited variation in drug
metabolism. Examples will be given of how use of molecular techniques is informative in epidemiological studies of cancer and is
predicted to lead to improvements in cancer incidence, early detection, and mortality. (CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:45–54.) © American
Cancer Society, Inc., 2005.


Molecular epidemiology refers to the use of molecular biology techniques in epidemiologic research. A PubMed
search on the term “molecular epidemiology” in July 2004 found more than 3,500 citations; the vast majority of these
describe the use of molecular techniques to identify subtypes of infectious organisms and thus make inferences about
their transmission and pathogenesis. The term was first popularized in the context of infectious diseases, and in the
early 1980s it was applied to chronic disease research. Schulte1 defined the term as “the incorporation of molecular,
cellular, and other biologic measurements into epidemiologic research”; and inspection of the citations in the above
search shows that most of the applications of molecular epidemiology to chronic disease are in cancer research.
A well-established paradigm for molecular epidemiology contrasts it with “traditional” epidemiology (Figure 1). In this
comparison, “traditional” epidemiology is concerned with correlating exposures with cancer outcomes, and everything
between the cause (exposure) and the outcome (a cancer) is treated as a “black box.” This formulation is somewhat unfair
to “traditional” epidemiologists, who have usually been very interested in the biologic basis of their observed associations.
Indeed, the Bradford-Hill criteria for assigning causality to an association featured biologic plausibility as an important
criterion.2 However, it is by and large fair to characterize the interaction of epidemiology with biology as mostly
passive— explanations were sought in the work of molecular biologists, toxicologists, and others for mechanisms by which
a specific exposure might cause a specific cancer type. Applications to cancer were also hindered by our limited
understanding of the molecular pathways and mechanisms underlying cancer causation, resulting in limited opportunities
for rational integration of molecular analysis into cancer epidemiology studies. Furthermore, many “traditional” epide-

Volume 55 Y Number 1 Y January/February 2005 45

Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer

miologic studies are performed using databases, posures occurred in the distant past. If an expo-
mailed questionnaires, or telephone interviews, sure is measured with substantial error, then the
providing little opportunity for obtaining the bi- statistical relation between the exposure and
ologic samples necessary for molecular analyses. cancer occurrence will be greatly attenuated.
In molecular epidemiology, the epidemiolo- Since we are often interested in common, but
gist is much more of a participant in the assess- relatively weak, causes of cancer (eg, exposures
ment of the biologic basis for an association, by that may double or halve the risk of cancer, as
using biologic measurements to assess exposure, opposed to a factor like cigarette smoking that
internal dose, biologically effective dose, early increases the risk of lung cancer 20-fold or more),
biologic effect, altered structure/function, inva- the ability to estimate exposures accurately can be
sive cancer diagnosis, tumor metastasis and prog- the difference between establishing a causal link
nosis. In this way, the epidemiologist may help and an inconclusive study. Thus, for a strong risk
open up the “black box” by examining the events factor like smoking, the association is attenuated,
intermediate between exposure and disease oc- but still observable, if misclassification of the ex-
currence or progression. posure exists. However, the association between
The continuum of events represented in Fig- disease and a weak risk factor may be so attenu-
ure 1 may be measured by “traditional” means, ated as to be statistically indistinguishable from
eg, a questionnaire measurement of exposure, or chance results. The history of studies of human
a histologic assessment of invasive cancer. Increas- papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer pro-
ingly, however, the tools of molecular biology are vides an example of how the availability of in-
used to provide more accurate and specific mea- creasingly accurate molecular techniques has
surements. strengthened the relation between exposure and
Biomarkers used for molecular epidemiology disease. In this example discussed below, the rel-
in cancer research can be categorized into differ- evant measurement concerns the presence or ab-
ent classes: markers of exposure (eg, presence of a sence of a causal infection; however, the exposure
cancer-causing virus),3 markers of dose (eg, may have occurred in the distant past and cannot
amount of the cancer-causing virus),4 markers of be measured, or accurately recalled, at the time of
internal dose (eg, DNA adducts formed after the cancer diagnosis. A second example of aflatoxin
metabolic activation of certain carcinogens such and liver cancer illustrates the use of the “molec-
as aflatoxin),5,6 markers of biologically effective ular fingerprint” from past exposure to infer its
dose (eg, somatic p53 mutations that may both existence.
indicate exposure to a specific carcinogen and be
one of the genetic “hits” in the multihit model of HPV and Cervical Cancer
carcinogenesis),7 markers of altered structure/
function (eg, chromosomal aberrations),8,9 mark- More than 100 genotypes of HPV have been
ers of susceptibility (eg, metabolic polymorphisms identified, although only a subset of these have
in genes that are involved in carcinogen metab- carcinogenic potential.15 HPV selectively infects
olism or detoxification),10 markers of cancer sub- the epithelium of skin and mucous membranes.
type (eg, estrogen and progesterone receptors in Specific HPV types are associated with squamous
breast cancer), and markers of prognosis (eg, met- cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and dysplasias of
abolic polymorphisms in drug-metabolism gene) the cervix, penis, anus, vagina, and vulva.16 Using
(Table 1). Some of these examples are discussed current technologies, HPV DNA can be detected
in more detail below. in 95% to 100% of cervical cancer specimens,17
and has been called a “necessary cause” of cervical
HPV Detection Techniques
Measuring exposures (environmental and life-
style factors potentially related to cancer) can be Initially, nonamplifying techniques (eg, South-
very challenging, particularly if the relevant ex- ern blot, in situ hybridization, and dot-blot) used

