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Clinical and Rehabilitation Sciences Faculty Research Group, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; and
Exercise, Health and Performance Faculty Research Group, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Freeston, J, Adams, R, Ferdinands, RED, and Rooney, K. hrowing is critical for success in many sports, yet it
Indicators of throwing arm fatigue in elite adolescent male carries an inherent risk of injury (10,18,23). This
baseball players: A randomized crossover trial. J Strength risk increases with the volume of throws per-
Cond Res 28(8): 2115–2120, 2014—Throwing carries an formed per game and per year (15). Fatigue that
inherent risk of injury that worsens in the presence of arm occurs during a bout of repetitive throwing is thought to
exacerbate this injury risk, with an increased prevalence of
fatigue. The purpose of this study was to identify markers that
shoulder pain evident in pitchers who continue to throw in
could facilitate the early detection of this type of fatigue, by
the presence of “arm fatigue” (10).
comparing the response to bouts of throwing-specific and
Consequently, the ability of coaching staff to determine
running-based exercise. Thirteen elite junior male baseball play- when an athlete is fatigued during the course of a bout of
ers were tested twice, 7 days apart with a randomized cross- repeated throwing is critical for injury prevention within this
over design. They were assessed for shoulder proprioception, population. The early detection of arm fatigue would allow
maximal throwing velocity, and throwing accuracy before and for enhanced clinical decision making to take place, pro-
after a 10-minute bout of either throwing-specific (THROW) or viding an evidence base for an individual’s pitching volumes
general (RUN) exercise. Maximal throwing velocity was and restrictions, as well as informing decisions as to when an
reduced similarly after both THROW and RUN bouts (21.0 athlete should be removed from the game.
6 0.4 vs. 20.6 6 0.2 m$s21, respectively; p # 0.05); however, As a result, much research has sought to identify specific
accuracy was only reduced after THROW (7.6 6 3.4 cm; p # parameters that may be indicative of arm fatigue. Throwing
0.05). Arm soreness increased significantly more after velocity (4), arm soreness (16,25), shoulder muscle strength
THROW than RUN (3.5 6 0.7 vs. 1.4 6 0.5 km$h21, respec- (11,25), throwing arm proprioception (20,21), muscle dam-
tively; p # 0.05). Shoulder proprioception did not change after
age (16), and throwing kinematics (12) have been shown to
be affected by a single bout of repeated throwing. Problem-
either exercise bout. The results suggest that throwing velocity
atically, however, these studies did not use a randomized
is an indicator of general fatigue, whereas throwing accuracy
control design, raising doubts as to whether throwing was
and arm soreness are markers of arm fatigue. Shoulder pro-
the actual cause of the observed changes, or merely a result
prioception does not seem to be a sensitive marker of either of taking repeated measures over time. To accurately gauge
type of fatigue. Throwing velocity should be monitored to the level of arm fatigue experienced by a throwing athlete,
gauge overall fatigue levels, whereas accuracy and arm sore- support staff should closely monitor only those parameters
ness should be closely monitored to gauge arm fatigue and that are negatively affected by repeated throwing itself.
throwing-induced injury risk. Currently, it remains unclear as to which variables are
indicative of arm fatigue and should be monitored during
KEY WORDS overhead, precision, speed, pitching
bouts of throwing. Consequently, the aim of this study was
to determine key markers that are indicative of arm fatigue,
to guide monitoring practices of staff working with throw-
ing athletes who could benefit from the early detection of
Address correspondence to Jonathan Freeston, jonathan.freeston@ arm fatigue. We conducted the study with the following hypothesis: That
28(8)/2115–2120 throwing velocity and accuracy as well as shoulder proprio-
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research ception and soreness in the throwing arm would be signifi-
Ó 2014 National Strength and Conditioning Association cantly and negatively affected by throwing-specific exercise and

