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Prevention of Substance Use and


Learner's Module in Health 9

Quarter 2 ● Module 4

Divina P. kitongan
Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

1. Describes the drug scenario in the Philippines. H9S-IIa-14
2. Discusses risk and protective factors in substance use, and abuse.
3. Analyzes situations for the use and non-use of psychoactive
substances. H9S-IIb-17

Profile of Filipino Drug Users

Profile Findings
Ratio of Users (male to
Men age 28 yrs old
Civil status Single (58.2%)
Employment Status Unemployed
Educational Attainment High school level
Average Monthly
Php 16,290.80
Household Income
Duration of Drug use 6 years old and more
Residence Urban areas
Poly-drug use (multiple drug
Nature of Drug Use
Common Drugs of Abuse Shabu, marijuana, inhalants

 In the year 2004, an estimate of 6.7 million drug users in the Philippines
was recorded by the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB). The “2008
National Household Survey on the Nature and Extent of Drug Abuse in
the Philippines” conducted by the same agency revealed that there is a
downward trend in the number of drug users down to 1.7 million users.
The decline may be associated with the government’s intense efforts in
combating drugs.
The following are the reasons for the successful decline of
drug abuse in the country:
1. National Bureau of 2. the Philippine National
Investigation (NBI) Police (PNP)

3. Philippine Drug 4. Bureau of Customs

Enforcement Agency
5. and other law enforcers have helped arrest local and
international drug syndicate members, traffickers, and destroy
secret laboratories and warehouses.
 Operations conducted by different law enforcing agencies like.
 Strict implementation of policies under the “Dangerous Drugs
Act of 2002” like the compulsory drug test for application of
driver’s license, entrance to military service, application for
firearms licensing, and others.
 Actualization of the Dangerous Drugs Board’s programs and
projects in partnership with other1 agencies like DepEd-
Department of Education and DSWD – Department of Social
Welfare and Development and other local governments units
(LGU) and non-government organizations (NG))
 These are positive efforts bearing fruits and achievements;
however, the government does not rest on its laurels but rather
creates more productive programs and projects to make the
country a drug-resistant society.

Common Concepts in Drug Education

 Drugs - are any illegal substances which have psychological,
emotional, and behavioral effects on a person.
 Drugs of abuse - are drugs commonly abused by users. In the
Philippines, the Abuse three drugs of abuse are shabu, marijuana and
 Drug dependence - is a cluster of physiological, behavioral, and
cognitive Drug phenomena of variable
 intensity in which the use of a drug Dependence takes on a high
priority thereby creating a strong desire to take the substance.
 Drug Misuse - is the use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent
with the prescribed dosage or frequency of use.
 Drug Abuse - is the use of a substance for nonmedical purposes.
 Drug Tolerance- is the condition of the body’s ability to become
adjusted to Drug the effects of substances to the body, thus requiring
an even tolerance larger amount to experience the same effect when
taking the smaller dosage

Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Use, Misuse and Dependence

The use, misuse and abuse of drugs are the result of various
factors surrounding a person. These factors either increase or decrease
the possibility of a person to use drugs.

Risk factors are those influences which increase the chances of

using, misusing, and abusing drugs.

Do you know that --

Drugs are something and often an illegal substance that causes
addiction, habituation or a marked change in consciousness.
Basically, drugs by nature are good, in medicine they are used
to treat illnesses, help calm down patients with mental disorders
or relieve pain and suffering. Prohibited uses of drugs may result
in different crimes that create chaos and disorder in society.

Protective factors, on the other hand, are those influences

which decrease the chances of using, misusing, and abusing drugs.
According to studies, protective factors counterbalance negative effects
of risk factors. It is important to understand that it does not necessarily
mean that several risk factors present make a person highly susceptible
to drug use, misuse, and abuse. Protective factors even if few may be
enough to work against the risk factors, more so if there are several of
these protective influences. These factors are composed of influences
in different domains of life.
Domains of life which affect the drug use and abuse

Assessment 1
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer from the options
below. Write your answers in your answer sheet.
______1. What are inhalants?
A. Inhalants are volatile substances that produce chemical
vapors that can be inhaled to induce a psychoactive, or mind-
altering effect.
B. Inhalants are volatile substances that produce chemical
vapors that cannot be inhaled to induce a psychoactive, or
mind-altering effect.
C. Inhalants are vitamins.
D. None of the above.
_____2. What government agency tasked in creating policies in dealing
with illegal drugs in the Philippines?
A. Dangerous Drugs Board C. Deadly Drug Base
B. Drug Documentary Bristol D. None of the above

