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Bairon, Joswva Miguel O Homework 4 +53 The hate baaneter can te itd meator tte neigh of a balding \F He barometric readings at tre fep and Uolbm of o wilding ar. 130 ond 755m Mopectively, determine tha height of tre bitaing Toke He densities of air Qnd mestuny 1d bes-16Kg/in? ond 1,600 Kg/m?, respectively fey leet wy / sta Flop § (1000 x 9°84 * 0-730n) « (Few) (count) Pop * 97-34 Kfa AN ikea Prottom = (13, G0 x 4-81 x 0 735i) (Feqmie*)( Feo? ) Reottom = 100-73 kPa (Poh air * Rotm fp (18 X81 xh) «(7 O-ONS7TOhH = hz 288-53m BY 4-65 The maximum blood pressure inthe upper am of a healthy person is about 120 mn Hy-If a vertical Ube open fb tte abmacphere 15 connected dhe vein in the cnn OF He geston, cleterming how high he biod will ie in tre tube take the cenetly of He blod P be 1050 kg /m?. P heg Noltpd = 13(Q00 O12 = 1.55 Proeruns* 1BWOO Xgiin? L950 hele 106 kg i [ood 35 | Frivod * 190 at 2 ae thug? 20mm of 0-12m FOS Ahydraulic EH Ig tbe ured fo iff a 2500 kg weignt ty eng a weight of 25kg ona piston with a diameter of 1oun Deermine the diomeler Of the piste on whion he weight I¢ LE glaced ee Pr 25x98 _ Q5O XAG joo * De® ek Wxicy Wax DF ex180 -0000 ee 25 _ 1x25 Dm] Mig = Mes oy TaxO* = Yax ot 4b The awrage temperature of the odwespherc in the nord i¢ apprwmated as a function of alittude toy tre relation Tajm* 288-156 -S2 where Tew is He tenp of the atmo phere in Konda iSthe abtivde in km with z= 0 at se level. Octemin, Hre overage tenpercture of te oftesphure cuside an aiplane that iS cnising af on | altivde of 12,00 m 12000m= 12Km | Tatm= -@3°C Totm* 28815 - 6.5 (12) Tatm= 20-(5 0-15 - 949.15 |-42 The water in a +ank 1¢ presurized by ait, and He presayc iS Mmecsureed a multiPlvid manomexer as shown in Fig I-42 Delerning tre gage presure of airin 400k 1 hy 02m, hee O-3m, and hs= Oem Take te densities Of wadenci) and mercury 4 ee ICD kg /m? , O50 kg/m? 0d 12G000 KB? respectively fame ier form t Pi eal ot + Papghs = Py Fi Form = leet 41) H(G9D¥0.3x-41 51) ~ (/3600x0 Hox-4.81) 50907. fa * Fo.Forsl KPa] warer Hh ‘MO Tre overage masher pressure on Ear IS Opprximated ara finction of Altitude by the relation Ram * lol 325 (1-0-022562)5:?5 where farm iS the atmospheric Pressure in KPa ond 2 iS the altthde in KM with z -O at sta Itvel- Deferming te Approximate twosphee pressures GA Manta (2*30Gm), Denver (z= KelOm) Mexico City (2>2304 m) ond te top of Mount Everett (z- geagm) Atlanta = 36m 0-306 Km Rim « 101-325 (1-0.00225e00 son)" -[97.7 Kral Deter ielom= 1-Gl Km a foam *101-395(1- 0 -CO2756L 1-617) *%= 85.4 Kp] Mexico Gty 2309m= 2.307 kin _ farm = 101-325 (1- O-comastl? sony] F6.49 KPq | WH Evertst = SEISm* ¢-S4FKm Foim= 101 325 (1-0-0022 suL8-698 7) *%-/ 51.43 KPA] {106 The lower half Of a lOmhigh cylindrical container is Aled with water (ps ledd kg /m*) and the upper half with oll thal has cr specitt graniy of O-F5-Determing the pressure Aiffercne between te top and bottom ofcyliae ps Mx a9i mic? x (1000 %% + O-8S x 1cco SZ) + 5m x ASI mis? y (lo«p 4 4 B50 4) in XABL m/s? x 1350 4, 00 Kt 2.5 Fe x Tea T ms ]0 = 90:4 1-42t The boiling temperature of water decreases by aot aC fr each Wecom aise in allude. What is the decrease in the boing itmpecaivre in (a)k (b) F, and (c)R for each bum rice in altitude ? Frat x Vay 2739.4 F K+ 3°C4975-1S* 270-15K Re BC x U5 + 4Al-OF* dqz.07R 1-43E 2°C K= DC + 243-18: 275-1SK FF 2°CX U5 $32 35 GF Re 20 x Yh GFE4GS- 24K lode 5°C Ke 5° ¢ UBIS* 248. 'SKk Fe 6 Ca Us 492 = 41°F = 5x Ut 4T-GF* 500-GFK

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