46 CA A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:45–54

FIGURE 1 Molecular Epidemiology Opens Up the Pathway from Exposure to Disease.

Adapted with permission from Schulte P.1

radio-labeled nucleic acid probes to detect HPV and Schatzkin22 compared two studies utilizing
infection in cervical samples.20,21 The disadvan- different methods for HPV detection in which
tages of these direct-probe approaches include the less sensitive Southern blot approach re-
low sensitivity and the need for relatively large sulted in a lower estimate of the relative risk
amount of purified DNA.21 More sensitive am- and attributable fraction than the more sensi-
plification methods include Hybrid Capture tive PCR approach. Similarly, Bosch, et al.23
(HC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The compared three HPV DNA testing techniques
Hybrid Capture II (Digene, Inc.) is a commercial (Southern hybridization, PCR, and Virapap) in
HPV detection kit, used for detection of all high- relation to the odds ratios (OR) and attribut-
risk oncogenic and most of low-risk nononco- able risk fractions for 926 female cases and
genic HPV genotypes.21 The genotype-specific controls with cervical scrapes in Spain. Virapap
RNA probes bind to single-stranded HPV DNA was a commercial dot blot screening test kit
and the hybrids are “captured” and detected using and could be used for seven HPV types. For
antibodies and chemiluminescent detection.21 cervical cancer outcome, ORs obtained by us-
The various PCR approaches for HPV detection ing Southern hybridization (OR, 16.3; 95%
can detect either a group of HPV types or a single confidence interval (CI), 7.7–34.4) and PCR
type of HPV.4,20 After PCR is performed by technique (OR, 24.3; 95% CI, 14.4 – 41.0)
using consensus primers, specific HPV genotypes were about 2.5 and 4 times higher than OR
can be determined by restriction fragment length obtained by utilizing Virapap (OR, 6.3; 95%
polymorphisms, linear probe assays, direct se- CI, 3.4 –11.6), respectively.23,24 The risk of
quencing, or genotype-specific PCR primers.21 cervical cancer attributable to HPV infection
The strength of association between HPV was substantially higher for Southern hybrid-
and cervical cancer depends on the sensitivity ization and PCR techniques (attributable risk
of the HPV detection technique. Schiffman fraction, 33% and 67%, respectively) as com-

Volume 55 Y Number 1 Y January/February 2005 47

Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer

TABLE 1 Examples of Important Contributions of Molecular Epidemiology to Cancer Research

Class of
Biomarkers Example Agent/Exposure Health Effect Reference(s)
Dose marker Quantify human Human papillomavirus Cervical cancer
papillomavirus viral load by
using real-time polymerase
chain reaction
Viral infection Cervical human Human papillomavirus Cancers in cervix, penis,
papillomavirus presence anus, vagina, and
Adducts Aflatoxin adducts in serum or Aflatoxin Hepatocellular
urine carcinoma
Acquired p53 mutation Codon 249 mutations in p53 Aflatoxin Hepatocellular
in hepatocellular carcinoma carcinoma
Metabolic polymorphisms Inherited polymorphisms of Cooked meats and Colorectal cancer
NAT2 gene heterocyclic aromatic
Chromosomal Chromosomal aberrations Genotoxic carcinogens (eg, A variety of cancer types
aberrations detected in peripheral polyaromatic
blood lymphocytes hydrocarbon, pesticides,
butadiene, diisocyanate,
and styrene)
Diagnosis Risk factors for breast cancer Environmental and lifestyle Breast cancer
are different according to factors
estrogen and progesterone
receptor status of the
Treatment response Inherited difference in Thiopurine drugs/thiopurine Myelosuppression
metabolic activation of S-Methyltransferase
chemotherapy agents

