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Practice - Access Roles and Approvals

Oracle Self-Service Human Resources (SSHR)

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Practice - Access Roles and Approvals
By default, all users can update self-service transactions. In this practice you assign an access
role to a user to prevent the user from updating a transaction that has been routed for approval.
You carry out the following tasks:

 Assign the access role

 Check that the access role functions correctly by logging on as different users and
displaying the Actions table.

 You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

 The names used throughout this practice are for the purpose of the practice and bear no
resemblance to any particular organization or individuals.

 Unless otherwise indicated, use the Manager Self-Service responsibility.

 Unless otherwise indicated, use the Vision Corporation business group.

 When using a search function, you can use as a wildcard. For example, you can enter
%Aur% to display all entries containing the string AUR.

 To save your work, select the Save icon in the Professional User Interface, or select the
Save button in SSHR.

Assigning an Access Role

You decide to revise your approval policies and wish to restrict particular managers from being
able to update SSHR transactions routed for approval.

Log on to Oracle HRMS as xxuser1 and use the local Super HRMS Manager responsibility to
create a suitable role (xxSSHR No Update) using the SSHR Update Not Allowed role type and
assign this role to Mary Martin (xxUSER2).

Testing Access Roles

If the SSHR Update Not Allowed role is assigned to a user, that user cannot update any
transactions that have been routed for approval. To test this, log on to SSHR as xxuser4 and
create a Leave of Absence record using the following data as an example:

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 Absence type: Vacation

 Start date: Date of your choice, for example, 01-Feb-2006

 End date: Date of your choice, for example, 05-Feb-2006

Usually this transaction would go first to Mary Martin for approval and then to Malcolm Aurora.
Create the absence record and then log on as Mary to see whether approval is required. Try and
update the approval action.

Note: To display approval requests, use the All Actions Awaiting My Attention function.

Note: You may need to ask your instructor to restart the Apache server to ensure that the
changes are applied.

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Solution – Access Roles and Approvals
Assigning an Access Role

Responsibility = US Super HRMS Manager, Vision Corporation

1. Log on to Oracle HRMS as xxuser1 and navigate to the Roles window.

 (N) Transaction Maintenance > Roles

2. In the Role Name field, enter xxSSHR No Update.

3. In the Role Type field, select SSHR Update Not Allowed.

4. Save your changes.

5. Place your cursor on the row for the xxSSHR No Update role and then select the Users tab.

6. Select the search icon next to the Person field and enter %Martin% in the resulting Find

7. Select Mary Martin xx.

8. Save your work and close the form.

Testing Access Roles

9. Log on to Oracle SSHR as xxuser4.

10. Select the Leave of Absence function from the Employee Self-Service responsibility.

(N) Employee Self-Service > Absence Management

The Summary of Absences page is displayed.

11. Choose Create Absence to create a new leave request.

The Create an Absence Request page is displayed.

12. Select Vacation as the Absence Type.

13. In the Start Date field, enter a date, for example, 01-Feb-2006.

14. In the End Date field, enter a date, for example, 05-Feb-2006.

15. Click the Calculate Duration button to populate the Days field.

16. Choose Next to display the Review page.

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Mary Martin xx should be listed as an approver for the transaction.

17. Choose Submit to submit the transaction.

18. Choose Logout.

Testing Your Changes – Optional

19. Log on to SSHR as xxuser2.

20. Select All Actions Awaiting My Attention function from the Manager Self-Service

 (N) Manager Self-Service > All Actions Awaiting Your Attention

21. The list of actions should include an approval request for Helen’s leave request.

22. Select the action to display the information.

23. Select the Update Action link.

24. You should not be able to update the action. An error message should be displayed. This is
because the role prevents Mary from updating actions.

25. Log out of SSHR.

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