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 | 2115

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Indicators of Throwing Arm Fatigue

therefore be presented as key indicators of arm fatigue that repositioning to prevent any use of auditory cues as to the
should be monitored closely during bouts of repeated throwing. end location of the disc. Each position was approximately
1.5 cm apart and elicited 748 of external rotation at position 5
METHODS and 858 at position 1. The left and right arms were tested and
Experimental Approach to the Problem the order was randomized. After the nature of the test was
To determine the key indicators of arm fatigue, this study used explained to the participant, 21 practice trials were per-
a randomized crossover design comparing the effects of formed with 3 trials to each of the 5 locations and a further
throwing-specific and running-based exercise on potential 3 trials to the 2 terminal locations. The participants then
markers previously identified in the literature. The assumption performed a randomized sequence of 50 trials under test
was that factors, which are negatively affected by throwing conditions comprising of 10 trials for each of the 5 positions.
exercise specifically (rather than general exercise), would be During each practice and test trial, the participants were
the most sensitive markers of arm fatigue and therefore ought instructed to face forwards, with the elbow in full extension.
to be the variables monitored by coaches of throwing athletes. When the disc was in its final position, the participants were
required to flex the elbow to 908 then externally rotate the
Subjects shoulder until the hand contacted the disc. The participants
Thirteen junior elite baseball players participated in the estimated the position of the disc (from 1 to 5) immediately
study (19.6 6 2.6 years, 17–23 years, 1.80 6 0.05 m, and 75.5 after hand contact with the disc. The examiner, seated
6 7.4 kg), subject to the condition that they had played behind the participant to ensure correct movement, entered
baseball at the state level within the past 18 months and each response without the knowledge of the actual position.
were currently selected in a state-level high-performance Testing took approximately 30 minutes. The intraclass corre-
baseball program. Appropriate consent was obtained pur- lation (ICC) and the SEM for test-retest reliability for the
suant to law because all participants were informed of the proprioception measure were 0.86 (95% CI, 0.52–0.96) and
experimental procedures involved before providing written 0.03 receiver operator characteristic (ROC) units, respectively.
consent to participate in the study. Parental or guardian
consent was also obtained in the event the participant was Throwing Velocity and Accuracy Assessment. The participants
younger than 18 years of age. They also completed a ques- then performed a general warm-up routine consisting of
tionnaire regarding injury and playing history. All research 5–10 minutes of moderate intensity running followed by
was in compliance with the ethical guidelines for human 5–10 minutes of general stretching of the major muscle
research laid down by the Australian NHMRC, and institu- groups. This was followed by 10–15 minutes of throwing,
tional board approval was provided by the University of which began at light intensity before progressing to high
Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee. intensity at completion (5,6).
After the warm-up procedure, the participants performed
Procedures a total of 10 throws from the set position (1 forward stride
Testing took place during the off-season phase of competi- permitted before release) toward a target located 20 m from
tion. The participants were required to attend the facility on
2 occasions separated by a minimum of 7 days. Testing was
conducted within an indoor laboratory, and each session
took place at the same time of the day. The participants were
instructed to maintain a high level of hydration and to refrain
from eating within 2 hours of the testing session.

Shoulder Proprioception Assessment. On arriving at the facility,

the participants were assessed bilaterally for active shoulder
proprioceptive acuity using a method previously developed
(24). Briefly, we used a specifically designed Active Move-
ment Extent Discriminating Apparatus (AMEDA) (13), con-
sisting of a computer-controlled motor mounted on an
adjustable hoist, driving a geared shaft with a circular
wooden disc at its end (RS Components Pty. Ltd., Silver-
water, Australia). Standing in 908 of shoulder abduction,
elbow flexion, and shoulder external rotation, the partici-
Figure 1. Freeston and Rooney throwing target (version II), consisting
pant’s arm was rested on a padded rest. This position was
of a calibration frame of known distance (calibration frame) and throwing
defined as position 0. The motor could move the disc ante- target (target). This figure is typical of a still frame used to determine of
riorly from this position to 1 of 5 different locations. Addi- the ball’s location (ball) relative to the target.
tional random movements of the shaft were made during
the TM

2116 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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the TM