pared with Virapap (attributable risk fraction, estimated by quantitative PCR, may distin-
23%). Subsequent studies using increasingly guish HPV carriers at low and high risk of
sensitive methods have estimated the propor- development of cervical cancer.3
tion of cases of cervical cancer with evidence of
HPV infection to be greater than 99%.18 These Interaction Between p53, Rb and HPV in
data show the importance of using the most Cervical Carcinomas
sensitive molecular analysis in molecular epide-
miology studies if accurate estimates of relative Further evidence for both the causality of
risk and attributable risk fractions are to be the HPV-cervical cancer association, and the
made. mechanism for the association, comes from
Most women with evidence of HPV infec- studies of the biological interactions of HPV
tion do not develop cervical cancer and most proteins with cellular proteins that are critical
infections resolve within 1 to 2 years. Thus, the in controlling abnormal cellular proliferation.
current focus of molecular epidemiology stud- Integration of the genome of cancer-causing
ies is to find the determinants of initial infec- HPV subtypes into the host genome leads to
tion, subsequent persistence of oncogenic HPV expression of the viral oncogenic proteins E6
infection, and progression of early cervical ab- and E7. The E6 protein binds to and inactivates
normalities to invasive cancer, using large pro- p53, and the E7 protein binds to and degrades
spective studies of women with repeated the Rb protein. Inactivation and degradation of
measurements of HPV, cervical cytology, and these two tumor-suppressor proteins directly
potential cofactors for infection, progression, contributes to genetic instability and loss of
and invasion.19 It has been suggested that the normal cell cycle controls,25 thus providing a
amount of virus present in cervical tissues, as mechanism for the compelling epidemiological

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CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:45–54

association between specific HPV subtypes and hepatitis C infection, and alcohol intake are major
cervical cancer. Although smoking has been risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma.37
associated with risk of cervical cancer in epide- Aflatoxin-nucleic acid adducts in urine and serum
miologic studies, there has been concern that are intermediate biomarkers for assessing the
this association was confounded by smokers biological effective dose of aflatoxin. Quantifica-
having more or different sexual partners and tion of aflatoxin-serum albumin adducts has also
thus being more likely to be exposed to HPV. been validated in several experimental and epide-
In studies in which HPV testing was used to miologic studies, making it a useful screening tool
identify HPV, smoking increased the risk of for large-scale studies.5 In prospective studies, lev-
subsequent detection of cervical intraepithelial els of albumin adducts are higher in persons who
neoplasia.26 By limiting the study population to subsequently develop liver cancer, particularly if
women with HPV, these findings strengthen they are hepatitis B virus carriers.5,6 The finding
the evidence that smoking causes cervical that a high proportion of liver tumors diagnosed
cancer, rather than merely reflecting an associ- in aflatoxin-exposed areas have the characteristic
ation of smoking with the probability of ac- G:C somatic mutation in codon 249 of the p53
quiring HPV infection. gene adds to the associations between serum lev-
els of aflatoxin and liver cancer risk.38,39 Aflatoxin
B1 induces typical G:C to T:A transversions at
the third base in codon 249 of p53.40 This mo-
Ultraviolet-induced p53 Mutation and
lecular marker of aflatoxin-induced mutagenesis
Skin Cancer helped to establish that aflatoxin is a human liver
carcinogen, responsible for a high proportion of
Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and pyrimi- the tumors in geographic areas with high dietary
dine-pyrimidone(6 – 4) photoproducts are two exposure to aflatoxin.
major forms of DNA damage after ultravio-
let-B radiation. Among cyclobutane pyrimidine
dimers, thymine-cytosine and cytosine-cystosine
dimers are the most mutagenic. Thymine-
At each step in the continuum in Figure 1,
cytosine 3 thymine-thymine and cytosine-
between-person differences in the absorption,
cystosine 3 thymine-thymine mutations are
activation, and detoxification of carcinogens,
often found in the p53 sequence of ultraviolet-
or the response to DNA damage caused by
induced skin cancer cells27–31 and have been ob-
some carcinogens, may mediate the relation
served in animal studies.32,33 Also, pyrimidine-
between exposure and cancer outcome. The
pyrimidone(6 – 4) photoproducts are formed in
most common markers of susceptibility are
DNA after ultraviolet-B radiation and may lead
mutations in specific genes that confer in-
to DNA mutations.34 Although conventional ep-
creased or decreased risk. Familial clustering of
idemiology has long established the link between
specific cancer sites has long been recognized,
sun exposure and skin cancer, the specificity of
and family history of a specific cancer is asso-
the relation between ultraviolet-B and the p53
ciated with increased risk of that cancer for
mutation permits epidemiologic data to identify
most cancer types. Molecular analysis now per-
the specific wavelengths (290 to 320 nm) in sun-
mits some of this familial clustering to be traced
light that are carcinogenic.
to these mutations (for examples in breast and
Aflatoxin, Hepatitis Viruses, and colorectal cancer, see below). A spectrum exists
Hepatocellular Carcinoma ranging from “high penetrance” susceptibility
genes, ie, those with a high probability of
Aflatoxin is a naturally occurring mycotoxin35 cancer in mutation carriers, to “low pen-
found in contaminated foods such as peanuts, etrance” genes, in which cancer is diagnosed in
some other nuts, corn, soy sauce, and fermented a much lower proportion of carriers or only
soybeans.36 Aflatoxin exposure, hepatitis B or those exposed to specific environmental or life-

