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2015 Fall

Engineering Mathematics 2

Ch 1. Probability

Kyungchun Lee
Dept. of EIE, SeoulTech

[1] Schaum's Outline of Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes, H. Hsu.
[2] Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 4/E, Anthony J. Hayter.
[3] Probability and Stochastic Processes: A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer
Engineers, 2/E, R. D. Yates and D. J. Goodman.
[4] An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications, Simon Haykin, Michael Moher.
Monty Hall Problem

Monty Hall problem
 Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice
of three doors:
– Behind one door is a car.
– Behind the others are goats.
– You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the
doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat.
– He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your
advantage to switch your choice? 3
Monty Hall Problem
 The result of switching or staying after initially picking Door 1
in each case Shown by the Host
Door 1 result if result if
Case Door 2 Door 3
(Initial pick) switching staying
1 Car Goat Goat Goat Car
2 Goat Car Goat Car Goat
3 Goat Goat Car Car Goat

 Aids to understanding
– Considering the same problem with 1,000 doors instead of just three.
– There are 999 doors with goats behind them and one door with a
– The player picks a door. The game host then opens 998 of the other
doors revealing 998 goats.
– To switch, or not to switch?

Probability in Movies

Ch. 1 Probability - Signal
- Basic Concepts: Sample Space and Events Processing
- Definition of Probability
- Conditional Probability - Communication
- Independent Events System

- Artificial
Ch. 2 Random Variables Intelligence

- Financial Market,
Gambling Science,
Ch. 3 Multiple Random Variables Reliability
Regulation, and
Ch. 4 Functions of Random Variables, Expectation, Everyday Life
Limit Theorems

 1.2 Sample Space and Events
 1.3 Algebra of Sets
 1.4 Probability Space
 1.6 Conditional Probability
 1.7 Total Probability
 1.8 Independent Events

1.2 Sample Space and Events
 Experiment
– Any process of observation
 Outcome
– Observation of the experiment
 Random Experiment
– An experiment with unpredictable outcomes
– Examples
• Roll of a die: Outcomes {1,2,3,4,5,6}
• Toss of a coin: Outcomes {Head, Tail}
• Drawing a card from a desk
• How long do you wait for the arrival of a bus at a bus stop?
• How many students are in the class room?
• Selecting a message signal for transmission from several messages

Sample Space
 Sample Space
– The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment

 Example 1.1: The sample space for the experiment of

(a) Tossing a coin once
S={H, T}
(b) Tossing a coin twice
S={HH, HT, TH, TT}

 Example 1.2: The sample space for the experiment of tossing

a coin repeatedly and of counting the number of tosses
required until the first head appears.
S={1, 2, 3, …} : An infinite number of outcomes
Sample Space
 Example: Sample space for rolling two dice

 Example 1.3: Sample space for the experiment of measuring

(in hours) the lifetime of a transistor.

the life of a transistor in hours 10

Sample Space
 Discrete & Continuous
– Discrete sample space
• A finite number of sample points or countably infinite sample points
(one-to-one correspondence with the positive integers).
– Continuous sample space
• The sample points constitute a continuum.

 Notations
: is an element of S

: is not an element of S

: A set A is a subset of B

 Event
– Any subset of the sample space S
 Elementary event
– A sample point of S
 Certain event
– The sample space S itself

 Example 1.4: Consider the experiment of Example 1.2.
– A: The event that the number of tosses required until the first head
appears is even.
– B: The event that the number of tosses required until the first head
appears is odd.
– C: The event that the number of tosses required until the first head
appears is less than 5

 The terminology of set theory and probability.