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

the participant’s back foot. The target consisted of a white

circle measuring 7.0 cm in diameter, painted onto a black

†Errors are expressed in cm 6 SEM. Peak and mean maximal throwing velocity (peak MTV and mean MTV) are expressed in m$s21 6 SEM. Velocity variability is expressed in
Exercise effect
rubber mat that was suspended on a specifically designed
metal frame (Figure 1). The center of the target circle was




p at a height of 0.70 m from the ground. Using a regulation size
(approximately 6.7 cm diameter) and weight (142 g) base-
ball, 10 throws were performed at 100% of maximal throw-
ing velocity (MTV), measured with a Cordless Speed Radar
Gun (Jugs Corporation, Tualatin, OR, USA) positioned




behind the participant. Ten seconds separated each throw

to minimize the fatigue effect. A video camera (SONY Cor-

Time effect

poration, Tokyo, Japan) recording at 50 Hz was used to

20.6 6 0.2
20.7 6 0.1
0.4 6 0.2

determine the point of ball contact relative to the target.

The ICC and the SEM for test-retest reliability for the

MTV test were 0.98 (95% CI, 0.93–0.98) and 0.4 m$s21,

respectively, and for the accuracy test were 0.87 (95% CI,
0.54–0.97) and 6.7 cm, respectively.
SD 6 SEM. Total, variable (VE), absolute constant (ACE), horizontal (X), and vertical (Y) errors are expressed in cm 6 SEM.
32.1 6 0.8
31.3 6 0.8
2.0 6 0.2


Exercise Protocol. After the throwing accuracy test, the

TABLE 1. Changes to velocity and accuracy after throwing-specific (THROW) and general (RUN) exercise.*†



participants were randomly allocated to perform either


a throwing-specific (THROW) or running exercise (RUN)

protocol. A crossover design was used such that the

participants completed the alternate exercise protocol during

32.6 6 0.8
32.0 6 0.8
1.6 6 0.2


the second testing session. THROW consisted of 60 near



maximal effort throws (.95% MTV as determined by a cord-


less radar gun) over a distance of 20 m toward no specific

target, each throw being separated by 10 seconds. The total
time for this protocol was 10 minutes. RUN consisted of one



20-m shuttle run test (beep test) to exhaustion (9). The total



time for this protocol was dependent on the fitness level of

Time effect

the individual and ranged between 9 and 12 minutes.

Immediately before and after exercise, the participants
21.0 6 0.4
21.1 6 0.3
0.3 6 0.3


were required to subjectively rate from 0 to 10 their level of


soreness located specifically in the throwing arm using the


universal pain assessment tool (1). They were also asked to

subjectively rate their level of perceived exertion using the
Borg 6–20 scale (2).
31.8 6 0.5
30.8 6 0.6
2.5 6 0.3


After the exercise protocol, the participants rested for



a period of 3 minutes and were then reassessed for throwing


accuracy and shoulder proprioception acuity as described


§Denotes significant exercise type effect.
32.8 6 0.8
31.8 6 2.8
2.2 6 0.8


*MTV = maximal throwing velocity.

Data Processing. Footage of each throw was filmed and

zDenotes significant time effect.


imported into a measurement analysis software package


(Swinger Pro; Webbsoft, Scoresby, Australia). A still frame

of the time of contact between the ball and target was
generated. The distance between the center of the ball and the
Velocity variability

target center was then calculated by measuring the number of

pixels between the ball and target before converting this to

Mean MTV

a length in meters using the calibration frame (Figure 1).

Total error
Peak MTV

Throwing accuracy was determined by assessment of



specific parameters defined previously (7) including total



error (E), absolute constant error (ACE), variable error

(VE), vertical error (Y), and horizontal error (X). The
E was calculated as the average distance between each

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 | 2117

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Indicators of Throwing Arm Fatigue

TABLE 2. Changes to rating of perceived exertion (RPE), throwing arm soreness (arm soreness), and shoulder
proprioception after throwing-specific (THROW) and general (RUN) exercise.*†