Volume 55 Y Number 1 Y January/February 2005 49

Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer

style factors develop the disease. High pen- Twin and family history studies have
etrance mutations are usually identified by shown that the proportion of breast cancer
studying families at high risk of specific cancers due to inherited susceptibility is substantial,
or multiple cancer syndromes. Linkage analysis and only part of this is accounted for by these
is used to identify chromosomal segments that high penetrance genes. Variants in genes that
occur more commonly in family members di- give rise to lower relative risks may be much
agnosed with cancer than in those free of more common, and thus account for higher
cancer. Specific mutated genes are then sought attributable risks than for high penetrance
in these segments. Low penetrance gene vari- genes (Figure 2). These gene variants do not
ants do not give rise to familial clustering and give rise to classic pedigrees, and are studied
are sought by comparing the prevalence of the in conventional molecular epidemiology
variant in a series of unrelated cases compared studies in conjunction with known lifestyle
with controls, often called “association stud- and environmental causes. Because of the
ies.” lower relative risks being studied, large case-
control studies are needed. Most of the cur-
Germline Mutations and Cancer rent work examines genetic variants in
candidate genes such as steroid-hormone
Germline mutations are inherited from a par- metabolism genes. Future approaches will in-
ent and are present in each cell in the body. Up to clude whole-genome single nucleotide poly-
5% of breast cancer and up to 15% of colorectal morphism searches, in which the whole
cancer are attributable to these high penetrance genome of cases and controls is queried for
hereditary germline mutations, with an even polymorphisms that are more or less com-
larger percentage associated with low penetrance mon in cases.
Colorectal Cancer
Breast Cancer
There are four hereditary colorectal
About 5% of breast cancer is attributable to cancer syndromes: familial adenomatous pol-
rare high-penetrance mutations in a small number yposis, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal
of specific genes (eg, BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, cancer (HNPCC), Peutz-Jeghers syndrome,
PTEN, and TP53); mutations in BRCA1 and and juvenile polyposis.
BRCA2 account for up to 50% of hereditary and HNPCC accounts for up to 3% of all colorec-
familial breast cancer41 (Figure 2). This propor- tal carcinomas,42,43 and is associated with muta-
tion is higher at younger age at onset, and in tions in one or more of several mismatch repair
families with multiple breast and/or ovarian (MMR) genes. Two human homologues of two
cancer cases. Each gene shows some differences in bacterial MMR proteins, hMSH2 and hMLH1,
the familial pattern of cancer: BRCA1 is more were discovered in the early 1990s by studying
strongly associated with ovarian cancer, BRCA2 families with a high burden of colorectal
with male breast cancer, ATM with radiosensi- cancer.45,46 Subsequent analyses of a larger set of
tivity, PTEN with Cowden’s syndrome (includ- families showed that germline mutations in these
ing hamartomas of the skin and other organs), and two MMR genes are responsible for 70% to 90%
p53 with Li-Fraumeni syndrome (including sar- of all HNPCC cases.46
comas and a variety of other tumors). These genes It is possible that a large proportion of co-
were originally identified in high-risk families in lorectal cancer cases result from inherited
which information from the pedigrees was used medium- or low-penetrance alleles, in which
to identify the chromosomal localization of the environmental factors may interact with the
mutated genes. Follow-up studies of carriers of inherited factors. For example, MSH6 is a
mutations in these genes are examining whether low-penetrance gene compared with MLH1
other genes are involved in modifying the age at and MSH2 mutations; mutations in MSH6
onset or lifetime incidence of the disease. are associated with a later age of onset of the