_____3. What concept of education is the condition of the body’s ability

to become adjusted to the effects of drug substances to the
body, thus requiring an even tolerance larger amount to experience the
same effect when taking the smaller dosage?
A. Drug Abuse
B. Drug misuse
C. Drug tolerance
D. Drug dependence
_____4. In the year 2008, What is the estimation of drug users in the
A. 6.7 million drug users C. 7.7 million drug users
B. 1.7 million drug users D. 6.0 million drug users
______5. These are the reasons for the successful decline of drug
abuse in the
Country except;
A. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
B. Philippine National Police (PNP)
C. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)
D. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
______6. What concept of drug education is a cluster of physiological,
and cognitive drug phenomena of variable?
A. Drug dependence
B. Drug Abuse
C. Drug misuse
D. Drug tolerance

______7. What concept of drug education is the use of a substance
incoherent or
inconsistent with the prescribed dosage or frequency of use?
A. Drug Abuse
B. Drug misuse
C. Drug tolerance
D. Drug dependence
______8. What are substances when taken into the body have
psychological, emotional, and behavioral effects on a person?
A. Drugs C. Cosmetics
B. Food D. Gadgets
______9. What is the general term for drugs that are commonly abused
by users?
A. Drugs of abuse C. Gadgets
B. Food D. cosmetics
______10. What classifications of drugs are breathed into the lungs by
A. Narcotics C. Stimulants
B. Depressant D. Inhalants
______11. What condition of the body requires an even larger amount of
substance to experience the same physiological and mental effect
experience when taking the smaller dosage?
A. Tolerance C. Drug Misuse
B. Dependence D. Drug Abuse
______12. What concept of drug intake relies on a high priority thereby
creating a strong desire to take the substance?
A. Abuse C. Drug Misuse
B. Dependence D. Tolerance
______13. Which of the following is the use of a substance for non-
medical purposes?
A. Tolerance C. Dependence
B. Drug Misuse D. Drug Abuse
_______14. In the Philippines, these are the three drugs of abuse
A. Shabu C. Inhalants
B. Marijuana D. Vitamins
________15. Which of these drugs is a common street and recreational
drug that
comes from the hemp plant cannabis sativa?
A. Shabu C. Inhalants
B. Marijuana D. Vitamins

Performance Task 1
Directions: You are going to create an Anti-Drug Awareness Poster .
Choose one of the drugs listed below. Use your notes and/or book to
help you meet the following criteria below. Remember- you should gear
your poster towards teenagers! Follow the rubric below to make sure
you include all the required information!
Shabu Marijuana Inhalants
Tip- USE COMMON SENSE - if you think you should not include
something because it is inappropriate; ask the teacher first if it is okay!

LESSON 2:Prevention and Control of Substance Use and

Drugs, the word is not new to us. However, the word generally creates a
frightful response amongst many. We have heard that drugs are the
substance of addiction and a reason for the spoiled generation. This is
mainly because people have been abusing the substance which has led
to the death of even popular people as well.
Yes, they are addictive but did you know that all of them are not
harmful. Biologically speaking, drugs mostly target our brains and
switch the mood and physiological conditions of our
bodies. However, since there are various types of drugs including legal
as well as illegal drugs, the latter is causing most of the problems.
Having said that, on this module we will be discussing mainly the
classifications of drugs.
The Dangerous Drugs Board listed three major drugs of abuse in
the Philippines. These are methamphetamine hydrochloride or “Shabu”,
cannabis sativa or “marijuana” and inhalants better known as “solvents”.
These drugs of abuse are included in the six classifications of drugs.

Gateway drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs
that a non-drug user might try, which can lead him/her to more
dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu.

It slow down a It speeds up a

person’s central person’s central

nervous system nervous system. It
(CNS). It relaxes is the opposite

muscles and effect of

nerves. It makes depressants.

These are drugs These are drugs
which relieve pain which distorts
and induce reality and facts. It
sleepiness. Narcotic affects all senses
drugs include and makes a user
cocaine, heroin, sees, hears and
It is found in ordinary household chemical products and
anesthetics. Examples of household products used as
inhalants are acetone, rugby or solvent, ordinary and spray
paint, cleaning fluids and air conditioner fluid.
Short term and long term effects of substance use and abuse

Short-term Long-term
Effects Effects
Gateway  Headache,  Damage of
Drug Slurred speech organs like
a. Alcohol  Slow body liver, heart,
reflex, senses colon and
and brain,Cancer,
coordination, Cardiovascul
Mood swings, ar diseases
overconfident,  Cirrhosis of
Nausea, the liver
b. Tobacco  Stress, Rapid  Development
heart rate and of asthma
pulse rate,  Atheroscleros
Persistent is,
cough Thrombosis,
 Stomach Pulmonary
problems Disease,
 Increase Cancer of the
phlegm mouth, throat,
production skin, lungs
and other
body parts
 Heart attack
and stroke
Depressants  Slow brain  Agitation and
function which aggressive
leads to behavior
temporary  Depression
memory loss, leading to
Low blood mental
pressure and disorders
depression,  Hypertension
Slow pulse rate or high blood
and heart rate, pressure
Inability to  Brain stroke
concentrate,  Chronic liver