THROW Time effect RUN Time effect Exercise

Variable Pre Post Change p Pre Post Change p p
RPE 6.6 6 0.3 12.2 6 0.6 5.5 6 0.5 0.00z 6.5 6 0.2 17.5 6 0.3 11.0 6 0.4 0.00z 0.00§
Arm soreness 0.3 6 0.1 3.7 6 0.7 3.5 6 0.7 0.00z 0.2 6 0.1 1.4 6 0.5 1.2 6 0.4 0.02z 0.01§
Throw arm 0.59 6 0.02 0.59 6 0.02 0.00 6 0.02 0.86 0.60 6 0.01 0.60 6 0.02 0.00 6 0.02 0.84 0.51
Nonthrow 0.58 6 0.02 0.61 6 0.02 0.03 6 0.02 0.86 0.59 6 0.01 0.62 6 0.02 0.03 6 0.02 0.10 0.89

*RPE = rating of perceived exertion.

†RPE data are expressed as a rating from Borg’s 6–20 scale 6 SEM. Arm soreness data are expressed as a rating of 1–10 6
SEM. Proprioception data are expressed as the area under the curve of the receiver operator characteristic 6 SEM.
zDenotes significant time effect.
§Denotes significant exercise type effect.

throw and the target. The ACE, a measure of bias, was RESULTS
calculated as the distance between the typical throw (cen- Throwing Velocity
troid) and the target, with the typical throw defined as the Mean and peak MTV were significantly reduced after
centroid calculated by averaging the X and Y values of each THROW and RUN protocols to a similar degree (p #
throw in a set. Variable error, a measure of consistency, was 0.05). Velocity variability was not significantly different after
calculated as the average distance between each throw and either exercise bout (Table 1).
the typical throw. The X and the Y errors were calculated as
the average distance between each throw and the target in Throwing Accuracy
the X and Y directions, respectively. Total error and X were significantly increased after THROW
For each subject, ROC graphs were generated for the (p # 0.05), but unchanged after RUN, leading to a significant
shoulder proprioception data obtained for the dominant exercise effect, (p # 0.05). Absolute constant error was signif-
arm. The area under the curve (AUC) gives an accuracy icantly increased after THROW (p # 0.05) and significantly
of discrimination measure (19). An AUC of 1.0 represents reduced after RUN (p # 0.05) leading to a significant exercise
perfect accuracy, whereas a score of 0.5 represents chance effect (p # 0.05). Variable and Y errors were not affected by
performance. The AUC was calculated from positions 1 and the THROW or RUN protocol (Table 1).
5 of the AMEDA. Subjective Measures
Statistical Analyses Rating of perceived exertion and throwing arm soreness
The hypothesis was tested by comparing the effect caused increased significantly after RUN and THROW (p # 0.05).
by throwing-specific exercise to that caused by running- The increase in RPE was significantly greater after RUN
based exercise on each of the factors of interest. To do this, compared with THROW (p # 0.05), whereas the increase
the data set was subjected to ANCOVA (22), where the in arm soreness was significantly greater after THROW
dependent variable was the change score, calculated as the compared with RUN (p # 0.05). Proprioception was not
postscore minus the prescore. The independent variable was significantly affected by RUN or THROW. No significant
the type of exercise (THROW vs. RUN), and the covariate correlations were found between proprioception and throw-
was the score at baseline. The assumptions for ANCOVA ing velocity or accuracy (Table 2).
were met. Outcomes were grouped into velocity (n = 3),
accuracy (n = 5), subjective measures (n = 2), and proprio- DISCUSSION
ception (n = 2) variables, with the Holm-Bonferroni adjust- This is the first study to compare the effects of throwing-
ment applied. T-tests were also conducted on each specific and general exercise on potential markers of arm
dependent variable to determine time effects for each of fatigue in throwing athletes. As hypothesized, the results
the exercise conditions. Pearson’s correlation coefficients confirmed previous findings (4,17,25) and demonstrated that
were calculated on baseline and change scores to determine throwing velocity, throwing accuracy, and throwing arm
the relationship between shoulder proprioceptive acuity, soreness were negatively affected by throwing exercise.
MTV, and throwing accuracy. Statistical significance was Interestingly, throwing velocity was reduced to a similar
set at p # 0.05. degree after both throwing and general exercise bouts,
the TM

