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Setting Goals for Success

Name: Jannah Mae E. Deuda

Course/ Year/ Section: BSTM 1F
Date: 09/20/22

Answer the following using the SMART format.

1. List 1 (one) lifetime goal. (Guide Question: How do you see yourself in 10 years?)
- One of my life goals is to travel the world. In order to achieve my goal, I will study hard
every day and strive for a higher grade. I will complete the activities assigned to us
before the deadline so that if I pass them, I will not receive a mark that will cause me to
fail my subjects.
2. List two smaller goals anchored in your lifetime goal that you need to achieve by the end of the
semester. (Guide Question: What do you hope to achieve by the end of the semester?)
- I'm going to change my sleeping habits by going to bed before 11 p.m. I will set an alarm
on my phone for 7 a.m. every morning so that I may help my mother with housework,
and then I will study or do my pending tasks.
- I will study all of the topics discussed by our instructor a week before the examination.
I'll also create a reviewer to make studying easier for me. This will ensure that I am not
unaware of the upcoming exam.

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