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CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:45–54

FIGURE 2 Proportion of Breast Cancer Attributable to Known and Unknown Germline Genetic Mutations.

disease and account for about 10% of all coding sequence for NAT2 give rise to different
germline MMR gene mutations in HNPCC forms of the NAT2 protein and these divide
patients.47 Future studies of medium- and Caucasian populations into slow acetylators
low-penetrance alleles, which are more dif- (about 55% of the population) and rapid acetyla-
ficult to identify and assess, will be needed to tors (about 45%). Thus, a theoretical basis exists
explain the balance of colorectal cancer cases for about half of the Caucasian population to
associated with a family history. metabolize heterocyclic amines differently from
the other half, and have different susceptibility to
genotoxic damage after exposure to heterocyclic
amines in cooked meat. Almost all studies have
DETOXIFICATION GENES shown that when analyzed without consideration
of meat consumption, there is very little differ-
Almost all exogenous carcinogens require ac- ence in risk of colorectal cancer between slow
tivation by metabolic enzymes, and detoxification and rapid acetylators. Several studies have shown
enzymes frequently exist to deactivate carcino- that colorectal cancer cases are more likely to be
gens or their intermediate metabolites. Inherited rapid acetylators if they consume diets high in red
polymorphisms in these enzymes may alter their meat intake.10 In some, but not all, studies that
rate of activation or detoxification, thus increas- assessed exposure to heterocyclic amines by us-
ing or decreasing the carcinogenic potential of the ing information on meat intake, and preferred
environmental exposures they act on. methods of cooking the meat (eg, grilling versus
The high temperature cooking of animal pro- broiling versus roasting),49 rapid acetylators con-
tein creates carcinogens such as heterocyclic suming higher predicted heterocyclic amine in-
amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.48 take have again been at somewhat higher risk of
Heterocyclic amines are metabolized by a num- colorectal cancer. Studies such as these can help
ber of enzymes, including N-acetyltransferase 2 identify the specific human carcinogens in com-
(NAT2); single nucleotide polymorphisms in the plex mixtures, like diet, and may ultimately lead

Volume 55 Y Number 1 Y January/February 2005 51

Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer

to preventive advice for populations (eg, changes of the tumors;12,13 these studies have concluded
in meat cooking practices) or individuals (eg, that differences exist, although more studies of
those with susceptibility genotypes for common this phenomenon are needed to identify the dif-
environmental exposures). ferences that are consistent across multiple studies.
As our knowledge of the molecular mecha- For instance, the relative risk associated with
nisms of carcinogenesis has expanded rapidly, combined hormone replacement therapy (estro-
additional gene pathways have become the fo- gen plus progestin) was 1.67 (95% CI, 1.33–2.10)
cus of molecular epidemiology research. These for estrogen receptor-positive, progesterone
include pathways such as DNA repair, cell cy- receptor-positive breast cancers, compared with
cle control, immune response, and the inflam- 1.21 (95% CI, 0.87–1.68) for estrogen receptor-
matory response. Genes in these pathways are negative, progesterone receptor-negative breast
candidates in the search for between-person cancer.13 The development of gene expression
genetic variants that alter cancer risk or re- microarrays with thousands of genes has permit-
sponse to the environment. ted the characterization of tumors previously
treated as a single entity into multiple entities
MARKERS OF ALTERED STRUCTURE/FUNCTION based on gene expression patterns. For hemato-
logic malignancies, such as diffuse B-cell lym-
The first genotoxicity biomarker shown to be phoma, gene expression patterns have prognostic
associated with cancer risk was based on chromo- significance.50 Further work based on large-scale
somal aberrations in peripheral blood lympho- assays have reduced the number of genes in-
cytes.8 High levels of chromosomal aberrations volved to a smaller number. For instance, six
were associated with increased total cancer inci- genes (LMO2, BCL6, FN1, CCND2, SCYA3,
dence in cohorts in Nordic countries and in- and BCL2) were selected out of a much large
creased total cancer mortality in an Italian number for prediction of survival in diffuse large
cohort.8 These results support an approximately B-cell lymphoma based on the gene expression
two-fold cancer risk among subjects with high results from microarrays.51 The progression from
frequencies of chromosomal aberrations.9 Factors microarray to a small number of specific RNAs
related to genetic susceptibility are known to or proteins that could be tested by using real-time
affect the frequency of chromosomal aberrations PCR or immunohistochemistry assay will permit
in peripheral blood lymphocytes.9 Thus, chro- treatment decisions to be tailored to the tumor
mosomal aberrations may serve as an integrated
subtype using techniques more familiar to clinical
index of susceptibility, as well as DNA damaging
laboratories. It may be no accident that the he-
exposure in populations. Other markers of altered
matologic malignancies are among those for
structure/function are being actively sought to
which epidemiologic studies have provided the
identify high-risk individuals.
fewest clearly established risk factors—if we are
studying multiple etiologic entities as if they are a
MARKERS OF DIAGNOSIS single entity, then the statistical signal for envi-
ronmental and lifestyle factors associated with just
Conventional diagnosis of cancer types has a single subtype will be greatly attenuated. Un-
relied on anatomic localization and histopatho- fortunately, for molecular epidemiologists inter-
logic appearance. It has been long speculated, ested in etiology rather than prognosis, much of
however, that these classifications ignore hetero- the work in this field has been done on samples
geneity among tumors of similar histopathologic with either no or minimal demographic informa-
appearance that may mean that there are two or tion, and essentially zero environmental or life-
more different types of cancer that we currently style information. The challenge for molecular
treat as a single entity.12 A limited number of epidemiology is to take advantage of the emerg-
studies have assessed whether risk factors for ing knowledge about tumor subgroups and de-
breast cancer, for instance, are different according sign studies that permit simultaneous analysis of
to the estrogen and progesterone receptor status both risk factors and tumor subclassification.