irritability, disease
Dizziness and  Diabetes,
lightheadednes coma and
s, slurred death
Stimulants  Increased heart  Paranoia,
rate, pulse rate, Heart attack,
respiration, brain stroke,
digestive brain
processes, damage,
blood pressure kidney
and body damage, liver
temperature damage,
 Decreased coma which
appetite leads to
 Euphoria and death
Narcotics  Drowsiness,  Development
weight loss of diseases
 Euphoria, panic like hepatitis,
attacks tetanus and
 Loss of appetite HIV-AIDS
 Vomiting, due to needle
difficulty in sharing
sleeping,  Overdose
Nausea, leading to
Muscle cramps coma and
and pain, Chills death
and shaking
Hallucinogens  Euphoria,  Flashback,
Hallucinations, Increased
and inability to blood
sleep, poor pressure,
judgement of brain
time and damage,
distance, psychosis,
Nausea, coma and
Memory loss, death
slurred speech,
Inhalants  Slurred speech,  Loss of
poor hearing,
coordination, uncontrolled

Euphoria, muscle
Dizziness, spasms,
Delusions, brain
Hallucinations, damage,
Foul breath nerve
bone marrow

The following are Protective factors you need to fight drug use and

 Loving and caring family

 Involvement in sports
 Positive outlook in life
 Positive self-image
 Caring and supportive friends
 A sense of worthiness and achievement
 Always having the right attitude
 Ability to cope with stress and depression
 Having responsible adult role models
 Active participation in sports and recreation
 Participation in school clubs and activities

Which of the factors are within your control? Beyond your


1. Improve your Decision-making skills. HOW?

Step 1: Describe the situation you are in
Step 2: List possible actions for the situation
Step 3: Share your list with responsible adults
Step 4: Carefully evaluate all possible actions
Step 5: Choose which action is most responsible and suitable
Step 6: Act responsibly and intelligent

2. Improve your resistance skills. HOW?

Step 1: Identify the problem
Step 2: Analyze the cause and effect
Step 3: follow the steps on how to say “NO”
a. Say no. “No, I’m not interested,” or simply say “No”
b. Change the topic. “I’m going to the park, can you come
with me?”
c. Tell the truth. “I hate drugs, it destroys dreams.”
d. Joke about it. “Are you really ready to die? I’m not!”
e. Give reasons. “I don’t do drugs, It’s bad for the health.”
f. Tell a story. “my classmates died from drugs. I don’t want
that to happen to me or to you!”
g. Walk away if you can’t change your friend’s mind


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and understand the statement. Write the

letter of your answer in your answer sheet.

1. It is a legal drug that a non-drug user might try, which can lead
him/her to more dangerous drugs.
a. Gateway Drug b. narcotics c. stimulants
2. Examples of Gateway Drugs are
a. stimulants b. depressants c. alcohol
3. A drugs that slow down a person’s central nervous system (CNS).
a. nicotine b. depressants c. alcohol
4. A drugs speed up a person’s central nervous system.
a. Inhalants b. stimulants c. cigarette
5. These are drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness.
a. narcotics b. depressants c. alcohol
6. A drugs which distorts reality and facts.
a. Hallucinogens b. gateway drugs c. cigarette
7. ________ are found in ordinary household chemical products and
a. Hallucinogens b. Inhalants c. cigarette
8. are substances that change a person's mental or physical state.
a. Drugs b. Inhalants c. cigarette
9-15. Give 7 steps on how to say “NO” to drugs.


YOUR ADVICE. Read and analyze the situations below. Write your
positive advice regarding to this kind of situation to avoid negative or
wrong decisions. Give at least 2 to 3 sentences.Write your answers in
your answer sheet.

1. A friend has been binge drinking on weekends for quite a while and
now they are drinking during the week. What is the best advice you can

2.A friend often brings cigarette to your house when your parents are
out and wants you to smoke it. You like your friend but you don’t want to
use cigarette. What is the best advice you can give?

3. Your friend has been taking weight loss pills and you know that she is
not eating or sleeping properly. You are worried about her health. What
is the best advice you can give?

4.You think your friend steals money from other students’ school bags
to buy Marijuana. What is the best advice you can give?

5. Your friend worries a lot about exams and often takes tranquilizers to
cope and get to sleep. What is the best advice you can give?


Class Number:______
NAME: ______________________ Date: _____________
SECTION: ___________________ Score:_____________

Assessment 1
1. 6. 11.
2. 7. 12.
3. 8. 13.
4. 9. 14.
5. 10. 15.

Performance task 1
Anti Drug Awareness Poster


Parent’s Signature over Printed Name

1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____
8. _____
9. __________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________
11. _________________________________________________
12. _________________________________________________
13. _________________________________________________
14. _________________________________________________
15. _________________________________________________

Peformance task 2: YOUR ADVICE.


Parent’s Feedback

Parent Signature


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