1.3 Algebra of Sets
Set Operations
 Set Operations
– Equality
Venn Diagrams
– The complement of A

– The union of A and B

– The intersection of A and B

Set Operations
– Generalizations of the union and intersection

Set Operations
– The difference of A and B

• Note

– The symmetrical difference of A and B

• Note

– Null Set
• The set containing no element

Set Operations
– Disjoint Sets
• Two sets A and B are called disjoint or mutually exclusive if

– A collection of sets is collectively exhaustive if and only if

Set Operations
 From the definition of the event

Set Operations
 Partition
– The collection is said to form a partition of S if
(i) for


 Size (or cardinality) of set A

– The number of elements contained in A
– Properties when sets have a finite number of elements

Set Operations
 Product (or Cartesian product) of sets A and B
– The set of ordered pairs of elements from A and B

– Properties

 Example 1.5

 Basic laws

 Commutative Laws

 Associative Laws

 Distributive Laws

– Extensions

 De Morgan's Laws

– Extensions

 n 
  Ai   A i
 i 1  i 1

 n  n
  Ai   A i
 i 1  i 1

1.4 Probability Space
Event Space
 Event space F

 Example 1.6: Consider the experiment of tossing a coin once

in Example 1.1.
– Examples of the event space

– is not an event space. Why?

Probability Space
 Probability space
– The probability of the event AF is denoted by P(A)
– The triplet (S, F, P) : probability space.

Probability Measure
 Classical Definition of Probability
– Consider an experiment with equally likely finite outcomes.
– Then,

 Properties
i) If A and B are disjoint



Probability Measure
 Example 1.7
– Consider an experiment of rolling a die.
– The outcomes

– Events

– Probabilities of Events

Probability Measure
 Relative Frequency Definition of Probability
– Suppose that the random experiment is repeated n times.
– If event A occurs n(A) times, then the probability of event A is defined

Relative Frequency

 Properties

ii) If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then

Probability Measure
 Example: Rolling two dice
– The event A: The sum is equal to 6.
• P(A) = 5 x (1/36) = 5/36

Probability Measure
– The event B: At least one 6 recorded
• P(B) = 11 x (1/36) = 11/36

Probability Measure
 Axioms of Probability
– Axiom 1

– Axiom 2

– Axiom 3
• For any countable collection A1, A2,... of mutually exclusive events

Elementary Properties of Probability
 By using the axioms, we get

Elementary Properties of Probability

which implies

Elementary Properties of Probability

Elementary Properties of Probability

Elementary Properties of Probability

which implies

1.6 Conditional Probability
 Conditional probability of an event A given event B
– The probability that event A occurs when it is known that event B
Joint probability of A and B

 Similarly,

 Then, we have

: Bayes' rule

Conditional Probability
 Example)

Conditional Probability
 Example)
– A blood test is 95% effective in detecting the viral infection when it is,
in fact, present.
– However, the test also yields false positive result for 1% of the healthy
persons tested.
– 0.5% of the population has the infection.
– If a person is tested to be positive, would you decide that he has the
P[positive|I]  0.95

P[positive |no I]  0.01 I: Infection

P[I]  0.005

Conditional Probability
 The probability that a person has the infection, given that his
test result is positive:

P[I positive]
P[I|positive] 
P[positive|I]  P[I]

P[positive|I]  P[I]  P[positive|no I]  P  no I 
(0.95)  (0.005)

(0.95)  (0.005)  (0.01)  (0.995)

 0.323  0.5
What would be your decision?

1.7 Total Probability
 The events are called mutually exclusive and
exhaustive if

Total Probability
 Then, : total probability
of event B

 From the Bayes' rule,  P[ Ai B]

: Bayes' theorem

 P[ B ]
conditioned on B conditioned on events Ai 43
1.8 Independent Events
 Two events A and B are said to be (statistically) independent if
and only if

which is equivalent to

Independent Events
 Example

– A and B are independent?

• Yes, because

Independent Events
 If two events A and B are independent, then it can be shown
that A and 𝐵 are also independent.


Independent Events
 Three events A, B, C are said to be independent if and only if

– Isn’t the first condition sufficient?

 See the Example in the next page.

Independent Events
 Example:

– Events

– The first condition is satisfied:

– But, A1 and A2 are not independent because

Independent Events
 Extension of independence
– are independent if and only if
for every subset

Independent Events
 Mutually exclusive events

 Independent events

 Sample space, event, and outcome are probability terms for
the set theory concepts of universal set, set, and element.
 A probability measure P(A) is a function that assigns a
number between 0 and 1 to every event A in a sample space.
The assigned probabilities conform to the three axioms.
 A conditional probability P(A|B) describes the likelihood of A
given that B has occurred.
 A and B are independent events if and only if P(AB)=P(A)P(B).


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