52 CA A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:45–54

MARKERS OF TREATMENT RESPONSE mors had activating mutations in the epidermal

growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene and thus screen-
One of the limitations in cancer chemotherapy ing lung tumors for these mutations in EGFR
is the recognition that some patients experience may identify patients who can expect a good
toxicity from cancer treatment that may be fatal, response to this drug.51
undermine quality of life, or limit the dose of
drugs able to be given. Much of the variation in
drug tolerance is thought to result from inherited CONCLUSIONS
differences in drug metabolism. Some people re-
spond very favorably to certain drugs, while oth- The integration of molecular biologic tech-
ers experience treatment failure or toxic reactions. niques into epidemiologic studies offers a pan-
Just as most carcinogens require metabolic acti- oply of opportunities to better understand the
vation, most drugs also require metabolic activa- causes of cancer, the natural history of the
tion to their active form. There are inherited different types of cancer, and the determinants
differences in the metabolism of drugs, just as of survival once a cancer is diagnosed. A hall-
there are inherited differences in metabolism of mark of molecular epidemiology studies is the
carcinogens. Perhaps the best elucidated example availability of tissues in which biological mea-
of inherited differences in cancer drug response is surements can be made along the spectrum
the pharmacogenetics of the thiopurine drugs from exposure to death. Another hallmark is
mercaptopurine and azathioprine. Fewer than 1% the underlying idea of heterogeneity— of ex-
of persons given these drugs experience life-
posures, susceptibility, and tumor types. This
threatening drug-related myelosuppression; it has
predicts that very large studies will be needed
been shown that almost all of these people are
to permit stratification by these different ele-
homozygous for low activity alleles of a critical
ments of heterogeneity. On the other hand,
enzyme that metabolizes these drugs, thiopurine
there may be opportunities to make more
S-methyltransferase.50 Evidence suggests that car-
riers of one low activity allele require different robust conclusions in smaller studies, if we can
doses of these drugs than carriers of two copies of use molecular tools to prestratify by suscepti-
the high activity alleles, to minimize toxicity and bility or outcome and use more accurate
maximize response. Thus, prescreening for these measurements of exposure, thus reducing at-
metabolic enzyme polymorphisms may not only tenuation of exposure-cancer associations. Ul-
avoid unnecessary deaths due to acute toxicity, timately, the ability to maximize the utility of
but may also help optimize drug dosage. these new molecular methods to better under-
Progress has been made in identifying somatic stand the epidemiology of cancers will depend
alterations in tumors that may predict response to on close collaboration of epidemiologists with
therapy. For example, about 10% of nonsmall- molecular biologists, and the training of a new
cell lung cancer patients had a rapid and strong generation of molecular epidemiologists for
response to gefitinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. It whom this collaboration is not exceptional, but
has recently been shown that most of these tu- normal.
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