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My experience during pandemic

Louie Sarol G-11 moonstone

English for academic professional purposes output no. 1

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed my daily life to some extent as I am stuck in my house, like
many others, during the lockdown. This global pandemic has affected various aspects of life in different
countries. Though certain things in my life have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, I would say I
have so far been one of the lucky people who has not been too negatively affected. I especially
appreciate that I’m able to live in a comfortable house and have gotten the opportunity to spend more
time with my family.

Currently, no one dear to me has been infected and hopefully that does not change in the days
following this publication. Those in my life who are especially at risk have been practicing social
distancing and staying in their homes, as everyone should continue to do. However, as it is with
everyone, I still have been impacted by the measurements we all have had to take to avoid spreading
this virus

However, The pandemic has also prevented me from being able to travel. It has always been my
dream to visit other countries. But at the end of the day, I know that in every circumstance there is
always something to be thankful for, and I’m appreciative for my situation right now. While the world
has slowed down and my stress has ramped up, I’m slowly beginning to adjust to it. Though it may be
difficult at times, it's important to keep in my head up and remember that this won't go on forever. I
make the best of it in any way that I can.

Even though there is so much uncertainty and change to deal with, I try to keep myself motivated
and engaged. I watch the news only occasionally to keep my mind off the current situation. Instead I
listen to music and do exercise to take care of my body and mind.

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