Social Literacy Port

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LITERACY. Before we start with our discussion, let us first have a recap about the

meaning of cultural literacy which Mr. Apostol had tackle so that we will be able to

understand what multicuitural literacy really means. Cultural literacy is the ability

to understand the signs and symbols of a given culture and being able to participate

in the activities and customs as opposed to simply b Multicultural Literacy

does not only favour one culture, but of everyone's culture. This is a set of skills

Knowledge that is difficult to define sometimes because of how it changes

pending on the contexts in which it is discussed. Citing an example of how

erican literature is different from how it is deployed in Europe. In America it is clear that the European
definition regarding multicultural literacy

more tor the Philippine context since we are both after a clear and productive

communication within other cultures rather than our own. We are fond of looking

towards other country's traditions, beliefs and products, their way of

communicating using their language, way of acting and sense of fashion are somne

proofs that we are also dealing with others rather than just our own and on top of

that, we respect their culture, appreciate and understand their differences. It is

important to realize that under this definition a "different culture" is not just

limited to "someone from another country" but could also include someone whose

gender, economic background, religious belief, sexual orientation, or even sense of

fashion is different from our own.

The skills and knowledge required for one to be multi-cultural literate are not mere

language skills, rather, consists of perspectives, attitudes and beliefs about other

cultures that affects the manner in which we communicate and the motives behind

our motives. Some examples are be selfless to the point that you will not only be

concerned with your own feelings but how others do. (2 meaning) We must learn
to become open minded and appreciative on the things that might come from

those different from us, from those who have different cultures and beliefs. 3

meaning) We must learn how to compromise and to adjust sometimes for the sake

of everyone. And lastly (4 meaning) we must learn how to accept that there are

limits, that not all we've wanted are meant for us to have. we must learn to accept,

adjust and respect others that are different from us to avoid misunderstanding and

conflict. Because the sooner we accept this, the sooner we can set realistic

expectations from one another


Is the process of interaction and integration between people, business entities, governments, and
cultures from other nations, driven by information technology. (Levin institute,2017)

Economic Dependence/Independence

When the term globalization entered the Philippine public mindset in the early 90’s, it was popularly
understood to be a mainly economic phenomenon, and a negative one at that. The idea that foreign
own businesses would come into the country and freely “set-up-shop”, thereby choking out local
industries was not a welcome thought. even though it was erroneous.

there have been no negative impact no negative effect of globalization. Kentor (2001) notes that foreign
capital dependence increases income inequality in four ways:

1. it creates a small, highly paid class of elites to manage these investments, who creates many but
usually low-pay jobs

2. profits from these investments are repatriated, rather than invested in the host country, therefore
inhibiting domestic capital formation.
3. foreign capital penetration tends to concentrate land ownership among the very rich; and

4. host countries tend to create political and economics climates favorable to foreign capital that in turn
limit domestic labors ability to obtain better wages. in simple words, “the rich become richer, and the
poor become poorer”

Hout (1980) observes that international dependence (another word for globalization) tends to suppress
adult wages, which in turn perpetuates the role of children as economic necessities (the familiar saying
“Kapag maraming anak, maraming katulong sa hanapbuhay”), leading to explosive population growth.

Political and Military Dependence/Interdependence

A survey conducted in late 2018 found that three in five Filipinos believe that the United States
would intervene on behalf of the country in case of war (Viray 2018). Despite the current very
conservative stance of the US on its foreign policies, this can be taken as evidence of the Philippines
dependence on both the political and military power of the US in order to maintain its sovereignty as a
nation-state in the Southeast Asia region. Similar things can be said of Russia and the many communist
nations throughout the world.

Expanded Flow of Expressive and Instrumental Culture

Expressive culture, as the term suggest deals with how a particular culture expresses itself in its
language, music, arts, and the like. Globalization encourages the monetization of these cultural artifacts
and their import/export among participating cultures; the increased consumption of which changes the
consuming culture.

Instrumental culture, on the other hand refers to “common models of social order” (Meyer
2000)- that is, models or ways of thinking about and enacting national identify, nation-state policies
both domestic and foreign, socio-economic development, human rights, education, and social progress.

Expanded Flow of People among Societies

Meyer (2000) observes three reasons for this: socio-economics migration, political expulsion,
and travel/tourism.

Socio-economics migration explains the Philippines OFW phenomenon. Filipinos travel abroad
to find better economics opportunities for themselves and their families for lack od said opportunities

Political expulsion, on the other hand has more to do with trying to escape the political climate
of a particular country, thereby forcing an individual to seek asylum (and ultimate resettlement) in
another more favorable country.
turns and probe for missing information. Being a good conversalionais

requires turn-taking and reciprocity. Children have to listen as well as

talk. If they do not show an interest in what the other person has to say

they probably will not be interested in talking. Impulsive children offen

have trouble knowing when to talik and when to listen.

Understanding the listener Once a conversation is initiated. it has

to be maintained. In order to do that, it is important to understand

the audience one is talking to. A socially adept child quickiy and

unconsciously identifies and categorizes his listener, measures whar

he/she has planned to say against the anticipated response of ihe

listener, and then proceeds, alters, or avoids what she has planned

to say. He/She knows that talking to authority figures is not done in

the same way when talking to peers. A misread of the listener often

leads to a misunderstood message and potential social rejection. 1o

converse in a socially appropriate manner, children must be able to

take the perspective or point of view of the other person, i.e., think

the way they think. To do this a child must pretend that he/she is the

listener and think about what he/she needs to hear to understand

what is being said.

Empathizing Empathy is more than perspective taking: it means

that one is able to feel what the other person feels. Empathy allows

one to really connect with other people. Other children often think of

children who lack empathy as mean, unkind, or self-centered.

Reading Social Cues- It is very important to read social cues in a

conversation. Cues are the hints and signals that guide us to the next

thing to say or do. Social cues can be verbal or nonverbal. Verbal

cues are the words that the other person is saying. Tone of voice is

an important part of verbal cues, Good detectives pay very close

attention to nonverbal cues.

Previewing or Planning-Conversations also require that one previews

or thinks about what effect the words or actions may have on the

listener before she says or does them. If the impact will be negative,

one can adjust what she might say or do.

Problem-Solving-Problems and conflict are often a part of social

interactions. Someone may not agree, get angry, insult, or become

aggressive at something that one says. How one reacts to these

conflicts depend on how good her problem solving skills are. Conflicts

Cannot be avoided and are often necessary to “clear the air." Turning

g conflict from a "win-lose" situation to a "win-win" situation is the best

way to resolve conflict. This requires negotiation and compromise

give and take that results in a situation where all parties can live with

and help maintain friendships

Apologizing-Everyone makes social mistakes at one time or another

A person with good social skills is confident enough to make a sincere

apology tor her error This is a courageous act and is the quickest and
best way to correct a social blunder. In reality. other people usually

have a higher opinion of someone who apologizes for making a

mistake. Apologizing is a sign of humble and mature character when

one commits mistakes.

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