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whereas accuracy and arm soreness were affected to a far fatigue, this monitoring practice ought not to be adopted at
greater degree by throwing exercise. Although throwing this time.
velocity may prove to be a useful indicator of general fatigue, In addition to monitoring practices, the current results
these results do not suggest that it is a sensitive marker of have significant implications for the training of throwing
arm fatigue because the true cause of the observed reduction athletes. The demands of throwing-specific exercise were
in velocity cannot be confidently attributed to the throwing demonstrated to place unique stresses on the body, signif-
activity itself. Alternatively, changes in throwing accuracy icantly increasing arm soreness and reducing performance in
and arm soreness are attributable to throwing-specific exer- terms of throwing velocity and accuracy. These data
cise because accuracy was only reduced after throwing exer- highlight the need for throwing athletes to engage in
cise, and the increase in arm soreness was significantly throwing-specific conditioning and prehabilitative exercises
greater after THROW than after RUN. As a result, these 2 (3,6,14) to build their resilience to throwing-induced arm
measures present themselves as key indicators of arm fatigue fatigue and attenuate the performance decrements that result
with the potential to act as early detectors of throwing- from this type of activity.
induced injury risk.
Although no studies have described accuracy changes PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
after throwing-specific exercise, the results of this study Overall, this study identified a number of key variables that
confirm anecdotal evidence from the baseball coaching are indicative of fatigue during a single bout of repeated
community which views accuracy as a sensitive predictor throwing. Throwing velocity, throwing accuracy, and the
of arm fatigue. Interestingly, however, within this commonly degree of soreness in the throwing arm may provide insight
held belief, vertical accuracy is thought to be the variable of into the level of overall fatigue and, therefore, injury risk
interest, with throws that miss high in the strike zone within this population. More specifically, however, throwing
suggested to be more indicative of fatigue. In this study, accuracy and arm soreness are presented as indicators of arm
horizontal rather than vertical accuracy worsened over the fatigue, whereas velocity may be more indicative of general
course of the throwing bout, with the participants less able fatigue. Consequently, the routine monitoring of these
to hit the target in the left to right plane. The specific cause particular variables is warranted and may provide a greater
of this finding remains unclear. Previous investigations have evidence base upon which clinical decisions can be made.
shown repeated throwing to result in significant changes Coaches should routinely ask their pitchers to rate their level
to a number of kinematic and kinetic parameters such as of arm soreness using a scale similar to that used in this
lateral trunk tilt (4), maximal external shoulder rotation, study. When available, coaches should measure the ability of
knee angle at release, maximal shoulder and elbow distrac- their pitchers to throw accurately using ball-tracking sys-
tion force as well as horizontal shoulder adduction torque tems. In lieu of this technology, coaches should observe the
(12). Although repeated throwing potentially reduces accuracy of the pitcher, as well as obtain subjective ratings of
throwing accuracy by creating deviations away from typical accuracy from the catcher and pitcher between innings.
kinematic and kinetic sequences (8), such a conclusion is Information regarding throwing velocity, throwing accuracy,
beyond the scope of this study and provides stimulus for and arm soreness should be used to make decisions about
future investigation. what pitching restrictions an individual should be placed on
Interestingly, and in contrast with previous research, this and when they should be removed from the game. Greater
study does not support the monitoring of shoulder pro- weighting should be placed on arm soreness and throwing
prioception as an indicator of arm fatigue. Although previous accuracy during this decision-making process, as velocity
investigations have shown reduced shoulder proprioception may be more indicative of general rather than arm fatigue.
after throwing-specific exercise (20,21), this study found no Interestingly, this study does not support the practice of
such relationship. We attribute this to differences in the com- shoulder proprioception monitoring as a marker of injury
plexity of the tasks used. This study involved 3-dimensional risk at this time.
unconstrained throwing, a highly complex and coordinated
skill, whereas previous investigations into proprioception ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
used constrained throwing in which the lower limbs were The results of this study do not constitute endorsement of
physically restrained or minimally involved in the throwing the product by the authors of the National Strength and
motion. Although the role of shoulder proprioception in Conditioning Association. No external funding was received
throwing performance and injury risk cannot be ruled out, for this study. There are no conflicts of interest to declare.
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